Exemple #1
    def run_export(self):

        url = self.NodeDataUrl.value
        url_path = url.split('://')[1]
        hostname, api, node, uuid, dataname = url_path.split('/')
        assert api == 'api'
        assert node == 'node'
        axiskeys = self.Input.meta.getAxisKeys()
        shape = self.Input.meta.shape
        if self._transpose_axes:
            axiskeys = reversed(axiskeys)
            shape = tuple(reversed(shape))
        axiskeys = "".join( axiskeys )

        if self.OffsetCoord.ready():
            offset_start = self.OffsetCoord.value
            offset_start = (0,) * len( self.Input.meta.shape )

        # Get the dataset details
            metadata = VoxelsAccessor.get_metadata(hostname, uuid, dataname)
        except VoxelsAccessor.BadRequestError as ex:
            # Dataset doesn't exist yet.  Let's create it.
            metadata = VoxelsMetadata.create_default_metadata( shape, 
                                                               "" )
            VoxelsAccessor.create_new(hostname, uuid, dataname, metadata)

        # Since this class is generally used to push large blocks of data,
        #  we'll be nice and set throttle=True
        client = VoxelsAccessor( hostname, uuid, dataname, throttle=True )
        def handle_block_result(roi, data):
            # Send it to dvid
            roi = numpy.asarray(roi)
            roi += offset_start
            start, stop = roi
            if self._transpose_axes:
                data = data.transpose()
                start = tuple(reversed(start))
                stop = tuple(reversed(stop))
                client.post_ndarray( start, stop, data )
        requester = BigRequestStreamer( self.Input, roiFromShape( self.Input.meta.shape ) )
        requester.resultSignal.subscribe( handle_block_result )
        requester.progressSignal.subscribe( self.progressSignal )
 def test_get_ndarray(self):
     Get some data from the server and check it.
     start, stop = (0,9,5,50), (1,10,20,150)
     dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor( TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid, self.data_name )
     subvolume = dvid_vol.get_ndarray( start, stop )
     assert (self.original_data[roi_to_slice(start, stop)] == subvolume).all()
    def run_export(self):

        url = self.NodeDataUrl.value
        url_path = url.split('://')[1]
        hostname, api, node, uuid, dataname = url_path.split('/')
        assert api == 'api'
        assert node == 'node'

        axiskeys = self.Input.meta.getAxisKeys()
        shape = self.Input.meta.shape

        if self._transpose_axes:
            axiskeys = reversed(axiskeys)
            shape = tuple(reversed(shape))

        axiskeys = "".join(axiskeys)

        if self.OffsetCoord.ready():
            offset_start = self.OffsetCoord.value
            offset_start = (0, ) * len(self.Input.meta.shape)


        # Get the dataset details
            metadata = VoxelsAccessor.get_metadata(hostname, uuid, dataname)
        except DVIDException as ex:
            if ex.status != 404:
            # Dataset doesn't exist yet.  Let's create it.
            metadata = VoxelsMetadata.create_default_metadata(
                shape, self.Input.meta.dtype, axiskeys, 0.0, "")
            VoxelsAccessor.create_new(hostname, uuid, dataname, metadata)

        # Since this class is generally used to push large blocks of data,
        #  we'll be nice and set throttle=True
        client = VoxelsAccessor(hostname, uuid, dataname, throttle=True)

        def handle_block_result(roi, data):
            # Send it to dvid
            roi = numpy.asarray(roi)
            roi += offset_start
            start, stop = roi
            if self._transpose_axes:
                data = data.transpose()
                start = tuple(reversed(start))
                stop = tuple(reversed(stop))
                client.post_ndarray(start, stop, data)

        requester = BigRequestStreamer(self.Input,

 def test_get_ndarray(self):
     Get some data from the server and check it.
     start, stop = (50, 5, 9, 0), (150, 20, 10, 1)
     dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor(TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid,
     subvolume = dvid_vol.get_ndarray(start, stop)
     assert (self.original_data[roi_to_slice(start,
                                             stop)] == subvolume).all()
    def test_get_ndarray_throttled_2(self):
        Get some data from the server and check it.
        Enable throttle via query_args
        Note: This test doesn't really exercise our handling of 503 responses...
        start, stop = (0,9,5,50), (1,10,20,150)
        dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor( TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid, self.data_name, query_args={'throttle' : 'on'} )
        subvolume = dvid_vol.get_ndarray( start, stop )
        assert (self.original_data[roi_to_slice(start, stop)] == subvolume).all()
 def test_get_ndarray_throttled(self):
     Get some data from the server and check it.
     Enable throttle with throttle=True
     Note: This test doesn't really exercise our handling of 503 responses...
     start, stop = (50,5,9,0), (150,20,10,1)
     dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor( TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid, self.data_name, throttle=True )
     subvolume = dvid_vol.get_ndarray( start, stop )
     assert (self.original_data[roi_to_slice(start, stop)] == subvolume).all()
 def test_extra_query_args(self):
     Create a VoxelsAccessor that uses extra query args 
     They come after the '?' in the REST URI.  For example:
     # Retrieve from server
     start, stop = (0,9,5,50), (1,10,20,150)
     query_args = {'roi' : 'some_ref', 'attenuation' : 5}
     dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor( TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid, self.data_name, query_args=query_args )
     subvolume = dvid_vol.get_ndarray( start, stop )
     # Compare
     assert (subvolume == self.original_data[roi_to_slice(start, stop)]).all()
    def test_get_ndarray_throttled_2(self):
        Get some data from the server and check it.
        Enable throttle via query_args
        Note: This test doesn't really exercise our handling of 503 responses...
        start, stop = (50, 5, 9, 0), (150, 20, 10, 1)
        dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor(TEST_DVID_SERVER,
                                  query_args={'throttle': 'on'})
        subvolume = dvid_vol.get_ndarray(start, stop)
        assert (self.original_data[roi_to_slice(start,
                                                stop)] == subvolume).all()
    def test_export(self):
        # For now, we require block-aligned POST
        data = numpy.random.randint(0, 255,
                                    (32, 128, 256, 1)).astype(numpy.uint8)
        data = numpy.asfortranarray(data, numpy.uint8)
        assert data.shape == (32, 128, 256, 1)
        data = data.astype(numpy.uint8)
        data = vigra.taggedView(data, vigra.defaultAxistags("zyxc"))

