def create_label_instance(dvid_server, uuid, name, levels=0, blocksize=(64,64,64),
                          compression=Compression.DEFAULT, enable_index=True, typename='labelarray', tags=[] ):
    Create 64 bit labels data structure.

        Does not check whether
        the type already exists.  DVIDExceptions are uncaught.
        libdvid-cpp can be used directly but this also supports
        setting the compression type.

        dvid_server (str): location of dvid server
        uuid (str): version id
        name (str): data instance name
        blocksize (3 int tuple): block size z,y,x
        compression (Compression enum): compression to be used
        enable_index: Whether or not to support indexing on this label instance
                      Should usually be True, except for benchmarking purposes.
        typename: What instance type to create ('labelarray' or 'labelmap')
        tags: A list of arbitrary strings to include in the 'Tags' field of the instance.

        True if the labels instance didn't already exist on the server
        False if it already existed. (In which case this function has no effect.)
        DVIDExceptions are not caught in this function and will be
        transferred to the caller, except for the 'already exists' exception.
    conn = DVIDConnection(dvid_server)"Creating {typename} instance: {uuid}/{name}".format( **locals() ))

    endpoint = "/repo/" + uuid + "/instance"
    blockstr = "%d,%d,%d" % (blocksize[2], blocksize[1], blocksize[0])
    data = { "typename": typename,
             "dataname": name,
             "BlockSize": blockstr,
             "IndexedLabels": str(enable_index).lower(),
             "CountLabels": str(enable_index).lower(),
             "MaxDownresLevel": str(levels) }
    if tags:
        tagstr = ','.join(tags)
        data["Tags"] = tagstr
    if compression != Compression.DEFAULT:
        data["Compression"] = compression.value
        conn.make_request(endpoint, ConnectionMethod.POST, json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8'))
    except DVIDException as ex:
        if 'already exists' in ex.message:

    return True
def delete_all_data_instances(uuid):
    connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER, "*****@*****.**", "myapp")
    repo_info_uri = "/repo/{uuid}/info".format( uuid=uuid )
    status, body, _error_message = connection.make_request( repo_info_uri, ConnectionMethod.GET)
    repo_info = json.loads(body)
    for instance_name in repo_info["DataInstances"].keys():
        status, body, _error_message = connection.make_request( "/repo/{uuid}/{dataname}?imsure=true"
                                                               .format( uuid=uuid, dataname=str(instance_name) ),
                                                               ConnectionMethod.DELETE, checkHttpErrors=False )            
 def delete_all_data_instances(uuid):
     connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER)
     repo_info_uri = "/repo/{uuid}/info".format( uuid=uuid )
     status, body, error_message = connection.make_request( repo_info_uri, ConnectionMethod.GET)
     assert status == httplib.OK, "Request for {} returned status {}".format(repo_info_uri, status)
     assert error_message == ""
     repo_info = json.loads(body)
     for instance_name in repo_info["DataInstances"].keys():
         status, body, error_message = connection.make_request( "/api/repo/{uuid}/{dataname}?imsure=true"
                                                                .format( uuid=uuid, dataname=str(instance_name) ),
                                                                ConnectionMethod.DELETE )            
Exemple #4
 def delete_all_data_instances(uuid):
     connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER)
     repo_info_uri = "/repo/{uuid}/info".format( uuid=uuid )
     status, body, error_message = connection.make_request( repo_info_uri, ConnectionMethod.GET)
     assert status == http.client.OK, "Request for {} returned status {}".format(repo_info_uri, status)
     assert error_message == ""
     repo_info = json.loads(body)
     for instance_name in list(repo_info["DataInstances"].keys()):
         status, body, error_message = connection.make_request( "/api/repo/{uuid}/{dataname}?imsure=true"
                                                                .format( uuid=uuid, dataname=str(instance_name) ),
                                                                ConnectionMethod.DELETE )            
Exemple #5
def delete_all_data_instances(uuid):
    connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER, "*****@*****.**", "myapp")
    repo_info_uri = "/repo/{uuid}/info".format(uuid=uuid)
    status, body, _error_message = connection.make_request(
        repo_info_uri, ConnectionMethod.GET)
    repo_info = json.loads(body)
    for instance_name in repo_info["DataInstances"].keys():
        status, body, _error_message = connection.make_request(
                uuid=uuid, dataname=str(instance_name)),
Exemple #6
def set_syncs(dvid_server,
    dvid_node = DVIDNodeService(dvid_server, dvid_uuid, os.getenv('USER'),
    dvid_conn = DVIDConnection(dvid_server, os.getenv('USER'), 'fpl')

