def _generate_libtype_element(self, element=None):
        # Display header.
        if element is None:
            print("New", end=" ")
            element = {"title": None, "shop": None, "finished": None}
        print("Game Editor")
        # Get game's elements.
        title = ""
        while title == "":
            title = input(
                "Title{}: ".format("" if element["title"] is None else "[" +
                                   element["title"] + "]"))
            if element["title"] is not None and title == "":
                title = element["title"]
        # Exit editor if the user is trying to create a game, which already exists.
        if element["title"] is None and self.get_element(title) is not None:
            print("Game {} already exists.".format(title))
            return None
        # Exit editor if new title already exists.
        if element["title"] is not None:
            if title != element["title"] and self.get_element(
                    title) is not None:
                print("Title '{}' has already been used for a game.".format(
                return None

        element["title"] = title

        shop = ""
        while shop == "":
            shop = input(
                "Shop{}: ".format("" if element["shop"] is None else "[" +
                                  element["shop"] + "]"))
            if element["shop"] is not None and shop == "":
                shop = element["shop"]
        element["shop"] = shop

        finished = Utility.get_answer_yn(
            "Finished{}:".format("" if element["finished"] is None else "[" +
                                 element["finished"] + "]"))
        if finished == "y":
            element["finished"] = "Yes"
            element["finished"] = "No"

        # Get game's installer elements.
        if Utility.get_answer_yn("Open installer editor?") == "y":
            element = self._generate_installer(element)
        # Return game dictionary.
        return element
Exemple #2
    def show_add_element(self, element=None):
        menu = None
        # Get the element from the user.
        if element is None:
            menu = True
            # Generate new element.
            element = self._generate_libtype_element()
            # Return if element is still None.
            if element is None:
                input("Press 'Enter' to return to menu: ")

            print("Adding item:")
            answer = Utility.get_answer_yn("Add item?")
            # User wants to quit.
            if answer == "n":

        # Add item.
        if self.add_element(element) == 0:
            print("The item {} has been added successfully.".format(element))
            print("The item {} has not been added.".format(element))

        if menu:
            input("Press 'Enter' to return to menu: ")
Exemple #3
    def show_restore(self):
        backupfile = self._xmlfile + ".back"
        if os.path.isfile(backupfile):
            # Validate backup file before continue.
            if Utility.validate(self._xsdfile, backupfile) != 0:
                print("'{}' is not a valid library file.".format(
                print("Nothing has changed.")
                input("Press 'Enter' to continue: ")
            # Ask user for overwriting existing library file.
            overwrite = Utility.get_answer_yn(
                "This operation will overwrite existing library if any. Continue?"

            # Making sure that only Y or y will overwrite the backup.
            if overwrite != "y":
                print("Nothing has changed.")
                input("Press 'Enter' to continue: ")

            # Restore library file, overwriting existing one if any.
            if self.restore() == 0:
                print("Library file has been restored successfully.")
                print("Library restoration process has failed.")
                    "Make sure a [valid] '{}' file exists and you have write privilege in containing folder."
            print("No backup file has been found.")
        input("Press 'Enter' to continue: ")
 def _edit_optional_tag(self, element, tag):
     choice = Utility.get_answer_yn("{} {}:".format("Edit" if tag in element else "Create", tag))
     if choice == "y":
         value = input("{}{} [leave empty to remove]: ".format(tag, "[" + element[tag] + "]" if tag in element else ""))
         if value == "":
             # Remove tag if exists.
             if tag in element:
                 del element[tag]
             return element
         element[tag] = value
     return element
 def _generate_new_installer(self, game):
     # Add new installer.
     installers = []
     while Utility.get_answer_yn("Add new installer?") == "y":
         newinst = self._get_installer_values()
     # Add installers to game.
     if installers:
         if "installer" in game:
             game["installer"] += installers
             game["installer"] = installers
     return game
Exemple #6
    def validate_configuration(self):
        # Validate configuration.
        if Utility.validate(self.__confxsd, self.__confxml) == 0:
            # Validation was successful.
            # Validation has failed.
            print("Configuration does not validate.")
            # Ask user for creating new configuration.
            newconf = ""
            while newconf != "y" and newconf != "n":
                newconf = Utility.get_answer_yn(
                    "Create new configuration files (will overwrite existed files)?"

            if newconf == "y":
                # Create new configuration.
Exemple #7
 def show_edit_element(self, element=None):
     menu = None
     # Get the element's unique key from the user.
     if element is None:
         menu = True
         element = input("Enter the {} of the item to be edited: ".format(
     # Get element.
     item = self.get_element(element)
     if item is None:
         print("No item with {} '{}' found.".format(self._uniquekey,
     elif isinstance(item, int):
         print("Invalid storage file {}.".format(self._xmlfile))
         # Create python dictionary parsing element's values.
         itemdict = self._xmlitem_to_dict(item)
         # Edit item.
         itemdict = self._generate_libtype_element(itemdict)
         # Check if itemdict contains values.
         if itemdict is not None:
             #confirm before save.
             print("Saving item:")
             answer = Utility.get_answer_yn("Save item?")
             # User wants to quit.
             if answer == "n":
             # Persist changes.
                 if self.edit_element(element, itemdict) == 0:
                         "The edited item {} has been saved successfully.".
                     print("The edited item {} has not been saved.".format(
             except OSError:
                     "Temporary file ha not been removed, after the edited item {} has been saved."
     if menu:
         input("Press 'Enter' to return to menu: ")
Exemple #8
    def show_restore_schema(self):
        if os.path.isfile(self._xsdfile):
            # Ask user for overwriting existing schema file.
            overwrite = Utility.get_answer_yn(
                "This operation will overwrite the existing library schema. Continue?"

