Exemple #1
    def test_ids(self):
        from libcellml import Annotator, Parser

        annotator = Annotator()
        parser = Parser()

        model = parser.parseModel(file_contents("annotator/unique_ids.cellml"))

        self.assertEqual(24, len(annotator.ids()))
    #  end 3.f
    #  The Unit item is an object it has methods. **TODO**
    #      - units() to retreive the units the unit belongs to, and
    #      - index() to retreive the index of this Unit within the parent.

    print('   STEP 4: See who else is lurking in this pool           ')

    #  Now that we've found Marco and fixed the duplicates of Polo, we'd like to know
    #  what other ids are being used in this model.
    #  4.a
    #      Use the Annotator.ids function to return a vector of id strings used in the model, and
    #      print them to the terminal.
    print('The id strings used in the model are:')
    ids = annotator.ids()
    for id in ids:
        print('  - "{}"'.format(id))

    #  end 4.a
    #  The hex strings printed are those which have been automatically generated by the assignId
    #  function we can also see the 'marco' and 'polo' ids as expected.

    #  4.b
    #      Use the duplicateIds function to return a vector of those ids which have been duplicated in
    #      the model, and print them to the terminal.
    print('Duplicated id strings are:')
    duplicated_ids = annotator.duplicateIds()
    for id in duplicated_ids:
        print('  - "{}" occurs {} times'.format(id, annotator.itemCount(id)))