def login(self, mail=None, passwd=None, cert=None, token=None, qr=False, callback=None): if callback is None: callback = def_callback resp = self.__validate(mail,passwd,cert,token,qr) if resp == 1: self.Talk.login(mail, passwd, callback=callback) elif resp == 2: self.Talk.login(mail,passwd,cert, callback=callback) elif resp == 3: self.Talk.TokenLogin(token) elif resp == 4: self.Talk.qrLogin(callback) else: raise Exception("invalid arguments") self.authToken = self.Talk.authToken self.cert = self.Talk.cert self._headers = { 'X-Line-Application': 'CHROMEOS\t1.4.17\tChrome_OS\t1', 'X-Line-Access': self.authToken, 'User-Agent': 'Line/1.4.17' } self.Poll = Poll(self.authToken) = channel.Channel(self.authToken) self.mid = self.channel_access_token = self.token = self.obs_token = self.refresh_token =
class LINE: mid = None authToken = None cert = None channel_access_token = None token = None obs_token = None refresh_token = None def __init__(self): self.Talk = Talk() self._session = requests.session() def login(self, mail=None, passwd=None, cert=None, token=None, qr=False, callback=None): if callback is None: callback = def_callback resp = self.__validate(mail,passwd,cert,token,qr) if resp == 1: self.Talk.login(mail, passwd, callback=callback) elif resp == 2: self.Talk.login(mail,passwd,cert, callback=callback) elif resp == 3: self.Talk.TokenLogin(token) elif resp == 4: self.Talk.qrLogin(callback) else: raise Exception("invalid arguments") self.authToken = self.Talk.authToken self.cert = self.Talk.cert self._headers = { 'X-Line-Application': 'CHROMEOS\t1.4.17\tChrome_OS\t1', 'X-Line-Access': self.authToken, 'User-Agent': 'Line/1.4.17' } self.Poll = Poll(self.authToken) = channel.Channel(self.authToken) self.mid = self.channel_access_token = self.token = self.obs_token = self.refresh_token = """User""" def getProfile(self): return self.Talk.client.getProfile() def getSettings(self): return self.Talk.client.getSettings() def getUserTicket(self): return self.Talk.client.getUserTicket() def updateProfile(self, profileObject): return self.Talk.client.updateProfile(0, profileObject) def updateSettings(self, settingObject): return self.Talk.client.updateSettings(0, settingObject) def cloneContactProfile(self, mid): contact = self.getContact(mid) profile = self.getProfile() profile.displayName = contact.displayName profile.statusMessage = contact.statusMessage profile.pictureStatus = contact.pictureStatus self.updateDisplayPicture(profile.pictureStatus) return self.updateProfile(profile) def updateDisplayPicture(self, hash_id): return self.Talk.client.updateProfileAttribute(0, 8, hash_id) """Operation""" def fetchOperation(self, revision, count): return self.Poll.client.fetchOperations(revision, count) def fetchOps(self, rev, count): return self.Poll.client.fetchOps(rev, count, 0, 0) def getLastOpRevision(self): return self.Talk.client.getLastOpRevision() def stream(self): return """Message""" def kedapkedip(self, tomid, text): M = Message() = tomid t1 = "\xf4\x80\xb0\x82\xf4\x80\xb0\x82\xf4\x80\xb0\x82\xf4\x80\xb0\x82" t2 = "\xf4\x80\x82\xb3\xf4\x8f\xbf\xbf" rst = t1 + text + t2 M.text = rst.replace("\n", " ") return self.Talk.client.sendMessage(0, M) def removeAllMessages(self, lastMessageId): return self.Talk.client.removeAllMessages(0,lastMessageId) def sendMessage(self, messageObject): return self.Talk.client.sendMessage(0,messageObject) def sendText(self, Tomid, text): msg = Message() = Tomid msg.text = text return self.Talk.client.sendMessage(0, msg) def post_content(self, url, data=None, files=None): return, headers=self._headers, data=data, files=files) def sendImage(self, to_, path): M = Message(to=to_, text=None, contentType = 1) M.contentMetadata = None M.contentPreview = None M_id = self.Talk.client.sendMessage(0,M).id files = { 'file': open(path, 'rb'), } params = { 'name': 'media', 'oid': M_id, 'size': len(open(path, 'rb').read()), 'type': 'image', 'ver': '1.0', } data = { 'params': json.dumps(params) } r = self.post_content('', data=data, files=files) print r if r.status_code != 201: raise Exception('Upload image failure.') return True def sendImageWithURL(self, to_, url): """Send a image with given image url :param url: image