Exemple #1
def test_face(img, face, face_feature):
    eyes, face_grid = face_feature

    if len(eyes) < 2:
        return None

    start_ms = current_time()
    transformed_right_eye = right_eye_transformer.preprocess(
        'image_right', crop_image(img, eyes[0]))
    transformed_left_eye = left_eye_transformer.preprocess(
        'image_left', crop_image(img, eyes[1]))
    transformed_face = face_transformer.preprocess('image_face',
                                                   crop_image(img, face))
    transformed_face_grid = face_grid.reshape(1, 625, 1, 1)

    net.blobs['image_left'].data[...] = transformed_left_eye
    net.blobs['image_right'].data[...] = transformed_right_eye
    net.blobs['image_face'].data[...] = transformed_face
    net.blobs['facegrid'].data[...] = transformed_face_grid

    output = net.forward()
    #  net.forward()
    print("Feeding through the network took " +
          str((current_time() - start_ms) * 1. / 1000) + "s")

    return np.copy(output['fc3'][0])
 def move_to(self, loc):
     Manage a new location -
     A real client needs to expire from locations.append if older than 45 days
     old_location = self.current_location
     if old_location:
         old_location["end_time"] = current_time()
         if (old_location["end_time"] - old_location["start_time"]
             ) >= self.location_time_significant:
     loc['start_time'] = current_time()
     self.current_location = loc
Exemple #3
def test_img(img,face,face_feature):
    if not face_feature:
        return None
    #sess = tf.Session()
    #init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    eyes, face_grid = face_feature
    [x, y, w, h] = face
    if len(eyes) < 2:
        g = np.array([[0,0]])
        return g
    start_ms = current_time()

    [re_x,re_y,re_w,re_h] = eyes[0]
    [le_x,le_y,le_w,le_h] = eyes[1]
    rymin = re_y
    rymax = re_y+re_h
    rxmin = re_x
    rxmax = re_x+re_w
    r_eye = img[rymin:rymax,rxmin:rxmax]
    r_eye = cv2.resize(r_eye,(64,64),interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
    lymin = le_y
    lymax = le_y+le_h
    lxmin = le_x
    lxmax = le_x+le_w
    l_eye = img[lymin:lymax,lxmin:lxmax]
    l_eye = cv2.resize(l_eye,(64,64),interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
    image_face = img[y:y+h,x:x+w]
    image_face = cv2.resize(image_face,(64,64),interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)

    transformed_left_eye = l_eye/255
    transformed_right_eye = r_eye/255
    transformed_face = image_face/255
    transformed_face_grid = face_grid

    transformed_left_eye = np.expand_dims(transformed_left_eye,0)
    transformed_right_eye = np.expand_dims(transformed_right_eye,0)
    transformed_face = np.expand_dims(transformed_face,0)
    transformed_face_grid = np.expand_dims(transformed_face_grid,0)

    feed_dict = {a:transformed_left_eye, b:transformed_right_eye, c:transformed_face, d:transformed_face_grid}

    res = sess.run(e,feed_dict)
    print("Feeding through the network took " + str((current_time() - start_ms) * 1. / 1000) + "s")
    #res = res*(-255)
    #res = res.astype('int')
    return res
Exemple #4
 def status_result(self, data, args):
     update_tokens = data.get('update_tokens')
     floating_seconds = current_time()
     status_for_tested = data.get('status')
     serial_number = self.send_or_sync(
             "contact_ids": [{
                 "id": data.get("id"),
                 "status": status_for_tested,
                 "duration": data.get("duration"),
                 "update_token": update_tokens.pop(0),
                 "message": data.get("message")
             floating_seconds, serial_number
         ),  # send_or_sync will use serial_number=0 and poss 1
     # TODO-114 maybe return how many of update_tokens used
     return {"status": "ok"}
Exemple #5
    def scan_status(self, data, args):
        since_string = data.get('since')
        now = current_time()
        req_locations = data.get('locations', [])
        if not self.check_bounding_box(req_locations):
            return {
                "bounding boxes should be a maximum of %s sq km and specified to a resolution of %s decimal places"
                % (self.bb_max_size, self.bb_min_dp)

        earliest_allowed = self.config.getint('DAYS_OLDEST_DATA_SENT',
                                              21) * 24 * 60 * 60
        since = max(
            unix_time_from_iso(since_string) if since_string else 1,

        prefixes = data.get('contact_prefixes')