    # create annotation if necessary
        dvid_node.custom_request('%s/info' % dvid_annot, None,
    except DVIDException as e:
        post_json = json.dumps({
            'typename': 'annotation',
            'dataname': dvid_annot
        status, body, error_message = dvid_conn.make_request(
            '/repo/%s/instance' % dvid_uuid, ConnectionMethod.POST,

    if dvid_labelsz is not None:
        # create labelsz if necessary
            dvid_node.custom_request('%s/info' % dvid_labelsz, None,
        except DVIDException as e:
            post_json = json.dumps({
                'typename': 'labelsz',
                'dataname': dvid_labelsz
            status, body, error_message = dvid_conn.make_request(
                '/repo/%s/instance' % dvid_uuid, ConnectionMethod.POST,

    # sync synapses to segmentation
    if dvid_segm is not None:
        syn_sync_json = json.dumps({'sync': dvid_segm})
        dvid_node.custom_request('%s/sync' % dvid_annot,

    # sync labelsz to synapses
    if dvid_labelsz is not None:
        lsz_sync_json = json.dumps({'sync': dvid_annot})
        dvid_node.custom_request('%s/sync' % dvid_labelsz,
Exemple #7
def tbars_push_dvid(tbars_json, dvid_server, dvid_uuid, dvid_annot):
    dvid_node = DVIDNodeService(dvid_server, dvid_uuid, 'fpl', 'fpl')
    dvid_conn = DVIDConnection(dvid_server, 'fpl', 'fpl')

    # create annotation if necessary
        dvid_node.custom_request('%s/info' % dvid_annot, None,
    except DVIDException as e:
        post_json = json.dumps({
            'typename': 'annotation',
            'dataname': dvid_annot
        status, body, error_message = dvid_conn.make_request(
            '/repo/%s/instance' % dvid_uuid, ConnectionMethod.POST,

    num_at_once = 100000
    n_tot = len(tbars_json)
    for ii in range(0, n_tot, num_at_once):
        jj = np.minimum(ii + num_at_once, n_tot)
        data = json.dumps(tbars_json[ii:jj])
        oo = dvid_node.custom_request('%s/elements' % dvid_annot,
 def test_get(self):
     connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER, "*****@*****.**", "myapp")
     status, body, error_message = connection.make_request( "/server/info", ConnectionMethod.GET);
     self.assertEqual(status, 200)
     self.assertEqual(error_message, "")
     # This shouldn't raise an exception
     json_data = json.loads(body)
    def test_get(self):
        connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER)
        status, body, error_message = connection.make_request(
            "/server/info", ConnectionMethod.GET)
        self.assertEqual(status, 200)
        self.assertEqual(error_message, "")

        # This shouldn't raise an exception
        json_data = json.loads(body)
    def test_garbage_request(self):
        connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER, "*****@*****.**", "myapp2")
        status, body, error_message = connection.make_request( "/does/not/exist", ConnectionMethod.GET, checkHttpErrors=False);
        # No connection errors, just missing data.
        self.assertEqual(error_message, "")

        self.assertEqual(status, 404)
        self.assertNotEqual(body, "")
 def test_garbage_request_throws(self):
     connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER, "*****@*****.**", "myapp2")
         status, body, error_message = connection.make_request( "/does/not/exist", ConnectionMethod.GET);
     except DVIDException as ex:
         assert ex.status == 404
         assert False, "Bad requests are supposed to throw exceptions!"
    def test_garbage_request(self):
        connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER)
        status, body, error_message = connection.make_request( "/does/not/exist", ConnectionMethod.GET);
        # No connection errors, just missing data.
        self.assertEqual(error_message, "")

        self.assertEqual(status, 404)
        self.assertNotEqual(body, "")
Exemple #13
    def test_garbage_request_throws(self):
        connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER, "*****@*****.**", "myapp2")

            status, body, error_message = connection.make_request(
                "/does/not/exist", ConnectionMethod.GET)
        except DVIDException as ex:
            assert ex.status == 404
            assert False, "Bad requests are supposed to throw exceptions!"
Exemple #14
    def test_garbage_request(self):
        connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER, "*****@*****.**", "myapp2")
        status, body, error_message = connection.make_request(
            "/does/not/exist", ConnectionMethod.GET, checkHttpErrors=False)

        # No connection errors, just missing data.
        self.assertEqual(error_message, "")

        self.assertEqual(status, 404)
        self.assertNotEqual(body, "")
    def test_garbage_request(self):
        connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER)
        status, body, error_message = connection.make_request(
            "/does/not/exist", ConnectionMethod.GET)

        # No connection errors, just missing data.
        self.assertEqual(error_message, "")

        self.assertEqual(status, 404)
        self.assertNotEqual(body, "")
Exemple #16
def create_rawarray8(dvid_server,
                     blocksize=(64, 64, 64),
    """Create 8 bit labels data structure.

