Exemple #1
def largeRatAi(obj, ratHoleX, ratHoleY):
	# Handles movement and combat abilities of the large rat.
	if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fovMap, obj.x, obj.y):
		if obj.distanceTo(player.x, player.y) >= 2:
			pathToPlayer = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fovMap, 1)
			libtcod.path_compute(pathToPlayer, obj.x, obj.y, player.x, player.y)
			newX, newY = libtcod.path_walk(pathToPlayer, True)
			if newX is not None:
				newX = newX - obj.x
				newY = newY - obj.y
				newX, newY = 0
			if isWalkable(obj.x+newX, obj.y+newY):

				obj.move(obj.x+newX, obj.y+newY)
		if obj.distanceTo(ratHoleX, ratHoleY) <= 5:
			num = random.randint(0, len(offsets)-1)
			newX = offsets[num][0]
			newY = offsets[num][1]
			pathToHole = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fovMap, 1)
			libtcod.path_compute(pathToHole, obj.x, obj.y, ratHoleX, ratHoleY)
			newX, newY = libtcod.path_walk(pathToHole, True)
			if newX is not None:
				newX = newX - obj.x
				newY = newY - obj.y
				newX, newY = 0
		if isWalkable(obj.x+newX, obj.y+newY):

			obj.move(obj.x+newX, obj.y+newY)
Exemple #2
 def compute_path(self, destination):
     sx, sy = self.parent.position.value
     dx, dy = destination
     libtcod.path_compute(self.path, sx, sy, dx, dy)
     x, y = libtcod.path_walk(self.path, True)
     while not x is None:
         self.position_list.insert(0, (x, y))
         x, y = libtcod.path_walk(self.path, True)
Exemple #3
def missile_attack(sx, sy, dx, dy, trap=False):
	cx, cy = sx, sy
	if sx == dx:
		char = '|'
	if sy == dy:
		char = chr(196)
	if (sx < dx and sy > dy) or (sx > dx and sy < dy):
		char = '/'
	if (sx < dx and sy < dy) or (sx > dx and sy > dy):
		char = '\\'
	path = util.set_full_explore_map(game.current_map, False)
	libtcod.path_compute(path, sx, sy, dx, dy)
	while not libtcod.path_is_empty(path):
		cx, cy = libtcod.path_walk(path, False)
		libtcod.console_blit(game.con, 0, 0, game.MAP_WIDTH, game.MAP_HEIGHT, 0, game.MAP_X, game.MAP_Y)
		libtcod.console_put_char_ex(0, game.MAP_X + cx - game.curx, game.MAP_Y + cy - game.cury, char, libtcod.light_gray, libtcod.black)

	if trap:
		for obj in game.current_map.objects:
			if obj.x == dx and obj.y == dy and not obj.item:
				damage = util.roll_dice(1, 6)
				if obj.name == 'player':
					game.message.new('You are hit by an arrow for ' + str(damage) + ' pts of damage!', game.turns, libtcod.Color(160, 0, 0))
					game.player.take_damage(damage, 'an arrow trap')
					obj.entity.take_damage(obj.x, obj.y, damage, 'an arrow', True)
Exemple #4
def move_towards(gamemap_instance, thisobject, target_x, target_y):
    Move towards a target_x, target_y coordinate. This method computes the A* path and uses move()
    to actually implement the movement.
    fov_map = gamemap_instance.fov_map
    path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov_map)

    libtcod.path_compute(path, thisobject.x, thisobject.y, target_x, target_y)
    pathx, pathy = libtcod.path_walk(path, True)
    # If the monster tries to move toward something, such as the player, which is standing
    # inside of a wall or other blocked spot, path_walk will return None but the dx and dy
    # calculations will crap out because you can't mix int and NoneType.
    if pathx is None or pathy is None:

    dx = pathx - thisobject.x
    dy = pathy - thisobject.y
    distance = sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)

