def constructPSFlow(self, dose, neighbour_node_id): # construct new flow src_nodeid = self.node.get_id() dst_nodeid = neighbour_node_id nextid = self.node.resource_manager_instance.flow_table.nextid route = self.node.resource_manager_instance.interconnect.getRouteXY(src_nodeid, dst_nodeid) priority = SimParams.PSALGO_FLOWBASEPRIORITY + nextid #priority = nextid basicLatency = self.node.resource_manager_instance.interconnect.getRouteCostXY(src_nodeid, dst_nodeid, SimParams.PSALGO_PSFLOWPAYLOADSIZE) relase_time = payload = SimParams.PSALGO_PSFLOWPAYLOADSIZE endTime_wrt_BL = relase_time + basicLatency payload_metadata = {'ps_hd' : dose } # ps-dose information newflow = NoCFlow(nextid, None, None, None, None, src_nodeid, dst_nodeid, route, priority, None, basicLatency, payload, endTime_wrt_BL, type=FlowType.FLOWTYPE_PSALGOSIGNALLING, payload_metadata=payload_metadata) return (newflow, basicLatency)
def receivedQueenStatusMessageRequest(self, flw_payload): # construct new flow src_nodeid = self.node.get_id() dst_nodeid = flw_payload.get_payload_metadata()['worker_node_id'] nextid = self.node.resource_manager_instance.flow_table.nextid route = self.node.resource_manager_instance.interconnect.getRouteXY(src_nodeid, dst_nodeid) priority = SimParams.PSALGO_FLOWBASEPRIORITY + nextid #priority = nextid basicLatency = self.node.resource_manager_instance.interconnect.getRouteCostXY(src_nodeid, dst_nodeid, 1) # 1 byte relase_time = payload = 1 # 1 byte endTime_wrt_BL = relase_time + basicLatency payload_metadata = {'null' : None } # some info about queen remapping status newflow = NoCFlow(nextid, None, None, None, None, src_nodeid, dst_nodeid, route, priority, None, basicLatency, payload, endTime_wrt_BL, type=FlowType.FLOWTYPE_PSALGOSIGNALLING_QUEENSTAT_REP, payload_metadata=payload_metadata) self.node.lock_RM_FLWtbl() # add to the flow table self.node.resource_manager_instance.flow_table.addFlow(newflow,, basicLatency) self.node.release_RM_FLWtbl() # update the table self.node.resource_manager_instance.flow_table.updateTable(fire=True)
def _constructFlow(self, src_nodeid, dst_nodeid, metadata, pri, payload_size): # construct new flow nextid = self.RMinstance.flow_table.nextid route = self.RMinstance.interconnect.getRouteXY(src_nodeid, dst_nodeid) priority = nextid basicLatency = self.RMinstance.interconnect.getRouteCostXY( src_nodeid, dst_nodeid, payload_size) relase_time = payload = payload_size endTime_wrt_BL = relase_time + basicLatency payload_metadata = metadata newflow = NoCFlow(nextid, None, None, None, None, src_nodeid, dst_nodeid, route, priority, None, basicLatency, payload, endTime_wrt_BL, type=FlowType.FLOWTYPE_MASTERSLAVESIGNALLING, payload_metadata=payload_metadata) return (newflow, basicLatency)
def _get_minmax_ccr(Iwcc, Pwcc, Bwcc, Ibcc, Pbcc, Bbcc, gop_len, max_payload): nPmax = gop_len - 1 nPmin = int(float(gop_len - 1) / float(NBMAX + 1)) nBmax = (gop_len - 1) - nPmin nBmin = 0 nhops = (NOC_H - 1) + (NOC_W - 1) #nhops = (NOC_H) + (NOC_W) max_bl = NoCFlow.getCommunicationCost(max_payload * 0.5, nhops, NOC_PERIOD, NOC_ARBITRATION_COST) # print "Iwcc, %.9f" % Iwcc # print "Pwcc, %.9f" % Pwcc # print "Bwcc, %.9f" % Bwcc print "max_bl: ", max_bl ## calculate upper-bound CCR ## # how many num P's and B's do we consider ? nP = nPmin nB = nBmax # upper ccr occurs when there are as many as possible edges, when there are max amount of B-frames # B frames can have max 3 incoming edges # P frames can have only 1 incoming edge # and have to take best-case ccs num_edges = (nP * 1) + (nB * 3) print "w.c. num_edges:", num_edges wc_comm_cost = num_edges * max_bl bc_comp_cost = Ibcc + (nP * Pbcc) + (nB * Bbcc) ub_ccr = float(wc_comm_cost) / float(bc_comp_cost) ## calculate best-case CCR ## # how many num P's and B's do we consider ? nP = nPmax nB = nBmin # bc ccr occurs when there are as less as possible edges, when there are min amount of B-frames # B frames can have max 3 incoming edges # P frames can have only 1 incoming edge num_edges = (nP * 1) + (nB * 2) print "b.c. num_edges:", num_edges bl = max_bl #print bl bc_comm_cost = float(num_edges) * bl wc_comp_cost = Iwcc + (nP * Pwcc) + (nB * Bwcc) #print bc_comm_cost, bc_comp_cost lb_ccr = float(bc_comm_cost) / float(wc_comp_cost) return (lb_ccr, ub_ccr)
