class InfobloxZone(object): alphabets = list(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) alphabet_queried = None APIH = APIHelper.APIHelper() IH = InfobloxHelper.InfobloxHelper() _logger = None # Connect to the database MC = MongoConnector.MongoConnector() zone_collection = MC.get_zone_connection() ip_collection = MC.get_ipzone_connection() job_manager = None ZI = ZoneIngestor.ZoneIngestor() next_page_id = None source = 'Infoblox' def __get_base_url(self): """ Returns the Infoblox zone API URL :return: Infoblox zone API URL """ return 'https://' + self.IH.IBLOX_HOST + '/wapi/v' + self.IH.IBLOX_VERSION + '/zone_auth' def __get_previous_zones(self): """ Fetches the currently present zones/sub-zones in the zone collection with source 'Infoblox'. The result is a dictionary with the zones as keys. The value of the key is True if the zone is sub_zone. """ zones = self.zone_collection.find( { '$or': [{ 'reporting_sources.source': self.source }, { 'sub_zones.source': self.source }] }, { 'reporting_sources': 1, 'zone': 1, 'sub_zones': 1 }) self.previous_zones = {} for zone in zones: for reporting_source in zone['reporting_sources']: if reporting_source['source'] == self.source: self.previous_zones[zone['zone']] = False for sub_zone in zone['sub_zones']: if sub_zone['source'] == self.source: self.previous_zones[sub_zone['sub_zone']] = True def __clean_collection(self): """ Cleans the zone collection of the zones which were earlier seen in the Infoblox API but are not seen now. Such zones/sub-zones are marked with source 'Infoblox-Retired'. """ parent_zones = [] sub_zones = [] for zone_name, is_sub_zone in self.previous_zones.items(): if is_sub_zone: sub_zones.append(zone_name) else: parent_zones.append(zone_name) # Update the sub_zones from 'Infoblox' to 'Infoblox-Retired' self.zone_collection.update_many( { 'sub_zones': { '$elemMatch': { 'sub_zone': { '$in': sub_zones }, 'source': self.source } } }, {'$set': { 'sub_zones.$.source': 'Infoblox-Retired' }}) self.zone_collection.update_many( { 'zone': { '$in': parent_zones }, 'reporting_sources.source': self.source }, {'$set': { 'reporting_sources.$.source': 'Infoblox-Retired' }}) def __insert_zone(self, zone): """ Inserts the zone into the zone collection or into ip_zones collection in case it is an IP. :param zone: Zone value to be inserted into collections. This is a dictionary with keys 'fqdn' and 'parent'. """ # Some zones are actually IP addresses. # If the IP address is new, add it. # Change the update date if it already exists utf8_zone = zone['fqdn'].encode('utf-8').decode('utf8') if re.match(r"^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\/\d\d$", utf8_zone) is not None: cursor = self.ip_collection.find({"zone": zone['fqdn']}) if cursor.count() == 0: insert_text = dict() insert_text['zone'] = utf8_zone insert_text['source'] = 'Infoblox' insert_text['status'] = 'unconfirmed' insert_text['created'] = insert_text['updated'] = self.ip_collection.insert_one(insert_text)"Added IP: " + utf8_zone) else: for _ in cursor: self.ip_collection.update_one( {'zone': zone['fqdn']}, {'$currentDate': { "updated": True }})"Updated IP: " + utf8_zone) else: # cleaning the values from the previous zones found. The resultant set # will need to be cleared of the source value 'Infoblox'. if zone['fqdn'] in self.previous_zones: del self.previous_zones[zone['fqdn']] self.ZI.add_zone(zone['fqdn'], self.source, zone['parent']) def __infoblox_response_handler(self, response): """ Handles the API response. Incorrect JSON parsing is allowed upto 20 times post which the script exits. If the 'next_page_id' is received in the response, then that is set as an identification for the next page of the API to be queried. :param response: Response object """ try: response_data = response.json() response_result = response_data['result'] except (ValueError, AttributeError) as err: if self.incorrect_response_json_allowed > 0: self._logger.warning( 'Unable to parse response JSON for alphabet ' + self.alphabet_queried) self.incorrect_response_json_allowed -= 1 else: self.APIH.handle_api_error( 'Unable to parse response JSON for 20 alphabets: ' + repr(err), self.job_manager, ) else: for entry in response_result: zone = dict() zone['fqdn'] = entry['fqdn'] zone['parent'] = entry['parent'] self.