def run(self, img, features, bboxes): boxSet = bboxes areas = [det.area(b) for b in boxSet] rank = np.argsort(areas)[::-1] rankedBoxes = [boxSet[i].tolist() for i in rank[0:self.maxTime]] scores = [features[i,self.categoryIndex].tolist() for i in rank[0:maxTime]] return (img, rankedBoxes, scores, range(len(rankedBoxes)))
def run(self, img, features, bboxes): boxSet = bboxes areas = [det.area(b) for b in boxSet] rank = np.argsort(areas)[::-1] rankedBoxes = [boxSet[i].tolist() for i in rank[0:self.maxTime]] scores = [ features[i, self.categoryIndex].tolist() for i in rank[0:maxTime] ] return (img, rankedBoxes, scores, range(len(rankedBoxes)))
def loadGroundTruth(self, imageName): try: gt = self.groundTruth[imageName] except: gt = [] if self.image != imageName: self.displayEpisodePerformance() self.image = imageName self.boxes = [b[:] for b in gt] self.centers = [center(b) for b in gt] self.areas = [det.area(b) for b in gt] self.control = {'IOU': [0.0 for b in gt], 'DONE': [False for b in gt], 'SKIP': [False for b in gt]} return gt
def loadFilteredFeaturesAndIndex(img, content, index): import libDetection as det import numpy as np MAX_BOXES = 1000 m, l = loadFeaturesAndIndex(img, content, index) if len(l) > MAX_BOXES: limit = max(len(l) - MAX_BOXES, 0) areas = [det.area(map(float, b[1:])) for b in l] areasIdx = np.argsort(areas) candidates = np.asarray([i >= limit for i in areasIdx]) boxes = [l[i] for i in areasIdx if i >= limit] return (m[candidates].astype(floatType), boxes) else: return m, l
def loadFilteredFeaturesAndIndex(img,content,index): import libDetection as det import numpy as np MAX_BOXES = 1000 m,l = loadFeaturesAndIndex(img,content,index) if len(l) > MAX_BOXES: limit = max(len(l)-MAX_BOXES,0) areas = [ det.area(map(float,b[1:])) for b in l] areasIdx = np.argsort(areas) candidates = np.asarray([i >= limit for i in areasIdx]) boxes = [l[i] for i in areasIdx if i >= limit] return (m[candidates].astype(floatType),boxes) else: return m,l
def loadGroundTruth(self, imageName): try: gt = self.groundTruth[imageName] except: gt = [] if self.image != imageName: self.displayEpisodePerformance() self.image = imageName self.boxes = [b[:] for b in gt] self.centers = [center(b) for b in gt] self.areas = [det.area(b) for b in gt] self.control = { 'IOU': [0.0 for b in gt], 'DONE': [False for b in gt], 'SKIP': [False for b in gt] } return gt
def __init__(self, box, id): = id = box self.area = det.area(box)
def selectProposalsByArea(proposals,minArea,maxArea): areas = [det.area(box) for box in proposals] proposals = [[0]+proposals[i] for i in range(len(areas)) if areas[i] >= minArea and areas[i] < maxArea] return proposals
import os,sys import libDetection as det import masks as mk if len(sys.argv) < 3: print 'Use: input output' sys.exit() boxes = mk.loadBoxIndexFile(sys.argv[1]) totalBoxes = 0 keptBoxes = 0 out = open(sys.argv[2],'w') for img in boxes.keys(): unique = set([':'.join(map(str,map(int,x))) for x in boxes[img]]) for b in boxes[img]: boxHash = ':'.join(map(str,map(int,b))) if boxHash in unique: unique.remove(boxHash) else: continue totalBoxes += 1 a = det.area(b) w,h = b[2]-b[0],b[3]-b[1] if a > 400 and w > 0 and h > 0: out.write(img + ' ' + ' '.join(map(str,map(int,b))) + '\n' ) keptBoxes += 1 print 'Total boxes:',totalBoxes,'Filtered:',totalBoxes-keptBoxes,'Final Boxes:',keptBoxes out.close()
def selectProposalsByArea(proposals, minArea, maxArea): areas = [det.area(box) for box in proposals] proposals = [[0] + proposals[i] for i in range(len(areas)) if areas[i] >= minArea and areas[i] < maxArea] return proposals
import os,sys import utils as cu import libDetection as det import numpy as np if __name__ == "__main__": params = cu.loadParams('boxesFile minSize outputFile') boxes = [x.split() for x in open(params['boxesFile'])] minA = float(params['minSize'])**2 images = {} found = set() for box in boxes: a = det.area( map(int,box[1:]) ) if a >= minA: try: images[ box[0] ].append(box[1:]) except: images[ box[0] ] = [box[1:]] found.add(box[0]) # Add records for images that do not have enough area to comply with the filter missing = found.symmetric_difference( images.keys() ) missing = [b for b in boxes if b[0] in missing] allAreas = {} for m in missing: img = m[0] try: allAreas[img]['box'].append( m[1:] ) allAreas[img]['area'].append( det.area( map(int,m[1:]) ) ) except: allAreas[img] = { 'box':[m[1:]], 'area':[det.area( map(int,m[1:]) )] } for img in allAreas.keys():