def compute_pose_2d2d(self, kp_ref, kp_cur): """Compute the pose from view2 to view1 Args: kp_ref (Nx2 array): keypoints for reference view kp_cur (Nx2 array): keypoints for current view Returns: pose (SE3): relative pose from current to reference view best_inliers (N boolean array): inlier mask """ principal_points = (, # initialize ransac setup best_Rt = [] best_inlier_cnt = 0 max_ransac_iter = self.cfg.compute_2d2d_pose.ransac.repeat best_inliers = np.ones((kp_ref.shape[0])) == 1 # check flow magnitude avg_flow = np.mean(np.linalg.norm(kp_ref-kp_cur, axis=1)) min_flow = self.cfg.compute_2d2d_pose.min_flow if avg_flow > min_flow: for i in range(max_ransac_iter): # repeat ransac for several times for stable result # shuffle kp_cur and kp_ref (only useful when random seed is fixed) new_list = np.random.randint(0, kp_cur.shape[0], (kp_cur.shape[0])) new_kp_cur = kp_cur.copy()[new_list] new_kp_ref = kp_ref.copy()[new_list] start_time = time() E, inliers = cv2.findEssentialMat( new_kp_cur, new_kp_ref, focal=self.cam_intrinsics.fx, pp=principal_points, method=cv2.RANSAC, prob=0.99, threshold=self.cfg.compute_2d2d_pose.ransac.reproj_thre, ) cheirality_cnt, R, t, _ = cv2.recoverPose(E, new_kp_cur, new_kp_ref, focal=self.cam_intrinsics.fx, pp=principal_points,) self.timers.timers["Ess. Mat."].append(time()-start_time) if inliers.sum() > best_inlier_cnt and cheirality_cnt > 50: best_Rt = [R, t] best_inlier_cnt = inliers.sum() best_inliers = inliers if len(best_Rt) == 0: R = np.eye(3) t = np.zeros((3,1)) best_Rt = [R, t] else: R = np.eye(3) t = np.zeros((3,1)) best_Rt = [R, t] R, t = best_Rt pose = SE3() pose.R = R pose.t = t return pose, best_inliers
def __init__(self, cfg): """ Args: cfg (edict): configuration reading from yaml file """ self.cam_intrinsics = Intrinsics() # predicted global poses self.global_poses = {0: SE3()} # tracking stage self.tracking_stage = 0 # configuration self.cfg = cfg # visualization interface self.initialize_visualization_drawer() self.ref_data = { 'id': [], 'timestamp': {}, 'img': {}, 'depth': {}, 'raw_depth': {}, 'pose': {}, 'kp': {}, 'kp_best': {}, 'kp_list': {}, 'pose_back': {}, 'kp_back': {}, 'flow': {}, # from ref->cur 'flow_diff': {}, # flow-consistency-error of ref->cur } self.cur_data = { 'id': 0, 'timestamp': 0, 'img': np.zeros(1), 'depth': np.zeros(1), 'pose': np.eye(4), 'kp': np.zeros(1), 'kp_best': np.zeros(1), 'kp_list': np.zeros(1), 'pose_back': np.eye(4), 'kp_back': np.zeros(1), 'flow': {}, # from cur->ref }
def tracking_hybrid(self): """Tracking using both Essential matrix and PnP Essential matrix for rotation (and direction); *** triangluate depth v.s. CNN-depth for translation scale *** PnP if Essential matrix fails """ # First frame if self.tracking_stage == 0: # initial self.cur_data['pose'] = SE3(self.gt_poses[self.cur_data['id']]) self.tracking_stage = 1 return # Second to last frames elif self.tracking_stage >= 1: # Flow-net for 2D-2D correspondence start_time = time() cur_data, ref_data = self.deep_flow_forward( self.cur_data, self.ref_data, forward_backward=self.cfg.deep_flow.forward_backward) self.timers.timers['Flow-CNN'].append(time() - start_time) for ref_id in self.ref_data['id']: # Compose hybrid pose hybrid_pose = SE3() # FIXME: add if statement for deciding which kp to use # Essential matrix pose