        # Retrieve from server
        graph = Graph()

        opPiper = OpArrayPiper(graph=graph)

        opExport = OpExportDvidVolume(transpose_axes=True, graph=graph)

        # Reverse data order for dvid export
                uuid=self.data_uuid, dataname=self.data_name))

        # Export!

        # Read back. (transposed, because of transposed_axes, above)
        accessor = VoxelsAccessor(TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid,
        read_data = accessor[:]

        # Compare.
        assert (data.view(numpy.ndarray) == read_data.transpose()
                ).all(), "Exported data is not correct"
 def test_get_ellipsis_slicing(self):
     dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor(TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid,
     full_slicing = roi_to_slice((0, ) * 4, self.original_data.shape)
     partial_slicing = full_slicing[:-2] + (Ellipsis, ) + full_slicing[-1:]
     subvolume = dvid_vol[partial_slicing]
     assert (subvolume == self.original_data).all()
Exemple #11
 def init_client(self):
     Ideally, this would be run within the __init__ function,
     but operators should never raise non-fatal exceptions within Operator.__init__()
     (See OperatorMetaClass.__call__)
     This serves as an alternative init function, from which we are allowed to raise exceptions.
         self._default_accessor = VoxelsAccessor( self._hostname, self._uuid, self._dataname, self._query_args )
         self._throttled_accessor = VoxelsAccessor( self._hostname, self._uuid, self._dataname, self._query_args, throttle=True )
     except DVIDException as ex:
         if ex.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:
             raise OpDvidVolume.DatasetReadError("DVIDException: " + ex.message)
     except ErrMsg as ex:
         raise OpDvidVolume.DatasetReadError("ErrMsg: " + str(ex))
def download_to_h5( hostname, uuid, instance, roi, output_filepath, dset_name=None, compression='lzf', overlap_px=0):
    ns = DVIDNodeService(hostname, uuid)
    va = VoxelsAccessor(hostname, uuid, instance, throttle=True)
    dset_name = dset_name or instance

    assert roi, "Must provide a ROI"
    logger.info("Downloading {hostname}/api/node/{uuid}/{instance}?roi={roi} to {output_filepath}/{dset_name}".format(**locals()))

    substacks, _packing_factor = ns.get_roi_partition(roi, SUBSTACK_SIZE / DVID_BLOCK_SIZE)

    # Substack tuples are (size, z, y, x)
    substacks_zyx = np.array(substacks)[:, 1:]
    # If the user specified an 'overlap', we add it to all substacks.
    # Technically, this isn't very efficient, because a lot of overlapping
    # pixels on the interior of the ROI will be fetched twice.
    substacks_zyx[:,0] -= overlap_px
    substacks_zyx[:,1] += overlap_px

    roi_bb = ( np.min(substacks_zyx, axis=0),
               np.max(substacks_zyx, axis=0)+SUBSTACK_SIZE )
    with h5py.File(output_filepath, 'a') as output_file:
            del output_file[dset_name]
        except KeyError:
        dset = output_file.create_dataset( dset_name, shape=roi_bb[1], dtype=va.dtype, chunks=True, compression=compression )
        for i, substack_zyx in enumerate(substacks_zyx):
            logger.info("Substack {}/{} {}: Downloading...".format( i, len(substacks_zyx), list(substack_zyx) ))
            # Append a singleton channel axis
            substack_bb = np.array(( tuple(substack_zyx) + (0,),
                                     tuple(substack_zyx + SUBSTACK_SIZE) + (1,) ))
            # Includes singleton channel
            substack_data = va.get_ndarray(*substack_bb)

            logger.info("Substack {}/{} {}: Writing...".format( i, len(substacks_zyx), list(substack_zyx) ))
            dset[bb_to_slicing(*substack_bb[:,:-1])] = substack_data[...,0]

    logger.info("DONE Downloading {hostname}/api/node/{uuid}/{instance}?roi={roi} to {output_filepath}/{dset_name}".format(**locals()))
    def test_extra_query_args(self):
        Create a VoxelsAccessor that uses extra query args 
        They come after the '?' in the REST URI.  For example:
        # Retrieve from server
        start, stop = (50, 5, 9, 0), (150, 20, 10, 1)
        query_args = {'roi': 'some_ref', 'attenuation': 5}
        dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor(TEST_DVID_SERVER,
        subvolume = dvid_vol.get_ndarray(start, stop)