__insert_zone(zone) if 'next_page_id' in response_data: self.next_page_id = response_data['next_page_id'] @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, max_tries=4, factor=10, on_backoff=APIH.connection_error_retry) def __backoff_api_retry(self): """ Makes API calls to Infoblox with exponential retry capabilities using 'backoff'. The API is retried 3 times in case of ConnectionError exception before the script exists. """ url = self.__get_base_url() params = { 'view': 'External', 'fqdn~': '.*' + self.alphabet_queried + '$', '_return_fields': 'parent,fqdn', } if not self.next_page_id: params.update({ '_paging': '1', '_return_as_object': '1', '_max_results': '1500' }) else: params.update({'_page_id': self.next_page_id}) return requests.get(url, params, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(self.IH.IBLOX_UNAME, self.IH.IBLOX_PASSWD), verify=False) def __infoblox_paginated_request(self): """ Makes paginated API calls to Infoblox. The API is retried 3 times in case of ConnectionError exception before the script exists. The script exists on encountering HTTPError or any other RequestException. """ try: response = self.__backoff_api_retry() response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as herr: self.APIH.handle_api_error(herr, self.job_manager) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: self.APIH.handle_api_error(err, self.job_manager) else: self.next_page_id = None self.__infoblox_response_handler(response) def get_infoblox_zones(self): """ Extracts the Infoblox zones using paginated requests. """ print("Starting: " + str("Starting....") self.job_manager = JobsManager.JobsManager(self.MC, 'get_iblox_alpha_zones') self.job_manager.record_job_start() self.__get_previous_zones() for alphabet in self.alphabets: self.alphabet_queried = alphabet self.next_page_id = None self.__infoblox_paginated_request() while self.next_page_id: self.__infoblox_paginated_request() self.__clean_collection() # Record status self.job_manager.record_job_complete() print("Ending: " + str("Complete") def __init__(self): self._logger = LoggingUtil.create_log(__name__) self.incorrect_response_json_allowed = self.APIH.INCORRECT_RESPONSE_JSON_ALLOWED self.get_infoblox_zones()
class UltraDNSZone(object): UH = UltraDNSHelper.UltraDNSHelper('get_ultradns_zones') APIH = APIHelper.APIHelper() ZI = ZoneIngestor.ZoneIngestor() def __ultradns_zone_response_handler(self, response): """ Handles the API response. Incorrect JSON parsing is allowed upto 20 times post which the script exits. No action is performed when the zone name ends in "". :param response: Response object """ try: response = response.json() except (ValueError, AttributeError) as err: if self.UH.incorrect_response_json_allowed > 0: print( 'Unable to parse response JSON for retrieving UltraDNS zones for the offset' + self.UH.offset) self.UH.incorrect_response_json_allowed -= 1 else: self.APIH.handle_api_error( 'Unable to parse response JSON for 20 zones: ' + repr(err), self.UH.jobs_manager, ) else: # the zone names end in '.'. Removing that before ingesting into collection. for zone in response['zones']: zone_name = zone['properties']['name'][:-1] if not zone_name.endswith(''): # Part of clean_collection code. # if zone_name in self.UH.previous_zones: # del self.UH.previous_zones[zone_name] # Add the zone to the zones collection self.ZI.add_zone(zone_name, self.UH.source) self.UH.set_offset(response['resultInfo']) def __paginated_ultradns_zones_request(self): """ Makes paginated API calls to UltraDNS. The API is retried 3 times in case of ConnectionError exception before the script exists. The script exists on encountering HTTPError or any other RequestException. The value of the limit has been set as mentioned in the docs. In case a 401 is encountered along with the required token expiration message, another login API is sent with grant_type set as 'refresh_token' to retrieve a valid access token. """ url = self.UH.ULTRACONNECT.ZONES try: res = self.UH.backoff_api_retry( url, { 'limit': 1000, 'offset': self.UH.offset, 'q': 'zone_type:PRIMARY' }, {'authorization': 'Bearer ' + self.UH.access_token}, ) res.