            # Making sure that only Y or y will overwrite the existing schema.
            if overwrite != "y":
                print("Nothing has changed.")
                input("Press 'Enter' to continue: ")

        # If there isn't any schema file already or the user has entered Y or y
        # restore the default library schema, overwriting existing one if any.
        if self.restore_schema() == 0:
            print("Default library schema has been restored successfully.")
            print("Library schema restoration process has failed.")
            print("Make sure you have write privilege in '{}' folder.".format(
                os.path.join(self._storageroot, self._libtype)))

        input("Press 'Enter' to continue: ")
Exemple #9
    def show_create_library(self):
        if os.path.isfile(self._xmlfile):
            # Ask user for overwriting existing library.
            overwrite = Utility.get_answer_yn(
                "This operation will overwrite the existing library. Continue?"

            # Making sure that only Y or y will overwrite the existing library.
            if overwrite != "y":
                print("Nothing has changed.")
                input("Press 'Enter' to continue: ")

        # If there isn't any library file already or the user has entered Y or y
        # create a new empty library, overwriting existing one if any.
        if self.create_library() == 0:
            print("New empty library has been created successfully.")
            print("New library creation process has failed.")
            print("Make sure you have write privilege in '{}' folder.".format(
                os.path.join(self._storageroot, self._libtype)))

        input("Press 'Enter' to continue: ")
Exemple #10
    def show_backup(self):
        if os.path.isfile(self._xmlfile + ".back"):
            # Ask user for overwriting existing backup file.
            overwrite = Utility.get_answer_yn(
                "A backup file already exists. Overwrite?")

            # Making sure that only Y or y will overwrite the backup.
            if overwrite != "y":
                print("Nothing has changed.")
                input("Press 'Enter' to continue: ")

        # If there isn't any backup already or the user has entered Y or y
        # create a new backup, overwriting existing one if any.
        if self.backup() == 0:
            print("New backup file has been created successfully.")
            print("Backup process has failed.")
                "Make sure a [valid] '{}' file exists and you have write privilege in containing folder."

        input("Press 'Enter' to continue: ")
    def _generate_libtype_element(self, element = None):
        # Display header.
        if element is None:
            print("New", end = " ")
            element = {"title": None, "authors": None, "category": None,
                       "formats": None, "isbn": None, "finished": None}
        print("Book Editor")
        # Get book's elements.
        isbn = ""
        while isbn == "":
            isbn = input("ISBN{}: ".format("" if element["isbn"] is None else "[" + element["isbn"] + "]"))
            if element["isbn"] is not None and isbn == "":
                isbn = element["isbn"]
            # Check if ISBN has 13 digits.
            pattern = re.compile("^\d{13}$")
            match = pattern.match(isbn)
            if match is None:
                print("ISBN should be 13 digits.".format(isbn))
                return None
        # Exit editor if the user is trying to create a book, which already exists.
        if element["isbn"] is None and self.get_element(isbn) is not None:
            print("Book {} already exists.".format(isbn))
            return None
        # Exit editor if new isbn already exists.
        if element["isbn"] is not None:
            if isbn != element["isbn"] and self.get_element(isbn) is not None:
                print("ISBN '{}' has already been used for a book.".format(isbn))
                return None

        element["isbn"] = isbn

        # Edit mandatory elements.
        element = self._edit_mandatory_tag(element, "title")
        element = self._edit_mandatory_tag(element, "category")

        # Edit mandatory lists.
        element = self._generate_mandatory_list(element, "authors")
        element = self._generate_mandatory_list(element, "formats", ["Hardback", "Paperback", "eBook", "Other"])

        finished = Utility.get_answer_yn("Finished{}:".format("" if element["finished"] is None else "[" + element["finished"] + "]"))
        if finished == "y":
            element["finished"] = "Yes"
            element["finished"] = "No"

        # Edit optional elements.
        publicationdate = None
        while publicationdate is None:
            publicationdate = input("Publication date{} [YYYY-MM-DD or leave empty to remove]: ".format("[" + element["publicationdate"] + "]" if "publicationdate" in element else ""))
            if publicationdate == "":
                if "publicationdate" in element:
                    del element["publicationdate"]
                publicationdate = Utility.validate_date(publicationdate)
                if publicationdate is not None:
                    element["publicationdate"] = publicationdate

        element = self._edit_optional_tag(element, "publisher")
        element = self._edit_optional_tag(element, "edition")
        element = self._edit_optional_tag(element, "pagenumber")
        element = self._edit_optional_tag(element, "lastpageread")
        element = self._edit_optional_tag(element, "shop")

        # Return book dictionary.
        return element