def _sendMsgFlow(self, finished_task=None, src_node_id=None, dst_node_id=None, payload=None, payload_metadata=None, type=None, update_flw_table=True): # curframe = inspect.currentframe() # calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 2) # print 'caller name:', calframe[1][3] if (finished_task != None): finished_task_id = finished_task.get_id() else: finished_task_id = None release_time = nextid = self.RMInstance.flow_table.nextid route = self.RMInstance.interconnect.getRouteXY( dst_node_id, src_node_id) priority = SimParams.CCP_FLOWBASEPRIORITY + nextid basic_latency = self.RMInstance.interconnect.getRouteCostXY( dst_node_id, src_node_id, payload) endTime_wrt_BL = release_time + basic_latency newflow = NoCFlow( nextid, finished_task, finished_task_id, None, # list of dst task ids None, # list of dst task ixs src_node_id, dst_node_id, route, priority, None, basic_latency, payload, endTime_wrt_BL, type=type, payload_metadata=payload_metadata) self.node_instance.lock_RM_FLWtbl() # add to the flow table self.RMInstance.flow_table.addFlow(newflow, release_time, basic_latency) self.node_instance.release_RM_FLWtbl() if (update_flw_table == True): # update the table self.RMInstance.flow_table.updateTable(fire=True) return (newflow, release_time, basic_latency)
def _get_max_ccr(self, vid_res, I_wcc, P_wcc, B_wcc): # assuming fixed gop seq - "IPBBPBBPBBBB" total_nodes_cost = I_wcc + (P_wcc * 3.0) + (B_wcc * 8.0) each_edge_payload = (vid_res[0] * vid_res[1] * 2) nhops = (NOC_H - 1) + (NOC_W - 1) total_edges_cost = NoCFlow.getCommunicationCost( each_edge_payload, nhops, NOC_PERIOD, NOC_ARBITRATION_COST) * 19.0 max_ratio_ccr = float(total_edges_cost) / float(total_nodes_cost) return max_ratio_ccr
def startMMCTONodeDataTransfer(self, task, node, ibuff_id): #src_node_id = self.getClosestMMCPort(node.get_id()) src_node_id = self.getMMCPort_handler(task.get_id(), node.get_id()) dst_node_id = node.get_id() Debug.PPrint( "%f" % + "," + self.label + "," + 'startMMCTONodeDataTransfer:: before GOP execution, : task=%s, %s->%s' % (str(task.get_id()), str(src_node_id), str(dst_node_id)), DebugCat.DEBUG_CAT_MMCNODEDATATRANSFER) release_time = nextid = self.RMInstance.flow_table.nextid route = self.RMInstance.interconnect.getRouteXY( src_node_id, dst_node_id) priority = SimParams.MMC_DATAREAD_FLOW_PRIORITY + nextid payload = task.get_mpeg_tasksize() basic_latency = self.RMInstance.interconnect.getRouteCostXY( src_node_id, dst_node_id, payload) endTime_wrt_BL = release_time + basic_latency payload_metadata = { 'target_task': task, 'mapped_node': node, 'ibuff_id': ibuff_id } newflow = NoCFlow( nextid, None, None, None, # list of dst task ids None, # list of dst task ixs src_node_id, dst_node_id, route, priority, None, basic_latency, payload, endTime_wrt_BL, type=FlowType.FLOWTYPE_MMCTONODE_DATATRANSFER_RD, payload_metadata=payload_metadata) self.mmc_to_node_data_transfer_started_task_ids.append( task.get_id()) # temporarily record self.RMInstance.lock_RM_FLWtbl() # add to the flow table self.RMInstance.flow_table.addFlow(newflow, release_time, basic_latency) self.RMInstance.release_RM_FLWtbl()