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as herr: err_msg = json.loads(res.text)['errorMessage'] if res.status_code == 401 and err_msg == self.UH.access_token_expiration_error: self.UH.login('refresh_token') self.__paginated_ultradns_zones_request() else: self.APIH.handle_api_error(herr, self.UH.jobs_manager) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: self.APIH.handle_api_error(err, self.UH.jobs_manager) else: self.__ultradns_zone_response_handler(res) def get_ultradns_zones(self): """ Extracts the zones listing from UltraDNS in a paginated manner. """ print("Starting: " + str( self.UH.jobs_manager.record_job_start() # Part of clean_collection code. # self.UH.get_previous_zones() self.__paginated_ultradns_zones_request() while self.UH.offset: self.__paginated_ultradns_zones_request() # Record status self.UH.jobs_manager.record_job_complete() print("Ending: " + str( def __init__(self): self.get_ultradns_zones()
class UltraDNSZonesInfo(object): UH = UltraDNSHelper.UltraDNSHelper('get_ultradns_zones_info') APIH = APIHelper.APIHelper() DNS_MGR = DNSManager.DNSManager(UH.MC) def __ultradns_zone_info_response_handler(self, response): """ Handles the API response. Incorrect JSON parsing is allowed upto 20 times post which the script exits. :param response: Response object """ try: response_data = response.json() record_sets = response_data['rrSets'] except (ValueError, AttributeError) as err: if self.UH.incorrect_response_json_allowed > 0: print('Unable to parse response JSON for zone ' + self.zone_queried) self.UH.incorrect_response_json_allowed -= 1 else: self.APIH.handle_api_error( 'Unable to parse response JSON for 20 zones: ' + repr(err), self.UH.jobs_manager, ) else: for record in record_sets: dns_info = dict() # The ownerName could be either the FQDN or a relative domain name. # In case it is a FQDN it will end in '.' fqdn = record['ownerName'] + '.' + self.zone_queried if record['ownerName'].endswith('.'): fqdn = record['ownerName'][:-1] dns_info['zone'] = self.zone_queried dns_info['fqdn'] = fqdn dns_info['type'] = record['rrtype'].split(' ')[0].lower() dns_info['status'] = 'unknown' for dns in record['rdata']: if dns_info['type'] in ['a', 'ptr']: try: if IPAddress(dns).is_private(): continue except AddrFormatError as err: print('For ' + fqdn + ' encountered: ' + str(err)) continue if not (dns_info['type'] in ['soa', 'txt' ]) and dns.endswith('.'): dns = dns[:-1] dns_info['value'] = dns dns_info['created'] = self.DNS_MGR.insert_record(dns_info.copy(), self.UH.source) self.UH.set_offset(response_data['resultInfo']) def __paginated_ultradns_zones_info_request(self): """ Makes paginated API calls to UltraDNS. The API is retried 3 times in case of ConnectionError exception before the script exists. The script exists on encountering HTTPError or any other RequestException. In case a 401 is encountered along with the required token expiration message, another login API is sent with grant_type set as 'refresh_token' to retrieve a valid access token. """ url = self.UH.ULTRACONNECT.ZONEINFO.format( zone_queried=self.zone_queried) try: response = self.UH.backoff_api_retry( url, { 'q': 'kind:RECORDS', 'limit': 2000, 'offset': self.UH.offset, }, {'authorization': 'Bearer ' + self.UH.access_token}) response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as herr: err_msg = json.loads(response.text)['errorMessage'] if response.status_code == 401 and err_msg == self.UH.access_token_expiration_error: self.UH.login('refresh_token') self.__paginated_ultradns_zones_info_request() else: self.APIH.handle_api_error(herr, self.UH.jobs_manager) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: self.APIH.handle_api_error(err, self.UH.jobs_manager) else: self.__ultradns_zone_info_response_handler(response) def __get_ultradns_zones_info(self): """ Extracts the zone DNS information from UltraDNS in a paginated manner for the UltraDNS zones. """ print("Starting: " + str( self.UH.jobs_manager.record_job_start() self.UH.get_previous_zones() # For querying UltraDNS, we need to query on the exact zones reported # hence we query for previous_zones. for zone in self.UH.previous_zones: self.zone_queried = zone self.UH.offset = 0 self.__paginated_ultradns_zones_info_request() while self.UH.offset: self.__paginated_ultradns_zones_info_request() # Record status self.UH.jobs_manager.record_job_complete() print("Ending: " + str( def __init__(self): self.__get_ultradns_zones_info()