        # Find any reported locations, inside the requests bounding box.
        # { locations: [ { min_lat...} ] }
        req_locations = data.get(
            'locations')  # None | [{min_lat, min_long, max_lat, max_long}]
        bounding_boxes = map(
            lambda l:
            (l['min_lat'], l['min_long'], l['max_lat'], l['max_long']),
            req_locations) if req_locations else None
        number_to_return = int(self.config.get('MAX_SCAN_COUNT', 50))
        return self._scan_or_sync(prefixes, bounding_boxes, since, now,
Exemple #6
def extract_image_features(img):
    start_ms = current_time()
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    face_detections = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5)
    #  print('face detection took ' + str((current_time() - start_ms) / 1000.))

    left_to_right_face_detections = sorted(face_detections,
                                           key=lambda detection: detection[0])

    faces = []
    face_features = []
    for [x, y, w, h] in left_to_right_face_detections:
        face = [x, y, w, h]
        #  start_eyes = current_time()
        eyes = detect_eyes(face, img, gray)
        #  print('eye extraction '  + str((current_time() - start_eyes) / 1000.))
        face_grid = get_face_grid(face, img.shape[1], img.shape[0], 25)

        face_features.append([eyes, face_grid])

    #duration_ms = current_time() - start_ms
    #  print("Face and eye extraction took: ", str(duration_ms / 1000) + "s")

    return img, faces, face_features
Exemple #7
    def update(self):
        print('called update')
        # flushed = self.socket.recv(flags=0)
        # print('the flushed stream', flushed_stream)
        # keep looping infinitely until the thread is stopped
        while True:
            # if the thread indicator variable is set, stop the thread
            #  print('updating')
            if self.stopped:
                #  print('returning')

            # try:
            # print("receiving json")
            sockets = dict(self.poller.poll())
            if self.socket in sockets:
                msg = self.socket.recv()
                print("message", msg)
                # msg = self.socket.recv_json(flags=0)
                # data = self.socket.recv(flags=0, copy=True, track=False)
                # A = np.frombuffer(data, msg['dtype'])
                # self.frame = A.reshape(msg['shape'])
                # _=  self.socket.recv(flags=0, copy=True, track=False)
                # # except KeyboardInterrupt:
                #     #     print("W: interrupt received, stopping...")
                #     #     self.worker.close()
                #     #     self.context.term()

                #         self.frame = A.reshape(msg['shape'])
                # print('got socket:', self.socket.recv())
                self.frame_time = current_time()

 def expire_data(self):
     Expire old location and id data
     expiry_time = current_time() - self.expire_locations_seconds
     Client._expire_from(self.locations, 'end_time', expiry_time)
     Client._expire_from(self.daily_ids_used, 'last_used', expiry_time)
     Client._expire_from(self.id_alerts, 'received_at', expiry_time)
Exemple #9
 def move_expired_data_to_deletion_list(self):
     until = current_time() - self.config.getint('expire_data',
                                                 45) * 24 * 60 * 60
     for the_dict in [
             self.contact_dict, self.spatial_dict, self.unused_update_tokens
         the_dict.move_expired_data_to_deletion_list(0, until)
 def new_daily_id(self, id_str=None):
     The client's id is set to a new random value, and a record is kept of what we have used.
     if self.daily_id is not None:
         self.daily_id['last_used'] = current_time()
     self.daily_id = {
         "id": id_str or "%X" % random.randrange(0, 2**128),
         "len": 0
Exemple #11
    def update(self):
        # keep looping infinitely until the thread is stopped
        while True:
            # if the thread indicator variable is set, stop the thread
            #  print('updating')
            if self.stopped:
                #  print('returning')

            # otherwise, read the next frame from the stream
            (self.grabbed, self.frame) = self.stream.read()
            self.frame_time = current_time()
    def __init__(self, socket_video_stream):
        print('initializing stream')
        self.webcam_stream = socket_video_stream


        self.img = None
        self.faces = None
        self.face_features = None
        self.frame_time = current_time()
        # initialize the variable used to indicate if the thread should
        # be stopped
        self.stopped = False
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, src=0):
        # initialize the video camera stream and read the first frame
        # from the stream
        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(src)
        self.stream = cap

        (self.grabbed, self.frame) = self.stream.read()
        self.frame_time = current_time()

        # initialize the variable used to indicate if the thread should
        # be stopped
        self.stopped = False
Exemple #14
    def sync(self, data, args):
        # Note that any replaced items will be sent as new items, so there is no need for a separate list of update_tokens.
        # Do this at the start of the process, we want to guarantee have all before this time (even if multi-threading)
        now = current_time()
        since_string = args.get('since')

        earliest_allowed = self.config.getint('DAYS_OLDEST_DATA_SENT',
                                              21) * 24 * 60 * 60