    #normalize it to length 1 (preserving direction), then round it and
    #convert to integer so the movement is restricted to the map grid
    dx = int(round(dx / distance))
    dy = int(round(dy / distance))
    move(gamemap_instance, thisobject, dx, dy)
Exemple #5
	def move_astar(self, target):
		fov = libtcod.map_new(MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT)
		#set move, sight blockers
		for y1 in range(MAP_HEIGHT):
			for x1 in range(MAP_WIDTH):
				libtcod.map_set_properties(fov, x1, y1, not map[x1][y1].sight_blocker, not map[x1][y1].move_blocker)
		#Treat tiles occupied by monsters as move blocked
		for obj in objects:
			if obj.move_blocker and obj != self and obj != target:
				libtcod.map_set_properties(fov, obj.x, obj.y, True, False)
		#Allocate path. Use roguelike geometry (diagonals = cardinals).
		my_path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov, 1.0)
		#Compute path
		libtcod.path_compute(my_path, self.x, self.y, target.x, target.y)
		#Confirm path was found, and is short, then take step.
		if not libtcod.path_is_empty(my_path) and libtcod.path_size(my_path) < MAX_ASTAR_PATH_LENGTH:
			x, y = libtcod.path_walk(my_path, True)
			if x or y:
				#self.move takes dx, dy so don't use that
				self.x = x
				self.y = y
		#If the path is bad, take direct path to player.
		#This happens if, say, player is behind a monster in a corridor.
			self.move_towards(target.x, target.y)
		#Deallocate path memory
Exemple #6
 def takepath(self):
     # libtcod.path_compute(game.player.path, game.player.destination[0], game.player.destination[1], ...)
     if libtcod.path_is_empty(self.path):
         return "empty"
         x, y = libtcod.path_get(self.path, 0)
         self.owner.x, self.owner.y = libtcod.path_walk(self.path, True)
         return "pathing"
Exemple #7
def libtcod_path_to_list(path_map):
    ''' get a libtcod path into a list '''
    path = []
    while not libtcod.path_is_empty(path_map):
        x, y = libtcod.path_walk(path_map, True)
        path.append((x, y))

    return path
def path_effect(game,ox,oy,dx,dy,decay_time):
    px,py = ox,oy
    while not libtcod.path_is_empty(game.path):
        x,y = libtcod.path_walk(game.path,True)
        cell = line_directions[(px-x,py-y)]
        px,py = x,y
        p = Particle(x,y,decay_time,libtcod.yellow,cell,game.ticker,game.con)
Exemple #9
    def move(self):
        if self.move_stat != 50 - self.speed:
            self.move_stat += 1 
        	self.move_stat = 0

        if not libtcod.path_is_empty(self.path):
        	self.x,self.y = libtcod.path_walk(self.path, True)
Exemple #10
	def path_to(self, dx, dy):
		# use algorithm to move (A*)
		path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov_map,1.41)
		libtcod.path_compute(path, self.owner.x, self.owner.y, dx, dy)	
		if not libtcod.path_is_empty(path):
			x,y = libtcod.path_walk(path,True)
			if not x is None:
Exemple #11
 def batAiUpdate(self, player):
   path = libtcod.path_compute(self.path, self.creature.x, self.creature.y, player.x, player.y)
   if path:
     length = libtcod.path_size(self.path)
     if length > 1:#self.creature.attackRange
       (x, y) = libtcod.path_walk(self.path, False)
       self.creature.moveTo(x, y)
 def test(self, abs_src_x, abs_src_y, abs_dst_x, abs_dst_y):
     self.compute_path_abs(abs_src_x, abs_src_y, abs_dst_x, abs_dst_y)
     if libtcod.path_is_empty(self.path):
         log.info("Path is empty")
     while True:
         loc = libtcod.path_walk(self.path, False)
         if loc != (None, None):
             loc_abs = (loc[0] + self.x_start, loc[1] + self.y_start)
             log.info("abs ({},{})".format(*loc_abs))
Exemple #13
 def takepath(self, game):
     #libtcod.path_compute(game.player.path, game.player.destination[0], game.player.destination[1], ...)
     if libtcod.path_is_empty(self.path):
         return 'empty'
         #x,y = libtcod.path_get(self.path, 0)
         x, y = libtcod.path_walk(self.path, True)
         if (x, y) == (None, None):
             return 'empty'
         self.owner.x, self.owner.y = x, y
         #if self.move(game, dx, dy) == 'blocked':
             #return 'empty'
         return 'pathing'
Exemple #14
 def move(self, facility):
     """Follow the current path toward a given direction."""
     x,y = libtcod.path_walk(self.currentPath, False)
     if x is not None:
         self.location.moveTowards(x - self.location.x, y - self.location.y)
         # Path has been followed : delete it !
         self.currentPath = None
         # STOP THE MOVEMENT !
         if self.currentTask is not None:
Exemple #15
 def take_turn(self,game):
     #a basic monster takes its turn. if you can see it, it can see you
     if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(game.fov_map, self.owner.x, self.owner.y): 
         #move towards player if far away
         if self.owner.distance_to(game.player) >= 2:
             #we need to get the closest distance from the monster, surrounding the player
             dx,dy = get_next_to_player(self,game.player,game.Map.map)
             #then move to it
             if libtcod.path_compute(game.path,self.owner.x,self.owner.y,dx,dy):
                 x,y = libtcod.path_walk(game.path,True)
                 self.owner.x = x
                 self.owner.y = y                    
         #close enough, attack! (if the player is still alive.)
         elif game.player.fighter.hp > 0:
     else:#start wandering
         self.owner.ai = WanderingMonster(x=self.owner.x,y=self.owner.y)
         self.owner.ai.owner = self.owner
Exemple #16
    def move_astar(self, target, entities, game_map):
        # Create a FOV map that has the dimensions of the map
        fov = libtcod.map_new(game_map.width, game_map.height)

