def _ex_create_subnet(self, cidr, network_name, name): """ Create a subnet """ data = { "properties": { "addressPrefix": cidr } } subscription = self.provider.connection.subscription_id resource_group = self.resource_group action = f"/subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/" \ f"{resource_group}/providers/" \ f"Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/" \ f"{network_name}/subnets/{name}" r = self.provider.connection.request( action, params=self.api_version, method="PUT", data=data ) return AzureSubnet( id=r.object["id"], name=r.object["name"], extra=r.object["properties"] )
def _ex_create_subnet(self, cidr, network_name, name): """ Create a subnet """ data = { "properties": { "addressPrefix": cidr } } action = "/subscriptions/%s/resourceGroups/%s/providers/" \ "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/%s/subnets/%s" \ % (self.provider.connection.subscription_id, self.resource_group, network_name, name) r = self.provider.connection.request( action, params={"api-version": "2018-08-01"}, method="PUT", data=data ) return AzureSubnet( id=r.object["id"], name=r.object["name"], extra=r.object["properties"] )
def ex_create_subnet(self, resource_group, cidr_block, network_name, name=None): data = {"properties": {"addressPrefix": cidr_block}} action = "/subscriptions/%s/resourceGroups/%s/providers/" \ "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/%s/subnets/%s" \ % (self.connection.subscription_id, resource_group, network_name, name) r = self.connection.request(action, params={"api-version": "2017-03-01"}, method="PUT", data=data) return AzureSubnet(r.object["id"], r.object["name"], r.object["properties"])
def create_node(self, name, size, image, auth, ex_resource_group, ex_storage_account, ex_blob_container="vhds", location=None, ex_user_name="azureuser", ex_network=None, ex_subnet=None, ex_nic=None, ex_tags={}, ex_customdata=""): """Create a new node instance. This instance will be started automatically. This driver supports the ``ssh_key`` feature flag for ``created_node`` so you can upload a public key into the new instance:: >>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.azure_arm import AzureNodeDriver >>> driver = AzureNodeDriver(...) >>> auth = NodeAuthSSHKey('pubkey data here') >>> node = driver.create_node("test_node", auth=auth) This driver also supports the ``password`` feature flag for ``create_node`` so you can set a password:: >>> driver = AzureNodeDriver(...) >>> auth = NodeAuthPassword('mysecretpassword') >>> node = driver.create_node("test_node", auth=auth, ...) If you don't provide the ``auth`` argument libcloud will assign a password:: >>> driver = AzureNodeDriver(...) >>> node = driver.create_node("test_node", ...) >>> password = node.extra["properties"] \ ["osProfile"]["adminPassword"] :param name: String with a name for this new node (required) :type name: ``str`` :param size: The size of resources allocated to this node. (required) :type size: :class:`.NodeSize` :param image: OS Image to boot on node. (required) :type image: :class:`.AzureImage` :param location: Which data center to create a node in. (if None, use default location specified as 'region' in __init__) :type location: :class:`.NodeLocation` :param auth: Initial authentication information for the node (optional) :type auth: :class:`.NodeAuthSSHKey` or :class:`NodeAuthPassword` :param ex_resource_group: The resource group in which to create the node :type ex_resource_group: ``str`` :param ex_storage_account: The storage account id in which to store the node's disk image. Note: when booting from a user image (AzureVhdImage) the source image and the node image must use the same storage account. :type ex_storage_account: ``str`` :param ex_blob_container: The name of the blob container on the storage account in which to store the node's disk image (optional, default "vhds") :type ex_blob_container: ``str`` :param ex_user_name: User name for the initial admin user (optional, default "azureuser") :type ex_user_name: ``str`` :param ex_network: The virtual network the node will be attached to. Must provide either `ex_network` (to create a default NIC for the node on the given network) or `ex_nic` (to supply the NIC explicitly). :type ex_network: ``str`` :param ex_subnet: If ex_network is provided, the subnet of the virtual network the node will be attached to. Optional, default is the "default" subnet. :type ex_subnet: ``str`` :param ex_nic: A virtual NIC to attach to this Node, from `ex_create_network_interface` or `ex_get_nic`. Must provide either `ex_nic` (to supply the NIC explicitly) or ex_network (to create a default NIC for the node on the given network). :type ex_nic: :class:`AzureNic` :param ex_tags: Optional tags to associate with this node. :type ex_tags: ``dict`` :param ex_customdata: Custom data that will be placed in the file /var/lib/waagent/CustomData \ articles/virtual-machines-how-to-inject-custom-data/ :type ex_customdata: ``str`` :return: The newly created node. :rtype: :class:`.Node` """ if location is None: location = self.default_location if ex_nic is None: if ex_network is None: raise ValueError("Must provide either ex_network or ex_nic") if ex_subnet is None: ex_subnet = "default" subnet_id = "/subscriptions/%s/resourceGroups/%s/providers" \ "/Microsoft.Network/virtualnetworks/%s/subnets/%s" % \ (self.subscription_id, ex_resource_group, ex_network, ex_subnet) subnet = AzureSubnet(subnet_id, ex_subnet, {}) ex_nic = self.ex_create_network_interface(name + "-nic", subnet, ex_resource_group, location) auth = self._get_and_check_auth(auth) target = "/subscriptions/%s/resourceGroups/%s/providers" \ "/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/%s" % \ (self.subscription_id, ex_resource_group, name) instance_vhd = "" \ "/%s/%s-os.vhd" \ % (ex_storage_account, ex_blob_container, name ) if isinstance(image, AzureVhdImage): storageProfile = { "osDisk": { "name": "virtualmachine-osDisk", "osType": "linux", "caching": "ReadWrite", "createOption": "FromImage", "image": { "uri": }, "vhd": { "uri": instance_vhd } } } elif isinstance(image, AzureImage): storageProfile = { "imageReference": { "publisher": image.publisher, "offer": image.offer, "sku": image.sku, "version": image.version }, "osDisk": { "name": "virtualmachine-osDisk", "vhd": { "uri": instance_vhd }, "caching": "ReadWrite", "createOption": "FromImage" } } else: raise LibcloudError( "Unknown image type %s," "expected one of AzureImage, AzureVhdImage", type(image)) data = { "id": target, "name": name, "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines", "location":, "tags": ex_tags, "properties": { "hardwareProfile": { "vmSize": }, "storageProfile": storageProfile, "osProfile": { "computerName": name }, "networkProfile": { "networkInterfaces": [ { "id": } ] } } } if ex_customdata: data["properties"]["osProfile"]["customData"] = \ base64.b64encode(ex_customdata) data["properties"]["osProfile"]["adminUsername"] = ex_user_name if isinstance(auth, NodeAuthSSHKey): data["properties"]["osProfile"]["adminPassword"] = \ binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(20)).decode("utf-8") data["properties"]["osProfile"]["linuxConfiguration"] = { "disablePasswordAuthentication": "true", "ssh": { "publicKeys": [ { "path": '/home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys' % ( ex_user_name), "keyData": auth.pubkey } ] } } elif isinstance(auth, NodeAuthPassword): data["properties"]["osProfile"]["linuxConfiguration"] = { "disablePasswordAuthentication": "false" } data["properties"]["osProfile"]["adminPassword"] = auth.password else: raise ValueError( "Must provide NodeAuthSSHKey or NodeAuthPassword in auth") r = self.connection.request(target, params={"api-version": "2015-06-15"}, data=data, method="PUT") while r.object is None: time.sleep(1) node = self._to_node(r.object) node.size = size node.image = image return node