def _sendMsgAfterDelay(self, finished_task=None, src_node_id=None, dst_node_id=None, payload=None, payload_metadata=None, type=None, update_flw_table=True): yield self.env.timeout(SimParams.CCP_LOAN_DELIVERY_MSG_SEND_OFFSET * self.node_instance.get_id()) if (finished_task != None): finished_task_id = finished_task.get_id() else: finished_task_id = None release_time = nextid = self.RMInstance.flow_table.nextid route = self.RMInstance.interconnect.getRouteXY( dst_node_id, src_node_id) priority = SimParams.CCP_FLOWBASEPRIORITY + nextid basic_latency = self.RMInstance.interconnect.getRouteCostXY( dst_node_id, src_node_id, payload) endTime_wrt_BL = release_time + basic_latency newflow = NoCFlow( nextid, finished_task, finished_task_id, None, # list of dst task ids None, # list of dst task ixs src_node_id, dst_node_id, route, priority, None, basic_latency, payload, endTime_wrt_BL, type=type, payload_metadata=payload_metadata) self.node_instance.lock_RM_FLWtbl() # add to the flow table self.RMInstance.flow_table.addFlow(newflow, release_time, basic_latency) self.node_instance.release_RM_FLWtbl() if (update_flw_table == True): # update the table self.RMInstance.flow_table.updateTable(fire=True)
def get_ccr_range(enable_print=True): result_data = [] frame_h = res_list[0][0] frame_w = res_list[0][1] for cpu_exec_speed_ratio in [0.1]: #for cpu_exec_speed_ratio in np.arange(cpu_exec_rat_min,cpu_exec_rat_max,(cpu_exec_rat_max-cpu_exec_rat_min)/2): for noc_period in np.arange(noc_period_min, noc_period_max, (noc_period_max - noc_period_min) / 10): # computation cost (iframe_cc, pframe_cc, bframe_cc) = MPEG2FrameTask.getStaticComputationCost( frame_h, frame_w, cpu_exec_speed_ratio) mean_computation_cost = float(iframe_cc + pframe_cc + bframe_cc) / 3.0 # communication cost max_hop_count = (SimParams.NOC_W - 1) + (SimParams.NOC_H - 1) payload = ((frame_h * frame_w) * 16) / 8 arb_cost = noc_period * 7 noc_flow_cc = NoCFlow.getCommunicationCost(payload, max_hop_count, noc_period, arb_cost) # CCR : communication to computation ratio ccr = noc_flow_cc / mean_computation_cost # CCS : communication + computation (summation) ccs = noc_flow_cc + mean_computation_cost entry = { 'cpu_exec_speed_ratio': cpu_exec_speed_ratio, 'noc_period': noc_period, 'mean_computation_cost': mean_computation_cost, 'noc_flow_cc': noc_flow_cc, 'ccr': ccr, 'ccs': ccs, } result_data.append(entry) # print table of results if (enable_print == True): _report_ccr(result_data) return result_data
def _get_ccr(self, payloads, fr_ccs, num_nodes, num_edges): # checks assert (len(payloads) == num_edges) assert (len(fr_ccs) == num_nodes) total_nodes_cost = np.sum(fr_ccs) total_edges_cost = 0 nhops = (NOC_H - 1) + (NOC_W - 1) for each_flw_payload in payloads: total_edges_cost += NoCFlow.getCommunicationCost( each_flw_payload, nhops, NOC_PERIOD, NOC_ARBITRATION_COST) ratio_ccr = float(total_edges_cost) / float(total_nodes_cost) return ratio_ccr
def notifyRMTaskCompletion(self, finished_task): if(SimParams.MS_SIGNALLING_NOTIFY_TASK_COMPLETE_ENABLE == True): Debug.PPrint("%f" + "," + self.label + "," +'notifyRMTaskCompletion::, : finished_task='+str(finished_task.get_id()), DebugCat.DEBUG_CAT_MSSIGNALLING) src_node_id = self.get_id() dst_node_id = SimParams.RESOURCEMANAGER_NODEID release_time = nextid = self.resource_manager_instance.flow_table.nextid route = self.resource_manager_instance.interconnect.getRouteXY(dst_node_id, src_node_id) priority = SimParams.NOC_FLOW_MS_SIGNALLING_MAXPRIORITY + nextid basic_latency = self.resource_manager_instance.interconnect.getRouteCostXY(dst_node_id, src_node_id, SimParams.NOC_PAYLOAD_32BYTES) payload = SimParams.NOC_PAYLOAD_32BYTES endTime_wrt_BL = release_time + basic_latency payload_metadata = { 'finished_task_id' : finished_task.get_id(), 'node_id' : self.get_id(), 'finished_task_starttime' : finished_task.get_taskStartTime(), 'finished_task_endtime' : finished_task.get_taskCompleteTime(), } newflow = NoCFlow(nextid, finished_task, finished_task.get_id(), None, # list of dst task ids None, # list of dst task ixs src_node_id, dst_node_id, route, priority, None, basic_latency, payload, endTime_wrt_BL, type=FlowType.FLOWTYPE_MASTERSLAVESIGNALLING_TASKCOMPLETE, payload_metadata=payload_metadata) self.lock_RM_FLWtbl() # add to the flow table self.resource_manager_instance.flow_table.addFlow(newflow, release_time, basic_latency) self.release_RM_FLWtbl() # update the table self.resource_manager_instance.flow_table.updateTable(fire=True)