        Currenly using uint8blk only.  Does not check whether
        the type already exists.  DVIDExceptions are uncaught.
        libdvid-cpp can be used directly but this also supports
        setting the compression type.

        dvid_server (str): location of dvid server
        uuid (str): version id
        name (str): data instance name
        blocksize (3 int tuple): block size z,y,x
        compression (Compression enum): compression to be used
        minimal_extents: box [(z0,y0,x0), (z1,y1,x1)].
                        If provided, data extents will be at least this large (possibly larger).
        DVIDExceptions are not caught in this function and will be
        transferred to the caller.

    conn = DVIDConnection(dvid_server)
    typename = "uint8blk"
        "Creating {typename} instance: {uuid}/{name}".format(**locals()))

    endpoint = "/repo/" + uuid + "/instance"
    blockstr = "%d,%d,%d" % (blocksize[2], blocksize[1], blocksize[0])
    data = {"typename": typename, "dataname": name, "BlockSize": blockstr}
    if compression != Compression.DEFAULT:
        data["Compression"] = compression.value

    conn.make_request(endpoint, ConnectionMethod.POST,
Exemple #17
    def test_sycns(self):
        """Test sync check and setting a sync.
        service = DVIDServerService(dvidserver)
        uuid = service.create_new_repo("foo", "bar")

        create_label_instance(dvidserver, uuid, "labels")

        # check if labels is listening to labels2
        self.assertFalse(has_sync(dvidserver, uuid, "labels", "bodies"))

        # create labelvol and sync to it
        conn = DVIDConnection(dvidserver)

        endpoint = "/repo/" + uuid + "/instance"
        data = {"typename": "labelvol", "dataname": "bodies"}
        conn.make_request(endpoint, ConnectionMethod.POST,

        set_sync(dvidserver, uuid, "labels", "bodies")
        self.assertTrue(has_sync(dvidserver, uuid, "labels", "bodies"))
Exemple #18
 def get_metadata( hostname, uuid, data_name ):
     Query the voxels metadata for the given node/data_name.
     connection = DVIDConnection(hostname)
     rest_query = "/node/{uuid}/{data_name}/metadata".format( uuid=uuid, data_name=data_name )
     status, response_body, _err_msg = connection.make_request( rest_query, ConnectionMethod.GET )
         json_data = json.loads(response_body)
     except ValueError:
         raise RuntimeError("Response body could not be parsed as valid json:\n"
                            "GET " + rest_query + "\n" + response_body)
     return VoxelsMetadata( json_data )
Exemple #19
 def get_testrepo_root_uuid():
     connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER)
     status, body, error_message = connection.make_request( "/repos/info", ConnectionMethod.GET)
     assert status == http.client.OK, "Request for /repos/info returned status {}".format( status )
     assert error_message == ""
     repos_info = json.loads(body)
     test_repos = [uuid_repo_info for uuid_repo_info in list(repos_info.items()) if uuid_repo_info[1] and uuid_repo_info[1]['Alias'] == 'testrepo']
     if test_repos:
         uuid = test_repos[0][0]
         return str(uuid)
         from libdvid import DVIDServerService
         server = DVIDServerService(TEST_DVID_SERVER)
         uuid = server.create_new_repo("testrepo", "This repo is for unit tests to use and abuse.");
         return str(uuid)
def create_rawarray8(dvid_server, uuid, name, blocksize=(64,64,64),
                     compression=Compression.DEFAULT ):
    """Create 8 bit labels data structure.

