Exemple #1
    def get_game(self,
        Gets info on a particular game or games.  game_ids can be either
        an integer id, a string id ("12345"), or an iterable of ids.

        game_ids:(str|int|list[int|str])    The id or ids to get info for
        comments:bool       Get user comments.  Can be paginated with
        comments_page:int   The page of comments to retrieve
        stats:bool          Retrieve game stats
        historical:bool     Include historical game stats
        historical_start:datetime.date      The start date for historical stats
        historical_end:datetime.date        The end date for historical stats
        marketplace:bool    Also return the marketplace information for the
        if isinstance(game_ids, (str, int)):
            game_ids = [int(game_ids)]
            game_ids = [int(gid) for gid in game_ids]

        d = {'stats': int(stats)}

        if comments:
            # Set the comments options
            d['comments'] = 1
            d['comments_page'] = comments_page

        if historical:
            # Set the historical options
            d['historical'] = 1

            if isinstance(historical_start, date):
                d['from'] = str(historical_start)
            elif historical_start is not None:
                raise InvalidInputError('"historical_start" must be of type '
                                        'datetime.date, not {}'.format(

            if isinstance(historical_end, date):
                d['to'] = str(historical_end)
            elif historical_end is not None:
                raise InvalidInputError('"historical_end" must be of type '
                                        'datetime.date, not {}'.format(

        # retrieve marketplace data if specified
        d['marketplace'] = int(marketplace)

        return self.call(
            'boardgame/{}'.format(','.join([str(gid) for gid in game_ids])), d)
Exemple #2
    def get_guilds(self, gid, members=False, sort='username', page=1):
        Gets the guild(s) for the given guild id(s).

        gid:int|list[int]   The guild id(s) to retrieve
        members:bool        Include the member roster in the results.
                            Default: False
        sort:str            How the results should be sorted when returned.
                            Default: username
        page:int            The page number to retrieve.  Page size is 25
        if isinstance(gid, (list, tuple)):
            gid = ','.join([str(i) for i in gid])

        if sort not in self.guild_sorts:
            raise InvalidInputError('Guild sort types must be one of '
                                    '{}'.format(', '.join(self.guild_sorts)))

        d = {
            'id': gid,
            'members': int(members),
            'sort': sort,
            'page': int(page),

        return self.call('guild', d)
Exemple #3
    def get_user(self,
        Get information about a user.

        username:str        The username to get the info about
        buddies:bool        Get buddies reports too. Default: False
        guilds:bool         Get guilds reports too. Default: False
        hot:bool            Include the user's hot 10 list. Default: False
        top:bool            Include the user's top 10 list. Default: False
        domain:str          Controls the domain for the user's hot/top 10
                            Default: boardgame
        page:int            The page of items to return.  Page size is 100
        if domain is not None and domain not in self.user_domains:
            raise InvalidInputError('User domain must be one of {}'.format(
                ', '.join(self.user_domains)))

        d = {
            'name': username,
            'buddies': int(buddies),
            'guilds': int(guilds),
            'hot': int(hot),
            'top': int(top),
            'domain': domain,
            'page': int(page),

        return self.call('user', d)
Exemple #4
    def get_plays(self,
        Gets the plays for a particular username, or game id and play type.
        The default play type is "thing" and you must specify either a 
        game id or a username.

        username:str        The BGG username to retrieve plays for
        gid:int             The ID of the game to get the plays for
        play_type:str       The type of item to retrieve. Default: thing
        min_date:str        The starting date for the plays to retrieve.
                            Should be in the form of YYYY-MM-DD
        max_date:str        The ending date for the plays to retrieve.
                            Should be in the form of YYYY-MM-DD
        subtype:str         The subtype to get plays for.  Default: boardgame
        page:int            The page to retrieve for this. Page size is 100
        if play_type not in self.play_types:
            raise InvalidInputError('play_type must be one of {}'.format(
                ', '.join(self.play_types)))

        if subtype not in self.play_subtypes:
            raise InvalidInputError('play_subtype must be one of {}'.format(
                ', '.join(self.play_subtypes)))

        if username is None and gid is None:
            raise InvalidInputError('You must specify either a username or '
                                    'a game id (gid)')

        d = {
            'username': username,
            'id': int(gid) if gid is not None else gid,
            'type': play_type,
            'mindate': min_date,
            'maxdate': max_date,
            'subtype': subtype,
            'page': int(page),

        return self.call('plays', d)
Exemple #5
    def get_hotness(self, hot_type='boardgame'):
        Gets the list of hot items by type.

        hot_type:str    Gets a list of hot items for the given type
        if hot_type not in self.hot_types:
            raise InvalidInputError('hot_type must be one of {}'.format(
                ', '.join(self.hot_types)))

        d = {'type': hot_type}

        return self.call('hot', d)
Exemple #6
    def get_thread_messages(self, thr_id, start=0, count=100, username=None):
        Gets messages from a forum/game thread.

        thr_id:int          The thread id
        start:int           The start article, increment this for pagination
        count:int           Number of messages to return, the default and
                            max are 100
        username:str        The username to filter for
        thr_id = int(thr_id)
        d = {'start': int(start), 'count': int(count)}
        if d['count'] > 100:
            raise InvalidInputError(f'The maximum value for "count" is 100, '
                                    f'and you requested {count}')
        if username is not None:
            d['username'] = username
        return self.call(f'thread/{thr_id}', d)
Exemple #7
    def get_forum_lists(self, fid, ftype='thing'):
        Get a list of forums for a particular type.

        fid:int     Specifies the id of the type of database entry you want
                    the forum list for. This is the id that appears in the
                    address of the page when visiting a particular game in
                    the database.
        ftype:str   The forum list type. Default: thing
        if ftype not in self.forum_list_types:
            raise InvalidInputError('Forum type must be either "thing" or '
        d = {
            'id': int(fid),
            'type': ftype,

        return self.call('forumlist', d)
Exemple #8
    def search(self, search_str, qtype='boardgame', exact=False):
        Search for board games by string.  If exact is true, only exact
        matches will be returned
        search_str:str          The string to search for
        qtype:str|list[str]     One of the "things"
        exact:bool              Match the string exactly
        if not isinstance(qtype, (list, tuple)):
            qtype = [qtype]

        invalid_types = set(qtype) - set(self.search_types)
        if invalid_types:
            raise InvalidInputError(f'The qtypes must be one of {self.search_types}, '
                                    f'invalid item(s) submitted: ({", ".join(invalid_types)})')

        d = {'query': search_str, 'type': ','.join(qtype),
             'exact': int(exact)}
        return self.call('search', d)