        # Compare
        assert (subvolume == self.original_data[roi_to_slice(start,
    def test_post_reduced_dim_slicing(self):
        # Cutout dims
        start, stop = (64,32,0,0), (96,64,32,1)
        shape = numpy.subtract( stop, start )
        # Generate test data
        new_subvolume = numpy.random.randint( 0,1000, shape ).astype( numpy.uint8 )
        # Send to server
        dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor( TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid, self.data_name )
        dvid_vol[64:96, 32:64, 0:32, 0] = new_subvolume[...,0]

        # Now read it back
        read_subvolume = dvid_vol.get_ndarray( start, stop )
        assert (read_subvolume == new_subvolume).all()

        # Modify our master copy so other tests don't get messed up.
        self.original_data[roi_to_slice(start, stop)] = new_subvolume
    def test_zy_post_negative_coordinates(self):
        Just make sure nothing blows up if we post to negative coordinates.
        # Cutout dims (must be block-aligned for the POST)
        start, stop = (-64,0,-32,0), (128,32,32,1)
        shape = numpy.subtract( stop, start )
        # Generate test data
        subvolume = numpy.random.randint( 0,1000, shape ).astype(numpy.uint8)
        dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor( TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid, self.data_name )
        # Send to server
        dvid_vol.post_ndarray(start, stop, subvolume)
        # Now try to 'get' data from negative coords
        read_back_vol = dvid_vol.get_ndarray(start, stop)
        assert (read_back_vol == subvolume).all()
    def test_zy_post_negative_coordinates(self):
        Just make sure nothing blows up if we post to negative coordinates.
        # Cutout dims (must be block-aligned for the POST)
        start, stop = (-64, 0, -32, 0), (128, 32, 32, 1)
        shape = numpy.subtract(stop, start)

        # Generate test data
        subvolume = numpy.random.randint(0, 1000, shape).astype(numpy.uint8)

        dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor(TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid,

        # Send to server
        dvid_vol.post_ndarray(start, stop, subvolume)

        # Now try to 'get' data from negative coords
        read_back_vol = dvid_vol.get_ndarray(start, stop)
        assert (read_back_vol == subvolume).all()
    def test_post_reduced_dim_slicing(self):
        # Cutout dims
        start, stop = (64, 32, 0, 0), (96, 64, 32, 1)
        shape = numpy.subtract(stop, start)

        # Generate test data
        new_subvolume = numpy.random.randint(0, 1000,

        # Send to server
        dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor(TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid,
        dvid_vol[64:96, 32:64, 0:32, 0] = new_subvolume[..., 0]

        # Now read it back
        read_subvolume = dvid_vol.get_ndarray(start, stop)
        assert (read_subvolume == new_subvolume).all()

        # Modify our master copy so other tests don't get messed up.
        self.original_data[roi_to_slice(start, stop)] = new_subvolume
    def test_get_full_volume_via_slicing(self):
        dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor(TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid,

        # Two slicing syntaxes for the same thing
        subvolume1 = dvid_vol[:]
        subvolume2 = dvid_vol[...]

        # Results should match
        assert (subvolume1 == self.original_data).all()
        assert (subvolume1 == subvolume2).all()
    def test_zz_quickstart_usage(self):
        import json
        import numpy
        from libdvid import DVIDConnection, ConnectionMethod
        from libdvid.voxels import VoxelsAccessor, VoxelsMetadata

        # Open a connection to DVID
        connection = DVIDConnection("")

        # Get detailed dataset info: /api/repos/info (note: /api is prepended automatically)
        status, body, _error_message = connection.make_request(
            "/repos/info", ConnectionMethod.GET)
        dataset_details = json.loads(body)
        # print(json.dumps( dataset_details, indent=4 ))

        # Create a new remote volume (assuming you already know the uuid of the node)
        uuid = UUID
        voxels_metadata = VoxelsMetadata.create_default_metadata(
            (0, 0, 0, 1), numpy.uint8, 'zyxc', 1.0, "")
        VoxelsAccessor.create_new("", uuid, "my_volume",

        # Use the VoxelsAccessor convenience class to manipulate a particular data volume
        accessor = VoxelsAccessor("", uuid, "my_volume")
        # print(dvid_volume.axiskeys, dvid_volume.dtype, dvid_volume.minindex, dvid_volume.shape)

        # Add some data (must be block-aligned)
        # Must include all channels.
        updated_data = numpy.ones((256, 192, 128, 1), dtype=numpy.uint8)
        accessor[256:512, 32:224, 0:128, 0] = updated_data
        # OR:
        #accessor.post_ndarray( (0,10,20,30), (1,110,120,130), updated_data )

        # Read from it (First axis is channel.)
        cutout_array = accessor[300:330, 40:120, 10:110, 0]
        # OR:
        cutout_array = accessor.get_ndarray((300, 40, 10, 0),
                                            (330, 120, 110, 1))

        assert isinstance(cutout_array, numpy.ndarray)
        assert cutout_array.shape == (30, 80, 100, 1)
    def test_post_ndarray(self):
        Modify a remote subvolume and verify that the server wrote it.
        # Cutout dims
        start, stop =  (64,32,0,0), (96,64,32,1)
        shape = numpy.subtract( stop, start )
        # Generate test data
        new_subvolume = numpy.random.randint( 0,1000, shape ).astype( numpy.uint8 )
        # Send to server
        dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor( TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid, self.data_name )
        dvid_vol.post_ndarray(start, stop, new_subvolume)