        Currenly using uint8blk only.  Does not check whether
        the type already exists.  DVIDExceptions are uncaught.
        libdvid-cpp can be used directly but this also supports
        setting the compression type.

        dvid_server (str): location of dvid server
        uuid (str): version id
        name (str): data instance name
        blocksize (3 int tuple): block size z,y,x
        compression (Compression enum): compression to be used
        minimal_extents: box [(z0,y0,x0), (z1,y1,x1)].
                        If provided, data extents will be at least this large (possibly larger).
        DVIDExceptions are not caught in this function and will be
        transferred to the caller.
    conn = DVIDConnection(dvid_server)
    typename = "uint8blk""Creating {typename} instance: {uuid}/{name}".format( **locals() ))

    endpoint = "/repo/" + uuid + "/instance"
    blockstr = "%d,%d,%d" % (blocksize[2], blocksize[1], blocksize[0])
    data = {"typename": typename, "dataname": name, "BlockSize": blockstr}
    if compression != Compression.DEFAULT:
        data["Compression"] = compression.value

    conn.make_request(endpoint, ConnectionMethod.POST, json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8'))
 def get_testrepo_root_uuid():
     connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER)
     status, body, error_message = connection.make_request( "/repos/info", ConnectionMethod.GET)
     assert status == httplib.OK, "Request for /repos/info returned status {}".format( status )
     assert error_message == ""
     repos_info = json.loads(body)
     test_repos = filter( lambda (uuid, repo_info): repo_info and repo_info['Alias'] == 'testrepo', 
                          repos_info.items() )
     if test_repos:
         uuid = test_repos[0][0]
         return str(uuid)
         from libdvid import DVIDServerService
         server = DVIDServerService(TEST_DVID_SERVER)
         uuid = server.create_new_repo("testrepo", "This repo is for unit tests to use and abuse.");
         return str(uuid)
Exemple #22
def get_testrepo_root_uuid():
    connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER, "*****@*****.**", "myapp")
    status, body, _error_message = connection.make_request(
        "/repos/info", ConnectionMethod.GET)
    repos_info = json.loads(body)
    test_repos = [
        uuid_repo_info for uuid_repo_info in list(repos_info.items())
        if uuid_repo_info[1] and uuid_repo_info[1]['Alias'] == 'testrepo'
    if test_repos:
        uuid = test_repos[0][0]
        return str(uuid)
        from libdvid import DVIDServerService
        server = DVIDServerService(TEST_DVID_SERVER)
        uuid = server.create_new_repo(
            "testrepo", "This repo is for unit tests to use and abuse.")
        return str(uuid)
Exemple #23
    def get_testrepo_root_uuid():
        connection = DVIDConnection(TEST_DVID_SERVER)
        status, body, error_message = connection.make_request("/repos/info", ConnectionMethod.GET)
        assert status == http.client.OK, "Request for /repos/info returned status {}".format(status)
        assert error_message == ""
        repos_info = json.loads(body)
        test_repos = [
            for uuid_repo_info in list(repos_info.items())
            if uuid_repo_info[1] and uuid_repo_info[1]["Alias"] == "testrepo"
        if test_repos:
            uuid = test_repos[0][0]
            return str(uuid)
            from libdvid import DVIDServerService

            server = DVIDServerService(TEST_DVID_SERVER)
            uuid = server.create_new_repo("testrepo", "This repo is for unit tests to use and abuse.")
            return str(uuid)
    def test_zz_quickstart_usage(self):
        import json
        import numpy
        from libdvid import DVIDConnection, ConnectionMethod
        from libdvid.voxels import VoxelsAccessor, VoxelsMetadata

        # Open a connection to DVID
        connection = DVIDConnection("")

        # Get detailed dataset info: /api/repos/info (note: /api is prepended automatically)
        status, body, _error_message = connection.make_request(
            "/repos/info", ConnectionMethod.GET)
        dataset_details = json.loads(body)
        # print(json.dumps( dataset_details, indent=4 ))

        # Create a new remote volume (assuming you already know the uuid of the node)
        uuid = UUID
        voxels_metadata = VoxelsMetadata.create_default_metadata(
            (0, 0, 0, 1), numpy.uint8, 'zyxc', 1.0, "")
        VoxelsAccessor.create_new("", uuid, "my_volume",

        # Use the VoxelsAccessor convenience class to manipulate a particular data volume
        accessor = VoxelsAccessor("", uuid, "my_volume")
        # print(dvid_volume.axiskeys, dvid_volume.dtype, dvid_volume.minindex, dvid_volume.shape)

        # Add some data (must be block-aligned)
        # Must include all channels.
        updated_data = numpy.ones((256, 192, 128, 1), dtype=numpy.uint8)
        accessor[256:512, 32:224, 0:128, 0] = updated_data
        # OR:
        #accessor.post_ndarray( (0,10,20,30), (1,110,120,130), updated_data )

        # Read from it (First axis is channel.)
        cutout_array = accessor[300:330, 40:120, 10:110, 0]
        # OR:
        cutout_array = accessor.get_ndarray((300, 40, 10, 0),
                                            (330, 120, 110, 1))

        assert isinstance(cutout_array, numpy.ndarray)
        assert cutout_array.shape == (30, 80, 100, 1)
Exemple #25
    def list_repos(self):
        """List all repositories in the store.