def addTo_RM_FlowTable(self, task_list, releaseTime): for each_task in task_list: task_mapped_nodeid = self.RM_instance.task_mapping_table[ each_task.get_id()]['node_id'] child_tasks = each_task.get_children() # find unique flows # e.g. if task has two children both mapped on same node, then we only have 1 flow dst_node_list = [] for each_child in child_tasks: child_task_nodeid = self.RM_instance.task_mapping_table[ each_child]['node_id'] if (child_task_nodeid not in dst_node_list): dst_node_list.append(child_task_nodeid) # new flow if (child_task_nodeid != task_mapped_nodeid): nextid = self.RM_instance.flow_table.nextid route = self.RM_instance.interconnect.getRouteXY( task_mapped_nodeid, child_task_nodeid) priority = random.randint( 0, SimParams.NOC_FLOW_PRIORITY_LEVELS) basicLatency = self.RM_instance.interconnect.getRouteCostXY( task_mapped_nodeid, child_task_nodeid, each_task.get_completedTaskSize()) payload = each_task.get_completedTaskSize() # releaseTime = self.RM_instance.task_mapping_table[each_task.get_id()]['release_time'] + \ # self.RM_instance.task_mapping_table[each_task.get_id()]['wcc'] endTime_wrt_BL = releaseTime + basicLatency newflow = NoCFlow(nextid, each_task.get_id(), task_mapped_nodeid, child_task_nodeid, route, priority, None, basicLatency, payload, releaseTime, None, endTime_wrt_BL, None, type=FlowType)
def _get_runtime_ccr(Iwcc, Pwcc, Bwcc, max_payload, num_edges, gop_seq): total_node_cost = 0.0 for ft_type in gop_seq: if ft_type == "I": total_node_cost += Iwcc elif ft_type == "P": total_node_cost += Pwcc elif ft_type == "B": total_node_cost += Bwcc else: sys.exit("Error - _get_runtime_ccr") nhops = (NOC_H - 1) + (NOC_W - 1) max_bl = NoCFlow.getCommunicationCost(max_payload, nhops, NOC_PERIOD, NOC_ARBITRATION_COST) total_edges_cost = max_bl * float(num_edges) runtime_ccr = float(total_edges_cost) / float(total_node_cost) return runtime_ccr
def getNodeCongestionRating(self, node_id, task_pri=None, nextid=None): # what are the links connected to the node ? node_connected_linkids = [l.get_id() for l in self.RMinstance.interconnect.getLinksConnectedToNode(node_id)] # link to flow mapping link_to_flow_mapping = self.getLinkToFlowMapping() node_congestion = 0 # number of flows that will block a given task for each_link_id in node_connected_linkids: if(each_link_id in link_to_flow_mapping): for each_flow in link_to_flow_mapping[each_link_id]: if(task_pri != None): flow_pri = NoCFlow.getPriorityFromTask(task_pri, self.RMinstance, nextid) if(flow_pri < each_flow.get_priority()): node_congestion += 1 else: # if supplied task priority is None then this flow will by default be counted as congestion node_congestion += 1 return node_congestion
def _notifyRMRegardingDataFlowCompletion_viaAnotherFlow_AfterDelay( self, completed_flow): if (SimParams.MS_SIGNALLING_NOTIFY_FLOW_COMPLETE_ENABLE == True): yield self.env.timeout( SimParams.INTERRUPT_RM_AFTER_DELAY ) # delay (to stop flow being updated too quickly) Debug.PPrint( "%f" % + "," + self.label + "," + '_notifyRMRegardingDataFlowCompletion_viaAnotherFlow_AfterDelay::, : finished_flow=' + str(completed_flow.get_id()), DebugCat.DEBUG_CAT_MSSIGNALLING) ## notify the RM regarding flow completion (emit another flow to RM) src_task_id = completed_flow.get_respectiveSrcTaskId() dst_task_ids = [ ] # could be alot of dst tasks, mapped on the same dst core dst_task_ids = completed_flow.get_respectiveDstTaskId() # construct flow src_node_id = completed_flow.get_destination() dst_node_id = SimParams.RESOURCEMANAGER_NODEID release_time = nextid = self.RM_instance.flow_table.nextid route = self.RM_instance.interconnect.getRouteXY( dst_node_id, src_node_id) priority = SimParams.NOC_FLOW_MS_SIGNALLING_MAXPRIORITY + nextid basic_latency = self.RM_instance.interconnect.getRouteCostXY( dst_node_id, src_node_id, SimParams.NOC_PAYLOAD_32BYTES) payload = SimParams.NOC_PAYLOAD_32BYTES endTime_wrt_BL = release_time + basic_latency