Exemple #1
def g2g(xd, yd, thetad):
    global current_x
    global current_y
    global current_theta

    # ~ file = open(save_folder2 + "x_"+str(xd)+",y_"+str(yd)+",theta_"+str(thetad)+".txt","a+")
    #~ file = open(save_folder2 + "Triangle_Open" +".txt","a")
    #~ file = open(save_folder2 + "Square_Open" +".txt","a")

    while True:

        xc = current_x
        yc = current_y
        thetac = current_theta

        inv_rotation_mat = np.array([
            np.sin(thetac), 0, -np.sin(thetac),
            np.cos(thetac), 0, 0, 0, 1
        ]).reshape(3, 3)
        d = np.sqrt(((xd - xc)**2) + ((yd - yc)**2))

        phi = math.atan2((yd - yc), (xd - xc))

        vel_global = np.array(
            [d * np.cos(phi), d * np.sin(phi),
             -1 * (current_theta - thetad)])[:, None]

        vel_local = np.dot(inv_rotation_mat, vel_global)

        v_x = vel_local[0]
        v_y = vel_local[1]
        v_theta = vel_local[2]

        robot.move(v_x, v_y, v_theta)

        pose = odemetryCalc(xc, yc, thetac)
        pos = odemetry_RealSense()

        current_x = pos_x
        current_y = pos_y
        current_theta = pose.item(2)
        # ~ print (current_x)
        # ~ print (current_y)

        delta = np.sqrt(((xd - current_x)**2) + ((yd - current_y)**2))  #< 0.1

        data_write = "x: " + str(pos_x) + "  y: " + str(
            pos_y) + "  theta: " + str(pose.item(2))
        # ~ file.writelines(str(pose[0][0])+" , "+str(pose[1][0])+" , "+str(pose[2][0])+"\n")

        if delta < 0.04:
            # ~ file.close()
Exemple #2
        rpm = []
        printSetup = 1

        for line in lines:
            x = line.split(',')[0]
            y = line.split(',')[1]
            timer = x
            rpm = y

            #~ file = open(save_folder + "Motor: "+str(motor_num)+".txt","a")
            file = open(save_folder + "All Motors: 1,2,3 " + ".txt", "a")

            start = time.time()

            while time.time() - float(start) <= float(timer):
                data = [0]
                if (ser.inWaiting() > 0):
                    data = (ser.readline().decode())
                    file.writelines(" {0} , {1}".format(data[:-2], rpm))

## Ctrl + c to stop robot
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # Close serial connection
    print('\n\n		Stop!!! See you again!')
Exemple #3
def path_f(xd, yd, thetad, b, a, R, step):
    global current_x
    global current_y
    global current_theta

    delta_min = 0.1
    vr = 0.1
    k = 5
    Kx = k
    Ky = k
    Kz = k

    file = open(
        save_folder + "Circle" + "_vr_" + str(vr) + "_K_" + str(k) +
        "_delta_" + str(delta_min) + '_R_' + str(R) + '_step_' + str(step) +
        ".txt", "a")
    # ~ file = open(save_folder2 + "Circle"+"_vr_"+str(vr)+"_K_"+str(Kx)+"_"+str(Ky)+"_"+str(Kz)+"_delta_"+str(delta_min)+".txt","a")

    while True:

        xc = current_x
        yc = current_y
        thetac = current_theta

        if (a - xd == 0):
            x_dot_d = vr
            y_dot_d = 0
            theta_dot_d = 0.1

        if (yd - b == 0):
            x_dot_d = 0
            y_dot_d = vr
            theta_dot_d = 0.1

            dydx = (a - xd) / (yd - b)
            x_dot_d = vr / np.sqrt(1 + dydx * dydx)
            y_dot_d = dydx * x_dot_d
            theta_dot_d = 0.1

        q_dot_d = np.array([x_dot_d, y_dot_d, theta_dot_d]).reshape(3, 1)

        j = (2 * np.pi * 0.03 / 60) * np.array(
            [(2 / 3) * np.sin(thetad + np.pi / 3), (-2 / 3) * np.sin(thetad),
             (2 / 3) * np.sin(thetad - np.pi / 3),
             (-2 / 3) * np.cos(thetad + np.pi / 3), (2 / 3) * np.cos(thetad),
             (-2 / 3) * np.cos(thetad - np.pi / 3), -1 / (3 * 0.19), -1 /
             (3 * 0.19), -1 / (3 * 0.19)]).reshape(3, 3)
        j_inv = np.linalg.inv(j).reshape(3, 3)

        K = np.array([Kx, 0, 0, 0, Ky, 0, 0, 0, Kz]).reshape(3, 3)

        e = np.array([(xc - xd), (yc - yd), (thetac - thetad)]).reshape(3, 1)

        s = np.dot(-K, e, out=None) + q_dot_d

        ########################################################		Input W	(RPM)
        w = np.dot(j_inv, s, out=None)
        motor_spd_vec = w
        # ~ print(vm)