url to send """ path = '' r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: with open(path, 'w') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) else: raise Exception('Download image failure.') try: self.sendImage(to_, path) except Exception as e: raise e def sendAudioWithURL(self, to_, url): path = '' r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: with open(path, 'w') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) else: raise Exception('Download Audio failure.') try: self.sendAudio(to_, path) except Exception as e: raise e def sendAudio(self, to_, path): M = Message(to=to_,contentType = 3) M.contentMetadata = None M.contentPreview = None M_id = self.Talk.client.sendMessage(0,M).id files = { 'file': open(path, 'rb'), } params = { 'name': 'media', 'oid': M_id, 'size': len(open(path, 'rb').read()), 'type': 'audio', 'ver': '1.0', } data = { 'params': json.dumps(params) } r = self.post_content('', data=data, files=files) if r.status_code != 201: raise Exception('Upload image failure.') return True def sendVideo(self, to_, path): M = Message(to=to_,contentType = 2) M.contentMetadata = { 'VIDLEN' : '0', 'DURATION' : '0' } M.contentPreview = None M_id = self.Talk.client.sendMessage(0,M).id files = { 'file': open(path, 'rb'), } params = { 'name': 'media', 'oid': M_id, 'size': len(open(path, 'rb').read()), 'type': 'video', 'ver': '1.0', } data = { 'params': json.dumps(params) } r = self.post_content('', data=data, files=files) if r.status_code != 201: raise Exception('Upload image failure.') return True def sendVideoWithURL(self, to_, url): path = '' r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: with open(path, 'w') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) else: raise Exception('Download Audio failure.') try: self.sendVideo(to_, path) except Exception as e: raise e def sendGif(self, to_, path): M = Message(to=to_,contentType = 1) M.contentMetadata = { 'VIDLEN' : '0', 'DURATION' : '0' } M.contentPreview = None M_id = self.Talk.client.sendMessage(0,M).id files = { 'file': open(path, 'rb'), } params = { 'name': 'media', 'oid': M_id, 'size': len(open(path, 'rb').read()), 'type': 'image', 'ver': '1.0', } data = { 'params': json.dumps(params) } r = self.post_content('', data=data, files=files) if r.status_code != 201: raise Exception('Upload Gif failure.') return True def sendGifWithURL(self, to_, url): path = '' r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: with open(path, 'w') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) else: raise Exception('Download Gif failure.') try: self.sendGif(to_, path) except Exception as e: raise e def sendEvent(self, messageObject): return self.Talk.client.sendEvent(0, messageObject) def sendChatChecked(self, mid, lastMessageId): return self.Talk.client.sendChatChecked(0, mid, lastMessageId) def getMessageBoxCompactWrapUp(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxCompactWrapUp(mid) def getMessageBoxCompactWrapUpList(self, start, messageBox): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxCompactWrapUpList(start, messageBox) def getRecentMessages(self, messageBox, count): return self.Talk.client.getRecentMessages(, count) def getMessageBox(self, channelId, messageboxId, lastMessagesCount): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBox(channelId, messageboxId, lastMessagesCount) def getMessageBoxList(self, channelId, lastMessagesCount): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxList(channelId, lastMessagesCount) def getMessageBoxListByStatus(self, channelId, lastMessagesCount, status): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxListByStatus(channelId, lastMessagesCount, status) def getMessageBoxWrapUp(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxWrapUp(mid) def getMessageBoxWrapUpList(self, start, messageBoxCount): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxWrapUpList(start, messageBoxCount) def getCover(self,mid): h = self.getHome(mid) objId = h["result"]["homeInfo"]["objectId"] return "" + mid+ "&oid=" + objId """Contact""" def blockContact(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.blockContact(0, mid) def unblockContact(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.unblockContact(0, mid) def