        # Now read it back
        read_subvolume = dvid_vol.get_ndarray( start, stop )
        assert (read_subvolume == new_subvolume).all()

        # Modify our master copy so other tests don't get messed up.
        self.original_data[roi_to_slice(start, stop)] = new_subvolume
   def test_zz_quickstart_usage(self):
       import json
       import numpy
       from libdvid import DVIDConnection, ConnectionMethod
       from libdvid.voxels import VoxelsAccessor, VoxelsMetadata
       # Open a connection to DVID
       connection = DVIDConnection( "localhost:8000" )
       # Get detailed dataset info: /api/repos/info (note: /api is prepended automatically)
       status, body, error_message = connection.make_request( "/repos/info", ConnectionMethod.GET)
       dataset_details = json.loads(body)
       # print json.dumps( dataset_details, indent=4 )
       # Create a new remote volume (assuming you already know the uuid of the node)
       uuid = UUID
       voxels_metadata = VoxelsMetadata.create_default_metadata( (1,0,0,0), numpy.uint8, 'cxyz', 1.0, "" )
       VoxelsAccessor.create_new( "localhost:8000", uuid, "my_volume", voxels_metadata )
       # Use the VoxelsAccessor convenience class to manipulate a particular data volume     
       accessor = VoxelsAccessor( "localhost:8000", uuid, "my_volume" )
       # print dvid_volume.axiskeys, dvid_volume.dtype, dvid_volume.minindex, dvid_volume.shape
       # Add some data (must be block-aligned)
       # Must include all channels.
       # Must be FORTRAN array, using FORTRAN indexing order conventions
       # (Use order='F', and make sure you're indexing it as cxyz)
       updated_data = numpy.ones( (1,128,192,256), dtype=numpy.uint8, order='F' )
       updated_data = numpy.asfortranarray(updated_data)
       accessor[:, 0:128, 32:224, 256:512] = updated_data
       # OR:
       #accessor.post_ndarray( (0,10,20,30), (1,110,120,130), updated_data )
       # Read from it (First axis is channel.)
       cutout_array = accessor[:, 10:110, 40:120, 300:330]
       # OR:
       cutout_array = accessor.get_ndarray( (0,10,40,300), (1,110,120,330) )
       assert isinstance(cutout_array, numpy.ndarray)
       assert cutout_array.shape == (1,100,80,30)
Exemple #22
    def _update_subvol_widget(self, node_uuid, dataname, typename):
        Update the subvolume widget with the min/max extents of the given node and dataname.
        Note: The node and dataname do not necessarily have to match the currently
              selected node and dataname.
              This enables the right-click behavior, which can be used to
              limit your data volume to the size of a different data volume.
        error_msg = None
            if typename == "roi":
                node_service = DVIDNodeService(self._hostname, str(node_uuid))
                roi_blocks_zyx = numpy.array(
                maxindex = tuple(DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH *
                                 (1 + numpy.max(roi_blocks_zyx, axis=0)))
                minindex = (0, 0, 0)  # Rois are always 3D
                axiskeys = "zyx"
                # If the current selection is a dataset, then include a channel dimension
                if self.get_selection().typename != "roi":
                    axiskeys = "zyxc"
                    minindex = minindex + (0, )
                    maxindex = maxindex + (
                    )  # FIXME: This assumes that the selected data has only 1 channel...
                # Query the server
                raw_metadata = VoxelsAccessor.get_metadata(
                    self._hostname, node_uuid, dataname)
                voxels_metadata = VoxelsMetadata(raw_metadata)
                maxindex = voxels_metadata.shape
                minindex = voxels_metadata.minindex
                axiskeys = voxels_metadata.axiskeys
                # If the current selection is a roi, then remove the channel dimension
                if self.get_selection().typename == "roi":
                    axiskeys = "zyx"
                    minindex = minindex[:-1]
                    maxindex = maxindex[:-1]
        except (DVIDException, ErrMsg) as ex:
            error_msg = str(ex)

        if error_msg:
            QMessageBox.critical(self, "DVID Error", error_msg)
            self._subvol_widget.initWithExtents("", (), (), ())

        self._subvol_widget.initWithExtents(axiskeys, maxindex, minindex,
Exemple #23
def reopen_libdvid_voxelsaccessor_dataset(dataset):
    opened_dataset = dict(dataset)
    for key in dataset:
        dataset_value = dataset[key]
        if type(dataset_value) is VoxelsAccessor:
            hostname = dataset_value.hostname
            uuid = dataset_value.uuid
            data_name = dataset_value.data_name
            new_voxels_accessor = VoxelsAccessor(hostname, uuid, data_name)
            opened_dataset[key] = new_voxels_accessor
            logger.debug('opened {} at {} from {}'.format(
                data_name, uuid, hostname))
    yield opened_dataset
    def test_post_ndarray(self):
        Modify a remote subvolume and verify that the server wrote it.
        # Cutout dims
        start, stop = (64, 32, 0, 0), (96, 64, 32, 1)
        shape = numpy.subtract(stop, start)

        # Generate test data
        new_subvolume = numpy.random.randint(0, 1000,

        # Send to server
        dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor(TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid,
        dvid_vol.post_ndarray(start, stop, new_subvolume)

        # Now read it back
        read_subvolume = dvid_vol.get_ndarray(start, stop)
        assert (read_subvolume == new_subvolume).all()

