def createRowsCols(self, table, chkDenouement, dict_denouement_mkb): ''' :param table: :param chkDenouement: bool :param dict_denouement_mkb: MKBs :return: ''' lst_frth_row = [u'1', u'2', u'3', u'4', u'5', u'6', u'7', u'8', u'9', u'10', u'11', u'12'] lst_count = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21] dict_mkb = OrderedDict() dict_mkb['некоторые инфекционные и паразитарные болезни'] = 'A00 - B99' dict_mkb['новообразования'] = 'C00 - D48' dict_mkb['болезни крови, кроветворных органов и отдельные нарушения, вовлекающие иммунный механизм'] = 'D50 - D89' dict_mkb['болезни эндокринной системы, расстройства питания и нарушения обмена веществ'] = 'E00 - E90' dict_mkb['психические расстройства и расстройства поведения'] = 'F00 - F99' dict_mkb['болезни нервной системы'] = 'G00 - G99' dict_mkb['болезни глаза и его придаточного аппарата'] = 'H00 - H59' dict_mkb['болезни уха и сосцевидного отростка'] = 'H60 - H95' dict_mkb['болезни системы кровообращения'] = 'I00 - I99' dict_mkb['болезни органов дыхания'] = 'J00 - J99' dict_mkb['болезни органов пищеварения'] = 'K00 - K93' dict_mkb['болезни кожи и подкожной клетчатки'] = 'L00 - L98' dict_mkb['болезни костно-мышечной системы и соединительной ткани'] = 'M00 - M99' dict_mkb['болезни мочеполовой системы'] = 'N00 - N99' dict_mkb['беременность, роды и послеродовой период'] = 'O00 - O99' dict_mkb['отдельные состояния, возникающие в перинатальном периоде'] = 'P00 - P96' dict_mkb['врожденные аномалии, пороки развития, деформации и хромосомные нарушения'] = 'Q00 - Q99' dict_mkb['симптомы, признаки и отклонения от нормы, выявленные при клинических и лабораторных исследованиях, ' \ 'не классифицированные в других рубриках'] = 'R00 - R99' dict_mkb['травмы, отравления и некоторые другие последствия воздействия внешних причин'] = 'S00 - T98' dict_mkb['Кроме того: факторы, влияющие на состояние здоровья и обращения в учреждения здравоохранения'] = 'Z00 - Z99' #OrderedDict((word, True) for word in dict_mkb) i = table.addRow() for j in range(0, 12): table.setText(i, lst_count[j], lst_frth_row[j]) i = table.addRow() table.setText(i, 0, "Всего, в том числе:") table.setText(i, 1, "1") if chkDenouement is False: table.setText(i, 2, "A00-T98") for j in range(0, len(dict_mkb)): i = table.addRow() table.setText(i, 0, dict_mkb.keys()[j]) table.setText(i, 1, lst_count[j+2]) table.setText(i, 2, dict_mkb.values()[j]) elif chkDenouement is True: table.setText(i, 2, "") for j in range(0, len(dict_denouement_mkb)): i = table.addRow() table.setText(i, 0, dict_denouement_mkb.keys()[j]) table.setText(i, 1, j+2) table.setText(i, 2, dict_denouement_mkb.values()[j])
def build(self, params): doc = QtGui.QTextDocument() cursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(doc) cursor.setCharFormat(CReportBase.ReportTitle) cursor.insertText(self.title()) cursor.insertBlock() self.dumpParams(cursor, params) cursor.insertBlock() cursor.insertText("(2000)") cursor.insertBlock() tableColumns = [ ('24%', [u'Профиль коек', u'', u'', u''], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('3%', [u'№ строки', u'', u'', u''], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('7%', [u'Дневные стационары медицинских организаций, оказывающих медицинскую помощь ' u'в стационарных условиях', u'Число коек', u'для взрослых', u'на конец года'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('6%', [u'', u'', u'', u'среднегодовых'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('6%', [u'', u'', u'для детей', u'на конец года'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('6%', [u'', u'', u'', u'среднегодовых'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('9%', [u'', u'Выписано пациентов', u'', u'взрослых'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('8%', [u'', u'', u'из них:', u'лиц старше трудоспособного