Exemple #1
def get_plugin(plugin_name, solace_api, *args, **kwargs):
    Returns a new plugin configured for the environment

    :param plugin_name: name of the plugun
    :param solace_api: a instance of SolaceAPI
    :param kwargs:
    plugin = libsolace.plugin_registry(plugin_name, **kwargs)
    return plugin(api=solace_api, *args, **kwargs)
Exemple #2
def get_plugin(plugin_name, solace_api, *args, **kwargs):
    Returns a new plugin configured for the environment

    :param plugin_name: name of the plugun
    :param solace_api: a instance of SolaceAPI
    :param kwargs:
    plugin = libsolace.plugin_registry(plugin_name, **kwargs)
    return plugin(api=solace_api, *args, **kwargs)
Exemple #3
def name(*args, **kwargs):
    Passes off work to the plugin as specified by NAMEHOOK in libsolace.yaml. The plugin MUST have a solve() method
    which accepts args and kwargs. see NamingStandard.py and ZoinksNamingStandard.py

    :rtype: str
    import libsolace.settingsloader as settings
        return libsolace.plugin_registry(settings.NAMEHOOK)().solve(*args, **kwargs)
    except Exception, e:
        logging.error("Unable to solve name of object, reason: %s %s" % (e.__class__, e.message))
Exemple #4
def name(*args, **kwargs):
    Passes off work to the plugin as specified by NAMEHOOK in libsolace.yaml. The plugin MUST have a solve() method
    which accepts args and kwargs. see NamingStandard.py and ZoinksNamingStandard.py

    :rtype: str
    from libsolace.settingsloader import settings
        return libsolace.plugin_registry(settings["NAMEHOOK"])().solve(
            *args, **kwargs)
    except Exception, e:
        logger.error("Unable to solve name of object, reason: %s %s" %
                     (e.__class__, e.message))
Exemple #5
    def manage(self, plugin_name, **kwargs):
        Gets a plugin, configures it, then allows direct communication with it.

        Plugins are passed the kwargs directly if any are specified.

            >>> api = SolaceAPI("dev")
            >>> p1 = api.manage("NullPlugin")
            >>> p1.some_method("foo", bar="baz")
            (('foo',), {'bar': 'baz'})
            >>> p2 = api.manage("NullPlugin", a="a")
            >>> p2.kwargs['a']

        plugin = libsolace.plugin_registry(plugin_name, **kwargs)
        logger.debug("Setting up the plugin instance with api and kwargs")
        return plugin(api=self, **kwargs)
Exemple #6
    def manage(self, plugin_name, **kwargs):
        Gets a plugin, configures it, then allows direct communication with it.

        Plugins are passed the kwargs directly if any are specified.

            >>> api = SolaceAPI("dev")
            >>> p1 = api.manage("NullPlugin")
            >>> p1.some_method("foo", bar="baz")
            (('foo',), {'bar': 'baz'})
            >>> p2 = api.manage("NullPlugin", a="a")
            >>> p2.kwargs['a']

        plugin = libsolace.plugin_registry(plugin_name, **kwargs)
        logging.debug("Setting up the plugin instance with api and kwargs")
        return plugin(api=self, **kwargs)
    # now we override the settings with the options
    if options.xmlurl and not options.xmlfile:
        settings.CMDB_URL = options.xmlurl
        xmlfile = None
    elif options.xmlfile:
        logging.info('Settings XML file to Local')
        xmlfile = open(options.xmlfile, 'r')
        settings.CMDB_URL = None

    settings.env = options.env.lower()
    settings.product = options.product

    logging.info('CMDB_URL: %s' % settings.CMDB_URL)

    # load the cmdb API client
    cmdbapi_class = libsolace.plugin_registry(settings.SOLACE_CMDB_PLUGIN, settings=settings)

    # configure the client ( what init would normally do, but the plugin system
    # lacks the ability to implement stuff in init )
    cmdbapi = cmdbapi_class(settings=settings, environment=options.env)

    # get the list of vpns to provision
    vpns = cmdbapi.get_vpns_by_owner(options.product, environment=options.env)

    logging.info('VPNs: %s' % json.dumps(str(vpns), ensure_ascii=False))
    if vpns == []:
        logging.warn("No VPN found with that owner / componentName")
        raise Exception

    logging.info("VPNS %s" % vpns)
Exemple #8
    # now we override the settings with the options
    if options.xmlurl and not options.xmlfile:
        settings.CMDB_URL = options.xmlurl
        xmlfile = None
    elif options.xmlfile:
        logging.info('Settings XML file to Local')
        xmlfile = open(options.xmlfile, 'r')
        settings.CMDB_URL = None

    settings.env = options.env.lower()
    settings.product = options.product

    logging.info('CMDB_URL: %s' % settings.CMDB_URL)

    # load the cmdb API client
    cmdbapi_class = libsolace.plugin_registry(settings.SOLACE_CMDB_PLUGIN,

    # configure the client ( what init would normally do, but the plugin system
    # lacks the ability to implement stuff in init )
    cmdbapi = cmdbapi_class(settings=settings, environment=options.env)

    # get the list of vpns to provision
    vpns = cmdbapi.get_vpns_by_owner(options.product, environment=options.env)

    logging.info('VPNs: %s' % json.dumps(str(vpns), ensure_ascii=False))
    if vpns == []:
        logging.warn("No VPN found with that owner / componentName")
        raise Exception

    logging.info("VPNS %s" % vpns)