Exemple #1
def popolae(ctx, size):
    logger.info('COMMAND: Filling irods')

    com = basher()  # system commands, only needed for this command
    remove_irods_existing = appconfig.mocking()
    from libs.service_supply import fill_irods_random
    fill_irods_random(com, ctx.obj['icom'], size, remove_irods_existing)
    def pid_metadata(self, pid):
        """ Metadata derived only inside an Eudat enviroment """

        # Binary included inside the neoicommands docker image
        com = 'epicc'
        credentials = './conf/credentials.json'
        args = ['os', credentials, 'read', pid]

        json_data = ""
        select = {
            'checksum': 'CHECKSUM',
        metas = {}

        if appconfig.mocking():
# // TO FIX:
            empty = ""
# Generate random
# e.g. irods://
# e.g. sha2:dCdRWFfS2TGm/4BfKQPu1WdQSdBwxRoxCRMX3zan3SM=
# e.g. 842/52ae4c2c-4feb-11e5-afd1-fa163e62896a
            pid_metas = {
                'URL': empty,
                'CHECKSUM': empty,
                'EUDAT/PPID': empty,
            # Fake, always the same
            metas = self.parse_rest_json(None, './tests/epic.pid.out')

            logger.debug("Epic client for %s " % args)
            json_data = self.execute_command(com, args).strip()
            if json_data.strip() == 'None':
                return {}

            # Get all epic metas
            metas = self.parse_rest_json(json_data)

        ## Meaningfull data
        pid_metas = {}
        for name, selection in select.items():
            value = None
            if selection in metas:
                value = metas[selection]
            pid_metas[name] = value

        return pid_metas
def findconnect_frompid(graph, pid, ppid):

    # Replica
    pid_replica = graph.PID.nodes.get(code=pid)
    dobj_replica = pid_replica.identify.get()

    # Original copy (parent)
    if appconfig.mocking():
        fake = {'name':'well', 'location':'fixed'}
        dobj_parent = graph.DataObject.get_or_create(fake).pop()
        pid_parent = graph.PID.nodes.get(code=ppid)
        dobj_parent = pid_parent.identify.get()

    # Relationship as neomodel
    relation = dobj_replica.replica.connect(dobj_parent)
    relation.ppid = ppid

# // TO FIX: how to find ROR?
    relation.ror = relation.ppid

    logger.info("Saved replica relation for %s %s" % (pid, relation.ppid))
    def register_pid(self, dataobj):
        """ Eudat rule for irods to register a PID to a Handle """

        # Path fix
        dataobj = os.path.join(self._base_dir, dataobj)

        if appconfig.mocking():

            #pid = "842/a72976e0-5177-11e5-b479-fa163e62896a"
            # 8 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 12
            base = "842"
            code = string_generator(8)
            code += "-" + str(random.randint(1000,9999))
            code += "-" + string_generator(4) + "-" + string_generator(4)
            code += "-" + string_generator(12)
            pid = base + "/" + code

            context = {
                'irods_file': dataobj.center(len(dataobj)+2, '"')
            pid = self.execute_rule_from_template('getpid', context)

        return pid
def fill_irods_random(com, icom, elements=10, clean_irods=True, \
    prefix=DEFAULT_PREFIX, tmp_dir='itmp'):

    # Remove host data temporary dir if existing
    com.remove_directory(tmp_dir, ignore=True)
    # Create host data dir

    # Clean all fake dirs if requested
    if clean_irods:
        for mydir in fake_directories:
            # Clean if existing on iRODS
            if icom.check(mydir):
                logger.warning("Cleaning on server")

    logger.info("Creating %s elements" % elements)
    # Create and save
    for i in range(1, elements+1):

        # Random directory, not so random
        pos = random.randint(0,len(fake_directories)-1)
        irods_dir = fake_directories[pos]

        logger.debug("Element n. %s " % i)
        # Create two strings
        r1 = string_generator()
        r2 = string_generator()

        # Write a random file
        filename = prefix + r1 + ".txt"
        hostfile = tmp_dir + "/" + filename
        with open(hostfile,'w') as f:
        # Put into irods
        irods_file = irods_dir + "/" + filename
        icom.save(hostfile, irods_file)

        # Add random meta via imeta
        metas = {}
        metas_elements = random.randint(1,5)
        for j in range(0, metas_elements):
            # More randoms
            r3 = string_generator(j)
            metatag = random.randint(1,elements)
            # Meta key
            name = "meta-" + str(metatag) #str(r3) #to make unique?
            # Content
            value = r3 + r2
            metas[name] = value

        ## PID
        if random.randint(0,1):
            # PID may not exists
            pid = icom.register_pid(irods_file)
            logger.info("Obtained PID %s" % pid)

            if appconfig.mocking():
                # Save pid inside metadata
                # Automatic if using real Eudat service
                metas["PID"] = pid

        # Write metadata
        for key, value in metas.items():
            # Could use batch insert instead
            icom.meta_write(irods_file, [key], [value])
            logger.debug("Wrote key %s inside file %s " % (key, filename))

        ## REPLICA

        # Random choise if replica or not
        if random.randint(0,1):
            logger.debug("Generating a REPLICA!")

            # Random number of replicas
            n = random.randint(1,3)

            if appconfig.mocking():
                # irods simple replica
                icom.replica(irods_file, n)
#// TO FIX: more copies
                # # Eudat
                # while n > 1:
                #     n -= 1
                #     icom.eudat_replica(irods_file)


    # Debug
    # print("Created ", metas_elements, "elements")

    # Clean host data
    com.remove_directory(tmp_dir, ignore=True)
    logger.info("COMPLETED\nGenerated n.%s elements" % elements)