class InfobloxExtattrManager(object): # Make database connections MC = MongoConnector.MongoConnector() APIH = APIHelper.APIHelper() IH = InfobloxHelper.InfobloxHelper() iblox_extattr_collection = MC.get_infoblox_extattr_connection() zone_queried = None record_type = None next_page_id = None _logger = None def _log(self): """ Get the log """ return logging.getLogger(__name__) def __get_record_type_url(self): """ Returns the url to be queried at infoblox to return the extattr information. Paging information is appended to the URL as per the condition satisfied. :return: string: URL to be queried """ paging_info = self.IH.get_pagination_params(self.next_page_id) return_fields = '&_return_fields=extattrs,zone' if self.record_type == 'a': return_fields += ',ipv4addr' elif self.record_type == 'aaaa': return_fields += ',ipv6addr' elif self.record_type == 'zone': return_fields = '&_return_fields=extattrs' url = self.IH.get_infoblox_base_url( self.zone_queried, self.record_type, ).format( return_fields=return_fields, paging_info=paging_info, ) return url def __insert_extattrs(self, insert_object): """ Inserts/Updates the extattr information in the database. '_ref' uniquely identifies the resource. :param insert_object: Dictionary containing the details of the resource. """ if not insert_object['_ref'] in self.previous_records: insert_object['created'] = insert_object['updated'] = self.iblox_extattr_collection.insert(insert_object) else: self.previous_records.remove(insert_object['_ref']) self.iblox_extattr_collection.update_one({'_ref': insert_object['_ref']}, {"$set": { 'updated':, 'extattrs': insert_object['extattrs'] }}) def __get_previous_records(self): """ Retrieve the current data related to the zone and record_type. This is evaluated against the data that we receive in the latest script run to determine stale records. The data is stored as a list of _ref """ self.previous_records = [] previous_records = self.iblox_extattr_collection.find({'zone': self.zone_queried, 'record_type': self.record_type, }, {'_ref': 1}) for record in previous_records: self.previous_records.append(record['_ref']) def __sanitise_response(self, response_object): """ For record_type of zone type, we extract 'infoblox_zone' from the '_ref'. For record_type of a type, we get the 'value' from the 'ipv4addr' key for other record_types it is extracted from '_ref' The general format of _ref is: {record_type_iden}/{hash_iden}:{value}/External The valid record_type_iden values are 'zone_auth', 'record:cname', 'record:host', 'record:a' :param response_object: Value of 'result' key of response in JSON format. """ insert_object = { 'record_type': self.record_type, 'zone': self.zone_queried, } if self.record_type == 'zone': response_object['infoblox_zone'] = response_object['_ref'].split(':')[1].split('/')[0] else: response_object['infoblox_zone'] = response_object['zone'] response_object.pop('zone') if self.record_type == 'a': response_object['value'] = response_object['ipv4addr'] response_object.pop('ipv4addr') elif self.record_type == 'aaaa': response_object['value'] = response_object['ipv6addr'] response_object.pop('ipv6addr') else: response_object['value'] = response_object['_ref'].split('/')[1].split(':')[1] response_object.update(insert_object) def __infoblox_response_handler(self, response): """ Handles the API response. Incorrect JSON parsing is allowed upto 20 times post which the script exits. No action is performed when the 'extattrs' is an empty dictionary. :param response: Response object """ try: response_data = response.json() response_result = response_data['result'] except (ValueError, AttributeError) as err: if self.incorrect_response_json_allowed > 0: self._logger.warning('Unable to parse response JSON for zone ' + self.zone_queried) self.incorrect_response_json_allowed -= 1 else: self.APIH.handle_api_error( 'Unable to parse response JSON for 20 zones: ' + repr(err), 'get_infoblox_' + self.record_type.lower() + '_extattr', ) else: for response_object in response_result: if not response_object['extattrs']: continue # Adding the exception handling for the scenario when the '_ref' format # changes and leads to 'split' not working as expected. try: self.