async def verify(self, ctx, user_token=None): # If not DM, clear the message so that the token isn't kept publicly. if not isinstance(, DMChannel): await ctx.message.delete() msg = await ctx.send(s_verify["error_not_dm"]) time.sleep(15) await msg.delete() return # If no token sends message... if user_token == None: await ctx.send(s_verify["usage"]) return # Otherwise, keeps going: else: cmdResult = "" data = await api_fetch(c_api_token, user_token) success = data["success"] # If the token isn't valid. if success == False: cmdResult = s_verify["token_not_found"] await ctx.send(cmdResult) else: ### Retrieves needed variables and updates DB if needed. ### server = # If server ID is wrong. if server == None: await ctx.send(s_verify["error"] + "ERROR: Server not found.") return user = member = server.get_member( # If user isn't a member. if member == None: database.remove_user_by_discord_uid( await ctx.send(s_verify["not_a_member"]) return dm_channel = await member.create_dm() result = database.get_user_by_thm_token(db, user_token) # If user is not in DB; add him. if len(result) == 0: database.add_user(db,, user_token) ### Updates roles for the user. ### await update(member, dm_channel, data)
async def lookup(self, ctx, *arg): arg = ' '.join(arg) self.conn = database.connect_to_db() # Token-based search check if token_regex.match(arg): match_type = 'token' db_result = database.get_user_by_thm_token(self.conn, arg) else: # ID-based search checks if mention_regex.match(arg): match_type = 'mention' user_id = elif user_id_regex.match(arg): match_type = 'user id' user_id = arg elif user_discrim_regex.match(arg): match_type = 'user#discrim' user = if user is None: return await ctx.send( f"Failed to find a user with that discriminator") user_id = else: return await ctx.send(s_lookup["match_failed"]) try: db_result = database.get_user_by_discord_uid( self.conn, user_id) except: return await ctx.send(s_lookup["db_fetch_failed"]) # Loops over the results (also handles multiple-row results if they occur) for row in db_result: u_id, u_token = row try: thm_user = get_user_by_token(u_token) except: return await ctx.send(s_lookup["thm_fetch_failed"]) response = officialEmbed("Token match", footer=f"Matched with {match_type}") response.add_field(name="Discord mention", value=f"<@{u_id}>") response.add_field(name="Discord ID", value=u_id) response.add_field(name="THM username", value=thm_user["username"]) response.add_field(name="THM profile", value=thm_user_link.format( thm_user["username"])) response.add_field(name="THM token", value=u_token) await ctx.send(embed=response) if len(db_result) == 0: await ctx.send("No results.")
async def verify(self, ctx, input_token=None): # If not DM, clear the message so that the token isn't kept publicly. if not isinstance(, DMChannel): await ctx.message.delete() msg = await ctx.send(s_verify["error_not_dm"]) time.sleep(15) await msg.delete() return # If no token sends message... if input_token == None: await ctx.send(s_verify["usage"]) return # Otherwise, keeps going: else: cmdResult = "" data = await api_fetch(c_api_token, input_token) success = data["success"] # If the token isn't valid. if success == False: cmdResult = s_verify["token_not_found"] await ctx.send(cmdResult) else: ### Verifies that the token is being use only once and that the discord account doesn't have multiple tokens. ### # If user already has got a token (the provided token and one found are different) user_tokens = database.get_user_by_discord_uid( db, if len(user_tokens ) > 0 and not user_tokens[0][1] == input_token: cmdResult = s_verify["already_verified"] await ctx.send(cmdResult) return # If the token is already used token_accounts = database.get_user_by_thm_token( db, input_token) if len(token_accounts) > 0 and not token_accounts[0][0] == str( cmdResult = s_verify["token_in_use"] await ctx.send(cmdResult) return ### Retrieves needed variables and updates DB if needed. ### # If server ID is wrong. server = if server == None: await ctx.send(s_verify["error"] + "ERROR: Server not found.") return # If user isn't a member. user = member = await server.fetch_member( if member == None: database.remove_user_by_discord_uid(db, await ctx.send(s_verify["not_a_member"]) return dm_channel = await member.create_dm() result = database.get_user_by_thm_token(db, input_token) # If user is not in DB; add him. if len(result) == 0: database.add_user(db,, input_token) ### Updates roles for the user. ### await update(member, dm_channel, data)