Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):
        self._dsound = lib.IDirectSound()
        lib.DirectSoundCreate(None, ctypes.byref(self._dsound), None)

        # A trick used by mplayer.. use desktop as window handle since it
        # would be complex to use pyglet window handles (and what to do when
        # application is audio only?).
        hwnd = _user32.GetDesktopWindow()
        self._dsound.SetCooperativeLevel(hwnd, lib.DSSCL_NORMAL)

        # Create primary buffer with 3D and volume capabilities
        self._buffer = lib.IDirectSoundBuffer()
        dsbd = lib.DSBUFFERDESC()
        dsbd.dwSize = ctypes.sizeof(dsbd)
        dsbd.dwFlags = (lib.DSBCAPS_CTRL3D | lib.DSBCAPS_CTRLVOLUME
                        | lib.DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER)
        self._dsound.CreateSoundBuffer(dsbd, ctypes.byref(self._buffer), None)

        # Create listener
        self._listener = lib.IDirectSound3DListener()

        # Create worker thread
        self.worker = DirectSoundWorker()
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, source_group, player):
        super(DirectSoundAudioPlayer, self).__init__(source_group, player)

        # Locking strategy:
        # All DirectSound calls should be locked.  All instance vars relating
        # to buffering/filling/time/events should be locked (used by both
        # application and worker thread).  Other instance vars (consts and
        # 3d vars) do not need to be locked.
        self._lock = threading.RLock()

        # Desired play state (may be actually paused due to underrun -- not
        # implemented yet).
        self._playing = False

        # Up to one audio data may be buffered if too much data was received
        # from the source that could not be written immediately into the
        # buffer.  See refill().
        self._next_audio_data = None

        # Theoretical write and play cursors for an infinite buffer.  play
        # cursor is always <= write cursor (when equal, underrun is
        # happening).
        self._write_cursor = 0
        self._play_cursor = 0

        # Cursor position of end of data.  Silence is written after
        # eos for one buffer size.
        self._eos_cursor = None

        # Indexes into DSound circular buffer.  Complications ensue wrt each
        # other to avoid writing over the play cursor.  See get_write_size and
        # write().
        self._play_cursor_ring = 0
        self._write_cursor_ring = 0

        # List of (play_cursor, MediaEvent), in sort order
        self._events = []

        # List of (cursor, timestamp), in sort order (cursor gives expiry
        # place of the timestamp)
        self._timestamps = []

        audio_format = source_group.audio_format

        wfx = lib.WAVEFORMATEX()
        wfx.wFormatTag = lib.WAVE_FORMAT_PCM
        wfx.nChannels = audio_format.channels
        wfx.nSamplesPerSec = audio_format.sample_rate
        wfx.wBitsPerSample = audio_format.sample_size
        wfx.nBlockAlign = wfx.wBitsPerSample * wfx.nChannels // 8
        wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec = wfx.nSamplesPerSec * wfx.nBlockAlign

        dsbdesc = lib.DSBUFFERDESC()
        dsbdesc.dwSize = ctypes.sizeof(dsbdesc)
        dsbdesc.dwFlags = (lib.DSBCAPS_GLOBALFOCUS
                           | lib.DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2
                           | lib.DSBCAPS_CTRLFREQUENCY
                           | lib.DSBCAPS_CTRLVOLUME)
        if audio_format.channels == 1:
            dsbdesc.dwFlags |= lib.DSBCAPS_CTRL3D
        dsbdesc.dwBufferBytes = self._buffer_size
        dsbdesc.lpwfxFormat = ctypes.pointer(wfx)

        # DSound buffer
        self._buffer = lib.IDirectSoundBuffer()
        driver._dsound.CreateSoundBuffer(dsbdesc, ctypes.byref(self._buffer),

        if audio_format.channels == 1:
            self._buffer3d = lib.IDirectSound3DBuffer()
            self._buffer3d = None