E_pose, _ = self.compute_pose_2d2d( cur_data['kp_best'], ref_data['kp_best'][ref_id]) # pose: from cur->ref # Rotation hybrid_pose.R = E_pose.R # translation scale from triangulation v.s. CNN-depth if np.linalg.norm(E_pose.t) != 0: scale = self.find_scale_from_depth( cur_data['kp_best'], ref_data['kp_best'][ref_id], E_pose.inv_pose, self.cur_data['depth']) if scale != -1: hybrid_pose.t = E_pose.t * scale # PnP if Essential matrix fail if np.linalg.norm(E_pose.t) == 0 or scale == -1: pnp_pose, _, _ \ = self.compute_pose_3d2d( cur_data['kp_best'], ref_data['kp_best'][ref_id], ref_data['depth'][ref_id] ) # pose: from cur->ref # use PnP pose instead of E-pose hybrid_pose = pnp_pose self.tracking_mode = "PnP" ref_data['pose'][ref_id] = copy.deepcopy(hybrid_pose) # ref_data['pose'][ref_id] = hybrid_pose self.ref_data = copy.deepcopy(ref_data) self.cur_data = copy.deepcopy(cur_data) # copy keypoint for visualization self.ref_data['kp'] = copy.deepcopy(ref_data['kp_best']) self.cur_data['kp'] = copy.deepcopy(cur_data['kp_best']) # update global poses pose = self.ref_data['pose'][self.ref_data['id'][-1]] self.update_global_pose(pose, 1) self.tracking_stage += 1 del (ref_data) del (cur_data)
def compute_pose_3d2d(self, kp1, kp2, depth_1): """Compute pose from 3d-2d correspondences Args: kp1 (Nx2 array): keypoints for view-1 kp2 (Nx2 array): keypoints for view-2 depth_1 (HxW array): depths for view-1 Returns: pose (SE3): relative pose from view-2 to view-1 kp1 (Nx2 array): filtered keypoints for view-1 kp2 (Nx2 array): filtered keypoints for view-2 """ height, width = depth_1.shape # Filter keypoints outside image region x_idx = (kp2[:, 0] >= 0) * (kp2[:, 0] < width) kp1 = kp1[x_idx] kp2 = kp2[x_idx] y_idx = (kp2[:, 1] >= 0) * (kp2[:, 1] < height) kp1 = kp1[y_idx] kp2 = kp2[y_idx] # Filter keypoints outside depth range kp1_int = kp1.astype( kp_depths = depth_1[kp1_int[:, 1], kp1_int[:, 0]] non_zero_mask = (kp_depths != 0) depth_range_mask = (kp_depths < self.cfg.depth.max_depth) * ( kp_depths > self.cfg.depth.min_depth) valid_kp_mask = non_zero_mask * depth_range_mask kp1 = kp1[valid_kp_mask] kp2 = kp2[valid_kp_mask] # Get 3D coordinates for kp1 XYZ_kp1 = unprojection_kp(kp1, kp_depths[valid_kp_mask], self.cam_intrinsics) # initialize ransac setup best_rt = [] best_inlier = 0 max_ransac_iter = self.cfg.PnP.ransac.repeat for i in range(max_ransac_iter): # shuffle kp_cur and kp_ref (only useful when random seed is fixed) new_list = np.random.randint(0, kp2.shape[0], (kp2.shape[0])) new_XYZ = XYZ_kp1.copy()[new_list] new_kp2 = kp2.copy()[new_list] if new_kp2.shape[0] > 4: flag, r, t, inlier = cv2.solvePnPRansac( objectPoints=new_XYZ, imagePoints=new_kp2, cameraMatrix=self.cam_intrinsics.mat, distCoeffs=None, iterationsCount=self.cfg.PnP.ransac.iter, reprojectionError=self.cfg.PnP.ransac.reproj_thre, ) if flag and inlier.shape[0] > best_inlier: best_rt = [r, t] best_inlier = inlier.shape[0] pose = SE3() if len(best_rt) != 0: r, t = best_rt pose.R = cv2.Rodrigues(r)[0] pose.t = t pose.pose = pose.inv_pose return pose, kp1, kp2