findAndAddContactsByMid(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.findAndAddContactsByMid(0, mid) def findAndAddContactsByMids(self, midlist): for i in midlist: self.Talk.client.findAndAddContactsByMid(0, i) def findAndAddContactsByUserid(self, userid): return self.Talk.client.findAndAddContactsByUserid(0, userid) def findContactsByUserid(self, userid): return self.Talk.client.findContactByUserid(userid) def findContactByTicket(self, ticketId): return self.Talk.client.findContactByUserTicket(ticketId) def getAllContactIds(self): return self.Talk.client.getAllContactIds() def getBlockedContactIds(self): return self.Talk.client.getBlockedContactIds() def getContact(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.getContact(mid) def getContacts(self, midlist): return self.Talk.client.getContacts(midlist) def getFavoriteMids(self): return self.Talk.client.getFavoriteMids() def getHiddenContactMids(self): return self.Talk.client.getHiddenContactMids() def CloneContactProfile(self, mid): contact = self.getContact(mid) profile = self.getProfile() profile.displayName = contact.displayName profile.statusMessage = contact.statusMessage profile.pictureStatus = contact.pictureStatus self.updateDisplayPicture(profile.pictureStatus) return self.updateProfile(profile) def updateDisplayPicture(self, hash_id): return self.Talk.client.updateProfileAttribute(0, 8, hash_id) """Group""" def findGroupByTicket(self, ticketId): return self.Talk.client.findGroupByTicket(ticketId) def acceptGroupInvitation(self, groupId): return self.Talk.client.acceptGroupInvitation(0, groupId) def acceptGroupInvitationByTicket(self, groupId, ticketId): return self.Talk.client.acceptGroupInvitationByTicket(0, groupId, ticketId) def cancelGroupInvitation(self, groupId, contactIds): return self.Talk.client.cancelGroupInvitation(0, groupId, contactIds) def createGroup(self, name, midlist): return self.Talk.client.createGroup(0, name, midlist) def getGroup(self, groupId): return self.Talk.client.getGroup(groupId) def getGroups(self, groupIds): return self.Talk.client.getGroups(groupIds) def getGroupIdsInvited(self): return self.Talk.client.getGroupIdsInvited() def getGroupIdsJoined(self): return self.Talk.client.getGroupIdsJoined() def inviteIntoGroup(self, groupId, midlist): return self.Talk.client.inviteIntoGroup(0, groupId, midlist) def kickoutFromGroup(self, groupId, midlist): return self.Talk.client.kickoutFromGroup(0, groupId, midlist) def leaveGroup(self, groupId): return self.Talk.client.leaveGroup(0, groupId) def rejectGroupInvitation(self, groupId): return self.Talk.client.rejectGroupInvitation(0, groupId) def reissueGroupTicket(self, groupId): return self.Talk.client.reissueGroupTicket(groupId) def updateGroup(self, groupObject): return self.Talk.client.updateGroup(0, groupObject) def findGroupByTicket(self,ticketId): return self.Talk.client.findGroupByTicket(0,ticketId) """Room""" def createRoom(self, midlist): return self.Talk.client.createRoom(0, midlist) def getRoom(self, roomId): return self.Talk.client.getRoom(roomId) def inviteIntoRoom(self, roomId, midlist): return self.Talk.client.inviteIntoRoom(0, roomId, midlist) def leaveRoom(self, roomId): return self.Talk.client.leaveRoom(0, roomId) """TIMELINE""" def new_post(self, text): return def like(self, mid, postid, likeType=1001): return, postid, likeType) def comment(self, mid, postid, text): return, postid, text) def activity(self, limit=20): return def getAlbum(self, gid): return def changeAlbumName(self, gid, name, albumId): return, name, albumId) def deleteAlbum(self, gid, albumId): return,albumId) def getNote(self,gid, commentLimit, likeLimit): return, commentLimit, likeLimit) def getDetail(self,mid): return def getHome(self,mid): return def createAlbum(self, gid, name): return,name) def createAlbum2(self, gid, name, path): return, name, path, oid) def __validate(self, mail, passwd, cert, token, qr): if mail is not None and passwd is not None and cert is None: return 1 elif mail is not None and passwd is not None and cert is not None: return 2 elif token is not None: return 3 elif qr is True: return 4 else: return 5 def loginResult(self, callback=True): if callback is True: callback = def_callback prof = self.getProfile() print("===============[Vipro_Bot]================") print(" Thanks for TCR and my friend") print("===============[© By_Vipro]================") print("mid -> " + prof.mid) print("name -> " + prof.displayName) print("authToken -> " + self.authToken) print("cert -> " + self.cert if self.cert is not None else "")
class LINE: mid = None authToken = None cert = None channel_access_token = None token = None obs_token = None refresh_token = None def __init__(self): self.Talk = Talk() self._session = requests.session() def login(self, mail=None, passwd=None, cert=None, token=None, qr=False, callback=None): if callback is None: callback = def_callback resp = self.__validate(mail, passwd, cert, token, qr) if resp == 1: self.Talk.login(mail, passwd, callback=callback) elif resp == 2: self.Talk.login(mail, passwd, cert, callback=callback) elif resp == 3: self.Talk.TokenLogin(token) elif resp == 4: self.Talk.qrLogin(callback) else: raise Exception("invalid arguments") self.authToken = self.Talk.authToken self.cert = self.Talk.cert self._headers = { 'X-Line-Application': 'DESKTOPWIN\t5.\tWINDOWS_NT\t8.0', 'X-Line-Access': self.authToken, 'User-Agent': 'Line/' } self.Poll = Poll(self.authToken) = channel.Channel(self.authToken) self.mid = self.channel_access_token = self.token = self.obs_token = self.refresh_token = """User""" def getProfile(self): return self.Talk.client.getProfile() def getSettings(self): return self.Talk.client.getSettings() def getUserTicket(self): return self.Talk.client.getUserTicket() def updateProfile(self, profileObject): return self.Talk.client.updateProfile(0, profileObject) def updateSettings(self, settingObject): return self.Talk.client.updateSettings(0, settingObject) """Operation""" def fetchOperation(self, revision, count): return self.Poll.client.fetchOperations(revision, count) def fetchOps(self, rev, count): return self.Poll.client.fetchOps(rev, count, 0, 0) def getLastOpRevision(self): return self.Talk.client.getLastOpRevision() def stream(self): return """Message""" def sendMessage(self, messageObject): return self.Talk.client.sendMessage(0, messageObject) def sendText(self, Tomid, text): msg = Message() = Tomid msg.text = text return self.Talk.client.sendMessage(0, msg) def post_content(self, url, data=None, files=None): return, headers=self._headers, data=data, files=files) def sendImage(self, to_, path): M = Message(to=to_, text=None, contentType=1) M.contentMetadata = None M.contentPreview = None M_id = self.Talk.client.sendMessage(0, M).id files = { 'file': open(path, 'rb'), } params = { 'name': 'media', 'oid': M_id, 'size': len(open(path, 'rb').read()), 'type': 'image', 'ver': '1.0', } data = {'params': json.dumps(params)} r = self.post_content('', data=data, files=files) print r if r.status_code != 201: raise Exception('Upload image failure.') return True def sendImageWithURL(self, to_, url): """Send a image with given image url :param url: image url to send """ path = '' r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: with open(path, 'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) else: raise Exception('Download image failure.') try: self.sendImage(to_, path) except Exception as e: raise e def getCover(self, mid): h = self.getHome(mid) objId = h["result"]["homeInfo"]["objectId"] return "" + mid + "&oid=" + objId def sendVideo(self, to_, path): M = Message(to=to_, contentType=2) M.contentMetadata = {'VIDLEN': '60000', 'DURATION': '60000'} M.contentPreview = None M_id = self.Talk.client.sendMessage(0, M).id files = { 'file': open(path, 'rb'), } params = { 'name': 'media', 'oid': M_id, 'size': len(open(path, 'rb').read()), 'type': 'video', 'ver': '1.0', } data = {'params': json.dumps(params)} r = self.post_content('', data=data, files=files) if r.status_code != 201: raise Exception('Upload image failure.') return True def sendVideoWithURL(self, to_, url): path = '' r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: with open(path, 'w') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) else: raise Exception('Download Video failure.') try: self.sendVideo(to_, path) except Exception as e: raise e def sendAudio(self, to_, path): M = Message(to=to_, text=None, contentType=3) M.contentMetadata = None M.contentPreview = None M2 = self.Talk.client.sendMessage(0, M) M_id = files = { 'file': open(path, 'rb'), } params = { 'name': 'media', 'oid': M_id, 'size': len(open(path, 'rb').read()), 'type': 'audio', 'ver': '1.0', } data = {'params': json.dumps(params)} r = self.post_content('', data=data, files=files) if r.status_code != 201: raise Exception('Upload audio failure.') return True def sendAudioWithURL(self, to_, url): path = '%s/' % (tempfile.gettempdir(), randint(0, 9)) r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: with open(path, 'wb') as f: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) else: raise Exception('Download Audio failure.') try: self.sendAudio(to_, path) except Exception as e: print e def download_page(url): version = (3, 0) cur_version = sys.version_info if cur_version >= version: #If the Current Version of Python is 3.0 or above import urllib.request #urllib library for Extracting web pages try: headers = {} headers[ 'User-Agent'] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36" req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers) resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req) respData = str( return respData except Exception as e: print(str(e)) else: #If the Current Version of Python is 2.x import urllib2 try: headers = {} headers[ 'User-Agent'] = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.27 Safari/537.17" req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) page = return page except: return "Page Not found" #Finding 'Next Image' from the given raw page def _images_get_next_item(s): start_line = s.find('rg_di') if start_line == -1: #If no links are found then give an error! end_quote = 0 link = "no_links" return link, end_quote else: start_line = s.find('"class="rg_meta"') start_content = s.find('"ou"', start_line + 70) end_content = s.find(',"ow"', start_content - 70) content_raw = str(s[start_content + 6:end_content - 1]) return content_raw, end_content #Getting all links with the help of '_images_get_next_image' def _images_get_all_items(page): items = [] while True: item, end_content = _images_get_next_item(page) if item == "no_links": break else: items.append( item) #Append all the links in the list named 'Links' page = page[end_content:] return items def sendEvent(self, messageObject): return self._client.sendEvent(0, messageObject) def sendChatChecked(self, mid, lastMessageId): return self.Talk.client.sendChatChecked(0, mid, lastMessageId) def sendChatRemoved(self, mid, lastMessageId): return self.Talk.client.sendChatRemoved(0, mid, lastMessageId) def getMessageBoxCompactWrapUp(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxCompactWrapUp(mid) def getMessageBoxCompactWrapUpList(self, start, messageBox): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxCompactWrapUpList( start, messageBox) def getRecentMessages(self, messageBox, count): return self.Talk.client.getRecentMessages(, count) def getMessageBox(self, channelId, messageboxId, lastMessagesCount): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBox(channelId, messageboxId, lastMessagesCount) def getMessageBoxList(self, channelId, lastMessagesCount): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxList(channelId, lastMessagesCount) def getMessageBoxListByStatus(self, channelId, lastMessagesCount, status): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxListByStatus( channelId, lastMessagesCount, status) def getMessageBoxWrapUp(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxWrapUp(mid) def getMessageBoxWrapUpList(self, start, messageBoxCount): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxWrapUpList(start, messageBoxCount) """Contact""" def blockContact(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.blockContact(0, mid) def unblockContact(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.unblockContact(0, mid) def findAndAddContactsByMid(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.findAndAddContactsByMid(0, mid) def findAndAddContactsByMids(self, midlist): for i in midlist: self.Talk.client.findAndAddContactsByMid(0, i) def findAndAddContactsByUserid(self, userid): return self.Talk.client.findAndAddContactsByUserid(0, userid) def findContactsByUserid(self, userid): return self.Talk.client.findContactByUserid(userid) def findContactByTicket(self, ticketId): return self.Talk.client.findContactByUserTicket(ticketId) def getAllContactIds(self): return self.Talk.client.getAllContactIds() def getBlockedContactIds(self): return self.Talk.client.getBlockedContactIds() def getContact(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.getContact(mid) def getContacts(self, midlist): return self.Talk.client.getContacts(midlist) def getFavoriteMids(self): return self.Talk.client.getFavoriteMids() def getHiddenContactMids(self): return self.Talk.client.getHiddenContactMids() """Group""" def findGroupByTicket(self, ticketId): return self.Talk.client.findGroupByTicket(ticketId) def acceptGroupInvitation(self, groupId): return self.Talk.client.acceptGroupInvitation(0, groupId) def acceptGroupInvitationByTicket(self, groupId, ticketId): return self.Talk.client.acceptGroupInvitationByTicket( 0, groupId, ticketId) def cancelGroupInvitation(self, groupId, contactIds): return self.Talk.client.cancelGroupInvitation(0, groupId, contactIds) def createGroup(self, name, midlist): return self.Talk.client.createGroup(0, name, midlist) def getGroup(self, groupId): return self.Talk.client.getGroup(groupId) def getGroups(self, groupIds): return self.Talk.client.getGroups(groupIds) def getGroupIdsInvited(self): return self.Talk.client.getGroupIdsInvited() def getGroupIdsJoined(self): return self.Talk.client.getGroupIdsJoined() def inviteIntoGroup(self, groupId, midlist): return self.Talk.client.inviteIntoGroup(0, groupId, midlist) def kickoutFromGroup(self, groupId, midlist): return self.Talk.client.kickoutFromGroup(0, groupId, midlist) def leaveGroup(self, groupId): return self.Talk.client.leaveGroup(0, groupId) def rejectGroupInvitation(self, groupId): return self.Talk.client.rejectGroupInvitation(0, groupId) def reissueGroupTicket(self, groupId): return self.Talk.client.reissueGroupTicket(groupId) def updateGroup(self, groupObject): return self.Talk.client.updateGroup(0, groupObject) def findGroupByTicket(self, ticketId): return self.Talk.client.findGroupByTicket(0, ticketId) """Room""" def createRoom(self, midlist): return self.Talk.client.createRoom(0, midlist) def getRoom(self, roomId): return self.Talk.client.getRoom(roomId) def inviteIntoRoom(self, roomId, midlist): return self.Talk.client.inviteIntoRoom(0, roomId, midlist) def leaveRoom(self, roomId): return self.Talk.client.leaveRoom(0, roomId) """TIMELINE""" def new_post(self, text): return def like(self, mid, postid, likeType=1001): return, postid, likeType) def comment(self, mid, postid, text): return, postid, text) def activity(self, limit=20): return def getAlbum(self, gid): return def changeAlbumName(self, gid, name, albumId): return, name, albumId) def deleteAlbum(self, gid, albumId): return, albumId) def getNote(self, gid, commentLimit, likeLimit): return, commentLimit, likeLimit) def getDetail(self, mid): return def getHome(self, mid): return def createAlbum(self, gid, name): return, name) def createAlbum2(self, gid, name, path): return, name, path, oid) """Personalize""" def cloneContactProfile(self, mid): contact = self.getContact(mid) profile = self.getProfile() profile.displayName = contact.displayName profile.statusMessage = contact.statusMessage profile.pictureStatus = contact.pictureStatus self.updateDisplayPicture(profile.pictureStatus) return self.updateProfile(profile) def updateDisplayPicture(self, hash_id): return self.Talk.client.updateProfileAttribute(0, 8, hash_id) def __validate(self, mail, passwd, cert, token, qr): if mail is not None and passwd is not None and cert is None: return 1 elif mail is not None and passwd is not None and cert is not None: return 2 elif token is not None: return 3 elif qr is True: return 4 else: return 5 def loginResult(self, callback=None): if callback is None: callback = def_callback prof = self.getProfile() print("═════════[BOSSBOTS CREATOR]════════") print("════════[Justin Nixon Plummer]═══════") print("I F*****G LOVE TACOS") print("MIDNA: " + prof.mid) print("NGARANA: " + prof.displayName) print("TOKETNA: " + self.authToken)
class LINE: mid = None authToken = None cert = None channel_access_token = None token = None obs_token = None refresh_token = None def __init__(self): self.Talk = Talk() def login(self, mail=None, passwd=None, cert=None, token=None, qr=False, callback=None): if callback is None: callback = def_callback resp = self.__validate(mail, passwd, cert, token, qr) if resp == 1: self.Talk.login(mail, passwd, callback=callback) elif resp == 2: self.Talk.login(mail, passwd, cert, callback=callback) elif resp == 3: self.Talk.TokenLogin(token) elif resp == 4: self.Talk.qrLogin(callback) else: raise Exception("invalid arguments") self.authToken = self.Talk.authToken self.cert = self.Talk.cert self._headers = { 'X-Line-Application': 'IOSIPAD\t7.18.0\tiPhone OS\t11.12.1', 'X-Line-Access': self.authToken, 'User-Agent': 'Devpad/6.0' } self.Poll = Poll(self.authToken) = channel.Channel(self.authToken) self.mid = self.channel_access_token = self.token = self.obs_token = self.refresh_token = """User""" def getProfile(self): return self.Talk.client.getProfile() def getSettings(self): return self.Talk.client.getSettings() def getUserTicket(self): return self.Talk.client.getUserTicket() def updateProfile(self, profileObject): return self.Talk.client.updateProfile(0, profileObject) def updateSettings(self, settingObject): return self.Talk.client.updateSettings(0, settingObject) """Operation""" def fetchOperation(self, revision, count): return self.Poll.client.fetchOperations(revision, count) def fetchOps(self, rev, count): return self.Poll.client.fetchOps(rev, count, 0, 0) def getLastOpRevision(self): return self.Talk.client.getLastOpRevision() def stream(self): return """Message""" def sendMessage(self, messageObject): return self.Talk.client.sendMessage(0, messageObject) def sendText(self, Tomid, text): msg = Message() = Tomid msg.text = text return self.Talk.client.sendMessage(0, msg) def post_content(self, url, data=None, files=None): return, headers=self._headers, data=data, files=files) def sendImage(self, to_, path): M = Message(to=to_, text=None, contentType=1) M.contentMetadata = None M.contentPreview = None M_id = self.Talk.client.sendMessage(0, M).id files = { 'file': open(path, 'rb'), } params = { 'name': 'media', 'oid': M_id, 'size': len(open(path, 'rb').read()), 'type': 'image', 'ver': '1.0', } data = {'params': json.dumps(params)} r = self.post_content('', data=data, files=files) print r if r.status_code != 201: raise Exception('Upload image failure.') return True def sendImageWithURL(self, to_, url): """Send a image with given image url :param url: image url to send """ path = 'tmp/' r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: with open(path, 'w') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) else: raise Exception('Download image failure.') try: self.sendImage(to_, path) except Exception as e: raise e def sendEvent(self, messageObject): return self._client.sendEvent(0, messageObject) def sendChatChecked(self, mid, lastMessageId): return self.Talk.client.sendChatChecked(0, mid, lastMessageId) def getMessageBoxCompactWrapUp(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxCompactWrapUp(mid) def getMessageBoxCompactWrapUpList(self, start, messageBox): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxCompactWrapUpList( start, messageBox) def getRecentMessages(self, messageBox, count): return self.Talk.client.getRecentMessages(, count) def getMessageBox(self, channelId, messageboxId, lastMessagesCount): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBox(channelId, messageboxId, lastMessagesCount) def getMessageBoxList(self, channelId, lastMessagesCount): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxList(channelId, lastMessagesCount) def getMessageBoxListByStatus(self, channelId, lastMessagesCount, status): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxListByStatus( channelId, lastMessagesCount, status) def getMessageBoxWrapUp(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxWrapUp(mid) def getMessageBoxWrapUpList(self, start, messageBoxCount): return self.Talk.client.getMessageBoxWrapUpList(start, messageBoxCount) """Contact""" def blockContact(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.blockContact(0, mid) def unblockContact(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.unblockContact(0, mid) def findAndAddContactsByMid(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.findAndAddContactsByMid(0, mid) def findAndAddContactsByMids(self, midlist): for i in midlist: self.Talk.client.findAndAddContactsByMid(0, i) def findAndAddContactsByUserid(self, userid): return self.Talk.client.findAndAddContactsByUserid(0, userid) def findContactsByUserid(self, userid): return self.Talk.client.findContactByUserid(userid) def findContactByTicket(self, ticketId): return self.Talk.client.findContactByUserTicket(ticketId) def getAllContactIds(self): return self.Talk.client.getAllContactIds() def getBlockedContactIds(self): return self.Talk.client.getBlockedContactIds() def getContact(self, mid): return self.Talk.client.getContact(mid) def getContacts(self, midlist): return self.Talk.client.getContacts(midlist) def getFavoriteMids(self): return self.Talk.client.getFavoriteMids() def getHiddenContactMids(self): return self.Talk.client.getHiddenContactMids() """Group""" def findGroupByTicket(self, ticketId): return self.Talk.client.findGroupByTicket(ticketId) def acceptGroupInvitation(self, groupId): return self.Talk.client.acceptGroupInvitation(0, groupId) def acceptGroupInvitationByTicket(self, groupId, ticketId): return self.Talk.client.acceptGroupInvitationByTicket( 0, groupId, ticketId) def cancelGroupInvitation(self, groupId, contactIds): return self.Talk.client.cancelGroupInvitation(0, groupId, contactIds) def createGroup(self, name, midlist): return self.Talk.client.createGroup(0, name, midlist) def getGroup(self, groupId): return self.Talk.client.getGroup(groupId) def getGroups(self, groupIds): return self.Talk.client.getGroups(groupIds) def getGroupIdsInvited(self): return self.Talk.client.getGroupIdsInvited() def getGroupIdsJoined(self): return self.Talk.client.getGroupIdsJoined() def inviteIntoGroup(self, groupId, midlist): return self.Talk.client.inviteIntoGroup(0, groupId, midlist) def kickoutFromGroup(self, groupId, midlist): return self.Talk.client.kickoutFromGroup(0, groupId, midlist) def leaveGroup(self, groupId): return self.Talk.client.leaveGroup(0, groupId) def rejectGroupInvitation(self, groupId): return self.Talk.client.rejectGroupInvitation(0, groupId) def reissueGroupTicket(self, groupId): return self.Talk.client.reissueGroupTicket(groupId) def updateGroup(self, groupObject): return self.Talk.client.updateGroup(0, groupObject) def findGroupByTicket(self, ticketId): return self.Talk.client.findGroupByTicket(0, ticketId) """Room""" def createRoom(self, midlist): return self.Talk.client.createRoom(0, midlist) def getRoom(self, roomId): return self.Talk.client.getRoom(roomId) def inviteIntoRoom(self, roomId, midlist): return self.Talk.client.inviteIntoRoom(0, roomId, midlist) def leaveRoom(self, roomId): return self.Talk.client.leaveRoom(0, roomId) """TIMELINE""" def new_post(self, text): return def like(self, mid, postid, likeType=1001): return, postid, likeType) def comment(self, mid, postid, text): return, postid, text) def activity(self, limit=20): return def getAlbum(self, gid): return def changeAlbumName(self, gid, name, albumId): return, name, albumId) def deleteAlbum(self, gid, albumId): return, albumId) def getNote(self, gid, commentLimit, likeLimit): return, commentLimit, likeLimit) def getDetail(self, mid): return def getHome(self, mid): return def createAlbum(self, gid, name): return, name) def createAlbum2(self, gid, name, path): return, name, path, oid) def __validate(self, mail, passwd, cert, token, qr): if mail is not None and passwd is not None and cert is None: return 1 elif mail is not None and passwd is not None and cert is not None: return 2 elif token is not None: return 3 elif qr is True: return 4 else: return 5 def loginResult(self, callback=None): if callback is None: callback = def_callback prof = self.getProfile() print("MikanBOT") print("mid -> " + prof.mid) print("name -> " + prof.displayName) print("authToken -> " + self.authToken) print("cert -> " + self.cert if self.cert is not None else "")