def run_spider_target(self, toAgent): self.total_links = 0 self.links = [] self.zera_links() print("Target is: " + self.baseUrlTarget) sp = spider.Spider() if len(self.urlTarget) != 0: sp.set_baseUrl(self.urlTarget) else: sp.set_baseUrl(self.baseUrlTarget) self.links = body = '' total = 0 for line in self.links: body += line + "\n" total += 1 self.total_links = total performative = "inform" reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() content = ("Response From spider (= (run-spider) (" + body + "))\n") msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative, AGENT_NAME, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg) self.is_running = False
def informAgent(self,performative, toAgent, reqfunction,values): content = ("Inform Agent (= (" + reqfunction + ") (" + values + "))\n") reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative,AGENT_NAME, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg) return ret
def register(self): sender = AGENT_NAME toAgent = "All Agents" content = ("Register Agent (= (agent-name) (" + AGENT_NAME + "))\n") reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent("subscribe", sender, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg)
def cfp(self,reqfunction,values): performative = "cfp" toAgent = ALL_AGENTS content = ("Call For Propose (= (" + reqfunction + ") (" + values + "))\n") reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative,AGENT_NAME, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg)
def showAgents(self): sender = AGENT_NAME performative = "request" toAgent = "MasterAgent" content = ("Request AvaiableAgents (= (avaiable-agents) (*))\n") reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative, sender, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg)
def deregister(self): performative = "subscribe" toAgent = ALL_AGENTS content = ("Deregister Agent (= (agent-name) (" + AGENT_NAME + "))\n") reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative,AGENT_NAME, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg)
def deregister(self): sender = AGENT_NAME performative = "inform" toAgent = "All Agents" content = ("Deregister Agent (= (agent-name) (" + AGENT_NAME + "))\n") reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative, sender, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg)
def registerUrl(self, url, toAgent): performative = "inform" reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() content = ("Register urlTarget (= (url-target) (" + url + "))\n") msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative, AGENT_NAME, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg)
def sendQuestion(self, toAgent, Question): sender = AGENT_NAME performative = "request" content = ("Request Information (= (" + Question + ") (*))\n") reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative, sender, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg)
def sendInform(self, toAgent): sender = AGENT_NAME performative = "inform" content = ("Sending Information (= (" + self.directive + ") (" + self.values + "))\n") reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative, sender, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg)
def requestUrlBase(self, toAgent): performative = 'request' content = ("Request Target Url Base (= (base-url-target) (*))\n") reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative, AGENT_NAME, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg) return ret
def run_pomdp(self, toAgent, reply_with_orig): if self.is_running_pomdp is True: performative = "inform" reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() body = "POMDP in execution..." content = ("Response from MasterAgent (= (run-pomdp) (" + body + "))\n") msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative,AGENT_NAME, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg) return ret else: self.is_running_pomdp = True p = Process(target=self.run_pomdp_bf(toAgent, reply_with_orig)) p.start()
def runAgent(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handler) print("Loading %s...\n" % AGENT_NAME) toAgent = "All Agents" content = ("Register Agent (= (agent-name) (" + AGENT_NAME + "))\n") reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() mAction = WebInfraAction() mAgent = Transport() mAction.set_mAgent(mAgent) mAction.registerAgent() fm = FIPAMessage() agent_id = [] while True: time.sleep(1) rcv = mAgent.receive_data_from_agents() if not len(rcv) == 0: fm.parse_pkg(rcv) match ="(agent-name(.)+)(\(\w+\))", rcv) if match: field = match2 ="\w+", field) if match2: agt_id = if agt_id in agent_id: continue else: print("agentID: ", agt_id) agent_id.append(agt_id) print(rcv) mAction.add_avaiable_agent(agt_id) break else: print(rcv) mAction = WebInfraAction() mAgent = Transport() mAction.set_mAgent(mAgent) #request url base to check toAgent = "AgentTarget" ret = mAction.requestUrlBase(toAgent) mAction.receive_pkg(mAgent)
