Exemple #1
    def validate_content(self, content):
        spec = validate_spec_content(content)

        if spec.matrix_space > 1:
            # Resume normal creation
            return content

        # Raise an error to tell the use to use experiment creation instead
        raise ValidationError('Current experiment group creation could not be performed.\n'
                              'The reason is that the specification sent correspond '
                              'to an independent experiment.\n'
                              'Please use `create experiment endpoint`.')
Exemple #2
    def validate_content(self, content):
        """We only validate the content if passed.

        Also we use the GroupSpecification to check if this content was
        intended as Group experiments.
        # content is optional
        if not content:
            return content

        spec = validate_spec_content(content)

        if spec.matrix_space == 1:
            # Resume normal creation
            return content

        # Raise an error to tell the use to use experiment creation instead
        raise ValidationError(
            'Current experiment creation could not be performed.\n'
            'The reason is that the specification sent correspond '
            'to a group experiment.\n'
            'Please use `create group experiment endpoint`.')