        # Scan the current map each turn and set all the walls as unwalkable
        for y1 in range(game_map.height):
            for x1 in range(game_map.width):
                libtcod.map_set_properties(fov, x1, y1, not game_map.tiles[x1][y1].block_sight,
                                           not game_map.tiles[x1][y1].blocked)

        # Scan all the objects to see if there are objects that must be navigated around
        # Check also that the object isn't self or the target (so that the start and the end points are free)
        # The AI class handles the situation if self is next to the target so it will not use this A* function anyway
        for entity in entities:
            if entity.blocks and entity != self and entity != target:
                # Set the tile as a wall so it must be navigated around
                libtcod.map_set_properties(fov, entity.x, entity.y, True, False)

        # Allocate a A* path
        # The 1.41 is the normal diagonal cost of moving, it can be set as 0.0 if diagonal moves are prohibited
        my_path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov, 1.41)

        # Compute the path between self's coordinates and the target's coordinates
        libtcod.path_compute(my_path, self.x, self.y, target.x, target.y)

        # Check if the path exists, and in this case, also the path is shorter than 25 tiles
        # The path size matters if you want the monster to use alternative longer paths (for example through other rooms) if for example the player is in a corridor
        # It makes sense to keep path size relatively low to keep the monsters from running around the map if there's an alternative path really far away
        if not libtcod.path_is_empty(my_path) and libtcod.path_size(my_path) < 25:
            # Find the next coordinates in the computed full path
            x, y = libtcod.path_walk(my_path, True)
            if x or y:
                # Set self's coordinates to the next path tile
                self.x = x
                self.y = y
            # Keep the old move function as a backup so that if there are no paths (for example another monster blocks a corridor)
            # it will still try to move towards the player (closer to the corridor opening)
            self.move_towards(target.x, target.y, game_map, entities)

            # Delete the path to free memory
Exemple #17
	def move_astar(self, target, entities, game_map):
		# Create a FOV map that has the dimensions of the map
		fov = libtcod.map_new(game_map.width, game_map.height)

		# Scan the current map each turn and set all the walls as unwalkable
		for y1 in range(game_map.height):
			for x1 in range(game_map.width):
				libtcod.map_set_properties(fov, x1, y1, not game_map.tiles[x1][y1].block_sight,
										   not game_map.tiles[x1][y1].blocked)

		# Scan all the objects to see if there are objects that must be navigated around
		# Check also that the object isn't self or the target (so that the start and the end points are free)
		# The AI class handles the situation if self is next to the target so it will not use this A* function anyway
		for entity in entities:
			if entity.blocks and entity != self and entity != target:
				# Set the tile as a wall so it must be navigated around
				libtcod.map_set_properties(fov, entity.x, entity.y, True, False)

		# Allocate a A* path
		# The 1.41 is the normal diagonal cost of moving, it can be set as 0.0 if diagonal moves are prohibited
		my_path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov, 1.41)

		# Compute the path between self's coordinates and the target's coordinates
		libtcod.path_compute(my_path, self.x, self.y, target.x, target.y)

		# Check if the path exists, and in this case, also the path is shorter than 25 tiles
		# The path size matters if you want the monster to use alternative longer paths (for example through other rooms) if for example the player is in a corridor
		# It makes sense to keep path size relatively low to keep the monsters from running around the map if there's an alternative path really far away
		if not libtcod.path_is_empty(my_path) and libtcod.path_size(my_path) < 25:
			# Find the next coordinates in the computed full path
			x, y = libtcod.path_walk(my_path, True)
			if x or y:
				# Set self's coordinates to the next path tile
				self.x = x
				self.y = y
			# Keep the old move function as a backup so that if there are no paths (for example another monster blocks a corridor)
			# it will still try to move towards the player (closer to the corridor opening)
			self.move_towards(target.x, target.y, game_map, entities)