payload_metadata = { 'finished_flow_id': completed_flow.get_id(), 'finished_flow_endtime':, 'finished_flow_src_task_id': src_task_id, 'finished_flow_dst_task_ids': dst_task_ids } newflow = NoCFlow( nextid, None, None, None, # list of dst task ids None, # list of dst task ixs src_node_id, dst_node_id, route, priority, None, basic_latency, payload, endTime_wrt_BL, type=FlowType.FLOWTYPE_MASTERSLAVESIGNALLING_FLOWCOMPLETE, payload_metadata=payload_metadata) self.lock_RM_FLWtbl() # add to the flow table self.RM_instance.flow_table.addFlow(newflow, release_time, basic_latency) self.release_RM_FLWtbl() # update the table self.RM_instance.flow_table.updateTable(fire=True)
def get_specific_ccr(cpu_exec_speed_ratio, noc_period): list_ipb_frame_cost = [] list_mean_computation_cost = [] list_sum_computation_cost_all_tasks = [] list_mean_computation_cost_all_tasks = [] list_noc_flow_cc_all_edges = [] list_noc_flow_cc = [] list_ccr = [] list_ccs = [] for each_res in res_list: frame_h = each_res[0] frame_w = each_res[1] # computation cost (iframe_cc, pframe_cc, bframe_cc) = MPEG2FrameTask.getStaticComputationCost( frame_h, frame_w, cpu_exec_speed_ratio) mean_computation_cost = float(iframe_cc + pframe_cc + bframe_cc) / 3.0 sum_computation_cost_all_tasks = (iframe_cc * 1.0) + ( pframe_cc * 3.0) + (bframe_cc * 8.0) mean_computation_cost_all_tasks = (iframe_cc) + (pframe_cc) + ( bframe_cc) # communication cost max_hop_count = (SimParams.NOC_W - 1) + (SimParams.NOC_H - 1) payload = ((frame_h * frame_w) * 16) / 8 arb_cost = noc_period * 7 noc_flow_cc = NoCFlow.getCommunicationCost(payload, max_hop_count, noc_period, arb_cost) num_edges = 19 noc_flow_cc_all_edges = (noc_flow_cc * num_edges) # CCR : communication to computation #ccr = noc_flow_cc/mean_computation_cost ccr = (noc_flow_cc_all_edges / sum_computation_cost_all_tasks) # CCS : communication + computation (summation) #ccs = noc_flow_cc + mean_computation_cost ccs = (noc_flow_cc_all_edges + sum_computation_cost_all_tasks) list_mean_computation_cost.append(mean_computation_cost) list_noc_flow_cc.append(noc_flow_cc) list_sum_computation_cost_all_tasks.append( sum_computation_cost_all_tasks) list_mean_computation_cost_all_tasks.append( mean_computation_cost_all_tasks) list_noc_flow_cc_all_edges.append(noc_flow_cc_all_edges) list_ccr.append(ccr) list_ccs.append(ccs) list_ipb_frame_cost.append((iframe_cc, pframe_cc, bframe_cc)) # print list_ccr # print list_ccs entry = { 'cpu_exec_speed_ratio': cpu_exec_speed_ratio, 'noc_period': noc_period, 'mean_computation_cost': np.mean(list_mean_computation_cost), 'noc_flow_cc': np.mean(list_noc_flow_cc), 'sum_computation_cost_all_tasks': list_sum_computation_cost_all_tasks, 'mean_computation_cost_all_tasks': list_mean_computation_cost_all_tasks, 'noc_flow_cc_all_edges': list_noc_flow_cc_all_edges, 'list_ipb_frame_cost': list_ipb_frame_cost, 'list_ccr': list_ccr, 'list_ccs': list_ccs, 'mean_ccr': np.mean(list_ccr), 'mean_ccs': np.mean(list_ccs), 'ccr_v2': np.sum(list_noc_flow_cc_all_edges) / np.sum(list_mean_computation_cost_all_tasks), 'csr_v2': np.sum(list_noc_flow_cc_all_edges) + np.sum(list_mean_computation_cost_all_tasks) } pprint.pprint(entry)
def addTo_RM_FlowTable(self, finished_taskList, releaseTime, debug_which_cpu): debug_ftl = [x.get_id() for x in finished_taskList] Debug.PPrint( "%f" % + "," + self.label + "," + 'addTo_RM_FlowTable::, : Enter - fin_tsk_lst=' + str(debug_ftl) + ", which_cpu=" + str(debug_which_cpu), DebugCat.DEBUG_CAT_MAPPERINFO) num_flows_added = [] for each_task in finished_taskList: task_mapped_nodeid = self.RM_instance.task_mapping_table[ each_task.get_id()]['node_id'] child_tasks_ids = each_task.get_children() #ids child_tasks_ixs = each_task.get_children_frames() #ixs child_tasks_id_ix_rel = self._get_tid_tix_dict( child_tasks_ids, child_tasks_ixs) # find unique flows # e.g. if task has two children both mapped on same node, then we only have 1 flow dst_node_list = [] temp_destinations_dict = {} for each_child_id in child_tasks_ids: child_task_nodeid = self.RM_instance.task_mapping_table[ each_child_id]['node_id'] if (child_task_nodeid not in temp_destinations_dict): temp_destinations_dict[child_task_nodeid] = [each_child_id] else: temp_destinations_dict[child_task_nodeid].append( each_child_id) if (child_task_nodeid not in dst_node_list): dst_node_list.append(child_task_nodeid) # ## DEBUG ## # if(each_task.get_id() == 721): # print "each_child_id = " + str(each_child_id) # print "child_task_nodeid = " + str(child_task_nodeid) # pprint.pprint(temp_destinations_dict) # print "dst_node_list = " + str(dst_node_list) # ########### # new flow if (child_task_nodeid != task_mapped_nodeid): nextid = self.RM_instance.flow_table.nextid route = self.RM_instance.interconnect.getRouteXY( task_mapped_nodeid, child_task_nodeid) priority = each_task.get_priority() + ( self.RM_instance.flow_priority_offset + 100) + nextid basicLatency = self.RM_instance.interconnect.getRouteCostXY( task_mapped_nodeid, child_task_nodeid, each_task.get_completedTaskSize()) payload = each_task.get_completedTaskSize() endTime_wrt_BL = releaseTime + basicLatency newflow = NoCFlow( nextid, each_task, each_task.get_id(), temp_destinations_dict[child_task_nodeid], self._get_tixs_from_tids( temp_destinations_dict[child_task_nodeid], child_tasks_id_ix_rel), task_mapped_nodeid, child_task_nodeid, route, priority, None, basicLatency, payload, endTime_wrt_BL, type=FlowType.FLOWTYPE_DATA) # ## DEBUG ## # if(each_task.get_id() == 721): # print newflow # ########### # add to the flow table self.RM_instance.flow_table.addFlow( newflow, releaseTime, basicLatency) num_flows_added.append(newflow.get_id()) # update the table if (len(num_flows_added) > 0): self.RM_instance.flow_table.updateTable( fire=True) # one update for many additions
def addTo_RM_FlowTable_HEVC_FrameLevel(self, finished_taskList, releaseTime, debug_which_cpu): debug_ftl = [x.get_id() for x in finished_taskList] Debug.PPrint( "%f" % + "," + self.label + "," + 'addTo_RM_FlowTable::, : Enter - fin_tsk_lst=' + str(debug_ftl) + ", which_cpu=" + str(debug_which_cpu), DebugCat.DEBUG_CAT_MAPPERINFO) TEMP_BYTE_OFFSET = 32 num_flows_added = [] for each_task in finished_taskList: task_mapped_nodeid = self.RM_instance.task_mapping_table[ each_task.get_id()]['node_id'] child_tasks_info = each_task.get_expected_data_to_children( ) # children and the data payload size # if we are sending two flows to the same node, corresponding to two child tasks, # then we have to make sure the payload is different (i.e. TEMP_BYTE_OFFSET), else there will be event firing isues temp_node_id_payload_dict = {} for each_child_id, each_child_payload in child_tasks_info.iteritems( ): child_task_nodeid = self.RM_instance.task_mapping_table[ each_child_id]['node_id'] flow_payload = each_child_payload if child_task_nodeid in temp_node_id_payload_dict: # redundancy if (each_child_payload == temp_node_id_payload_dict[ child_task_nodeid]): # same payload temp_node_id_payload_dict[ child_task_nodeid] += TEMP_BYTE_OFFSET flow_payload += TEMP_BYTE_OFFSET else: temp_node_id_payload_dict[ child_task_nodeid] = each_child_payload # new flow if (child_task_nodeid != task_mapped_nodeid): nextid = self.RM_instance.flow_table.nextid route = self.RM_instance.interconnect.getRouteXY( task_mapped_nodeid, child_task_nodeid) priority = each_task.get_priority() + ( self.RM_instance.flow_priority_offset + 100) + nextid payload = flow_payload basicLatency = self.RM_instance.interconnect.getRouteCostXY( task_mapped_nodeid, child_task_nodeid, payload) payload_metadata = { 'child_id': each_child_id, 'each_child_payload': each_child_payload, } endTime_wrt_BL = releaseTime + basicLatency newflow = NoCFlow( nextid, each_task, each_task.get_id(), [each_child_id], None, #self._get_tixs_from_tids(temp_destinations_dict[child_task_nodeid], child_tasks_id_ix_rel), task_mapped_nodeid, child_task_nodeid, route, priority, None, basicLatency, payload, endTime_wrt_BL, type=FlowType.FLOWTYPE_DATA_HEVC, payload_metadata=payload_metadata) # add to the flow table self.RM_instance.flow_table.addFlow( newflow, releaseTime, basicLatency) num_flows_added.append(newflow.get_id()) # update the table if (len(num_flows_added) > 0): self.RM_instance.flow_table.updateTable( fire=True) # one update for many additions