возраста'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('8%', [u'', u'', u'', u'детей 0-17 лет включительно'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('9%', [u'', u'Проведено пациенто-дней', u'', u'взрослыми:'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('8%', [u'', u'', u'из них:', u'лицами старше трудоспособного возраста'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('6%', [u'', u'', u'', u'детьми 0-17 лет включительно'], CReportBase.AlignLeft) ] table = createTable(cursor, tableColumns) db = QtGui.qApp.db tblrbHospitalBedProfile = db.table('rbHospitalBedProfile') rbHospitalBedProfile = db.getRecordList(tblrbHospitalBedProfile, cols='*') profileBedId = getVal(params, 'profileBedId', None) # # bedProfile_dict collects the bed types we have. If none bed_type is chosen, then we have to take all the # bed_types in the db, else only the chosen beds # # else: we have the whole table 'rbhospitalbedprofile', and from the table we have to find the item with that # particular id and to put it in the list bedProfile_dict # # from decimal import Decimal bedProfile_dict = {} if profileBedId is None or not profileBedId: for i in range(0, len(rbHospitalBedProfile)): name = forceStringEx((rbHospitalBedProfile[i]).value('name')) row_code = forceStringEx((rbHospitalBedProfile[i]).value('row_code')) if row_code: bedProfile_dict.update({name : Decimal(row_code)}) else: for i in range(0, len(profileBedId)): rbProfileBed = db.getRecordEx(tblrbHospitalBedProfile, cols='name, row_code', where=tblrbHospitalBedProfile['id'].eq(profileBedId[i])) name = forceStringEx(rbProfileBed.value('name').toString()) row_code = forceStringEx(rbProfileBed.value('row_code').toString()) # print type(name), type(row_code) # Vidi dali da go pravish so Decimal(row_code), bidejki kako i da e unicode # ne mi teknuva dali nekade ke mi treba kako cifra, ili ke projde so Unicode, # ako sto brisi bedProfile_dict.update({name : Decimal(row_code)}) # # creates as much rows as there are bed_profiles # from library.vm_collections import OrderedDict from operator import itemgetter bedProfile_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(bedProfile_dict.items(), key=itemgetter(1))) self.createRowsCols(table, bedProfile_dict) orgStructureId = getVal(params, 'orgStructureId', None) tblOrgstructure = db.table('OrgStructure') Orgstructure = db.getRecordList(tblOrgstructure, cols='id, name, parent_id') lst_id = [] if orgStructureId is None: # # load everything from orgstructure, if no organisation is chosen # for rec in Orgstructure: lst_id.append(int(forceString(rec.value("id")))) else: # # list from the organisation_tree that should be included # lst_id.append(int(orgStructureId)) for id in lst_id: for rec in Orgstructure: if int(id) == int(forceString(rec.value("parent_id"))) and int( forceString(rec.value("id"))) not in lst_id: lst_id.append(int(forceString(rec.value("id")))) ageId = getVal(params, 'ageId', None) RegularBedId = getVal(params, 'RegularBedId', None) ii = 0 lst_age = [ "((YEAR(event.setDate) - YEAR(DATE(c.birthDate)) - (RIGHT(DATE(event.setDate), 5) < RIGHT(DATE(c.birthDate), 5))) >= 18)", "(((YEAR(event.setDate) - YEAR(DATE(c.birthDate)) - (RIGHT(DATE(event.setDate), 5) < RIGHT(DATE(c.birthDate), 5))) >= 60) AND = 1) " "OR (((YEAR(event.setDate) - YEAR(DATE(c.birthDate)) - (RIGHT(DATE(event.setDate), 5) < RIGHT(DATE(c.birthDate), 5))) >= 55) AND = 2)", "((YEAR(event.setDate) - YEAR(DATE(c.birthDate)) - (RIGHT(DATE(event.setDate), 5) < RIGHT(DATE(c.birthDate), 5))) < 18)" "AND ((YEAR(event.setDate) - YEAR(DATE(c.birthDate)) - (RIGHT(DATE(event.setDate), 5) < RIGHT(DATE(c.birthDate), 5))) >=0)"] lst_bedProfile = [ "(oh.isPermanent = 1 OR oh.isPermanent = 0)", "oh.isPermanent = 1", "oh.isPermanent = 0" ] bedProfile = lst_bedProfile[0] if RegularBedId == 0: bedProfile = lst_bedProfile[0] elif RegularBedId == 1: bedProfile = lst_bedProfile[1] else: bedProfile = lst_bedProfile[2] sumBeds_col3 = 0 sumBeds_col5 = 0 sumPac_col7 = 0 sumPac_col8 = 0 sumPac_col9 = 0 sumDays_col10 = 0 sumDays_col11 = 0 sumDays_col12 = 0 # # We are looping through beds with row_code given, checking in each orgstructure if they have that bed # summing the values for each bed # for bed_id in range(0, len(bedProfile_dict)): sum_koek_vzrolsye = 0 sum_koek_detey = 0 sum_col7 = 0 sum_col8 = 0 sum_col9 = 0 sum_col10 = 0 sum_col11 = 0 sum_col12 = 0 for org_id in range(0, len(lst_id)): # # summing the columns for each organisation # query = selectData(params, lst_id[org_id], bedProfile, (bedProfile_dict.values()[bed_id])) self.setQueryText(forceString(query.lastQuery())) # this does nothing? # # list of age range that is appending each time to the query # This is done in order to make the query smaller and simpler (changing the age range by looping in for cycle) # for j in range (0, len(lst_age)): queryPacDays = selectData_PacientDays(params, lst_age[j], bedProfile, lst_id[org_id], (bedProfile_dict.values()[bed_id])) self.setQueryText(forceString(queryPacDays.lastQuery())) # this does nothing? # # input: query that outputs the events (setDate, execDate and eventId). We calculate the days spend # in SDP for a pacient belonging in particular age range (lst_age) # while recordPacDays = queryPacDays.record() days = getEventLengthDays( forceDate(recordPacDays.value('e_set')), forceDate(recordPacDays.value('e_exec')), countRedDays=False, eventTypeId=forceString(recordPacDays.value('et_id')), isDayStationary= True) # # Depending on the index in lst_age we sum the days for a pacient in a particular age range # if j == 0: sum_col10 = sum_col10 + int(days) sumDays_col10 = sumDays_col10 + int(days) elif j == 1: sum_col11 = sum_col11 + int(days) sumDays_col11 = sumDays_col11 + int(days) else: sum_col12 = sum_col12 + int(days) sumDays_col12 = sumDays_col12 + int(days) while record = query.record() try: sum_koek_vzrolsye = sum_koek_vzrolsye + int(forceString(record.value('koek_vzroslye'))) except ValueError: pass try: sum_koek_detey = sum_koek_detey + int(forceString(record.value('koek_detey'))) except ValueError: pass try: sum_col7 = sum_col7 + int(forceString(record.value('col_7'))) except ValueError: pass try: sum_col8 = sum_col8 + int(forceString(record.value('col_8'))) except ValueError: pass try: sum_col9 = sum_col9 + int(forceString(record.value('col_9'))) except ValueError: pass # # Depending on the choice in the combobox we have to choose the which columns are going to be filled # if ageId == 0: table.setText(ii + 6, 2, sum_koek_vzrolsye) table.setText(ii + 6, 4, sum_koek_detey) sumBeds_col3 = sumBeds_col3 + sum_koek_vzrolsye sumBeds_col5 = sumBeds_col5 + sum_koek_detey table.setText(ii + 6, 6, sum_col7) table.setText(ii + 6, 7, sum_col8) table.setText(ii + 6, 8, sum_col9) sumPac_col7 = sumPac_col7 + sum_col7 sumPac_col8 = sumPac_col8 + sum_col8 sumPac_col9 = sumPac_col9 + sum_col9 table.setText(ii + 6, 9, sum_col10) table.setText(ii + 6, 10, sum_col11) table.setText(ii + 6, 11, sum_col12) elif ageId == 1: # detey table.setText(ii + 6, 4, sum_koek_detey) sumBeds_col5 = sumBeds_col5 + sum_koek_detey table.setText(ii + 6, 8, sum_col9) sumPac_col9 = sumPac_col9 + sum_col9 table.setText(ii + 6, 11, sum_col12) elif ageId == 2: # vzroslye table.setText(ii + 6, 2, sum_koek_vzrolsye) sumBeds_col3 = sumBeds_col3 + sum_koek_vzrolsye table.setText(ii + 6, 6, sum_col7) table.setText(ii + 6, 7, sum_col8) sumPac_col7 = sumPac_col7 + sum_col7 sumPac_col8 = sumPac_col8 + sum_col8 table.setText(ii + 6, 9, sum_col10) table.setText(ii + 6, 10, sum_col11) ii = ii + 1 if ageId == 0: table.setText(5, 2, sumBeds_col3) table.setText(5, 4, sumBeds_col5) table.setText(5, 6, sumPac_col7) table.setText(5, 7, sumPac_col8) table.setText(5, 8, sumPac_col9) table.setText(5, 9, sumDays_col10) table.setText(5, 10, sumDays_col11) table.setText(5, 11, sumDays_col12) elif ageId == 1: table.setText(5, 4, sumBeds_col5) table.setText(5, 8, sumPac_col9) table.setText(5, 11, sumDays_col12) else: table.setText(5, 2, sumBeds_col3) table.setText(5, 6, sumPac_col7) table.setText(5, 7, sumPac_col8) table.setText(5, 9, sumDays_col10) table.setText(5, 10, sumDays_col11) self.merge_cells(table) return doc
