Exemple #1
def get_read_result(user_id, task_detail):
    cache_data = cache.yy_study_result.get((user_id, task_detail.id))
    if cache_data:
        study = Struct(cache_data["study"])
        details = [Struct(r) for r in cache_data["details"]]

        sql = """select id,score from yy_study where user_id=%s and object_id=%s """ % (
            user_id, task_detail.id)
        study = db.tbkt_yingyu.fetchone_dict(sql)
        if not study:
        sql = """select id,study_id,object_id,answer,result, remote_audio,score from yy_study_detail
    where study_id=%s""" % study.id
        details = db.tbkt_yingyu.fetchall_dict(sql)

    data = Struct()
    data.score = study.score
    data.grade = score_to_en(study.score)

    word_ids = [d.object_id for d in details]
    if not word_ids:
    sql = """select id, translation, male_audio,female_audio,phonetic,word from yy_word where id in (%s)""" % ",".join(
        str(i) for i in word_ids)
    words = db.ziyuan_slave.fetchall_dict(sql)
    for word in words:
        word.female_audio = format_ziyuan_url(word.female_audio)
        word.male_audio = format_ziyuan_url(word.male_audio)
        word.audio = word.female_audio or word.male_audio

    word_dict = dict((w.id, w) for w in words)
    rows = []
    for d in details:
        row = Struct()
        word = word_dict[d.object_id]
        row.text = word.word.strip()
        row.phonetic = word.phonetic
        row.translation = word.translation
        row.audio = word.audio
        row.mgrade = score_to_en(d.score)
        if not d.answer:
            d.answer = "<em>%s</em>" % word.phonetic
        row.user_answer = d.answer
        row.user_audio = d.remote_audio.strip() if d.remote_audio else None
        row.result = d.result
    data.words = rows
    return data
Exemple #2
def get_dialog(cid):
    if not cid:
    data = cache.yy_chapter_dialog.get(cid)
    if data:
        data = Struct(data)
        data.roles = [Struct(r) for r in data.roles if r]
        sentences = []
        for r in data.sentences:
            r = Struct(r)
            r.role = Struct(r.role) if r.role else None
        data.sentences = sentences

        sql = """select id,title from yy_standard_pool where status<>-1 and catalog_id=%s and type in (1,3) and tts=1""" % cid
        lesson = db.ziyuan_slave.fetchone_dict(sql)
        if not lesson:

        sql = """select id,pool_id,text,audio_text,translation,male_audio,female_audio,is_key,role_id,sequence,line,duration from yy_standard_pool_detail s
    where s.pool_id=%s and s.status<>-1 ORDER BY s.sequence """ % lesson.id
        sentences = db.ziyuan_slave.fetchall_dict(sql)

        role_dict = {}
        roles_list = [i.role_id for i in sentences if i.role_id]
        if roles_list:
            sql = """select r.id ,r.name_en,r.name_zh,r.code,r.image_id,r.sequence,i.portrait, i.gif_1, i.gif_2 from yy_role r
            LEFT JOIN yy_role_image i on i.id=r.image_id
            where r.id in (%s)""" % ','.join(str(i) for i in roles_list)
            rows = db.ziyuan_slave.fetchall_dict(sql)
            role_dict = {r.id: r for r in rows}

        for s in sentences:
            s.role = role_dict.get(s.role_id)

            path = s.female_audio or s.male_audio
            if path:
                s.audio = format_ziyuan_url(path)

        roles = OrderedDict()
        for s in sentences:
            if s.role and s.role.id not in roles:
                roles[s.role.id] = s.role
                if s.role.gif_1:
                    s.role.gif_1 = format_ziyuan_url(s.role.gif_1)
                if s.role.gif_2:
                    s.role.gif_2 = format_ziyuan_url(s.role.gif_2)
                s.role.portrait = format_ziyuan_url(s.role.portrait)


        data = Struct()
        data.title = lesson.title
        data.roles = []
        for role in roles.values():
            row = Struct()
            row.id = role.id
            row.name_en = role.name_en
            row.portrait = role.portrait
            row.gif_1 = role.gif_1
            row.gif_2 = role.gif_2
        data.sentences = []
        for s in sentences:
            row = Struct()
            row.id = s.id
            row.role_id = s.role.id if s.role else None
            row.name_en = 'A'
            if s.role and s.role.name_en:
                row.name_en = s.role.name_en
            row.audio = s.audio
            row.audio_text = s.audio_text
            row.text = s.text
            row.translation = s.translation
            row.duration = math.ceil(s.duration)
        cache.yy_chapter_dialog.set(cid, data)
    return data