__sanitise_response(response_object) except IndexError as err: self.APIH.handle_api_error(err, 'get_infoblox_' + self.record_type.lower() + '_extattr') else: self.__insert_extattrs(response_object) if "next_page_id" in response_data: self.next_page_id = response_data['next_page_id'] @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, max_tries=4, factor=10, on_backoff=APIH.connection_error_retry) def __backoff_api_retry(self): """ Makes API calls to Infoblox with exponential retry capabilities using 'backoff'. The API is retried 3 times in case of ConnectionError exception before the script exists. :return: """ return requests.get((self.__get_record_type_url()), auth=HTTPBasicAuth(self.IH.IBLOX_UNAME, self.IH.IBLOX_PASSWD), verify='/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt') def __infoblox_paginated_request(self): """ Makes paginated API calls to Infoblox. The API is retried 3 times in case of ConnectionError exception before the script exists. The script exists on encountering HTTPError or any other RequestException. On success, the next_page_id is set to None for the next API call. """ try: response = self.__backoff_api_retry() response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as herr: self.APIH.handle_api_error(herr, 'get_infoblox_' + self.record_type.lower() + '_extattr') except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: self.APIH.handle_api_error(err, 'get_infoblox_' + self.record_type.lower() + '_extattr') else: self.next_page_id = None self.__infoblox_response_handler(response) def get_infoblox_extattr(self): """ Extracts the zones from the zone collection to query Infoblox. The API calls continue to be made for the zone till the next_page_id is set to None indicating no new results to be fetched. Post the retrieval of all the data, the archaic data for a zone and record_type is purged. """ zones = ZoneManager.get_zones_by_source(self.MC, 'Infoblox') for zone in zones: self.zone_queried = zone self.next_page_id = None self.__get_previous_records() self.__infoblox_paginated_request() while self.next_page_id: self.__infoblox_paginated_request() self.IH.clean_collection(self.previous_records, self.iblox_extattr_collection) def __init__(self, record_type): self.record_type = record_type self.incorrect_response_json_allowed = self.APIH.INCORRECT_RESPONSE_JSON_ALLOWED self._logger = self._log()
class InfobloxDNSManager(object): # Make database connections MC = MongoConnector.MongoConnector() zone_collection = MC.get_zone_connection() APIH = APIHelper.APIHelper() IH = InfobloxHelper.InfobloxHelper() DNS_MGR = DNSManager.DNSManager(MC) next_page_id = None zone_queried = None record_type = None iblox_collection = None dns_value_mapper = { "mx": "mail_exchanger", "txt": "text", "a": "ipv4addr", "cname": "canonical", "aaaa": "ipv6addr", } _logger = None def _log(self): """ Get the log """ return logging.getLogger(__name__) def __get_record_type_url(self): """ Returns the url to be queried at infoblox to return the DNS information. Paging information is appended to the URL as per the condition satisfied. :return: string: URL to be queried """ paging_info = self.IH.get_pagination_params(self.next_page_id) url = self.IH.get_infoblox_base_url( self.zone_queried, self.record_type, ).format( return_fields="&_return_fields%2B=zone", paging_info=paging_info, ) return url def __get_previous_records(self): """ Retrieve the current data related to the zone. This is evaluated against the data that we receive in the latest script run to determine stale records. The data is stored as a list of _ref. """ self.previous_records = self.iblox_collection.distinct( "_ref", {"zone": self.zone_queried}) def __insert_dns_information(self, dns_information): """ Inserts the DNS information into the all_dns collection. For the 'host' records, iterate over all the ipv4addrs mentioned to get the data. :param dns_information: DNS data for the zone and 'record_type' """ del dns_information["_ref"] del dns_information["view"] del dns_information["infoblox_zone"] if self.record_type == "host": # In order to resolve multiple ipv4addrs for ipv4 in dns_information["ipv4addrs"]: dns_info = dict() dns_info["zone"] = dns_information["zone"] dns_info["type"] = "a" dns_info["value"] = ipv4["ipv4addr"] dns_info["fqdn"] = ipv4["host"] dns_info["status"] = "unknown" dns_info["created"] = self.DNS_MGR.insert_record(dns_info, "infoblox-host") else: # Removing the 'preference' key from the 'mx' records if self.record_type == "mx": del dns_information["preference"] dns_information["value"] = dns_information[self.dns_value_mapper[ self.record_type]] del dns_information[self.dns_value_mapper[self.record_type]] dns_information["fqdn"] = dns_information["name"] del dns_information["name"] dns_information["type"] = self.record_type dns_information["status"] = "unknown" dns_information["created"] = self.DNS_MGR.insert_record(dns_information, "infoblox-" + self.record_type) def __insert_records(self, insert_object): """ Inserts/Updates the dns information in the database. '_ref' uniquely identifies the resource. The data is injected into the individual collections belonging to the record_type and also into the all_dns collection. :param insert_object: Dictionary containing the details of the resource. """ dns_information = insert_object.copy() if not insert_object["_ref"] in self.previous_records: insert_object["created"] = insert_object["updated"] = self.iblox_collection.insert(insert_object) else: self.previous_records.remove(insert_object["_ref"]) insert_object["updated"] = self.iblox_collection.update_one({"_ref": insert_object["_ref"]}, {"$set": insert_object}) # Update DNS Information. self.__insert_dns_information(dns_information) def __infoblox_response_handler(self, response): """ Handles the API response. Incorrect JSON parsing is allowed upto 20 times post which the script exits. "next_page_id" holds the pagination information. :param response: Response object """ try: response_data = response.json() response_result = response_data["result"] except (ValueError, AttributeError) as err: if self.incorrect_response_json_allowed > 0: self._logger.warning( "Unable to parse response JSON for zone " + self.zone_queried) self.incorrect_response_json_allowed -= 1 else: self.APIH.handle_api_error( "Unable to parse response JSON for 20 zones: " + repr(err), "get_iblox_" + self.record_type.lower(), ) else: # Add the zone parameter to each record and insert for entry in response_result: entry["infoblox_zone"] = entry["zone"] entry["zone"] = self.zone_queried self.__insert_records(entry) if "next_page_id" in response_data: self.next_page_id = response_data["next_page_id"] @backoff.on_exception( backoff.expo, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, max_tries=4, factor=10, on_backoff=APIH.connection_error_retry, ) def __backoff_api_retry(self): """ Makes API calls to Infoblox with exponential retry capabilities using 'backoff'. The API is retried 3 times in case of ConnectionError exception before the script exists. :return: """ return requests.get( (self.__get_record_type_url()), auth=HTTPBasicAuth(self.IH.IBLOX_UNAME, self.IH.IBLOX_PASSWD), verify="/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt", timeout=120, ) def __infoblox_paginated_request(self): """ Makes paginated API calls to Infoblox. The API is retried 3 times in case of ConnectionError exception before the script exists. The script exists on encountering HTTPError or any other RequestException. On success, the next_page_id is set to None for the next API call. """ try: response = self.__backoff_api_retry() response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as herr: self.APIH.handle_api_error(herr, "get_iblox_" + self.record_type.lower()) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: self.APIH.handle_api_error(err, "get_iblox_" + self.record_type.lower()) else: self.next_page_id = None self.