        # Modify our master copy so other tests don't get messed up.
        self.original_data[roi_to_slice(start, stop)] = new_subvolume
   def test_zz_quickstart_usage(self):
       import json
       import numpy
       from libdvid import DVIDConnection, ConnectionMethod
       from libdvid.voxels import VoxelsAccessor, VoxelsMetadata
       # Open a connection to DVID
       connection = DVIDConnection( "" )
       # Get detailed dataset info: /api/repos/info (note: /api is prepended automatically)
       status, body, _error_message = connection.make_request( "/repos/info", ConnectionMethod.GET)
       dataset_details = json.loads(body)
       # print(json.dumps( dataset_details, indent=4 ))
       # Create a new remote volume (assuming you already know the uuid of the node)
       uuid = UUID
       voxels_metadata = VoxelsMetadata.create_default_metadata( (0,0,0,1), numpy.uint8, 'zyxc', 1.0, "" )
       VoxelsAccessor.create_new( "", uuid, "my_volume", voxels_metadata )
       # Use the VoxelsAccessor convenience class to manipulate a particular data volume     
       accessor = VoxelsAccessor( "", uuid, "my_volume" )
       # print(dvid_volume.axiskeys, dvid_volume.dtype, dvid_volume.minindex, dvid_volume.shape)
       # Add some data (must be block-aligned)
       # Must include all channels.
       updated_data = numpy.ones( (256,192,128,1), dtype=numpy.uint8)
       accessor[256:512, 32:224, 0:128, 0] = updated_data
       # OR:
       #accessor.post_ndarray( (0,10,20,30), (1,110,120,130), updated_data )
       # Read from it (First axis is channel.)
       cutout_array = accessor[300:330, 40:120, 10:110, 0]
       # OR:
       cutout_array = accessor.get_ndarray( (300,40,10,0), (330,120,110,1) )
       assert isinstance(cutout_array, numpy.ndarray)
       assert cutout_array.shape == (30,80,100,1)
    def test_get_channel_slicing(self):
        Test that slicing in the channel dimension works.
        This is a special case because the entire volume needs to be requested from DVID, 
        but only the requested subset of channels will be returned.
        FIXME: libdvid only supports single-channel dtypes right now anyway, so this test doesn't do anything...
        # Retrieve from server
        dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor(TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid,
        subvolume = dvid_vol[50:150, 5:20, 9:10, 0:1]

        # Compare
        assert (subvolume == self.original_data[50:150, 5:20, 9:10, 0:1]).all()
    def test_get_stepped_slicing(self):
        # Retrieve from server
        dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor(TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid,
        subvolume = dvid_vol[50:150:10, 5:20:5, 1:10:3, 0:1]

        # Compare to file
        full_start = (0, ) * len(self.original_data.shape)
        full_stop = self.original_data.shape
        stored_stepped_volume = self.original_data[50:150:10, 5:20:5, 1:10:3,

        assert subvolume.shape == stored_stepped_volume.shape
        assert subvolume.dtype == stored_stepped_volume.dtype
        assert (subvolume == stored_stepped_volume).all()
    def _update_subvol_widget(self, node_uuid, dataname, typename):
        Update the subvolume widget with the min/max extents of the given node and dataname.
        Note: The node and dataname do not necessarily have to match the currently 
              selected node and dataname.
              This enables the right-click behavior, which can be used to  
              limit your data volume to the size of a different data volume.
        error_msg = None
            if typename == "roi":
                node_service = DVIDNodeService(self._hostname, str(node_uuid))
                roi_blocks_xyz = numpy.array(node_service.get_roi(str(dataname)))
                maxindex = tuple(DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH * (1 + numpy.max(roi_blocks_xyz, axis=0)))
                minindex = (0, 0, 0)  # Rois are always 3D
                axiskeys = "xyz"
                # If the current selection is a dataset, then include a channel dimension
                if self.get_selection().typename != "roi":
                    axiskeys = "cxyz"
                    minindex = (0,) + minindex
                    maxindex = (1,) + maxindex  # FIXME: This assumes that the selected data has only 1 channel...
                # Query the server
                raw_metadata = VoxelsAccessor.get_metadata(self._hostname, node_uuid, dataname)
                voxels_metadata = VoxelsMetadata(raw_metadata)
                maxindex = voxels_metadata.shape
                minindex = voxels_metadata.minindex
                axiskeys = voxels_metadata.axiskeys
                # If the current selection is a roi, then remove the channel dimension
                if self.get_selection().typename == "roi":
                    axiskeys = "xyz"
                    minindex = minindex[1:]
                    maxindex = maxindex[1:]
        except (DVIDException, ErrMsg) as ex:
            error_msg = str(ex)

        if error_msg:
            QMessageBox.critical(self, "DVID Error", error_msg)
            self._subvol_widget.initWithExtents("", (), (), ())

        self._subvol_widget.initWithExtents(axiskeys, maxindex, minindex, maxindex)
    def test_export_with_offset(self):
        For now, the offset and data must both be block-aligned for DVID.
        data = numpy.random.randint(0, 255,
                                    (32, 128, 256, 1)).astype(numpy.uint8)
        data = numpy.asfortranarray(data, numpy.uint8)
        assert data.shape == (32, 128, 256, 1)
        data = vigra.taggedView(data, vigra.defaultAxistags("zyxc"))