def agentStatus(self, toAgent): status = "UP" performative = "inform" reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() uptime = time.time() - startTime content = ("Response agent-status (= (agent-status) (" "AgentName: " + AGENT_NAME + "\n" "Agend_id: " + AGENT_ID + "\n" "Uptime: %0.2f " % uptime + "\n" "))\n") msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative, AGENT_NAME, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg) return ret
def sendHTTPHeaders(self, toAgent): performative = "inform" reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() content = ("Register HttpHeaders (= (http-headers) (" "User-Agent: Kurgan 0.1\n" "Host: localhost\n" "Cache: nocache\n" "Cookie: abcdef\n" "Content-type: text-html\n" "))\n") msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative, AGENT_NAME, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg) return ret
def run_pageClassifierHeadless(self, toAgent): if self.is_running_pc is True: performative = "inform" reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() body = "Page Classifier Headless in execution..." content = ( "Response from PageClassifierHeadless (= (run-page-classifier-headless) (" + body + "))\n") msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative, AGENT_NAME, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg) return ret else: self.is_running_pc = True p = Process(target=self.run_pc_headless(toAgent)) p.start()
def run_pc(self, toAgent): pc = PageClassifier() if len(self.urlTarget) != 0: pc.set_url(self.urlTarget) else: pc.set_url(self.baseUrlTarget) body = 'Checking url: ' + pc.get_url() + '\n' retauth = pc.checkIfAuthForm() body = body + 'Page is Authentication Form Page: {0:.0f}%'.format( retauth) + '\n' retstatic = pc.checkIfStatic() body = body + 'Page is Static HTML Page: {0:.0f}%'.format( retstatic) + "\n" retforgotten_password = pc.checkIfForgottenPassword() body = body + 'Page is Forgotten Password Page: {0:.0f}%'.format( retforgotten_password) + "\n" if (retauth > retstatic) and (retauth > retforgotten_password): self.pageDetected = "FormLogin" if (retauth < retstatic) and (retstatic > retforgotten_password): self.pageDetected = "Static" if (retauth < retforgotten_password) and (retstatic < retforgotten_password): self.pageDetected = "FormReset" performative = "inform" reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() uptime = time.time() - startTime content = ("Response page-classifier (= (run-page-classifier) (" + body + "))\n") msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative, AGENT_NAME, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg) self.is_running_pc = False return ret
def runSpider(self, toAgent): if self.is_running is True: performative = "inform" reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() body = "Spider in execution..." content = ("Response from Spider (= (run-spider) (" + body + "))\n") msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative, AGENT_NAME, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg) return ret else: self.zera_links() self.is_running = True p = Process(target=self.run_spider_target(toAgent)) p.start() '''
def run_pc_headless(self, toAgent): pc = PageFormClassifier() if len(self.urlTarget) != 0: pc.set_url(self.urlTarget) else: pc.set_url(self.baseUrlTarget) body = 'Checking url: ' + pc.get_url() + '\n' pc.get_page() is_authform = pc.get_isAuthform() if is_authform is True: self.pageDetected = "FormLogin" body = body + 'Page is Authentication Form Page:' + '{:.0%}'.format( float(pc.get_Accuracy())) + '\n' print("It is Authentication Form Page: " + '{:.0%}'.format(float(pc.get_Accuracy()))) else: body = body + 'Page is not Authentication Form Page:' + '{:.0%}'.format( float(pc.get_Accuracy())) + '\n' self.pageDetected = "NotFormLogin" print("It is not Authentication Form Page: " + '{:.0%}'.format(float(pc.get_Accuracy()))) performative = "inform" reply_with = utl.id_generator() conversation_id = utl.id_gen() uptime = time.time() - startTime content = ( "Response page-classifier-headless (= (run-page-classifier-headless) (" + body + "))\n") msg = self.mAgent.set_data_to_agent(performative, AGENT_NAME, toAgent, content, reply_with, conversation_id) ret = self.mAgent.send_data_to_agent(msg) self.is_running_pc = False return ret