__infoblox_response_handler(response) def get_infoblox_dns(self): """ Extracts the zones from the zone collection to query Infoblox. The API calls continue to be made for the zone till the next_page_id is set to None indicating no new results to be fetched. Post the retrieval of all the data, the archaic data for a zone is purged. """ zones = ZoneManager.get_zones_by_source(self.MC, "Infoblox") for zone in zones: self.zone_queried = zone self.next_page_id = None self.__get_previous_records() self.__infoblox_paginated_request() while self.next_page_id: self.__infoblox_paginated_request() self.IH.clean_collection(self.previous_records, self.iblox_collection) def __init__(self, record_type): self.record_type = record_type self.iblox_collection = self.MC.__getattribute__( self.IH.IBLOX_COLLECTIONS[self.record_type])() self.incorrect_response_json_allowed = self.APIH.INCORRECT_RESPONSE_JSON_ALLOWED self._logger = self._log()
class UltraDNSHelper(object): refresh_token = None access_token = None zone_queried = None previous_zones = None jobs_manager = None offset = 0 source = 'UltraDNS' # This is as required by the UltraDNS documentation. access_token_expiration_error = 'invalid_grant:Token not found, expired or invalid.' MC = MongoConnector.MongoConnector() APIH = APIHelper.APIHelper() # Get the UltraDNS connection data ULTRACONNECT = UltraDNSConnector.UltraDNSConnector() zones_collection = MC.get_zone_connection() @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, max_tries=4, factor=10, on_backoff=APIH.connection_error_retry) def backoff_api_retry(self, url, params, headers): """ Makes API calls with exponential retry capabilities using 'backoff'. The API is retried 3 times in case of ConnectionError exception before the script exists. """ return requests.get(url, params, headers=headers) @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, max_tries=4, factor=10, on_backoff=APIH.connection_error_retry) def login(self, grant_type): """ Retrieves the access and refresh token to login into UltraDNS. The first call is made with grant_type=password. Any subsequent request to fetch the accessToken is made with grant_type=refresh_token. :param grant_type: String specifying the grant_type """ login_url = self.ULTRACONNECT.LOGIN data = dict() data['grant_type'] = grant_type if grant_type == 'password': data['username'] = self.ULTRACONNECT.USERNAME data['password'] = self.ULTRACONNECT.PASSWORD elif grant_type == 'refresh_token': data['refresh_token'] = self.refresh_token try: res =, data) res.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as herr: self.APIH.handle_api_error( str(herr) + ' : ' + res.text, self.jobs_manager) else: token = res.json() self.refresh_token = token['refreshToken'] self.access_token = token['accessToken'] def get_previous_zones(self): """ Fetches the currently present zones/sub-zones in the zone collection with source 'UltraDNS'. The result is a dictionary with the zones as keys. The value of the key is True if the zone is sub_zone. """ zones = self.zones_collection.find( { '$or': [{ 'reporting_sources.source': self.source }, { 'sub_zones.source': self.source }] }, { 'reporting_sources': 1, 'zone': 1, 'sub_zones': 1 }) self.previous_zones = {} for zone in zones: for reporting_source in zone['reporting_sources']: if reporting_source['source'] == self.source: self.previous_zones[zone['zone']] = False for sub_zone in zone['sub_zones']: if sub_zone['source'] == self.source: self.previous_zones[sub_zone['sub_zone']] = True def set_offset(self, result_info): """ Sets the offset value for the next API call to be made to UtraDNS. :param result_info: Part of response containing pagination infomation. """ # The 'returnedCount' is the number of entries returned in the current API call. # Add this to the previous offset to get the new offset. If the new offset value # equals the 'totalCount' of records, unset offset to 0 to symbolise end of records. self.offset += result_info['returnedCount'] if self.offset == result_info['totalCount']: self.offset = 0 def __init__(self, invoking_job): self.incorrect_response_json_allowed = self.APIH.INCORRECT_RESPONSE_JSON_ALLOWED # invoking_job is the job accessing the helper. self.jobs_manager = JobsManager.JobsManager(self.MC, invoking_job) self.login('password')