def build(self, params): doc = QtGui.QTextDocument() cursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(doc) cursor.setCharFormat(CReportBase.ReportTitle) cursor.insertText(self.title()) cursor.insertBlock() self._title = u"3.1. Дневные стационары для взрослых" cursor.insertText(self.title()) cursor.insertBlock() self.dumpParams(cursor, params) cursor.insertBlock() cursor.insertText("(3000)") cursor.insertBlock() tableColumns = [ ('24%', [u'Наименование классов МКБ-10', u'', u''], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('3%', [u'№ строки', u'', u''], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('10%', [u'Код по МКБ-10', u'', u''], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('7%', [u'Дневные стационары медицинских организаций, оказывающих медицинскую помощь', u'в стационарных условиях', u'Выписано пациентов'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('7%', [u'', u'', u'Проведено пациенто - дней'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('7%', [u'', u'', u'Умерло'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('7%', [u'', u'в амбулаторных условиях', u'Выписано пациентов'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('7%', [u'', u'', u'Проведено пациенто - дней'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('7%', [u'', u'', u'Умерло'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('7%', [u'', u'на дому', u'Выписано пациентов'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('7%', [u'', u'', u'Проведено пациенто - дней'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('7%', [u'', u'', u'Умерло'], CReportBase.AlignLeft) ] table = createTable(cursor, tableColumns) RegularBedId = getVal(params, 'RegularBedId', None) chkDenouement = getVal(params, 'chkDenouement', False) db = QtGui.qApp.db orgStructureId = getVal(params, 'orgStructureId', None) tblOrgstructure = db.table('OrgStructure') Orgstructure = db.getRecordList(tblOrgstructure, cols='id, name, parent_id') lst_id = [] if orgStructureId is None: ''' load everything from orgstructure, if no organisation is chosen ''' for rec in Orgstructure: lst_id.append(int(forceString(rec.value("id")))) else: ''' list from the organisation_tree that should be included ''' lst_id.append(int(orgStructureId)) for id in lst_id: for rec in Orgstructure: if int(id) == int(forceString(rec.value("parent_id"))) and int( forceString(rec.value("id"))) not in lst_id: lst_id.append(int(forceString(rec.value("id")))) ii = 0 lst_bedProfile = [ "(oh.isPermanent = 1 OR oh.isPermanent = 0)", "oh.isPermanent = 1", "oh.isPermanent = 0" ] lst_MKB = ["'A00%%' AND 'B99%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'B99%%'", "'C00%%' AND 'D48%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'D48%%'", "'D50%%' AND 'D89%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'D89%%'", "'E00%%' AND 'E90%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'E90%%'", "'F00%%' AND 'F99%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'F99%%'", "'G00%%' AND 'G99%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'G99%%'", "'H00%%' AND 'H59%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'H59%%'", "'H60%%' AND 'H95%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'H95%%'", "'I00%%' AND 'I99%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'I99%%'", "'J00%%' AND 