def Main(): cgiEnv = lib_common.ScriptEnvironment(can_process_remote=True) cimom_url = cgiEnv.GetHost() grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph() # There is no consensus on the WBEM class for namespaces, # so we have ours which must be correctly mapped. namespace_class = "wbem_namespace" root_node = lib_util.EntityUri(namespace_class, "") try: conn_wbem = lib_wbem.WbemConnection(cimom_url) nsd = lib_wbem.EnumNamespacesCapabilities(conn_wbem) except Exception as exc: lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Namespaces from :" + cimom_url + " Caught:" + str(exc)) # TODO: We should draw a namespaces tree but more examples needed. for nskey in nsd: cnt = nsd[nskey] wbem_url = lib_wbem.NamespaceUrl(nskey, cimom_url) wbem_node = lib_common.NodeUrl(wbem_url) grph.add((root_node, pc.property_cim_subnamespace, wbem_node)) grph.add( (wbem_node, pc.property_information, lib_util.NodeLiteral(nskey))) grph.add( (wbem_node, pc.property_information, lib_util.NodeLiteral(cnt))) cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf("LAYOUT_RECT")
def Main(): # TODO: can_process_remote should be suppressed because it duplicates CanProcessRemote cgiEnv = lib_common.CgiEnv(can_process_remote=True) pid = int(cgiEnv.GetId()) machine_name = cgiEnv.GetHost() grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph() cimom_url = lib_wbem.HostnameToWbemServer(machine_name) DEBUG( " currentHostname=%s pid=%d machine_name=%s cimom_url=%s", lib_util.currentHostname, pid, machine_name, cimom_url) conn_wbem = lib_wbem.WbemConnection(cimom_url) name_space = "root/cimv2" try: inst_lists = conn_wbem.ExecQuery( "WQL", 'select * from CIM_Process where Handle="%s"' % pid, name_space) except: lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Error:" + str(sys.exc_info())) class_name = "CIM_Process" dict_props = {"Handle": pid} root_node = lib_util.EntityClassNode(class_name, name_space, cimom_url, "WBEM") # There should be only one object, hopefully. for an_inst in inst_lists: dict_inst = dict(an_inst) host_only = lib_util.EntHostToIp(cimom_url) if lib_util.IsLocalAddress(host_only): uri_inst = lib_common.gUriGen.UriMakeFromDict( class_name, dict_props) else: uri_inst = lib_common.RemoteBox(host_only).UriMakeFromDict( class_name, dict_props) grph.add((root_node, lib_common.MakeProp(class_name), uri_inst)) url_namespace = lib_wbem.NamespaceUrl(name_space, cimom_url, class_name) nod_namespace = lib_common.NodeUrl(url_namespace) grph.add((root_node, pc.property_cim_subnamespace, nod_namespace)) # None properties are not printed. for iname_key in dict_inst: iname_val = dict_inst[iname_key] # TODO: If this is a reference, create a Node !!!!!!! if not iname_val is None: grph.add((uri_inst, lib_common.MakeProp(iname_key), lib_common.NodeLiteral(iname_val))) # TODO: Call the method Associators(). Idem References(). cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf()
def _create_wbem_node(grph, root_node, entity_host, name_space, class_name, entity_id): wbem_namespace = name_space.replace("\\", "/") wbem_servers_desc_list = lib_wbem.GetWbemUrls(entity_host, wbem_namespace, class_name, entity_id) # If there are no servers. pair_name_node = None for url_server in wbem_servers_desc_list: wbem_node = lib_common.NodeUrl(url_server[0]) grph.add((root_node, pc.property_wbem_data, wbem_node)) wbemHostNode = lib_uris.gUriGen.HostnameUri(url_server[1]) grph.add((wbem_node, pc.property_host, wbemHostNode)) # TODO: Add a Yawn server ?? grph.add((wbem_node, pc.property_wbem_server, lib_util.NodeLiteral(url_server[1]))) # Now adds the description of the class. try: conn_wbem = lib_wbem.WbemConnection(entity_host) except Exception as exc: logging.error("WbemConnection throw:%s" % str(exc)) continue kla_descrip = lib_wbem.WbemClassDescription(conn_wbem, class_name, wbem_namespace) ok_wbem_class = True if not kla_descrip: ok_wbem_class = False kla_descrip = "Undefined class %s %s" % (wbem_namespace, class_name) grph.add((wbem_node, pc.property_information, lib_util.NodeLiteral(kla_descrip))) # Maybe this class is not Known in WBEM. try: pair_name_node = _wbem_add_all_base_classes( grph, conn_wbem, wbem_node, entity_host, name_space, class_name) except: pair_name_node = None if ok_wbem_class and wbem_ok and name_space != "" and entity_host != "": namespace_url = lib_wbem.NamespaceUrl(name_space, entity_host, class_name) namespace_node = lib_common.NodeUrl(namespace_url) grph.add((wbem_node, pc.property_information, namespace_node)) # TODO: This is a bit absurd because we return just one list. return pair_name_node
def CreateWbemNode(grph, rootNode, entity_host, nameSpace, className, entity_id): wbemNamespace = nameSpace.replace("\\", "/") wbem_servers_desc_list = lib_wbem.GetWbemUrls(entity_host, wbemNamespace, className, entity_id) # If there are no servers. pairNameNode = None for url_server in wbem_servers_desc_list: wbemNode = lib_common.NodeUrl(url_server[0]) grph.add((rootNode, pc.property_wbem_data, wbemNode)) # Le naming est idiot: "rchateau-HP at localhost" wbemHostNode = lib_common.gUriGen.HostnameUri(url_server[1]) grph.add((wbemNode, pc.property_host, wbemHostNode)) # TODO: Add a Yawn server ?? grph.add((wbemNode, pc.property_wbem_server, lib_common.NodeLiteral(url_server[1]))) # Now adds the description of the class. connWbem = lib_wbem.WbemConnection(entity_host) klaDescrip = lib_wbem.WbemClassDescription(connWbem, className, wbemNamespace) okWbemClass = True if not klaDescrip: okWbemClass = False klaDescrip = "Undefined class %s %s" % (wbemNamespace, className) grph.add((wbemNode, pc.property_information, lib_common.NodeLiteral(klaDescrip))) # Maybe this class is not Known in WBEM. try: pairNameNode = WbemAddBaseClasses(grph, connWbem, wbemNode, entity_host, nameSpace, className) except: pairNameNode = None if okWbemClass and wbemOk and nameSpace != "" and entity_host != "": namespaceUrl = lib_wbem.NamespaceUrl(nameSpace, entity_host, className) namespaceNode = lib_common.NodeUrl(namespaceUrl) grph.add((wbemNode, pc.property_information, namespaceNode)) # TODO: This is a bit absurd because we return just one list. return pairNameNode
def Main(): cgiEnv = lib_common.CgiEnv(can_process_remote=True) cimomUrl = cgiEnv.GetHost() grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph() # There is no consensus on the WBEM class for namespaces, # so we have ours which must be correctly mapped. namespace_class = "wbem_namespace" rootNode = lib_util.EntityUri(namespace_class, "") connWbem = lib_wbem.WbemConnection(cimomUrl) try: nsd = lib_wbem.EnumNamespacesCapabilities(connWbem) except Exception: exc = sys.exc_info()[1] lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Namespaces from :" + cimomUrl + " Caught:" + str(exc)) # TODO: We should draw a namespaces tree but more examples needed. for nskey in nsd: cnt = nsd[nskey] # Special case because it is not displayed like a normal entity. # Oui mais ca marche aussi avec wmi ? # Pourrait-on combiner namespace+classe ? entity_type="root/cim_v2/CIM_Process" ? # Si l'entity_type termine par un slash, donc c'est un namespace ? # Ca nous permettrait de creer des namespaces dans notre ontologie, # par exemple pour Oracle. Ce serait simplement un directory. # ATTENTION: Avoir la liste de nos entity_types sera moins immediat. wbemUrl = lib_wbem.NamespaceUrl(nskey, cimomUrl) wbemNode = lib_common.NodeUrl(wbemUrl) grph.add((rootNode, pc.property_cim_subnamespace, wbemNode)) grph.add( (wbemNode, pc.property_information, lib_common.NodeLiteral(nskey))) grph.add( (wbemNode, pc.property_information, lib_common.NodeLiteral(cnt))) cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf("LAYOUT_RECT")
def WbemNamespaceNode(wbemNamespace, cimomUrl, clsNam): wbemUrl = lib_wbem.NamespaceUrl(wbemNamespace, cimomUrl, clsNam) return lib_common.NodeUrl(wbemUrl)
def AddNamespaceLink(grph, root_node, name_space, cimom_url, class_name): url_namespace = lib_wbem.NamespaceUrl(name_space, cimom_url, class_name) nod_namespace = lib_common.NodeUrl(url_namespace) grph.add((root_node, pc.property_cim_subnamespace, nod_namespace))
def Main(): paramkeyMaxInstances = "Max instances" paramkeyStartIndex = "Start index" # This can process remote hosts because it does not call any script, just shows them. cgiEnv = lib_common.CgiEnv(can_process_remote=True, parameters={ paramkeyMaxInstances: 80, paramkeyStartIndex: 0 }) maxInstances = cgiEnv.get_parameters(paramkeyMaxInstances) startIndex = cgiEnv.get_parameters(paramkeyStartIndex) grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph() nameSpace, className = cgiEnv.get_namespace_type() DEBUG("nameSpace=%s className=%s", nameSpace, className) entity_host = cgiEnv.GetHost() rootNode = lib_util.EntityClassNode(className, nameSpace, entity_host, "WBEM") # Hard-coded default namespace. if nameSpace == "": nameSpace = "root/CIMV2" # This adds a link to the namespace of this WBEM class: It shows its inheritance graph. urlNamespace = lib_wbem.NamespaceUrl(nameSpace, entity_host, className) nodNamespace = lib_common.NodeUrl(urlNamespace) grph.add((rootNode, pc.property_cim_subnamespace, nodNamespace)) try: connWbem = lib_wbem.WbemConnection(entity_host) wbemKlass = connWbem.GetClass(className, namespace=nameSpace, LocalOnly=False, IncludeQualifiers=True) except Exception: exc = sys.exc_info()[1] lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("EnumerateInstanceNames: entity_host=" + entity_host + " nameSpace=" + nameSpace + " className=" + className + ". Caught:" + str(exc)) klaDescrip = lib_wbem.WbemClassDescrFromClass(wbemKlass) grph.add((rootNode, pc.property_information, lib_common.NodeLiteral("WBEM description: " + klaDescrip))) # Pour afficher du texte: Remplacer le help statique. # offset va etre un parametre. Helas ne pas se fairew d illusions sur "offset" # WBEM and WMI both have the annoying limitation that it is not possible to select only a range of instances. try: inst_names = connWbem.EnumerateInstanceNames(ClassName=className, namespace=nameSpace) except Exception: exc = sys.exc_info()[1] lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("EnumerateInstanceNames: entity_host=" + entity_host + " nameSpace=" + nameSpace + " className=" + className + ". Caught:" + str(exc)) try: isAssociation = wbemKlass.qualifiers['Association'].value except KeyError: isAssociation = False # It is possible to display an association like a normal class but it is useless. if isAssociation: if True: DisplayAssociatorsAsNetwork(grph, inst_names, rootNode, nameSpace, entity_host, maxInstances, startIndex) else: DisplayAssociatorsAsList(grph, inst_names, rootNode, nameSpace, entity_host, className, maxInstances, startIndex) else: DisplayPlainClass(grph, inst_names, rootNode, nameSpace, entity_host, className, maxInstances, startIndex) numInstances = len(inst_names) DEBUG("numInstances=%d startIndex=%d", numInstances, startIndex) # This displays one link on the same page, with specific values of these parameters. # The other parameters are not changed. # TODO, BEWARE: What is the total number of elements ? if startIndex + maxInstances < numInstances: cgiEnv.add_parameterized_links( "Next", {paramkeyStartIndex: startIndex + maxInstances}) if startIndex > 0: cgiEnv.add_parameterized_links( "Previous", {paramkeyStartIndex: max(startIndex - maxInstances, 0)}) # TODO: On pourrait rassembler par classes, # et aussi afficher les liens d'heritages des classes. # cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf() cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf("LAYOUT_RECT", [pc.property_class_instance])
def _wbem_namespace_node(wbem_namespace, cimom_url, cls_nam): wbemUrl = lib_wbem.NamespaceUrl(wbem_namespace, cimom_url, cls_nam) return lib_common.NodeUrl(wbemUrl)