def cdtw(query, subject, window, squared=True): """constrained Euclidean-flavoured DTW """ return ldtw.dist_cdtw(ldtw.TimeSeries(query), ldtw.TimeSeries(subject), window, squared)
# calculate envelope with window length w w = 50 dtw.lb_envelope(Q, w, L, U) # plot the envelope for the query pl.plot(Q) pl.plot(L) pl.plot(U) # generate a sine wave as subject S = dtw.TimeSeries(np.sin(T)) # mode (Euclidean flavoured: True, Manhatten flavoured: False) mode = True # calculate lower bounds and associated constrained DTW measure print "lb_Keogh on query", \ dtw.lb_keogh_onQuery(Q, S, w, mode), \ dtw.lb_keogh_onEnvelope(S, L, U, w, mode) # now on subject dtw.lb_envelope(S, w, L, U) print "lb_Keogh on subject", \ dtw.lb_keogh_onSubject(Q, S, w, mode), \ dtw.lb_keogh_onEnvelope(Q, L, U, w, mode) # the constrained DTW measure print "constrained DTW", \ dtw.dist_cdtw(Q, S, w, mode)