			# Delete the path to free memory
Exemple #18
 def move_towards(self, target_x, target_y):
     # libtcod CANNOT path into a blocked tile.
     # this is bad because this game treats mobs as blocked.
     # this allows mobs to path around each other
     # so, we won't change it
     # we will temporarily make the target tile unblocked
     # JUST for this computation
     # this is a terrible terrible terrible hack
     # but it works (hopefully)
     blocked = terrain.map.is_blocked(target_x, target_y)
     if blocked:
         tcod.map_set_properties(terrain.map.fov_map, target_x, target_y,
                                 True, True)
     tcod.path_compute(terrain.map.path, self.x, self.y, target_x, target_y)
     if blocked:
         terrain.map.update_fov_tile(target_x, target_y)
     (x, y) = tcod.path_walk(terrain.map.path, True)
     if not (x, y) == (None, None):
         dx, dy = (x - self.x, y - self.y)
         self.move(dx, dy)
Exemple #19
    def move_astar(self, target, entities, game_map):
        # create a fov map at the dimensions of the map
        fov = libtcod.map_new(game_map.width, game_map.height)

        # scan current map each turn and set all walls as unwalkable
        for y1 in range(game_map.height):
            for x1 in range(game_map.width):
                    fov, x1, y1, not game_map.tiles[x1][y1].block_sight,
                    not game_map.tiles[x1][y1].blocked)

        # scan all objets to see if there are objects that must be navigated around.
        # check also if object isn't self or the target
        for entity in entities:
            if entity.blocks and entity != self and entity != target:
                #set the tile as a wall so it muyst be navigated around
                libtcod.map_set_properties(fov, entity.x, entity.y, True,

        # allocate a A* path
        # 1.31 normal diag cost of moving, to put to 0 if diagonal forbiden
        my_path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov, 1.41)

        # compute path between self coordinates and the target coordinate
        libtcod.path_compute(my_path, self.x, self.y, target.x, target.y)

        # check if path exists && shorter than 25 tiles
        if not libtcod.path_is_empty(
                my_path) and libtcod.path_size(my_path) < 25:
            # find next coordinates in the computed full path
            x, y = libtcod.path_walk(my_path, True)
            if x or y:
                # set self coordinates to the next path tile
                self.x = x
                self.y = y
            # old move function if no path
            self.move_towards(target.x, target.y, game_map, entities)

        # delete the path to free memeory
Exemple #20
 def take_turn(self, game):
     #a basic monster takes its turn. if you can see it, it can see you
     if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(game.fov_map, self.owner.x, self.owner.y):
         #move towards player if far away
         if self.owner.distance_to(game.player) >= 2:
             #we need to get the closest distance from the monster, surrounding the player
             dx, dy = get_next_to_player(self, game.player, game.Map.map)
             #then move to it
             if libtcod.path_compute(game.path, self.owner.x, self.owner.y,
                                     dx, dy):
                 x, y = libtcod.path_walk(game.path, True)
                 self.owner.x = x
                 self.owner.y = y
         #close enough, attack! (if the player is still alive.)
         elif game.player.fighter.hp > 0:
     else:  #start wandering
         self.owner.ai = WanderingMonster(x=self.owner.x, y=self.owner.y)
         self.owner.ai.owner = self.owner
    def Action_MoveTwoardsPlayer(self, attack = False, InternalParam = {}):
        #Adjaceny Test
        print "Adjacency Test"
        pX, pY = GameState.player.x, GameState.player.y
        dist = math.sqrt(math.pow(pX - self.x,2) + math.pow(pY - self.y,2))
        if math.fabs(pX - self.x) < 1 and math.fabs(pY - self.y) <= 1:
        #if self.ObjectAdjacency(GameState.player):
        #    self.entity.melee_attack_entity(GameState.player.entity)
        #    return
        print "Passed"
        #Pov Test
        print "POV Test"
            self.TargetLastSeenLocation = (GameState.player.x, GameState.player.y)
            if not self.move_towards(GameState.player.x, GameState.player.y):
                self.TargetLastSeenPath = libtcod.path_new_using_function(cfg.MAP_WIDTH,cfg.MAP_WIDTH, self.path_func,(self.x,self.y))
            #self.TargetLastSeenPath = libtcod.path_new_using_map(GameState.fov_map)

