def deletederived(): """ delete derived .r files """ shutil.rmtree( util.getdirectory("derived", branch, tracker, geneeff, stimno))
def logpathfrommonth(branch, tracker, month, year): """ input: branch, tracker, month, year output: path to log file dir for given year and month """ return os.path.join(util.getdirectory("logs", branch, tracker), "twocof", "%4d" % year, "%02d" % month)
def outputfilepaths(self): """ output file paths """ basedir = util.getdirectory("analysis", self.branch, self.tracker, self.geneeff, self.stimno) return [os.path.join(basedir, "%s.periodic.txt" % self.stem)]
def deleteprocessingstatus(): """ delete the processing status file """ statusdir = util.getdirectory(const.processingstatuslocation, branch, tracker, geneeff, stimno) statuspath = os.path.join(statusdir, const.processingstatusfilename) if os.path.exists(statuspath): os.remove(statuspath)
def outputfilepaths(self): """ output file paths """ basedir = util.getdirectory(self.outputlocation, self.branch, self.tracker, self.geneeff, self.stimno) return [ os.path.join( basedir, "%s.combo1-ave-err%s" % (self.stem, const.plotextension)) ]
def outputfilepaths(self): """ output file paths """ basedir = util.getdirectory("analysis", self.branch, self.tracker, self.geneeff, self.stimno) self.xsumspath = os.path.join(basedir, "%s.xmotion-sums.txt" % self.stem) self.ysumspath = os.path.join(basedir, "%s.ymotion-sums.txt" % self.stem) return [self.xsumspath, self.ysumspath]
def writeprocessingstatus(branch, tracker, geneeff, stimno): """ write a file indicating what's been successfully processed """ statusdir = util.getdirectory(const.processingstatuslocation, branch, tracker, geneeff, stimno) statuspath = os.path.join(statusdir, const.processingstatusfilename) data = {} data["date"] = util.getdatestamp() data["status"] = "successful" data["dates processed"] = util.getchoreographydatestamps( branch, tracker, geneeff, stimno) f = open(statuspath, 'wt') json.dump(data, f) f.close()
def performtask(self): """ do it! input: none output: results string; should begin with "error" if an error occurred """ # only one file: outputfilepath = self.outputfilepaths()[0] if self.overwrite or not self.outputexists(): # this branch should always be taken in the process I # have planned, but I don't want to rely on that if not self.checkcreateoutputfolders(): return "error: could not create output folders for PeriodicAnalysis!" # generate input filename: sourcedir = util.getdirectory("source", self.branch, self.tracker, self.geneeff, self.stimno) filename = "%s.speed.r" % self.stem sourcefilepath = os.path.join(sourcedir, filename) td = self.trackdatacache.gettrackdata(sourcefilepath) # need to pass the intervals to the program, so write out # to a temporary file: intervalpath = self.writeintervalfile(td) # run the command and return its output; note that the # "self.runcommand" method ought to trap all exceptions, # so no need to try/except here execpath = os.path.join(util.getresourcelocation("executable"), self.executablename) commandstring = "python %s %s %s %s" % ( execpath, inputfilepath, intervalpath, outputfilepath) results = self.runcommand(commandstring) # clean up os.remove(intervalpath) return results
def readalldata(branch, targettracker): """ read all data from a tracker input: branch, tracker output: dict with rawdata[scalar][expt][interval] = stats """ rawdata = {} for scalar in const.aggregatedstatsscalarlist[targettracker]: rawdata[scalar] = {} for tracker, geneeff, stimno in util.walktracker([branch, targettracker], "statistics"): filedir = util.getdirectory("statistics", branch, tracker, geneeff, stimno) filename = "%s@%s@%s.%s-stats-perobj.txt" % (geneeff, tracker, stimno, scalar) filepath = os.path.join(filedir, filename) if os.path.exists(filepath): # eventually put in try-except with reporting here? rawdata[scalar][(geneeff, stimno)] = readstatsfile(filepath) return rawdata
def createdirectories(branch, tracker, clean=True): """ create the upper level of output directories; input: tracker; clean = True means delete existing first """ trackerstatspath = util.getdirectory("statistics", branch, tracker) aggregatedstatspath = os.path.join(trackerstatspath, const.aggregatedstatsdir) if os.path.exists(aggregatedstatspath): if clean: # delete all contents: shutil.rmtree(aggregatedstatspath) os.mkdir(aggregatedstatspath) else: os.mkdir(aggregatedstatspath) for scalar in const.aggregatedstatsscalarlist[tracker]: scalarpath = os.path.join(aggregatedstatspath, scalar) if not os.path.exists(scalarpath): os.mkdir(scalarpath)