        # since_string is a list of since parameters (since named parameters can occur multiple times, data comes in as bytes, and
        # the decode is to turn it into a string
        since = max(
            if since_string else 1, earliest_allowed)
        number_to_return = int(self.config.get('MAX_SYNC_COUNT', 1000))
        return self._scan_or_sync(None, None, since, now, number_to_return)
Exemple #15
 def send_or_sync(self, data, repeated_fields=None, floating_seconds=None):
     if not floating_seconds:
         floating_seconds = current_time()
     serial_number = 0
     # first process contacts, then process geocode
     for contact in data.get('contact_ids', []):
         contact.update(repeated_fields or {})
             self.contact_dict, contact, (floating_seconds, serial_number))
         # increase by two each time to deal with potential second insert
         serial_number += 2
     for location in data.get('locations', []):
         location.update(repeated_fields or {})
             self.spatial_dict, location, (floating_seconds, serial_number))
         # increase by two each time to deal with potential second insert
         serial_number += 2
     return serial_number
    def got_tested(self, provider_id="", test_id="", pin=""):
        logging.info("%s: got tested at %s testid=%s pin=%s" %
                     (self.name, provider_id, test_id, pin))
        self.local_status = STATUS_PUI

        provider_daily = get_provider_daily(provider_id, test_id, pin)
        provider_proof = get_id_proof(provider_daily)
        # This will update any existing entries with update_tokens from a known seed
        self.new_daily_id(provider_daily)  # Saves as ued with len=0
        self.new_id()  # Uses the 0-th and increments
        # Record the NEW current_id as a pending test, when we see a notification (either way) we'll clear this
        self.pending_test = {
            "id": self.current_id,
            "provider_id": provider_id,
            "test_id": test_id,
            "pin": pin,
            "time": current_time()
        self.new_daily_id()  # Don't use the special daily id again
        self.new_id()  # Uses the 0-th and increments
Exemple #17
from gaze_detector_from_camera_stream import GazeDetectorStream
import json
import socket
from WebcamVideoStream import WebcamVideoStream
from FaceAndEyeDetectorStream import FaceAndEyeDetectorStream 
from gaze import test_faces
from lib import current_time
from gaze_detector import extract_features_and_detect_gazes

vs = FaceAndEyeDetectorStream(0).start()

last_read = current_time()

for i=1:10
    #  print('Connected by', addr)
    while True:
        img, faces, face_features = vs.read()
        #  print(img.shape, faces, face_features)
        if img is not None:
            outputs = test_faces(img, faces, face_features)

            if len(outputs) > 0:
                print('time between frames', (current_time() - last_read) * 1. / 1000)
            last_read = current_time()
                    #  if not data: break
            # do whatever you need to do with the data
Exemple #18
def main():
    # initialize the video camera stream and read the first frame
    # from the stream
    context = zmq.Context()
    pull_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL)

    push_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)

    video_stream = SocketVideoStream(context, pull_socket).start()
    face_detector_stream = FaceAndEyeDetectorWorker(video_stream).start()

    last_frame_time = None

    while True:
        img, faces, face_features, frame_time = face_detector_stream.read()

        # frontend.send_json(['hi'])

        if last_frame_time == frame_time:

        last_frame_time = frame_time

        response = {}
        if (faces is not None):
            # dumped = json.dumps(faces)
            faces_list = list(map(lambda face: to_int_list(face) if face is not None else [], faces))
            response['faces'] = faces_list
            response['eyes'] = list(map(lambda face_feature: get_eyes(face_feature), face_features))

            # print('faces', response['faces'])
            # print('jsoned', json.dumps(faces_list))
            # print("faces fson:", json.dumps(response['faces']))
            # # response['eyes'] = map(lambda face_feature: face_feature[0] if face_feature is not None else [], face_features)
        # response['face_features'] = face_features

        if has_valid_feature(faces, face_features):
            print('has valid features')
            outputs = gaze.test_faces(img, faces, face_features)

            print('outputs, detection time', outputs, current_time() - frame_time)

            if outputs and outputs[0] is not None:
                print('sending json')
                # response = {
                #    'outputs:', outputs[0].tolist(),
                #    'faces': faces,
                #    'face_features': face_features
                # }
                response['gazes'] = list(map(lambda output: 
                output.tolist() if output is not None else [], 
        # else:
        #     push_socket.send_json({
        #         'faces': faces,
        #         'face_features': face_features
        #     })

