def __init__(self, rdf_node):
        global _node_json_number
        subj_str = str(rdf_node)

        entity_label, entity_graphic_class, entity_id = lib_naming.ParseEntityUri(
            subj_str, long_display=False, force_entity_ip_addr=None)

        self.m_label = entity_label.strip()
        self.m_class = entity_graphic_class

        array_graph_params = lib_patterns.TypeToGraphParams(self.m_class)

        # "Graphic_shape","Graphic_colorfill","Graphic_colorbg","Graphic_border","Graphic_is_rounded"
        self.m_color = array_graph_params[1]

        # TODO: Display the doc in the module with FromModuleToDoc(importedMod,filDfltText):
        self.m_info_list = [entity_graphic_class]
        self.m_info_dict = dict()
        self.m_index = _node_json_number

        the_survol_url = lib_util.survol_unescape(rdf_node)
        self.m_survol_url = the_survol_url
        self.m_survol_universal_alias = lib_exports.NodeToUniversalAlias(

        _node_json_number += 1  # One more node.
 def _custom_decode_hex(the_str):
     the_str = lib_util.survol_unescape(the_str)
     return the_str.replace("%25", "%").replace("%2F", "/").replace(
         "%5C", "\\").replace("%3A", ":")
def output_rdf_graph_as_json_d3(page_title, error_msg, parameters, grph):
    Transforms a RDF graph into a JSON document.

    This returns a graph made of Json objects which are suitable for visualisation in the Javascript
    interface to Survol, which is based on D3.

    # Must be reset to zero between several executions, when run by WSGI.
    global _node_json_number
    _node_json_number = 0

    # It contains a cache because the same nodes may appear several times.
    def node_to_json_obj(the_nod):
            return node_to_json_obj.dictNod2Json[the_nod]
        except KeyError:
            json_obj = NodeJson(the_nod)
            node_to_json_obj.dictNod2Json[the_nod] = json_obj
            return json_obj

    node_to_json_obj.dictNod2Json = dict()

    links = []
    for subj, pred, obj in grph:
        # This applies only to : In rendering based on Json, scripts are not displayed as nodes,
        # but in hierarchical menus. The node must not appear at all.

        # TODO: Should probably also eliminate pc.property_rdf_data_nolist2 etc ... See lib_client.
        if pred == pc.property_script:
            logging.debug("continue subj=%s obj=%s", subj, obj)

        # Normal data scripts are not accepted. This should apply only to and
        if not _script_for_json(subj):

        if not _script_for_json(obj):

        subj_obj = node_to_json_obj(subj)
        subj_id = subj_obj.m_survol_url

        prop_nam = lib_exports.PropToShortPropNam(pred)

        # TODO: BUG: If several nodes for the same properties, only the last one is kept.
        if lib_kbase.IsLink(obj):
            obj_obj = node_to_json_obj(obj)
            obj_id = obj_obj.m_survol_url
                'source': subj_id,
                'target': obj_id,
                'survol_link_prop': prop_nam

            # TODO: Add the name corresponding to the URL, in m_info_dict so that some elements
            # of the tooltip would be clickable. On the other hand, one just need to merge
            # the nodes relative to the object, by right-clicking.
        elif lib_kbase.IsLiteral(obj):
            if pred == pc.property_information:
                except UnicodeEncodeError:
                    # 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf3' in position 17: ordinal not in range(128)
                if isinstance(obj.value, six.integer_types) or isinstance(
                        obj.value, six.string_types):
                    subj_obj.m_info_dict[prop_nam] = obj.value
                    # If the value cannot be serializable to JSON.
                    subj_obj.m_info_dict[prop_nam] = type(obj.value).__name__
            raise Exception(__file__ + " Cannot happen here")

    # Now, this creates the nodes sent as json objects.
    num_nodes = len(node_to_json_obj.dictNod2Json)
    nodes = [None] * num_nodes
    for nod in node_to_json_obj.dictNod2Json:
        nod_obj = node_to_json_obj.dictNod2Json[nod]
        nod_titl = nod_obj.m_label
        nod_id = nod_obj.m_index

        # The URL must not contain any HTML entities when in a XML or SVG document,
        # and therefore must be escaped. Therefore they have to be unescaped when transmitted in JSON.
        # This is especially needed for RabbitMQ because the parameter defining its connection name
        # has the form: "Url=LOCALHOST:12345,Connection= ->"

        # HTTP_MIME_URL
        the_survol_nam = lib_util.survol_unescape(
            nod_titl)  # MUST UNESCAPE HTML ENTITIES !

        # TODO: Use the same object for lookup and Json.
        nodes[nod_id] = {
            'id': nod_obj.m_survol_url,  # Required by D3
            'name': the_survol_nam,
            # Theoretically, this URL should be HTML unescaped then CGI escaped.
            'survol_url': nod_obj.m_survol_url,  # Duplicate of 'id'
            'survol_universal_alias': nod_obj.m_survol_universal_alias,
            'survol_fill': nod_obj.m_color,
            'entity_class': nod_obj.
            m_class,  # TODO: Maybe not needed because also in the URL ?
            'survol_info_list': nod_obj.m_info_list,
            'survol_info_dict': nod_obj.m_info_dict

    # This is the graph displayed by D3.
    graph = {"page_title": page_title, "nodes": nodes, "links": links}

    _write_json_header(json.dumps(graph, indent=2))