        # Retrieve from server
        graph = Graph()

        opPiper = OpArrayPiper(graph=graph)

        opExport = OpExportDvidVolume(transpose_axes=True, graph=graph)

        # Reverse data order for dvid export
                uuid=self.data_uuid, dataname=self.data_name))
        offset = (32, 64, 128, 0)

        # Export!

        # Read back. (transposed, because of transposed_axes, above)
        accessor = VoxelsAccessor(TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid,
        read_data = accessor[:]

        # The offset should have caused larger extents in the saved data.
        assert (read_data.transpose().shape == numpy.add(
            data.shape, offset)).all(), "Wrong shape: {}".format(

        # Compare.
        offset_slicing = tuple(slice(s, None) for s in offset)
        assert (data.view(
            numpy.ndarray) == read_data.transpose()[offset_slicing]
                ).all(), "Exported data is not correct"
    def _update_display(self):
        super(DvidDataSelectionBrowser, self)._update_display()
        hostname, dset_uuid, dataname, node_uuid = self.get_selection()

        enable_contents = self._repos_info is not None and dataname != "" and node_uuid != ""

        if not dataname or not node_uuid:
            self._roi_widget.initWithExtents("", (), (), ())

        error_msg = None
            # Query the server
            raw_metadata = VoxelsAccessor.get_metadata(hostname, node_uuid,
            voxels_metadata = VoxelsMetadata(raw_metadata)
        except DVIDException as ex:
            error_msg = ex.message
        except ErrMsg as ex:
            error_msg = str(ErrMsg)
        except VoxelsAccessor.BadRequestError as ex:
            # DVID will return an error if the selected dataset
            #  isn't a 'voxels' dataset and thus has no voxels metadata

        if error_msg:
            QMessageBox.critical(self, "DVID Error", error_msg)
            self._roi_widget.initWithExtents("", (), (), ())

    def test_get_reduced_dim_slicing(self):
        # Retrieve from server
        dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor(TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid,
        assert self.original_data.shape == (512, 256, 128,
                                            1), "Update this unit test."
        full_roi = ((0, 0, 0, 0), (512, 256, 128, 1))
        subvol_roi = ((0, 0, 10, 0), (512, 256, 128, 1))

        reduced_subvol_roi = ((0, 0, 0), (512, 128, 1))
        reduced_dim_slicing = numpy.s_[
            0:512, 10, 0:128, 0:1]  # Notice that the third dim is dropped

        # request
        subvolume = dvid_vol[reduced_dim_slicing]

        # Check dimensionality/shape of returned volume
        reduced_shape = numpy.subtract(reduced_subvol_roi[1],
        assert subvolume.shape == tuple(reduced_shape)

        # Before we compare, re-insert the dropped axis
        assert (subvolume == self.original_data[reduced_dim_slicing]).all()
    def _update_display(self):
        super(DvidDataSelectionBrowser, self)._update_display()
        hostname, dset_uuid, dataname, node_uuid = self.get_selection()

        enable_contents = self._repos_info is not None and dataname != "" and node_uuid != ""

        if not dataname or not node_uuid:
            self._roi_widget.initWithExtents("", (), (), ())

        error_msg = None
            # Query the server
            raw_metadata = VoxelsAccessor.get_metadata(hostname, node_uuid, dataname)
            voxels_metadata = VoxelsMetadata(raw_metadata)
        except DVIDException as ex:
            error_msg = ex.message
        except ErrMsg as ex:
            error_msg = str(ErrMsg)
        except VoxelsAccessor.BadRequestError as ex:
            # DVID will return an error if the selected dataset
            #  isn't a 'voxels' dataset and thus has no voxels metadata

        if error_msg:
            QMessageBox.critical(self, "DVID Error", error_msg)
            self._roi_widget.initWithExtents("", (), (), ())

            voxels_metadata.axiskeys, voxels_metadata.shape, voxels_metadata.minindex, voxels_metadata.shape
Exemple #33
def download_to_h5(hostname,
    ns = DVIDNodeService(hostname, uuid)
    va = VoxelsAccessor(hostname, uuid, instance, throttle=True)

    dset_name = dset_name or instance

    assert roi, "Must provide a ROI"
        "Downloading {hostname}/api/node/{uuid}/{instance}?roi={roi} to {output_filepath}/{dset_name}"

    substacks, _packing_factor = ns.get_roi_partition(

    # Substack tuples are (size, z, y, x)
    substacks_zyx = np.array(substacks)[:, 1:]

    # If the user specified an 'overlap', we add it to all substacks.
    # Technically, this isn't very efficient, because a lot of overlapping
    # pixels on the interior of the ROI will be fetched twice.
    substacks_zyx[:, 0] -= overlap_px
    substacks_zyx[:, 1] += overlap_px

    roi_bb = (np.min(substacks_zyx,
                     axis=0), np.max(substacks_zyx, axis=0) + SUBSTACK_SIZE)

    with h5py.File(output_filepath, 'a') as output_file:
            del output_file[dset_name]
        except KeyError:

        dset = output_file.create_dataset(dset_name,

        for i, substack_zyx in enumerate(substacks_zyx):
            logger.info("Substack {}/{} {}: Downloading...".format(
                i, len(substacks_zyx), list(substack_zyx)))

            # Append a singleton channel axis
            substack_bb = np.array(
                (tuple(substack_zyx) + (0, ),
                 tuple(substack_zyx + SUBSTACK_SIZE) + (1, )))