        ########################################################		commanded RPM
        wheel1RPM = motor_spd_vec[0]  # motor 2 speed [rpm]
        wheel0RPM = motor_spd_vec[1]  # motor 1 speed [rpm]
        wheel2RPM = motor_spd_vec[2]  # motor 3 speed [rpm]

        c_rpm1 = float(wheel0RPM)
        c_rpm2 = float(wheel1RPM)
        c_rpm3 = float(wheel2RPM)

        robot.motor_rpm(int(wheel0RPM), int(wheel1RPM), int(wheel2RPM))

        pose = odometryCalc(xc, yc, thetac)
        pos = odometry_RealSense()

        current_x = pose.item(0)
        current_y = pose.item(1)
        current_theta = pose.item(2)

        #use RealSense as feedback
        # ~ current_x = pos_x
        # ~ current_y = pos_y
        # ~ current_theta = theta_rs

        vel = np.sqrt(vel_x * vel_x + vel_y * vel_y + vel_z * vel_z)
        # ~ vel = str(vel_x)+" , "+str(vel_y)
        # ~ print(vel)

        delta = np.sqrt(((xd - current_x)**2) + ((yd - current_y)**2))
        # ~ print(delta)

        m1_rpm = robot.rpm(0)
        m2_rpm = robot.rpm(1)
        m3_rpm = robot.rpm(2)
        data_rpm = str(m1_rpm) + ' , ' + str(m2_rpm) + ' , ' + str(m3_rpm)
        # ~ print(data_rpm)

        # ~ start = time.time()
        time_running = time.time()
        # ~ print(time_running)

        data_pose = "x: " + str(pose[0][0]) + "  y: " + str(
            pose[1][0]) + "  theta: " + str(pose[2][0])
        # ~ file.writelines(str(pose[0][0])+" , "+str(pose[1][0])+" , "+str(pose[2][0])+" , "+str(pos_x)+" , "+str(pos_y)+" , "+str(m1_rpm)+" , "+str(m2_rpm)+" , "+str(m3_rpm)+" , "+str(time_running)+ "\n")
        # ~ file.writelines(str(pose[0][0])+" , "+str(pose[1][0])+" , "+str(pose[2][0])+" , "+str(pos_x)+" , "+str(pos_y)+" , "+str(m1_rpm)+" , "+str(m2_rpm)+" , "+str(m3_rpm)+" , "+str(vel_x)+" , "+str(vel_y)+" , "+str(vel)+" , "+str(time_running)+ "\n")
            str(pose[0][0]) + " , " + str(pose[1][0]) + " , " +
            str(pose[2][0]) + " , " + str(pos_x) + " , " + str(pos_y) + " , " +
            str(m1_rpm) + " , " + str(m2_rpm) + " , " + str(m3_rpm) + " , " +
            str(c_rpm1) + " , " + str(c_rpm2) + " , " + str(c_rpm3) + " , " +
            str(vel_x) + " , " + str(vel_y) + " , " + str(vel) + " , " +
            str(time_running) + "\n")

        if delta < delta_min:
Exemple #4
def g2g_oa(xd, yd, thetad):

    #########################################			G2G					#####################################
    global current_x
    global current_y
    global current_theta

    dt = 0.1

    #PID goToGoal
    Kp = 2
    Ki = 0.05
    Kd = 0

    integral = np.array([0, 0, 0])[:, None]
    preError = np.array([0, 0, 0])[:, None]
    min_distance = 0.15

    delta = np.sqrt(((xd - current_x)**2) + ((yd - current_y)**2))

    while delta > min_distance:

        file = open(
            save_folder + "x_" + str(xd) + ",y_" + str(yd) + ",theta_" +
            str(thetad) + ".txt", "a+")
        xc = current_x
        yc = current_y
        thetac = current_theta

        pose = odemetryCalc(xc, yc, thetac)

        #PID Controller
        setPoint = np.array([xd, yd, thetad])[:, None]
        currentPoint = np.array([xc, yc, thetac])[:, None]
        error = setPoint - currentPoint
        preError = error
        integral = integral + error

        derivative = error - preError
        output = Kp * error + Ki * integral + Kd * derivative
        vel_global = output

        #Inverse Kinematic
        inv_rotation_mat = np.array([
            np.sin(thetac), 0, -np.sin(thetac),
            np.cos(thetac), 0, 0, 0, 1
        ]).reshape(3, 3)

        #~ vel_global = np.array([ d*np.cos(phi), d*np.sin(phi), 0])[:,None]
        vel_local = np.dot(inv_rotation_mat, vel_global)

        v_x_g2g = vel_local[0]
        v_y_g2g = vel_local[1]
        v_theta_g2g = vel_local[2]

