Exemple #1
def cascade():
    sm1 = sm.Delay(1)
    sm2 = PureFunction(mult)

    c = Cascade(sm1, sm2)
    o = c.transduce([1, 3, 7, 2])
    return o
def accumulatorDelay(init):
        init (int): the output at time 0

        y: a state machine whose output at time n is the sum of its inputs up to 
        and including time n-1
    xDelay = sm.Delay(0)
    y = sm.Cascade(xDelay, accumulator(init))
    return y
def accumulator(init):
        init (int): the output at time 0

        y: a state machine whose output at time n is the sum of its inputs up to 
        and including time n
    wire = sm.Gain(1)
    yDelay = sm.Delay(init)
    y = sm.FeedbackAdd(wire, yDelay)
    return y
Exemple #4
import lib601.sm as sm

def neg(inp):
    return not(inp)

negate = sm.PureFunction(neg)

alternating = sm.Feedback(sm.Cascade(negate, sm.Delay(True)))

print alternating.transduce([1,2,3,True,False])
import lib601.sm as sm

# Define negate to be an instance of sm.PureFunction that takes a boolean
# and returns the negation of it
def negFunct(boolean):
	return not boolean

class PureFunction(sm.SM):
	def __init__(self, f):
		self.f = f
	def getNextValues(self,state,inp):
		return (state,self.f(inp))

negate = sm.PureFunction(negFunct)
# negate.transduce([True,False],verbose = True)

# Use sm.Feedback,sm.Cascade, and negate to construct an instance whose output alternates
# between True and False for any input sequence; starting with true.

alternating = sm.Feedback(sm.Cascade(sm.Delay(False),negate))
alternating.transduce([1,True,False,True,False,True,False],verbose = True)

# Not totally sure how I made this work, but hey it does.