            # Includes singleton channel
            substack_data = va.get_ndarray(*substack_bb)

            logger.info("Substack {}/{} {}: Writing...".format(
                i, len(substacks_zyx), list(substack_zyx)))
            dset[bb_to_slicing(*substack_bb[:, :-1])] = substack_data[..., 0]

        "DONE Downloading {hostname}/api/node/{uuid}/{instance}?roi={roi} to {output_filepath}/{dset_name}"
Exemple #34
def main():
    # Read cmd-line args
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--hostname", default="localhost:8000")
        "The node to upload to.  If not provided, a new repo will be created (see --new-repo-alias)."
        "The name of the data instance to modify. If it doesn't exist, it will be created first."
        help="If no uuid is provided, a new repo is created, with this name.")
                        help="For example: /tmp/myfile.h5/dataset")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if '.h5' not in args.input_file:
        sys.stderr.write("File name does not indicate hdf5.\n")

    filepath, dset_name = args.input_file.split('.h5')
    filepath += '.h5'
    if not dset_name:
            "You must provide a dataset name, e.g. myfile.h5/mydataset\n")

    if not os.path.exists(filepath):
        sys.stderr.write("File doesn't exist: {}\n".format(filepath))

    # If no uuid given, create a new repo on the server
    uuid = args.uuid
    if uuid is None:
        alias = args.new_repo_alias or "testrepo"
        server = DVIDServerService(args.hostname)
        uuid = server.create_new_repo(
            alias, "This is a test repo loaded with data from ".format(
        uuid = str(uuid)

    # Read the input data from the file
    print("Reading {}{}".format(filepath, dset_name))
    with h5py.File(filepath) as f_in:
        data = f_in[dset_name][:]

    # We assume data is 3D or 4D, in C-order
    # We adjust it to 4D, fortran-order
    if data.ndim == 3:
        data = data[..., None]
    data = data.transpose()
    assert data.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'], "Data is not contiguous!"
    assert data.ndim == 4, "Data must be 3D with axes zyx or 4D with axes zyxc (C-order)"
    assert data.shape[
        0] == 1, "Data must have exactly 1 channel, not {}".format(

    # Choose a default data instance name if necessary
    if data.dtype == numpy.uint8:
        data_name = args.data_name or "grayscale"
    elif data.dtype == numpy.uint64:
        data_name = args.data_name or "segmentation"
        sys.stderr.write("Unsupported dtype: {}\n".format(data.dtype))

    # Create the new data instance if it doesn't exist already
        metadata = VoxelsAccessor.get_metadata(args.hostname, uuid, data_name)
        print("Data instance '{}' already exists.  Will update.".format(
    except DVIDException:
        print("Creating new data instance: {}".format(data_name))
        metadata = VoxelsMetadata.create_default_metadata(
            data.shape, data.dtype, 'cxyz', 1.0, 'nanometers')
        VoxelsAccessor.create_new(args.hostname, uuid, data_name, metadata)

    # Finally, push the data to the server
    print("Pushing data to {}".format('{}/api/node/{}/{}'.format(
        args.hostname, uuid, data_name)))
    accessor = VoxelsAccessor(args.hostname, uuid, data_name)
    accessor.post_ndarray((0, 0, 0, 0), data.shape, data)
def main():
    # Read cmd-line args
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--hostname", default="localhost:8000")
    parser.add_argument("--uuid", required=False, help="The node to upload to.  If not provided, a new repo will be created (see --new-repo-alias).")
    parser.add_argument("--data-name", required=False, help="The name of the data instance to modify. If it doesn't exist, it will be created first.")
    parser.add_argument("--new-repo-alias", required=False, help="If no uuid is provided, a new repo is created, with this name.")
    parser.add_argument("input_file", help="For example: /tmp/myfile.h5/dataset")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if '.h5' not in args.input_file:
        sys.stderr.write("File name does not indicate hdf5.\n")

    filepath, dset_name = args.input_file.split('.h5')
    filepath += '.h5'
    if not dset_name:
        sys.stderr.write("You must provide a dataset name, e.g. myfile.h5/mydataset\n")

    if not os.path.exists(filepath):
        sys.stderr.write("File doesn't exist: {}\n".format(filepath))

    # If no uuid given, create a new repo on the server
    uuid = args.uuid
    if uuid is None:
        alias = args.new_repo_alias or "testrepo"
        server = DVIDServerService(args.hostname)
        uuid = server.create_new_repo(alias, "This is a test repo loaded with data from ".format(args.input_file))
        uuid = str(uuid)

    # Read the input data from the file
    print("Reading {}{}".format( filepath, dset_name ))
    with h5py.File(filepath) as f_in:
        data = f_in[dset_name][:]

    # We assume data is 3D or 4D, in C-order
    # We adjust it to 4D, fortran-order
    if data.ndim == 3:
        data = data[...,None]
    data = data.transpose()
    assert data.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'], "Data is not contiguous!"
    assert data.ndim == 4, "Data must be 3D with axes zyx or 4D with axes zyxc (C-order)"
    assert data.shape[0] == 1, "Data must have exactly 1 channel, not {}".format( data.shape[0] )

    # Choose a default data instance name if necessary
    if data.dtype == numpy.uint8:
        data_name = args.data_name or "grayscale"
    elif data.dtype == numpy.uint64:
        data_name = args.data_name or "segmentation"
        sys.stderr.write("Unsupported dtype: {}\n".format(data.dtype))