print "usage: branch tracker" sys.exit(2) branch = sys.argv[1] tracker = sys.argv[2] if tracker == "dev": trackerlist = testtrackers elif tracker in productiontrackers: if "--sure" in sys.argv: trackerlist = [tracker] else: print "you must use the --sure flag for production trackers!" sys.exit(1) else: trackerlist = [tracker] # delete all files in the above directories for tracker in trackerlist: for location in locationlist: folderpath = util.getdirectory(location, branch, tracker) if os.path.exists(folderpath): filelist = os.listdir(folderpath) print "deleting %d items from %s" % (len(filelist), folderpath) for filename in filelist: filepath = os.path.join(folderpath, filename) if os.path.isdir(filepath): shutil.rmtree(filepath) else: os.remove(filepath)
# set the file permissions os.umask(const.umask) # read all the data in: rawdata = readalldata(branch, tracker) # re-organize: sliceddata = transformdata(rawdata, tracker) # set up directories createdirectories(branch, tracker) # iterate over scalars and time intervals: for scalar in sliceddata: for stimno in sliceddata[scalar]: for t1, t2 in sliceddata[scalar][stimno]: filename = filenamepattern % (tracker, scalar, t1, t2) dirpath = util.getdirectory("statistics", branch, tracker, const.aggregatedstatsdir) dirpath = os.path.join(dirpath, scalar, stimno) if not os.path.exists(dirpath): os.mkdir(dirpath) filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) writeaggregatedstatsfile(filepath, sliceddata[scalar][stimno][(t1, t2)])
# ------------------------- imports ------------------------- import os import shutil import sys from lib import constants as const from lib import util # ------------------------- script starts here ------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 3: sys.exit("usage: oldtracker newtracker (always branch rd)") oldtracker = sys.argv[1] newtracker = sys.argv[2] # new location: triples = util.walktracker(["rd", newtracker], location="source") for tr, gene, stim in triples: basedir = util.getdirectory("source", "rd", tr, gene, stim) for filename in os.listdir(basedir): if oldtracker in filename and filename.endswith('.r'): newfilename = filename.replace(oldtracker, newtracker) os.rename(os.path.join(basedir, filename), os.path.join(basedir, newfilename))
"t5", "t6", ] # ------------------------- script starts here ------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 5: print "usage: branch tracker geneeff stimno" sys.exit(2) branch = sys.argv[1] tracker = sys.argv[2] geneeff = sys.argv[3] stimno = sys.argv[4] if tracker in productiontrackers and "--sure" not in sys.argv: print "you must use the --sure flag for production trackers!" sys.exit(1) for location in locationlist: oldpath = util.getdirectory(location, branch, tracker, geneeff, stimno) newpath = oldpath + suffix if os.path.exists(oldpath): print "copying %s" % location shutil.copytree(oldpath, newpath) else: print "%s has no files; skipping" % location
default=False, help="increase level of output") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 3: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(2) tracker = args[0] geneeff = args[1] stimno = args[2] os.umask(const.umask) # just need one .r file, doesn't matter which: sourcefilename = "%s@%s@%s.x.r" % (geneeff, tracker, stimno) sourcedir = util.getdirectory("source", branch, tracker, geneeff, stimno) sourcepath = os.path.join(sourcedir, sourcefilename) td = trackdata.readfile(sourcepath) choredir = util.getdirectory("choreography", branch, tracker, geneeff, stimno) for datestamp in td.getdatestamps(): datefolder = os.path.join(choredir, datestamp) if options.verbose: print "creating %s" % datefolder os.makedirs(datefolder)
def performtask(self): """ do it! input: none output: results string; should begin with "error" if an error occurred """ # only one file: outputfilepath = self.outputfilepaths()[0] if self.overwrite or not self.outputexists(): # this branch should always be taken in the process I # have planned, but I don't want to rely on that if not self.checkcreateoutputfolders(): return "error: could not create output folders for GenerateAveErrMulti1PlotTask!" # read data td = {} for scalar in self.scalardict: filename = self.filenamepattern % (self.geneeff, self.tracker, self.stimno, scalar) sourcedir = util.getdirectory("source", self.branch, self.tracker, self.geneeff, self.stimno) sourcefilepath = os.path.join(sourcedir, filename) td[scalar] = self.trackdatacache.gettrackdata(sourcefilepath) # not very modularized yet... fig = plt.figure() axis = fig.add_subplot(5, 1, 1) axis.set_title(self.stem) self.setupgridticks(axis, "area", 0.5, majorlabels=False) self.plotscalar(td, "area", axis, elinewidth=0.5, markersize=2) axis = fig.add_subplot(5, 1, 2) self.setupgridticks(axis, "curve", 10, majorlabels=False) self.plotscalar(td, "curve", axis, elinewidth=0.5, markersize=2) axis = fig.add_subplot(5, 1, 3) self.setupgridticks(axis, "dir", 0.5, majorlabels=False) self.plotscalar(td, "dir", axis, elinewidth=0.5, markersize=2) axis = fig.add_subplot(5, 1, 4) self.setupgridticks(axis, "midline", 0.5, majorlabels=False) self.plotscalar(td, "midline", axis, elinewidth=0.5, markersize=2) axis = fig.add_subplot(5, 1, 5) axis.set_xlabel('time (s)') self.setupgridticks(axis, "speed085", 0.5, majorlabels=True) self.plotscalar(td, "speed085", axis, elinewidth=0.5, markersize=2) # default (saved) is 800 x 600 pixels at 100 dpi = 8 x 6 inches; # double each length: fig.set_size_inches(16., 12.) fig.savefig(outputfilepath) # fig.clf() not enough to release memory! need to use close() plt.close(fig) return "wrote %s" % os.path.basename(outputfilepath) else: return "skipping %s...output exists" % os.path.basename( outputfilepath)