            A list of (name, uuid) tuples

        data = None
            conn = DVIDConnection(self._server)
            code, data, errmsg = conn.make_request("/repos/info",
        except DVIDException as err:
            raise DicedException("Failed to access /repos/info on DVID")

        jdata = json.loads(data)
        res = []
        for _key, val in jdata.items():
            res.append((str(val["Alias"]), str(val["Root"])))

        return res
   def test_zz_quickstart_usage(self):
       import json
       import numpy
       from libdvid import DVIDConnection, ConnectionMethod
       from libdvid.voxels import VoxelsAccessor, VoxelsMetadata
       # Open a connection to DVID
       connection = DVIDConnection( "localhost:8000" )
       # Get detailed dataset info: /api/repos/info (note: /api is prepended automatically)
       status, body, error_message = connection.make_request( "/repos/info", ConnectionMethod.GET)
       dataset_details = json.loads(body)
       # print json.dumps( dataset_details, indent=4 )
       # Create a new remote volume (assuming you already know the uuid of the node)
       uuid = UUID
       voxels_metadata = VoxelsMetadata.create_default_metadata( (1,0,0,0), numpy.uint8, 'cxyz', 1.0, "" )
       VoxelsAccessor.create_new( "localhost:8000", uuid, "my_volume", voxels_metadata )
       # Use the VoxelsAccessor convenience class to manipulate a particular data volume     
       accessor = VoxelsAccessor( "localhost:8000", uuid, "my_volume" )
       # print dvid_volume.axiskeys, dvid_volume.dtype, dvid_volume.minindex, dvid_volume.shape
       # Add some data (must be block-aligned)
       # Must include all channels.
       # Must be FORTRAN array, using FORTRAN indexing order conventions
       # (Use order='F', and make sure you're indexing it as cxyz)
       updated_data = numpy.ones( (1,128,192,256), dtype=numpy.uint8, order='F' )
       updated_data = numpy.asfortranarray(updated_data)
       accessor[:, 0:128, 32:224, 256:512] = updated_data
       # OR:
       #accessor.post_ndarray( (0,10,20,30), (1,110,120,130), updated_data )
       # Read from it (First axis is channel.)
       cutout_array = accessor[:, 10:110, 40:120, 300:330]
       # OR:
       cutout_array = accessor.get_ndarray( (0,10,40,300), (1,110,120,330) )
       assert isinstance(cutout_array, numpy.ndarray)
       assert cutout_array.shape == (1,100,80,30)
   def test_zz_quickstart_usage(self):
       import json
       import numpy
       from libdvid import DVIDConnection, ConnectionMethod
       from libdvid.voxels import VoxelsAccessor, VoxelsMetadata
       # Open a connection to DVID
       connection = DVIDConnection( "" )
       # Get detailed dataset info: /api/repos/info (note: /api is prepended automatically)
       status, body, _error_message = connection.make_request( "/repos/info", ConnectionMethod.GET)
       dataset_details = json.loads(body)
       # print(json.dumps( dataset_details, indent=4 ))
       # Create a new remote volume (assuming you already know the uuid of the node)
       uuid = UUID
       voxels_metadata = VoxelsMetadata.create_default_metadata( (0,0,0,1), numpy.uint8, 'zyxc', 1.0, "" )
       VoxelsAccessor.create_new( "", uuid, "my_volume", voxels_metadata )
       # Use the VoxelsAccessor convenience class to manipulate a particular data volume     
       accessor = VoxelsAccessor( "", uuid, "my_volume" )
       # print(dvid_volume.axiskeys, dvid_volume.dtype, dvid_volume.minindex, dvid_volume.shape)
       # Add some data (must be block-aligned)
       # Must include all channels.
       updated_data = numpy.ones( (256,192,128,1), dtype=numpy.uint8)
       accessor[256:512, 32:224, 0:128, 0] = updated_data
       # OR:
       #accessor.post_ndarray( (0,10,20,30), (1,110,120,130), updated_data )
       # Read from it (First axis is channel.)
       cutout_array = accessor[300:330, 40:120, 10:110, 0]
       # OR:
       cutout_array = accessor.get_ndarray( (300,40,10,0), (330,120,110,1) )
       assert isinstance(cutout_array, numpy.ndarray)
       assert cutout_array.shape == (30,80,100,1)
Exemple #28
class DicedRepo(object):
    """Provides access to a version of the specified repo.