    # Create the new data instance if it doesn't exist already        
        metadata = VoxelsAccessor.get_metadata(args.hostname, uuid, data_name)
        print("Data instance '{}' already exists.  Will update.".format( data_name ))
    except DVIDException:
        print("Creating new data instance: {}".format( data_name ))
        metadata = VoxelsMetadata.create_default_metadata(data.shape, data.dtype, 'cxyz', 1.0, 'nanometers')
        VoxelsAccessor.create_new(args.hostname, uuid, data_name, metadata)

    # Finally, push the data to the server
    print("Pushing data to {}".format( '{}/api/node/{}/{}'.format( args.hostname, uuid, data_name ) ))
    accessor = VoxelsAccessor(args.hostname, uuid, data_name)
    accessor.post_ndarray((0,0,0,0), data.shape, data)
Exemple #36
def copy_voxels( source_details,
                 subvol_bounds_zyx=None ):
    Transfer voxels data from one DVID server to another.
        Either a tuple of (hostname, uuid, instance),
        or a url of the form http://hostname/api/node/uuid/instance
        Same format as source_details, or just an instance name
        (in which case the destination is presumed to be in the same host/node as the source).
        The data will be transferred one 'substack' at a time, with the given substack width.
    NOTE: Exactly ONE of the following parameters should be provided.
        Same format as destination_details, but should point to a ROI instance.
        A tuple (start_zyx, stop_zyx) indicating a rectangular region to copy (instead of a ROI).
        Specified in pixel coordinates. Must be aligned to DVID block boundaries.
        For example: ((0,0,0), (1024, 1024, 512))
    if isinstance(source_details, str):
        source_details = parse_instance_url( source_details )
        source_details = InstanceDetails(*source_details)
    src_accessor = VoxelsAccessor( *source_details )
    if isinstance(destination_details, str):
        destination_details = str_to_details( destination_details, default=source_details )
        destination_details = InstanceDetails(*destination_details)
    dest_accessor = VoxelsAccessor( *destination_details )

    assert (roi is not None) ^ (subvol_bounds_zyx is not None), \
        "You must provide roi OR subvol_bounds-zyx (but not both)."

    # Figure out what blocks ('substacks') we're copying
    if subvol_bounds_zyx:
        assert False, "User beware: The subvol_bounds_zyx option hasn't been tested yet. " \
                      "Now that you've been warned, comment out this assertion and give it a try. "\
                      "(It *should* work...)"

        assert len(subvol_bounds_zyx) == 2, "Invalid value for subvol_bounds_zyx"
        assert list(map(len, subvol_bounds_zyx)) == [3,3], "Invalid value for subvol_bounds_zyx"

        subvol_bounds_zyx = np.array(subvol_bounds_zyx)
        subvol_shape = subvol_bounds_zyx[1] - subvol_bounds_zyx[0]
        np.array(subvol_bounds_zyx) / transfer_cube_width_px
        assert (subvol_shape % transfer_cube_width_px).all(), \
            "subvolume must be divisible by the transfer_cube_width_px"
        blocks_zyx = []
        transfer_block_indexes = np.ndindex( *(subvol_shape / transfer_cube_width_px) )
        for tbi in transfer_block_indexes:
            start_zyx = tbi*transfer_cube_width_px + subvol_bounds_zyx[0]
            blocks_zyx.append( SubstackZYX(transfer_cube_width_px, *start_zyx) )        
    elif roi is not None:
        if isinstance(roi, str):
            roi_details = str_to_details( roi, default=source_details )
            roi_details = InstanceDetails(*roi)
        roi_node = DVIDNodeService(roi_details.host, roi_details.uuid)
        blocks_zyx = roi_node.get_roi_partition(roi_details.instance, transfer_cube_width_px/DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH)[0]
        assert False

    # Fetch/write the blocks one at a time
    # TODO: We could speed this up if we used a threadpool...
    logger.debug( "Beginning Transfer of {} blocks ({} px each)".format( len(blocks_zyx), transfer_cube_width_px ) )
    for block_index, block_zyx in enumerate(blocks_zyx, start=1):
        start_zyxc = np.array(tuple(block_zyx[1:]) + (0,)) # skip item 0 ('size'), append channel
        stop_zyxc = start_zyxc + transfer_cube_width_px
        stop_zyxc[-1] = 1

        logger.debug("Fetching block: {} ({}/{})".format(start_zyxc[:-1], block_index, len(blocks_zyx)) )
        src_block_data = src_accessor.get_ndarray( start_zyxc, stop_zyxc )
        logger.debug("Writing block:  {} ({}/{})".format(start_zyxc[:-1], block_index, len(blocks_zyx)) )
        dest_accessor.post_ndarray( start_zyxc, stop_zyxc, new_data=src_block_data )
 def test_get_full_slicing(self):
     dvid_vol = VoxelsAccessor(TEST_DVID_SERVER, self.data_uuid,
     full_slicing = roi_to_slice((0, ) * 4, self.original_data.shape)
     subvolume = dvid_vol[full_slicing]
     assert (subvolume == self.original_data).all()
Exemple #38
 def open_array(self, mode="r"):
     from libdvid.voxels import VoxelsAccessor
     host_port = ":".join([str(x) for x in (self.host, self.port)])
     va = VoxelsAccessor(host_port, self.uuid, self.data_name)
     yield va