'J99%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'J99%%'", "'K00%%' AND 'K93%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'K93%%'", "'L00%%' AND 'L98%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'L98%%'", "'M00%%' AND 'M99%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'M99%%'", "'N00%%' AND 'N99%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'N99%%'", "'O00%%' AND 'O99%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'O99%%'", "'P00%%' AND 'P96%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'P96%%'", "'Q00%%' AND 'Q99%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'Q99%%'", "'R00%%' AND 'R99%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'R99%%'", "'S00%%' AND 'T98%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'T98%%'", "'Z00%%' AND 'Z99%%' OR d.MKB LIKE 'Z99%%'"] bedProfile = lst_bedProfile[0] if RegularBedId == 0: bedProfile = lst_bedProfile[0] elif RegularBedId == 1: bedProfile = lst_bedProfile[1] else: bedProfile = lst_bedProfile[2] dict_denouement_mkb = OrderedDict() tblMKB = db.table('MKB') if chkDenouement is True: for row in range(0, len(lst_MKB)): for org_id in range(0, len(lst_id)): MKB_query = u"d.MKB BETWEEN %s" % lst_MKB[row] query_SDP = selectDataMKB(params, lst_id[org_id], bedProfile,8, MKB_query) query_DS = selectDataMKB(params, lst_id[org_id], bedProfile, 7, MKB_query) self.setQueryText(forceString(query_SDP.lastQuery())) self.setQueryText(forceString(query_DS.lastQuery())) while record = query_SDP.record() mkb = forceString(record.value('MKB')) mkb_name = db.getRecordEx(table=tblMKB, cols='DiagName', where=tblMKB['DiagID'].eq(mkb)) field = mkb_name.field(0) dict_denouement_mkb[field.value().toString()] = forceString(record.value('MKB')) while record = query_DS.record() mkb = forceString(record.value('MKB')) mkb_name = db.getRecordEx(table=tblMKB, cols='DiagName', where=tblMKB['DiagID'].eq(mkb)) field = mkb_name.field(0) dict_denouement_mkb[field.value().toString()] = forceString(record.value('MKB')) elif chkDenouement is False: for row in range(0, len(lst_MKB)): dict_denouement_mkb[lst_MKB[row]] = "" self.createRowsCols(table, chkDenouement, dict_denouement_mkb) sumPac_col4 = 0 sumDays_col5 = 0 sumOth_col6 = 0 sumPac_col7 = 0 sumDays_col8 = 0 sumOth_col9 = 0 ''' We are looping through list of MKB ranges, checking in each orgstructure if they have that bed summing the values for each bed ''' for row in range(0, len(dict_denouement_mkb)): sum_col5 = 0 sum_col8 = 0 days_col5 = 0 days_col8 = 0 sumcol4 = 0 sumcol6 = 0 sumcol7 = 0 sumcol9 = 0 for org_id in range(0, len(lst_id)): if chkDenouement is False: str_mkb = str(dict_denouement_mkb.keys()[row])[-6:-1] # F99%% MKB_query = u"(d.MKB BETWEEN %s OR d.MKB LIKE '%s')" % (dict_denouement_mkb.keys()[row], str_mkb) ''' MKB_query (d.MKB BETWEEN 'E00%' AND 'E90%' OR d.MKB='E00') ''' #MKB_query = u"d.MKB BETWEEN %s" % (dict_denouement_mkb.keys()[row]) elif chkDenouement is True: MKB_query = u"d.MKB = '%s'" % dict_denouement_mkb.values()[row] query_col5 = selectData_PacientDays(params, lst_id[org_id],bedProfile, 8, MKB_query) query_col8 = selectData_PacientDays(params, lst_id[org_id], bedProfile, 7, MKB_query) query = selectData(params, lst_id[org_id], bedProfile, MKB_query) self.setQueryText(forceString(query.lastQuery())) self.setQueryText(forceString(query_col5.lastQuery())) self.setQueryText(forceString(query_col8.lastQuery())) ''' sum of pacients for every organisation (that's why in this for) ''' while record_col5 = query_col5.record() ''' get the number of days having in mind the length of the working week ''' days_col5 = getEventLengthDays( forceDate(record_col5.value('e_set')), forceDate(record_col5.value('e_exec')), countRedDays=False, eventTypeId=forceString(record_col5.value('et_id')), isDayStationary=True) sum_col5 += int(days_col5) ''' Всего, в том числе ''' while record_col8 = query_col8.record() days_col8 = getEventLengthDays( forceDate(record_col8.value('e_set')), forceDate(record_col8.value('e_exec')), countRedDays=False, eventTypeId=forceString(record_col8.value('et_id')), isDayStationary=True) sum_col8 += int(days_col8) while record = query.record() sumcol4 += int(forceString(record.value('discharge_Patients_SDP'))) sumcol7 += int(forceString(record.value('discharge_Patients_DS'))) sumcol6 += int(forceString(record.value('dead_SDP'))) sumcol9 += int(forceString(record.value('dead_DS'))) sumDays_col5 += sum_col5 sumDays_col8 += sum_col8 table.setText(ii + 5, 4, sum_col5) table.setText(ii + 5, 7, sum_col8) sumPac_col4 += sumcol4 sumPac_col7 += sumcol7 sumOth_col6 += sumcol6 sumOth_col9 += sumcol9 table.setText(ii + 5, 3, sumcol4) table.setText(ii + 5, 5, sumcol6) table.setText(ii + 5, 6, sumcol7) table.setText(ii + 5, 8, sumcol9) ii = ii + 1 ''' sum of all the columns minus the last one (Z) ''' if chkDenouement is False: sumPac_col4 -= int(sumcol4) sumDays_col5 -= int(days_col5) sumOth_col6 -= int(sumcol6) sumPac_col7 -= int(sumcol7) sumDays_col8 -= int(days_col8) sumOth_col9 -= int(sumcol9) table.setText(4, 3, sumPac_col4) table.setText(4, 4, sumDays_col5) table.setText(4, 5, sumOth_col6) table.setText(4, 6, sumPac_col7) table.setText(4, 7, sumDays_col8) table.setText(4, 8, sumOth_col9) self.merge_cells(table) return doc
def build(self, params): begDate = params.get('begDate', None) endDate = params.get('endDate', None) workOrgId = params.get('workOrgId', None) sex = params.get('sex', 0) ageFrom = params.get('ageFrom', 0) ageTo = params.get('ageTo', 150) areaIdEnabled = params.get('areaIdEnabled', False) areaId = params.get('areaId', None) MKBFilter = params.get('MKBFilter', 0) MKBFrom = params.get('MKBFrom', 'A00') MKBTo = params.get('MKBTo', 'Z99.9') MKBExFilter = params.get('MKBExFilter', 0) MKBExFrom = params.get('MKBExFrom', 'A00') MKBExTo = params.get('MKBExTo', 'Z99.9') socStatusType = params.get('socStatusType', None) socStatusClass = params.get('socStatusClass', None) personId = params.get('personId', None) query = QtGui.qApp.db.query( selectData(begDate, endDate, workOrgId, sex, ageFrom, ageTo, areaIdEnabled, areaId, MKBFilter, MKBFrom, MKBTo, MKBExFilter, MKBExFrom, MKBExTo, socStatusType, socStatusClass, personId)) self.setQueryText(forceString(query.lastQuery())) rows = OrderedDict() while rec = query.record() cid = forceRef(rec.value('cid')) dispanser = forceInt(rec.value('dispanser')) clientName = forceString(rec.value('clientName')) birthDate = forceDate(rec.value('birthDate')) clientPolicy = forceString(rec.value('clientPolicy')) SNILS = forceString(rec.value('SNILS')) socStatus = forceString(rec.value('socStatus')) diagName = forceString(rec.value('DiagName')) diagId = forceString(rec.value('DiagId')) setDate = forceDate(rec.value('setDate')) execDate = forceDate(rec.value('execDate')) visits = forceInt(rec.value('visits')) f20 = forceString(rec.value('f20')) d = rows.setdefault((cid, diagId), INITIAL_ROW_DICT.copy()) if clientName: d['clientName'] = clientName if birthDate: d['birthDate'] = birthDate if clientPolicy: d['clientPolicy'] = clientPolicy if SNILS: d['SNILS'] = SNILS if socStatus: d['socStatus'] = socStatus if diagName: d['diagName'] = diagName if diagId: d['diagId'] = diagId if setDate and (not d['setDate'] or d['setDate'] > setDate) and dispanser in (1, 2): d['setDate'] = setDate if execDate and (not d['execDate'] or d['execDate'] < execDate) and dispanser in (3, 4, 5): d['execDate'] = execDate if visits: d['visits'] += visits if f20: d['f20'] = f20 doc = QtGui.QTextDocument() cursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(doc) cursor.setCharFormat(CReportBase.ReportTitle) cursor.insertText(self.title()) cursor.insertBlock() self.dumpParams(cursor, params) cursor.insertBlock() tableColumns = [ ('5%', [u'№ п/п', u'', u'', u'', u'1'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [ u'Сведения врача-терапевта участкового, врача-педиатра участкового, врача общей практики ' u'(семейного врача)', u'Ф.