def __init__(self, msg_queue): self.config = read_config() self.prefetching = self.config.getboolean("sonar", "prefetching") self.sonar_dir = os.path.join(self.config["sonar"]["sonar_dir"]) self.cache_dir = os.path.join(self.sonar_dir, "cache") self.cache_limit = self.config.getint("sonar", "cache_limit") os.makedirs(self.sonar_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.cache_dir, exist_ok=True) try: self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.socket.bind(("", int(self.config['server']['port']))) self.socket.listen(1) self.socket.setblocking(0) self.socket_is_open = True except OSError as e: print("\nCould not start server socket.") print("%s\n" % e) sys.exit(0) subsonic = Subsonic() self.subsonic = subsonic.connection self.player = PlayerThread(subsonic, msg_queue) self.current_song = None self.queue = [] self.shuffle = False self.repeat = False self.msg_queue = msg_queue
def __init__(self, subsonic): self.config = read_config() self.socket = None self.subsonic = subsonic.connection self.cached_results = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "results.cache") self.is_interactive = False
def __init__(self, subsonic): self.config = read_config() self.sonar_dir = os.path.join(self.config["sonar"]["sonar_dir"]) os.makedirs(self.sonar_dir, exist_ok=True) self.cache_dir = os.path.join(self.sonar_dir, "cache") os.makedirs(self.cache_dir, exist_ok=True) self.socket = None self.subsonic = subsonic.connection self.cached_results = os.path.join(self.sonar_dir, "results.cache") self.is_interactive = False
def __init__(self, msg_queue): # Read config and setup the server accordingly self.config = read_config() subsonic = Subsonic() self.subsonic = subsonic.connection self.player = PlayerThread(subsonic, msg_queue) self.current_song = None self.queue = [] self.shuffle = False self.repeat = False self.msg_queue = msg_queue
def __init__(self, subsonic, msg_queue): # Read config and setup the player accordingly self.config = read_config() self.download_queue = [] subsonic = Subsonic() self.subsonic = subsonic.connection self.mplayer = MPlayer( args=("-really-quiet", "-msglevel", "global=6", "-nolirc") ) self.mplayer.stdout.connect(self._handle_data) self.msg_queue = msg_queue super(PlayerThread, self).__init__()
def __init__(self, subsonic, msg_queue): self.config = read_config() self.cache_dir = os.path.join( self.config["sonar"]["sonar_dir"], "cache" ) self.download_queue = [] subsonic = Subsonic() self.subsonic = subsonic.connection self.mplayer = MPlayer( args=("-really-quiet", "-msglevel", "global=6", "-nolirc") ) self.mplayer.stdout.connect(self._handle_data) self.msg_queue = msg_queue super(PlayerThread, self).__init__()
self.mplayer.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": args = docopt(__doc__, version=__version__) ### ## Set loglevel ### loglevels = ["critical", "error", "warning", "info", "debug"] if "--loglevel" in args and args["--loglevel"] in loglevels: logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, args["--loglevel"].upper())) else: logger.critical("Invalid loglevel. Exiting...") sys.exit(1) config = read_config() sonar_dir = os.path.join(config["sonar"]["sonar_dir"]) os.makedirs(sonar_dir, exist_ok=True) # Check if another instance of sonar-server is running. pidfile = os.path.join(sonar_dir, "") pid = str(os.getpid()) if os.path.isfile(pidfile): # Hmm, pidfile already exists. Either it is already running # in which case we should not start another instance of the # server, or the pidfile is stale (sonar-server did not exit # gracefully) and we should overwrite the pidfile and start # the server. pf = open(pidfile, "rt") existing_pid = pf.readline() pf.close()