        If the version of the repo has been locked (i.e., is not open),
        creating datainstance and writing data is disabled.  If one
        wants to write to the repo, a new node should be branched.
        There are several several metadata conventions that are
        used by diced.

            * files are always located in '.files'
            * .meta contains various information about repo
            * .meta/restrictions: is a list of instance names to be ignored by default (set outside of diced)
            * .meta/instance:{instancename:datauuid}: contains '{"numdims": <num>}'
            * .meta/neuroglancer: contains a list of instances compatible with neuroglancer

    # block size constants
    BLKSIZE3D = 64
    BLKSIZE2D = 512
    BLKSIZE1D = 262144
    # keep track of all internal DVID datatypes supported
    SupportedTypes = {"uint8blk" : ArrayDtype.uint8, "uint16blk": ArrayDtype.uint16,
            "uint32blk": ArrayDtype.uint32, "uint64blk": ArrayDtype.uint64,
            "labelblk": ArrayDtype.uint64}
    RawTypeMappings = {ArrayDtype.uint8: "uint8blk", ArrayDtype.uint16: "uint16blk",
                        ArrayDtype.uint32: "uint32blk", ArrayDtype.uint64: "uint64blk"} 
    LabelTypeMappings = {ArrayDtype.uint8: "labelblk", ArrayDtype.uint16: "labelblk",
                        ArrayDtype.uint32: "labelblk", ArrayDtype.uint64: "labelblk"} 

    LabelTypes = set(["labelblk"])
    MetaLocation = ".meta"
    FilesLocation = ".files"
    RestrictionName = "restrictions"
    InstanceMetaPrefix = "instance:"

    def __init__(self, server, uuid, dicedstore):
        self.server = server
        # create connection object to DVID
        self.rawconn = DVIDConnection(server) 
        # hold reference
        self.dicedstore = dicedstore

        self.uuid = None
        # DVID version node connection
        self.nodeconn = None

        # all instances to ignore for ls
        self.hidden_instances = None

        # fetch all repo information
        self.repoinfo = None
        # whether current version is read only
        self.locked = None
        # meta for current node
        self.current_node = None

        # instances available at version
        self.allinstances = None
        self.activeinstances = None
        # initialize version specific data

        # create meta types if not currently available
        if self.MetaLocation not in self.activeinstances:
        if self.FilesLocation not in self.activeinstances:

    def change_version(self, uuid):
        """Change the current node version.

            uuid (str): version node to use
            DicedException if UUID not found
        for tuuid in self.alluuids:
            if tuuid.startswith(uuid):
        raise DicedException("UUID not found")

    def get_current_version(self):
        """Retrieve the current version ID.

            String for UUID

        return self.uuid

    def get_array(self, name):
        """Retrive a DicedArray object.


            DicedException if the array does not exist

        if name in self.activeinstances:
            # check if accepted type
            typename = self.activeinstances[name]
            if typename in self.SupportedTypes: # only support arrays
                islabel3D = typename in self.LabelTypes
                numdims = 3

                # check if num dims specified
                    datauuid = self.repoinfo["DataInstances"][name]["Base"]["DataUUID"]
                    data = self.nodeconn.get_json(self.MetaLocation, str(self.InstanceMetaPrefix+name+":"+datauuid))
                    numdims = data["numdims"]

                return DicedArray(name, self.dicedstore, self.locked, self.nodeconn, 
                        numdims, self.SupportedTypes[typename], islabel3D)
                raise DicedException("Instance name: " + name + " has an unsupported type " + typename)
        raise DicedException("Instance name: " + name + " not found in version " + self.uuid)

    def create_array(self, name, dtype, dims=3, islabel3D=False,
            lossycompression=False, versioned=True): 
        """Create a new array in the repo at this version.

            name (str): unique name for this array
            dtype (ArrayDtype): datatype (not relevant if labels)
            dims (int): number of dimensions (support 1,2,3)
            islabel3D (bool): treat as label data (usually highly compressible) (always 64bit)
            versioned (bool): allow array to be versioned
            lossycompresion (bool): use lossy compression (only if not islabel3D)

            new DicedArray object

            DicedException if node is locked or name is already used.