def __init__(self, cfg): """ Args: cfg (edict): configuration reading from yaml file """ # camera intrinsics self.cam_intrinsics = Intrinsics() # predicted global poses self.global_poses = {0: SE3()} # tracking stage self.tracking_stage = 0 # configuration self.cfg = cfg # window size and keyframe step self.window_size = 2 self.keyframe_step = 1 # visualization interface self.initialize_visualization_drawer() # timer self.timers = Timers() self.timers.add([ "img_reading", "Depth-CNN", "tracking", "Ess. Mat.", "Flow-CNN", "visualization", "visualization_traj", "visualization_match", "visualization_flow", "visualization_depth", "visualization_save_img", ]) # reference data and current data self.ref_data = { 'id': [], 'timestamp': {}, 'img': {}, 'depth': {}, 'raw_depth': {}, 'pose': {}, 'kp': {}, 'kp_best': {}, 'kp_list': {}, 'pose_back': {}, 'kp_back': {}, 'flow': {}, # from ref->cur 'flow_diff': {}, # flow-consistency-error of ref->cur } self.cur_data = { 'id': 0, 'timestamp': 0, 'img': np.zeros(1), 'depth': np.zeros(1), 'pose': np.eye(4), 'kp': np.zeros(1), 'kp_best': np.zeros(1), 'kp_list': np.zeros(1), 'pose_back': np.eye(4), 'kp_back': np.zeros(1), 'flow': {}, # from cur->ref }
def compute_pose_2d2d(self, kp_ref, kp_cur): """Compute the pose from view2 to view1 Args: kp_ref (Nx2 array): keypoints for reference view kp_cur (Nx2 array): keypoints for current view Returns: pose (SE3): relative pose from current to reference view best_inliers (N boolean array): inlier mask """ principal_points = (, # validity check valid_cfg = self.cfg.compute_2d2d_pose.validity valid_case = True # initialize ransac setup best_Rt = [] best_inlier_cnt = 0 max_ransac_iter = self.cfg.compute_2d2d_pose.ransac.repeat best_inliers = np.ones((kp_ref.shape[0])) == 1 if valid_cfg.method == "flow+chei": # check flow magnitude avg_flow = np.mean(np.linalg.norm(kp_ref-kp_cur, axis=1)) min_flow = valid_cfg.min_flow valid_case = avg_flow > min_flow if valid_case: for i in range(max_ransac_iter): # repeat ransac for several times for stable result # shuffle kp_cur and kp_ref (only useful when random seed is fixed) new_list = np.random.randint(0, kp_cur.shape[0], (kp_cur.shape[0])) new_kp_cur = kp_cur.copy()[new_list] new_kp_ref = kp_ref.copy()[new_list] start_time = time() E, inliers = cv2.findEssentialMat( new_kp_cur, new_kp_ref, focal=self.cam_intrinsics.fx, pp=principal_points, method=cv2.RANSAC, prob=0.99, threshold=self.cfg.compute_2d2d_pose.ransac.reproj_thre, ) # check homography inlier ratio if valid_cfg.method == "homo_ratio": # Find homography H, H_inliers = cv2.findHomography( new_kp_cur, new_kp_ref, method=cv2.RANSAC, confidence=0.99, ransacReprojThreshold=0.2, ) H_inliers_ratio = H_inliers.sum()/(H_inliers.sum()+inliers.sum()) valid_case = H_inliers_ratio < 0.25 if valid_case: cheirality_cnt, R, t, _ = cv2.recoverPose(E, new_kp_cur, new_kp_ref, focal=self.cam_intrinsics.fx, pp=principal_points,) self.timers.timers["Ess. Mat."].append(time()-start_time) # check best inlier cnt if valid_cfg.method == "flow+chei": inlier_check = inliers.sum() > best_inlier_cnt and cheirality_cnt > 50 elif valid_cfg.method == "homo_ratio": inlier_check = inliers.sum() > best_inlier_cnt else: assert False, "wrong cfg for compute_2d2d_pose.validity.method" if inlier_check: best_Rt = [R, t] best_inlier_cnt = inliers.sum() best_inliers = inliers if len(best_Rt) == 0: R = np.eye(3) t = np.zeros((3, 1)) best_Rt = [R, t] else: R = np.eye(3) t = np.zeros((3,1)) best_Rt = [R, t] R, t = best_Rt pose = SE3() pose.R = R pose.t = t return pose, best_inliers