parser.add_option("--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="increase level of output") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # at a minimum, we need a tracker and branch: if len(args) < 1: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(2) branch = options.branch tracker = args[0] # does it exist: trackerpath = util.getdirectory("choreography", branch, tracker) if not os.path.exists(trackerpath): print "file %s not found" % trackerpath sys.exit(1) if not os.path.isdir(trackerpath): print "%s does not seem to be a directory" % trackerpath sys.exit(1) # as before, the method is going to be to first generate a list of # gene/stim to be done and then run them either sequentially or # on the cluster tasklist = [] if len(args) == 1:
help="overwrite output files if they exist") parser.add_option("--nooverwrite", action="store_false", dest="overwrite", help="do not overwrite output files if they exist") parser.add_option("--all", action="store_true", dest="processall", default=False, help="process all experiments even if no new data") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # at a minimum, we need a tracker and branch: if len(args) < 1: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(2) tracker = args[0] branch = options.branch # does it exist: trackerpath = util.getdirectory("choreography", branch, tracker) if not os.path.exists(trackerpath): sys.exit("file %s not found" % trackerpath) if not os.path.isdir(trackerpath): sys.exit("%s does not seem to be a directory" % trackerpath) # as before, the method is going to be to first generate a list of # gene/stim to be done and then run them either sequentially or # on the cluster tasklist = [] if len(args) == 1:
def performtask(self): """ write the files input: none output: results string; should begin with "error" if an error occurred """ if self.overwrite or not self.outputexists(): # this branch should always be taken in the process I # have planned, but I don't want to rely on that if not self.checkcreateoutputfolders(): return "error: could not create output folders for AnalyzeXYMotion!" # we need two of the .r files: sourcedir = util.getdirectory("source", self.branch, self.tracker, self.geneeff, self.stimno) sourcefilename = "%s.%s.r" % (self.stem, "x") sourcepath = os.path.join(sourcedir, sourcefilename) tdx = self.trackdatacache.gettrackdata(sourcepath) sourcefilename = "%s.%s.r" % (self.stem, "y") sourcepath = os.path.join(sourcedir, sourcefilename) tdy = self.trackdatacache.gettrackdata(sourcepath) # identify and loop over intervals, writing one line per interval # do for x and y: messages = [] f = open(self.ysumspath, 'wt') f.write( "t1\tt2\ttime on y\ttotal time\trel time\tpath on y\ttotal path\trel path\tntracks\tave t on y\tstd dev\tsum sqrs\tave path on y\tstd dev\tsum sqrs\n" ) for t1, t2 in util.getintervallist(tdx, "xy-motion"): (ytime, totaltime, ypath, totalpath, ntracks, timeave, timestd, timesumsqrs, ypathave, ypathstd, ypathsumsqrs) = self.windowedcalc(tdx, tdy, t1, t2, 'y') # note that numpy.divide will emit NaN or Inf, appropriate for # tabular output f.write( "%.1f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.3f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.3f\t%d\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\n" % (t1, t2, ytime, totaltime, numpy.divide( ytime, totaltime), ypath, totalpath, numpy.divide(ypath, totalpath), ntracks, timeave, timestd, timesumsqrs, ypathave, ypathstd, ypathsumsqrs)) f.close() messages.append('wrote %s' % self.ysumspath) f = open(self.xsumspath, 'wt') f.write( "t1\tt2\ttime on x\ttotal time\trel time\tpath on x\ttotal path\trel path\tntracks\tave t on x\tstd dev\tsum sqrs\tave path on x\tstd dev\tsum sqrs\n" ) for t1, t2 in util.getintervallist(tdx, "xy-motion"): (ytime, totaltime, ypath, totalpath, ntracks, timeave, timestd, timesumsqrs, ypathave, ypathstd, ypathsumsqrs) = self.windowedcalc(tdx, tdy, t1, t2, 'x') # note that numpy.divide will emit NaN or Inf, appropriate for # tabular output f.write( "%.1f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.3f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.3f\t%d\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\n" % (t1, t2, ytime, totaltime, numpy.divide( ytime, totaltime), ypath, totalpath, numpy.divide(ypath, totalpath), ntracks, timeave, timestd, timesumsqrs, ypathave, ypathstd, ypathsumsqrs)) f.close() messages.append('wrote %s' % self.xsumspath) return '\n'.join(messages) else: return "skipping xy-motion analysis...all output exists"