class UltraDNSZonesInfo(object): UH = UltraDNSHelper.UltraDNSHelper("get_ultradns_zones_info") APIH = APIHelper.APIHelper() DNS_MGR = DNSManager.DNSManager(UH.MC) _logger = None def __ultradns_zone_info_response_handler(self, response): """ Handles the API response. Incorrect JSON parsing is allowed upto 20 times post which the script exits. :param response: Response object """ try: response_data = response.json() record_sets = response_data["rrSets"] except (ValueError, AttributeError) as err: if self.UH.incorrect_response_json_allowed > 0: self._logger.warning( "Unable to parse response JSON for zone " + self.zone_queried) self.UH.incorrect_response_json_allowed -= 1 else: self.APIH.handle_api_error( "Unable to parse response JSON for 20 zones: " + repr(err), self.UH.jobs_manager, ) else: for record in record_sets: dns_info = dict() # The ownerName could be either the FQDN or a relative domain name. # In case it is a FQDN it will end in '.' fqdn = record["ownerName"] + "." + self.zone_queried if record["ownerName"].endswith("."): fqdn = record["ownerName"][:-1] # A get_root_domain lookup is performed because UDNS supports sub-zones dns_info["zone"] = ZoneManager.get_root_domain( self.zone_queried) dns_info["fqdn"] = fqdn dns_info["type"] = record["rrtype"].split(" ")[0].lower() dns_info["status"] = "unknown" for dns in record["rdata"]: if dns_info["type"] in ["a", "ptr"]: try: if IPAddress(dns).is_private(): continue except AddrFormatError as err: self._logger.warning("For " + fqdn + " encountered: " + str(err)) continue if not (dns_info["type"] in ["soa", "txt" ]) and dns.endswith("."): dns = dns[:-1] dns_info["value"] = dns dns_info["created"] = self.DNS_MGR.insert_record(dns_info.copy(), self.UH.source) self.UH.set_offset(response_data["resultInfo"]) def __paginated_ultradns_zones_info_request(self): """ Makes paginated API calls to UltraDNS. The API is retried 3 times in case of ConnectionError exception before the script exists. The script exists on encountering HTTPError or any other RequestException. In case a 401 is encountered along with the required token expiration message, another login API is sent with grant_type set as 'refresh_token' to retrieve a valid access token. """ url = self.UH.ULTRACONNECT.ZONEINFO.format( zone_queried=self.zone_queried) try: response = self.UH.backoff_api_retry( url, { "q": "kind:RECORDS", "limit": 2000, "offset": self.UH.offset, }, {"authorization": "Bearer " + self.UH.access_token}, ) response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as herr: message = json.loads(response.text) if isinstance(message, list): err_msg = json.loads(response.text)[0]["errorMessage"] else: err_msg = json.loads(response.text)["errorMessage"] if (response.status_code == 401 and err_msg == self.UH.access_token_expiration_error): self.UH.login("refresh_token") self.__paginated_ultradns_zones_info_request() elif response.status_code == 404: self._logger.warning("ERROR: Could not find data for: " + str(self.zone_queried)) else: self.APIH.handle_api_error(herr, self.UH.jobs_manager) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: self.APIH.handle_api_error(err, self.UH.jobs_manager) else: self.__ultradns_zone_info_response_handler(response) def __get_ultradns_zones_info(self): """ Extracts the zone DNS information from UltraDNS in a paginated manner for the UltraDNS zones. """ print("Starting: " + str("Starting...") self.UH.jobs_manager.record_job_start() self.UH.get_previous_zones() # For querying UltraDNS, we need to query on the exact zones reported # hence we query for previous_zones. for zone in self.UH.previous_zones: self.zone_queried = zone self.UH.offset = 0 self.__paginated_ultradns_zones_info_request() while self.UH.offset: self.__paginated_ultradns_zones_info_request() # Record status self.UH.jobs_manager.record_job_complete() print("Ending: " + str("Complete.") def __init__(self): self._logger = LoggingUtil.create_log(__name__) self.__get_ultradns_zones_info()