        if self.locked:
            raise DicedException("Cannot create instance on locked node")
        for (tname, uuid) in self.allinstances:
            if tname == name:
                raise DicedException("Name already exists in repo")

        if islabel3D and dims != 3:
            raise DicedException("islabel3D only supported for 3D data")
        if islabel3D and dtype != ArrayDtype.uint64:
            raise DicedException("islabel3D only works with 64 bit data")

        endpoint = "/repo/" + self.uuid + "/instance"
        typename = self.RawTypeMappings[dtype]
        if islabel3D:
            typename = self.LabelTypeMappings[dtype]

        # handle blocksize
        blockstr = str(self.BLKSIZE3D) + "," + str(self.BLKSIZE3D) + "," + str(self.BLKSIZE3D)
        if dims == 2:
            blockstr = str(self.BLKSIZE2D) + "," + str(self.BLKSIZE2D) + "," + str(1)
        if dims == 1:
            blockstr = str(self.BLKSIZE1D) + "," + str(1) + "," + str(1)

        data = {"typename": typename, "dataname": name, "BlockSize": blockstr}
        if not islabel3D and lossycompression:
            data["Compression"] = "jpeg"

        self.rawconn.make_request(endpoint, ConnectionMethod.POST, json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8'))

        # update current node meta 
        # use '.meta' keyvalue to store array size (since not internal to DVID yet)
        self.nodeconn.put(self.MetaLocation, self.InstanceMetaPrefix+name+":"+str(self.repoinfo["DataInstances"][name]["Base"]["DataUUID"]), json.dumps({"numdims": dims}).encode('utf-8'))

        return DicedArray(name, self.dicedstore, False, self.nodeconn, 
            dims, dtype, islabel3D)

    def get_commit_log(self):
        """Retrieve a list of commit log messages.
            [(str, str] array of uuid, log messages

        return self.loghistory 

    def upload_filedata(self, dataname, data):
        """Upload file data to this repo version.

            dataname (str): name of file
            data (str): data to store
            DicedException if locked

        if self.locked:
            raise DicedException("Node already locked")
        if isinstance(data, unicode):
            data = data.encode('utf-8')
        self.nodeconn.put(self.FilesLocation, dataname, data)

    def download_filedata(self, dataname):
        """Download file data.

            dataname (str): name of file
            Data for file as a string

            DicedException if file does not exist

        data = None
            data = self.nodeconn.get(self.FilesLocation, dataname)
        except DVIDException:
            raise DicedException("file does not exist")
        return data

    def list_instances(self, showhidden=False):
        """Lists data store in this version of the repo.

        This will show all the array data.  The user can
        choose to show everything shown in DVID.

            showhidden (boolean): show all instances (even non-array)
            [ (instance name, ArrayDtype) ] if showhidden is True
            the function returns [ (instance name, type name string) ].

        res = []
        for instance, typename in self.activeinstances.items():
            if showhidden:
                res.append((instance, typename))
            elif typename in self.SupportedTypes and instance not in self.hidden_instances:
                res.append((instance, self.SupportedTypes[typename]))
        return res

    def list_files(self):
        """List all the files for this version node.
            List of strings for file names

        json_text = self.nodeconn.custom_request("/" + self.FilesLocation + "/keys/0/z", b"",
        return json.loads(json_text)

    def create_branch(self, message):
        """Create a new branch from this locked node.

            message (str): commit message
            string for new version UUID            

            DicedExcpetion if node is not locked.
        if not self.locked:
            raise DicedException("Must lock node before branching")
        res = self.nodeconn.custom_request("/branch",
                                           json.dumps({"note": message}).encode('utf-8'),
        res = json.loads(res)

        #  add new uuid (no need to reinit everything)

        return str(res["child"])

    def lock_node(self, message):
        """Lock node.

            message (str): commit message
            string for new version UUID            

            DicedExcpetion if node is already locked.
        if self.locked:
            raise DicedException("Node already locked")
                                     json.dumps({"note": message}).encode('utf-8'),

        # no need to reinit everything
        self.locked = True
    def delete_file(self, filename):
        """Delete file from this version.

        This will only delete the file from the current version.
            filename (str): name of file
            DicedExcpetion if node is already locked.
        if self.locked:
            raise DicedException("Node already locked")

        self.nodeconn.custom_request("/" + self.FilesLocation + "/key/" + filename, 
                b"", ConnectionMethod.DELETE)
    def delete_array(self, dataname):
        """Delete array from repo (not just version!) -- this cannot be undone!