def startNodeToMMCDataTransfer(self, finished_task, node): src_node_id = node.get_id() #dst_node_id = self.getClosestMMCPort(src_node_id) dst_node_id = self.getMMCPort_handler(finished_task.get_id(), node.get_id()) Debug.PPrint( "%f" % + "," + self.label + "," + 'startNodeToMMCDataTransfer:: after task finishes execution, : task=%s, %s->%s' % (str(finished_task.get_id()), str(src_node_id), str(dst_node_id)), DebugCat.DEBUG_CAT_MMCNODEDATATRANSFER) release_time = nextid = self.RMInstance.flow_table.nextid route = self.RMInstance.interconnect.getRouteXY( src_node_id, dst_node_id) #priority = SimParams.MMC_DATAWRITE_FLOW_PRIORITY + nextid if SimParams.SIM_ENTITY_MAPPER_CLASS == MapperTypes.OPENLOOP_WITH_HEVCTILE: # this changed for hevc tile experiments #priority = sys.maxint - (finished_task.get_priority() + (self.RMInstance.flow_priority_offset+100) + nextid) priority = finished_task.get_priority() + ( self.RMInstance.flow_priority_offset + 100) + nextid else: priority = finished_task.get_priority() + ( self.RMInstance.flow_priority_offset + 100) + nextid payload = finished_task.get_completedTaskSize() basic_latency = self.RMInstance.interconnect.getRouteCostXY( src_node_id, dst_node_id, payload) endTime_wrt_BL = release_time + basic_latency payload_metadata = { 'finished_task': finished_task, 'src_node': node, } newflow = NoCFlow( nextid, None, None, None, # list of dst task ids None, # list of dst task ixs src_node_id, dst_node_id, route, priority, None, basic_latency, payload, endTime_wrt_BL, type=FlowType.FLOWTYPE_MMCTONODE_DATATRANSFER_WR, payload_metadata=payload_metadata, self.RMInstance.lock_RM_FLWtbl() # add to the flow table self.RMInstance.flow_table.addFlow(newflow, release_time, basic_latency) self.RMInstance.release_RM_FLWtbl() # update the table self.RMInstance.flow_table.updateTable(fire=True)
def get_properties_fixed_ccs_fixed_ccr_range(ccs_range, ccr_range, enable_print=True): random.seed(1234) result_data = [] n = 0 count = 0 result_ccr_list = [] while (n < len(ccr_range)): #cpu_exec_speed_ratio = random.choice(np.arange(cpu_exec_rat_min,cpu_exec_rat_max,(cpu_exec_rat_max-cpu_exec_rat_min)/10000)) #noc_period = random.choice(np.arange(noc_period_min,noc_period_max,(noc_period_max-noc_period_min)/10000)) cpu_exec_speed_ratio = 0.8 noc_period = random.uniform(noc_period_min, noc_period_max) list_mean_computation_cost = [] list_sum_computation_cost_all_tasks = [] list_mean_computation_cost_all_tasks = [] list_noc_flow_cc_all_edges = [] list_noc_flow_cc = [] list_ccr = [] list_ccs = [] for each_res in res_list: frame_h = each_res[0] frame_w = each_res[1] # computation cost (iframe_cc, pframe_cc, bframe_cc) = MPEG2FrameTask.getStaticComputationCost( frame_h, frame_w, cpu_exec_speed_ratio) mean_computation_cost = float(iframe_cc + pframe_cc + bframe_cc) / 3.0 sum_computation_cost_all_tasks = (iframe_cc * 1.0) + ( pframe_cc * 3.0) + (bframe_cc * 8.0) mean_computation_cost_all_tasks = (iframe_cc) + (pframe_cc) + ( bframe_cc) # communication cost max_hop_count = (SimParams.NOC_W - 1) + (SimParams.NOC_H - 1) payload = ((frame_h * frame_w) * 16) / 8 arb_cost = noc_period * 7 noc_flow_cc = NoCFlow.getCommunicationCost(payload, max_hop_count, noc_period, arb_cost) num_edges = 19 noc_flow_cc_all_edges = (noc_flow_cc * num_edges) # CCR : communication to computation #ccr = noc_flow_cc/mean_computation_cost ccr = (noc_flow_cc_all_edges / sum_computation_cost_all_tasks) # CCS : communication + computation (summation) #ccs = noc_flow_cc + mean_computation_cost ccs = (noc_flow_cc_all_edges + sum_computation_cost_all_tasks) list_mean_computation_cost.append(mean_computation_cost) list_noc_flow_cc.append(noc_flow_cc) list_sum_computation_cost_all_tasks.append( sum_computation_cost_all_tasks) list_mean_computation_cost_all_tasks.append( mean_computation_cost_all_tasks) list_noc_flow_cc_all_edges.append(noc_flow_cc_all_edges) list_ccr.append(ccr) list_ccs.append(ccs) if (((np.mean(list_ccs) >= float(ccs_range[0])) and (np.mean(list_ccs) <= float(ccs_range[1]))) and (round(np.mean(list_ccr), 3) not in result_ccr_list) and (round(np.mean(list_ccr), 3) in ccr_range)): entry = { 'cpu_exec_speed_ratio': cpu_exec_speed_ratio, 'noc_period': noc_period, 'mean_computation_cost': np.mean(list_mean_computation_cost), 'noc_flow_cc': np.mean(list_noc_flow_cc), 'ccr': np.mean(list_ccr), 'ccs': np.mean(list_ccs), } result_data.append(entry) result_ccr_list.append(round(np.mean(list_ccr), 3)) n += 1 print n, np.mean(list_ccr) count += 1 # print table of results if (enable_print == True): # sort new_result_data = sorted(result_data, key=lambda k: k['ccr']) _report_ccr(new_result_data) ## write data file output fname = 'ccr_list_output_' + str(ccr_range[0]) + "_" + str( ccr_range[-1]) + ".js" _write_formatted_file(fname, new_result_data, "json") return result_data
def _gen_ccr(result_ccr_list, ccs_range, ccr_range, param_res_list): #cpu_exec_speed_ratio = random.choice(np.arange(cpu_exec_rat_min,cpu_exec_rat_max,(cpu_exec_rat_max-cpu_exec_rat_min)/10000)) #noc_period = random.choice(np.arange(noc_period_min,noc_period_max,(noc_period_max-noc_period_min)/10000)) # global_noc_period_list.append(noc_period) # while(noc_period in global_noc_period_list): # global_noc_period_list.append(noc_period) # noc_period = random.choice(np.arange(noc_period_min,noc_period_max,(noc_period_max-noc_period_min)/1000000)) cpu_exec_speed_ratio = 0.8 noc_period = random.uniform(noc_period_min, noc_period_max) list_mean_computation_cost = [] list_sum_computation_cost_all_tasks = [] list_mean_computation_cost_all_tasks = [] list_noc_flow_cc_all_edges = [] list_noc_flow_cc = [] list_ccr = [] list_ccs = [] for each_res in param_res_list: frame_h = each_res[0] frame_w = each_res[1] # computation cost (iframe_cc, pframe_cc, bframe_cc) = MPEG2FrameTask.getStaticComputationCost( frame_h, frame_w, cpu_exec_speed_ratio) mean_computation_cost = float(iframe_cc + pframe_cc + bframe_cc) / 3.0 sum_computation_cost_all_tasks = (iframe_cc * 1.0) + ( pframe_cc * 3.0) + (bframe_cc * 8.0) mean_computation_cost_all_tasks = ( sum_computation_cost_all_tasks) / 12.0 # communication cost noc_w = np.sqrt(len(param_res_list) - 3) max_hop_count = (noc_w) + (noc_w) payload = ((frame_h * frame_w) * 16) / 8 arb_cost = noc_period * 7 noc_flow_cc = NoCFlow.getCommunicationCost(payload, max_hop_count, noc_period, arb_cost) num_edges = 19 noc_flow_cc_all_edges = (noc_flow_cc * num_edges) # CCR : communication to computation #ccr = noc_flow_cc/mean_computation_cost ccr = (noc_flow_cc_all_edges / sum_computation_cost_all_tasks) # CCS : communication + computation (summation) #ccs = noc_flow_cc + mean_computation_cost ccs = (noc_flow_cc_all_edges + sum_computation_cost_all_tasks) list_mean_computation_cost.append(mean_computation_cost) list_noc_flow_cc.append(noc_flow_cc) list_sum_computation_cost_all_tasks.append( sum_computation_cost_all_tasks) list_mean_computation_cost_all_tasks.append( mean_computation_cost_all_tasks) list_noc_flow_cc_all_edges.append(noc_flow_cc_all_edges) list_ccr.append(ccr) list_ccs.append(ccs) if (((np.mean(list_ccs) >= float(ccs_range[0])) and (np.mean(list_ccs) <= float(ccs_range[1]))) and (round(np.mean(list_ccr), 3) not in result_ccr_list) and (round(np.mean(list_ccr), 3) in ccr_range)): entry = { 'cpu_exec_speed_ratio': cpu_exec_speed_ratio, 'noc_period': noc_period, 'mean_computation_cost': np.mean(list_mean_computation_cost), 'noc_flow_cc': np.mean(list_noc_flow_cc), 'ccr': np.mean(list_ccr), 'ccs': np.mean(list_ccs), } return entry else: return None