        #########################################		Obstacle Avoidance					############################
        for x in range(6):
            us[x] = robot.ultrasonic(x)
            #~ print(str(us[0])+", "+str(us[1])+", "+str(us[2])+", "+str(us[3])+", "+str(us[4])+", "+str(us[5]))

            global d
            d = [us[0], us[1], us[2], us[3], us[4], us[5]]

            if d[x] != 0:
                flag[x] = 1
                flag[x] = 0
            #~ print(flag)

            if d[x] != 0:

                d0 = d[0]
                d1 = d[1]
                d2 = d[2]
                d3 = d[3]
                d4 = d[4]
                d5 = d[5]

                vs0 = us0(d0)
                vs1 = us1(d1)
                vs2 = us2(d2)
                vs3 = us3(d3)
                vs4 = us4(d4)
                vs5 = us5(d5)

                global vl_s

                vl_s = flag[0] * vs0 + flag[1] * vs1 + flag[2] * vs2 + flag[
                    3] * vs3 + flag[4] * vs4 + flag[5] * vs5

###############################################			Combine G2G and OA  		#####################################

        v_x_obs = -vl_s[0]
        v_y_obs = -vl_s[1]

        #~ print(str(v_x_obs)+' , '+str(v_y_obs))
        #~ print(d)
        for x in d:
            global v_x
            global v_y
            global v_theta
            if d == [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]:

                v_x = 0.3 * v_x_g2g
                v_y = 0.3 * v_y_g2g
                v_theta = v_theta_g2g
                #~ speed = 120

            elif x > 0.3 and x <= 0.4:

                v_x = 0.3 * v_x_g2g + 0.7 * v_x_obs
                v_y = 0.3 * v_y_g2g + 0.7 * v_y_obs
                v_theta = v_theta_g2g
                #~ print('30 cm')
                #~ speed = 100

            elif x > 0.2 and x <= 0.3:

                v_x = 0.2 * v_x_g2g + 0.8 * v_x_obs
                v_y = 0.2 * v_y_g2g + 0.8 * v_y_obs
                v_theta = v_theta_g2g
                #~ print('20 cm')
                #~ speed = 80

            elif x > 0.1 and x <= 0.2:

                v_x = 0.1 * v_x_g2g + 0.9 * v_x_obs
                v_y = 0.1 * v_y_g2g + 0.9 * v_y_obs
                v_theta = v_theta_g2g
                #~ print('10 cm')
                #~ speed = 70

            elif x > 0 and x <= 0.1:

                v_x = v_x_obs
                v_y = v_y_obs
                v_theta = v_theta_g2g
                #~ print('0 cm')
                #~ speed = 200
            elif d[0] != 0:
                v_theta = 3.14

        robot.move(v_x, v_y, v_theta)

        current_x = pose.item(0)
        current_y = pose.item(1)
        current_theta = pose.item(2)

        delta = np.sqrt(((xd - current_x)**2) + ((yd - current_y)**2))

        #~ time.sleep(dt)
        data_write = "x: " + str(pose[0][0]) + "  y: " + str(
            pose[1][0]) + "  theta: " + str(pose[2][0])
            str(pose[0][0]) + " , " + str(pose[1][0]) + " , " +
            str(pose[2][0]) + "\n")
        #~ file.writelines(data_write)

Exemple #5
def g2g_pid(xd, yd, thetad):

    #########################################			G2G					#####################################
    global current_x
    global current_y
    global current_theta

    dt = 0.1

    #PID goToGoal
    Kp = 2
    Ki = 0.05
    Kd = 0

    integral = np.array([0, 0, 0])[:, None]
    preError = np.array([0, 0, 0])[:, None]
    min_distance = 0.01

    delta = np.sqrt(((xd - current_x)**2) + ((yd - current_y)**2))

    while delta > min_distance:

        file = open(
            save_folder1 + "x_" + str(xd) + ",y_" + str(yd) + ",theta_" +
            str(thetad) + ".txt", "a+")
        #~ file = open(save_folder1 + "Triangle_Closed" +".txt","a")
        #~ file = open(save_folder1 + "Square_Closed" +".txt","a")
        xc = current_x
        yc = current_y
        thetac = current_theta

        pose = odemetryCalc(xc, yc, thetac)

        #PID Controller
        setPoint = np.array([xd, yd, thetad])[:, None]
        currentPoint = np.array([xc, yc, thetac])[:, None]
        error = setPoint - currentPoint
        preError = error
        integral = integral + error

        derivative = error - preError
        output = Kp * error + Ki * integral + Kd * derivative
        vel_global = output

        #Inverse Kinematic
        inv_rotation_mat = np.array([
            np.sin(thetac), 0, -np.sin(thetac),
            np.cos(thetac), 0, 0, 0, 1
        ]).reshape(3, 3)

        #~ vel_global = np.array([ d*np.cos(phi), d*np.sin(phi), 0])[:,None]
        vel_local = np.dot(inv_rotation_mat, vel_global)

        v_x = vel_local[0]
        v_y = vel_local[1]
        v_theta = vel_local[2]

        robot.move(v_x, v_y, v_theta)

        current_x = pos_x
        current_y = pos_y
        current_theta = pose.item(2)

        delta = np.sqrt(((xd - current_x)**2) + ((yd - current_y)**2))

        data_write = "x: " + str(pose[0][0]) + "  y: " + str(
            pose[1][0]) + "  theta: " + str(pose[2][0])
            str(pose[0][0]) + " , " + str(pose[1][0]) + " , " +
            str(pose[2][0]) + "\n")
