def _parse_empty_line(
    config: BaseWhitespaceParserConfig,
    state: State,
    override_absolute_indent: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Optional[EmptyLine]:
    # begin speculative parsing
    speculative_state = State(state.line, state.column, state.absolute_indent,
        indent = _parse_indent(
    except Exception:
        # We aren't on a new line, speculative parsing failed
        return None
    whitespace = parse_simple_whitespace(config, speculative_state)
    comment = _parse_comment(config, speculative_state)
    newline = _parse_newline(config, speculative_state)
    if newline is None:
        # speculative parsing failed
        return None
    # speculative parsing succeeded
    state.line = speculative_state.line
    state.column = speculative_state.column
    # don't need to copy absolute_indent/is_parenthesized because they don't change.
    return EmptyLine(indent, whitespace, comment, newline)
def parse_empty_lines(
    config: BaseWhitespaceParserConfig,
    state: State,
    override_absolute_indent: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Sequence[EmptyLine]:
    # If override_absolute_indent is true, then we need to parse all lines up
    # to and including the last line that is indented at our level. These all
    # belong to the footer and not to the next line's leading_lines. All lines
    # that have indent=False and come after the last line where indent=True
    # do not belong to this node.
    state_for_line = State(state.line, state.column, state.absolute_indent,
    lines: List[Tuple[State, EmptyLine]] = []
    while True:
        el = _parse_empty_line(
        if el is None:

        # Store the updated state with the element we parsed. Then make a new state
        # clone for the next element.
        lines.append((state_for_line, el))
        state_for_line = State(

    if override_absolute_indent is not None:
        # We need to find the last element that is indented, and then split the list
        # at that point.
        for i in range(len(lines) - 1, -1, -1):
            if lines[i][1].indent:
                lines = lines[:(i + 1)]
            # We didn't find any lines, throw them all away
            lines = []

    if lines:
        # Update the state line and column to match the last line actually parsed.
        final_state: State = lines[-1][0]
        state.line = final_state.line
        state.column = final_state.column
    return [r[1] for r in lines]
def _parse_trailing_whitespace(config: BaseWhitespaceParserConfig,
                               state: State) -> Optional[TrailingWhitespace]:
    # Begin speculative parsing
    speculative_state = State(state.line, state.column, state.absolute_indent,
    whitespace = parse_simple_whitespace(config, speculative_state)
    comment = _parse_comment(config, speculative_state)
    newline = _parse_newline(config, speculative_state)
    if newline is None:
        # Speculative parsing failed
        return None
    # Speculative parsing succeeded
    state.line = speculative_state.line
    state.column = speculative_state.column
    # don't need to copy absolute_indent/is_parenthesized because they don't change.
    return TrailingWhitespace(whitespace, comment, newline)
def parse_simple_whitespace(config: BaseWhitespaceParserConfig,
                            state: State) -> SimpleWhitespace:
    # The match never fails because the pattern can match an empty string
    lines = config.lines
    # pyre-fixme[16]: Optional type has no attribute `group`.
    ws_line = SIMPLE_WHITESPACE_RE.match(lines[state.line - 1],
    ws_line_list = [ws_line]
    while "\\" in ws_line:
        # continuation character
        state.line += 1
        state.column = 0
        # pyre-fixme[16]: Optional type has no attribute `group`.
        ws_line = SIMPLE_WHITESPACE_RE.match(lines[state.line - 1],

    # TODO: we could special-case the common case where there's no continuation
    # character to avoid list construction and joining.

    # once we've finished collecting continuation characters
    state.column += len(ws_line)
    return SimpleWhitespace("".join(ws_line_list))
def _parse_newline(config: BaseWhitespaceParserConfig,
                   state: State) -> Optional[Newline]:
    # begin speculative parsing
    line_str = config.lines[state.line - 1]
    newline_match = NEWLINE_RE.match(line_str, state.column)
    if newline_match is not None:
        # speculative parsing succeeded
        newline_str =
        state.column += len(newline_str)
        if state.column != len(line_str):
            raise Exception(
                "Internal Error: Found a newline, but it wasn't the EOL.")
        if state.line < len(config.lines):
            # this newline was the end of a line, and there's another line,
            # therefore we should move to the next line
            state.line += 1
            state.column = 0
        if newline_str == config.default_newline:
            # Just inherit it from the Module instead of explicitly setting it.
            return Newline()
            return Newline(newline_str)
    else:  # no newline was found, speculative parsing failed
        return None