            For large arrays this could be very time-consuming.
            While this is non-blocking, currently, DVID
            will not resume the deletion on restart, so it is
            possible for data to still be stored even if it
            is superficially removed.  For now, the user should
            ensure DicedStore is open for a some time after
            issue the command.

            Implement a restartable background delete.


        addr = self.dicedstore._server.split(':')[0]
        rpcaddress = addr + ":" + str(self.dicedstore.rpcport)
        deletecall = subprocess.Popen(['dvid', '-rpc='+rpcaddress, 'repo', self.uuid, 'delete', dataname], stdout=None)


    def _init_version(self, uuid):
        # create connection to repo
        self.nodeconn = DVIDNodeService(str(self.server), str(uuid))
        # fetch all repo information
        status, data, errmsg = self.rawconn.make_request("/repo/" + uuid + "/info", ConnectionMethod.GET)
        self.repoinfo = json.loads(data)
        self.allinstances = {}
        # load all versions in repo
        self.alluuids = set()
        dag = self.repoinfo["DAG"]["Nodes"]
        for uuidt, nodedata in dag.items():
        for instancename, val in self.repoinfo["DataInstances"].items():
            # name is not necessarily unique to a repo
            self.allinstances[(str(instancename), str(val["Base"]["DataUUID"]))] = str(val["Base"]["TypeName"])

        # datainstances that should be hidden (array of names) 
            self.hidden_instances = set(self.nodeconn.get_json(self.MetaLocation, self.RestrictionName))
            self.hidden_instances = set()
        nodeids = {}
        # check if locked note
        dag = self.repoinfo["DAG"]["Nodes"]
        for tuuid, nodedata in dag.items():
            nodeids[str(nodedata["VersionID"])] = nodedata
            if tuuid.startswith(uuid):
                self.uuid = str(tuuid)
                self.current_node = nodedata
                self.locked = nodedata["Locked"]
        # load all ancestors
        ancestors = set()

        # commit history uuid, commit note in order from oldest to newest
        self.loghistory = []
        currnode = self.current_node
        while True:
            self.loghistory.append((str(currnode["UUID"]), currnode["Note"]))
            if len(currnode["Parents"]) > 0:
                currnode = nodeids[str(currnode["Parents"][0])] 

        # load all instances
        self.activeinstances = {}
        if not self.locked:
            tempuuid = self.loghistory[-1][0]
            self.loghistory[-1] = (tempuuid, "(open node)")

        for instancename, val in self.repoinfo["DataInstances"].items():
            if str(val["Base"]["RepoUUID"]) in ancestors:
                self.activeinstances[str(instancename)] = str(val["Base"]["TypeName"])
Exemple #29
def create_label_instance(dvid_server,
                          blocksize=(64, 64, 64),
    Create 64 bit labels data structure.

        Does not check whether
        the type already exists.  DVIDExceptions are uncaught.
        libdvid-cpp can be used directly but this also supports
        setting the compression type.

        dvid_server (str): location of dvid server
        uuid (str): version id
        name (str): data instance name
        blocksize (3 int tuple): block size z,y,x
        compression (Compression enum): compression to be used
        enable_index: Whether or not to support indexing on this label instance
                      Should usually be True, except for benchmarking purposes.
        typename: What instance type to create ('labelarray' or 'labelmap')
        tags: A list of arbitrary strings to include in the 'Tags' field of the instance.

        True if the labels instance didn't already exist on the server
        False if it already existed. (In which case this function has no effect.)
        DVIDExceptions are not caught in this function and will be
        transferred to the caller, except for the 'already exists' exception.
    conn = DVIDConnection(dvid_server)
        "Creating {typename} instance: {uuid}/{name}".format(**locals()))

    endpoint = "/repo/" + uuid + "/instance"
    blockstr = "%d,%d,%d" % (blocksize[2], blocksize[1], blocksize[0])
    data = {
        "typename": typename,
        "dataname": name,
        "BlockSize": blockstr,
        "IndexedLabels": str(enable_index).lower(),
        "CountLabels": str(enable_index).lower(),
        "MaxDownresLevel": str(levels)

    if tags:
        tagstr = ','.join(tags)
        data["Tags"] = tagstr

    if compression != Compression.DEFAULT:
        data["Compression"] = compression.value

        conn.make_request(endpoint, ConnectionMethod.POST,
    except DVIDException as ex:
        if 'already exists' in ex.message:

    return True