И.О. пациента', u'', u'', u'2' ], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [u'', u'Дата рождения', u'', u'', u'3'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [u'', u'Номер полиса ОМС', u'', u'', u'4'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [u'', u'СНИЛС', u'', u'', u'5'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [u'', u'Код категории льготы', u'', u'', u'6'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [u'', u'Наименование заболевания', u'', u'', u'7'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [u'', u'Код по МКБ-10', u'', u'', u'8'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [u'', u'Дата начала диспансерного наблюдения', u'', u'', u'9'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [ u'', u'Дата прекращения диспансерного наблюдения', u'', u'', u'10' ], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [u'', u'Число посещений', u'', u'', u'11'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [ u'Сведения организационно-методического кабинета', u'Лекарственное обеспечение', u'выписано', u'наименование лекарственного препарата, дозировка', u'12' ], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [u'', u'', u'', u'№ и серия рецепта', u'13'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [ u'', u'', u'фактически получено (наименование лекарственного препарата, дозировка)', u'', u'14' ], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [u'', u'Стоимость лекарственного обеспечения', u'', u'', u'15'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [ u'', u'Санитарно-курортное лечение', u'Выдано:', u'справок для получения путевки на санаторно-курортное лечение', u'16' ], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [ u'', u'', u'', u'из них на амбулаторное курортное лечение', u'17' ], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [u'', u'', u'', u'санаторно-курортных карт', u'18'], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [ u'', u'', u'Возвращено обратных талонов санаторно-курортных карт', u'', u'19' ], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ('5%', [ u'', u'Направлено на госпитализацию, медицинскую реабилитацию, обследование, консультацию', u'', u'', u'20' ], CReportBase.AlignLeft), ] table = createTable(cursor, tableColumns) table.mergeCells(0, 0, 4, 1) table.mergeCells(0, 1, 1, 10) table.mergeCells(1, 1, 3, 1) table.mergeCells(1, 2, 3, 1) table.mergeCells(1, 3, 3, 1) table.mergeCells(1, 4, 3, 1) table.mergeCells(1, 5, 3, 1) table.mergeCells(1, 6, 3, 1) table.mergeCells(1, 7, 3, 1) table.mergeCells(1, 8, 3, 1) table.mergeCells(1, 9, 3, 1) table.mergeCells(1, 10, 3, 1) table.mergeCells(0, 11, 1, 9) table.mergeCells(1, 11, 1, 3) table.mergeCells(2, 11, 1, 2) table.mergeCells(2, 13, 2, 1) table.mergeCells(1, 14, 3, 1) table.mergeCells(1, 15, 1, 4) table.mergeCells(2, 15, 1, 3) table.mergeCells(2, 18, 2, 1) table.mergeCells(1, 19, 3, 1) for i, row in enumerate(rows.values()): birthDate = row['birthDate'].toString( 'dd.MM.yyyy') if row['birthDate'] else '-' setDate = row['setDate'].toString( 'dd.MM.yyyy') if row['setDate'] else '-' execDate = row['execDate'].toString( 'dd.MM.yyyy') if row['execDate'] else '-' table.addRowWithContent(str(i + 1), row['clientName'], birthDate, row['clientPolicy'], row['SNILS'], row['socStatus'], row['diagName'], row['diagId'], setDate, execDate, str(row['visits']), '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', row['f20']) cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) return doc