        # print("sending response", response)
        # print("final json:", json.dumps(response))

Exemple #19
 def _should_cache(self, floating_seconds_and_serial_number):
     return (current_time() - floating_seconds_and_serial_number[0]
             ) < self.disk_cache_retention_time
from FaceAndEyeDetectorStream import FaceAndEyeDetectorStream
from gaze import test_faces
from lib import current_time, smooth_outputs
from gaze_detector import extract_features_and_detect_gazes
import warnings

vs = FaceAndEyeDetectorStream(0).start()

last_read = current_time()

set_to_gpu = False

previous_outputs = []
previous_frame_time = None

    while True:
        img, faces, face_features, frame_time = vs.read()
        #  print(img.shape, faces, face_features)
        if img is not None:
            new_outputs = test_faces(img, faces, face_features)

            if len(new_outputs) > 0:
                outputs = smooth_outputs(new_outputs, frame_time,
                                         previous_outputs, previous_frame_time)
                print('original outputs', new_outputs)
                print('smoothed outputs', outputs)
                previous_outputs = outputs
                previous_frame_time = frame_time
Exemple #21
 def status_update(self, data, args):
     logger.info('in status_update')
         floating_seconds_and_serial_number=(current_time(), 0), **data)
     return {"status": "ok"}
    def poll(self):
        Perform a regular poll of the server with /status/scan, and process any results.
        json_data = self.server.scan_status_json(
            locations=[self._box()] if len(self.locations) else [],
        logging.info("%s: poll result: %s" % (self.name, str(json_data)))

        # Record when data is updated till, for our next request
        self.since = json_data.get('until')

        # Record any ids in the poll that match one we have used (id = {id, last_used})
        # Note that this can include a test result which might be STATUS_HEALTHY
        matched_ids = [
            i for i in json_data['contact_ids']
            if i.get('id') in self.map_ids_used()
        for id_obj in matched_ids:
            id_obj['received_at'] = current_time()
            # Scan for a test result and flag the id we will record (via its 'test' field) so that it can effect score calculations
            if self.pending_test:
                if id_obj['id'] == self.pending_test['id']:
                        'test'] = self.pending_test  # Save the test (includes test_id and pin)
                    # Time of test -> old daily_ids (t-1day) -> ids used on those -> remove id_alerts; location_alerts dated < t-1day
                    ignore_alerts_before = self.pending_test[
                        "time"] - self.on_test_ignore_before
                    self.pending_test = None  # Clear pending test
                    # Clear out older alerts
                    for alert_list in self.id_alerts, self.location_alerts:
                        self.id_alerts = [
                            alert_obj for alert_obj in alert_list
                            if alert_obj['received_at'] < ignore_alerts_before
                    self.local_status = STATUS_HEALTHY  # Note this is correct even if the test is INFECTED, as its the infected test that counts, and there is no LOCAL status event any more
        )  # Add the new ones after we have cleared out alerts no longer valid

        # Filter incoming location updates for those close to where we have been,
        # but exclude any of our own (based on matching update_token
        existing_location_update_tokens = [
            loc.get('update_token') for loc in self.locations
        matching_locations = [
            loc for loc in json_data.get('locations', [])
            if self._location_match(loc)
            and not loc.get('update_token') in existing_location_update_tokens
        for loc in matching_locations:
            loc['received_at'] = current_time()

        # Look for any updated data points
        # Find the replaces tokens for both ids and locations - these are the locations this data point replaces
        # Note that by checking all id_alerts we also handle any received out of order (replace received before original)
        id_replaces = [
            i.get('replaces') for i in self.id_alerts if i.get('replaces')
        location_replaces = [
            loc.get('replaces') for loc in self.location_alerts
            if loc.get('replaces')

        # Find update_tokens that have been replaced
        id_update_tokens = [get_update_token(rt) for rt in id_replaces]
        location_update_tokens = [
            get_update_token(rt) for rt in location_replaces

        # Mark any ids or locations that have been replaced
        for i in self.id_alerts:
            if i.get('update_token') in id_update_tokens:
                i['replaced'] = True
        for loc in self.location_alerts:
            if loc.get('update_token') in location_update_tokens:
                loc['replaced'] = True

        # Recalculate our own status based on the current set of location and id alerts and our local_status
        # Note that if it has changed it may trigger a notify_status which can cause a /status/send or /status/update
                output_string += str(output[0]) + ',' + str(output[1])

                if (i < len(outputs) - 1):
                    output_string += '_'
    #  print("output string", output_string)
    return output_string

HOST = ''                 # Symbolic name meaning all available interfaces
PORT = 4001 # Arbitrary non-privileged port
vs = FaceAndEyeDetectorStream(0).start()
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind((HOST, PORT))
conn, addr = s.accept()

last_read = current_time()

set_to_gpu = False

previous_outputs = []
previous_frame_time = None

    #  print('Connected by', addr)
    while True:
        img, faces, face_features, frame_time = vs.read()
        #  print(img.shape, faces, face_features)
        if img is not None:
            new_outputs = test_faces(img, faces, face_features)

            if len(new_outputs) > 0: