""" main loop """
timestamp = None
    while commander == None or commander.is_alive():
        """ calculate time since last iteration """
        prev_timestamp = timestamp
        timestamp = time()
        time_delta = timestamp - prev_timestamp if prev_timestamp else 0
        """  get data """
        image = drone.wait_for_data(keep_alive = lambda: commander == None or commander.is_alive())
        if not image: # timeout
        simpledata = {}
        for var in SIMPLEDATA_VARS:
            simpledata[var] = drone.getFromNavdata(var)
        # transform vx and vy
        vnav = array([simpledata['vx'], simpledata['vy']])
        psi = simpledata['psi'] / 180.0 * pi
        R = matrix([
            [cos(psi), -sin(psi)],
            [sin(psi),  cos(psi)]
        v = matrix(vnav) * R.T
        simpledata['vx'], simpledata['vy'] = array(v)[0]
        # add v to pos-estimation
        x += simpledata['vx'] * time_delta # (conversion from mm/s to mm)
        y += simpledata['vy'] * time_delta
        z += simpledata['vz'] * time_delta
        simpledata['x'] = x
        simpledata['y'] = y
""" main loop """
timestamp = None
    while commander == None or commander.is_alive():
        """ calculate time since last iteration """
        prev_timestamp = timestamp
        timestamp = time()
        time_delta = timestamp - prev_timestamp if prev_timestamp else 0
        """  get data """
        image = drone.wait_for_data(
            keep_alive=lambda: commander == None or commander.is_alive())
        if not image:  # timeout
        simpledata = {}
        for var in SIMPLEDATA_VARS:
            simpledata[var] = drone.getFromNavdata(var)
        # transform vx and vy
        vnav = array([simpledata['vx'], simpledata['vy']])
        psi = simpledata['psi'] / 180.0 * pi
        R = matrix([[cos(psi), -sin(psi)], [sin(psi), cos(psi)]])
        v = matrix(vnav) * R.T
        simpledata['vx'], simpledata['vy'] = array(v)[0]
        # add v to pos-estimation
        x += simpledata['vx'] * time_delta  # (conversion from mm/s to mm)
        y += simpledata['vy'] * time_delta
        z += simpledata['vz'] * time_delta
        simpledata['x'] = x
        simpledata['y'] = y
        simpledata['z'] = z
        simpledata['timestamp'] = timestamp