        #Move Twoards Player
        elif self.TargetLastSeenPath and self.TargetLastSeenLocation != None:
            self.TargetLastSeenPath = libtcod.path_new_using_function(cfg.MAP_WIDTH,cfg.MAP_WIDTH, self.path_func,(self.x,self.y))
            x, y = self.TargetLastSeenLocation
        if self.TargetLastSeenPath != None:
            x, y = self.TargetLastSeenLocation
            if(self.x, self.y) == (x,y):
                print "Giving Up Chase"
                self.TargetLastSeenLocation = None
            x,y = libtcod.path_walk(self.TargetLastSeenPath,False)

            if x != None and y != None:
        print "Passed"
Exemple #22
    def move_to_target(self, Map):
        #dx = x - owner.x
        #dy = y - owner.y
        #distance = math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)

        #dx = int(round(dx / distance))
        #dy = int(round(dy / distance))
        #self.owner.move(dx, dy)
        #if path doesnt exist make new path to target
        owner = self.owner
        target = owner.target
        fov_map = Map.fov_map
        path = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fov_map)
        libtcod.path_compute(path, owner.x, owner.y, target.x, target.y)
        # use the path ... 
        if not libtcod.path_is_empty(path) :
            if not x is None :
        owner.moved = True
Exemple #23
def test_astar(map_):
    astar = libtcodpy.path_new_using_map(map_)

    assert not libtcodpy.path_compute(astar, *POINTS_AC)
    assert libtcodpy.path_size(astar) == 0
    assert libtcodpy.path_compute(astar, *POINTS_AB)
    assert libtcodpy.path_get_origin(astar) == POINT_A
    assert libtcodpy.path_get_destination(astar) == POINT_B
    assert libtcodpy.path_get_origin(astar) == POINT_B
    assert libtcodpy.path_get_destination(astar) == POINT_A

    assert libtcodpy.path_size(astar) != 0
    assert libtcodpy.path_size(astar) > 0
    assert not libtcodpy.path_is_empty(astar)

    for i in range(libtcodpy.path_size(astar)):
        x, y = libtcodpy.path_get(astar, i)

    while (x, y) != (None, None):
        x, y = libtcodpy.path_walk(astar, False)

Exemple #24
    def move_astar(self, target):
        # Create a FOV map for the actor in question
        fov = tcod.map_new(settings.MAP_WIDTH, settings.MAP_HEIGHT)

        # Scan the current map and set all walls as unwalkable
        for y1 in range(settings.MAP_HEIGHT):
            for x1 in range(settings.MAP_WIDTH):
                    fov, x1, y1, not settings.dungeon_map[x1][y1].block_sight,
                    not settings.dungeon_map[x1][y1].blocked)

        # Scan all objects to see if anything must be navigated around
        # Check also that the object isn't self or the target (so that start and endpoints are free)
        for obj in settings.objects:
            if obj.blocks and obj != self and obj != target:
                tcod.map_set_properties(fov, obj.x, obj.y, True, False)

        # Allocating the A* path
        # The 1.41 is the normal diagonal cost of moving.
        my_path = tcod.path_new_using_map(fov, 1.41)

        tcod.path_compute(my_path, self.x, self.y, target.x, target.y)

        # Check if the path exists and is shorter than 25 tiles
        # The path size matters for the monster to use alternative longer paths (player in another room, corridor, etc)
        # If the path size is too big monsters will run weird routes around the map
        if not tcod.path_is_empty(my_path) and tcod.path_size(my_path) < 25:
            x, y = tcod.path_walk(my_path, True)
            if x or y:
                # set self's coords to the next path tile
                self.combatant.set_direction(x - self.x, y - self.y)
                self.x = x
                self.y = y
            self.move_towards(target.x, target.y)

Exemple #25
    def take_turn(self, gamemap_instance):

        mymap = gamemap_instance.level
        object_list = gamemap_instance.objects

        if not self.is_pathmap_created:

        if not libtcod.path_is_empty(self.path):
            pathx, pathy = libtcod.path_walk(self.path, True)
            #print 'Explorer is trying to move from (' + str(self.owner.x) + ', ' + str(self.owner.y) + 
                #') to (' + str(pathx) + ', ' + str(pathy) +').'
            dx = pathx - self.owner.x
            dy = pathy - self.owner.y
            distance = sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
            #normalize it to length 1 (preserving direction), then round it and
            #convert to integer so the movement is restricted to the map grid
            dx = int(round(dx / distance))
            dy = int(round(dy / distance))
            move(gamemap_instance, self.owner, dx, dy)        
            #print 'The Explorer ' + self.owner.name + ' has finished their path. Choosing a new one...'
def move_player(x, y):
    # Set globals.
    global turns, fov_recompute

    # Create path.
    player_path = roguelib.path_new_using_map(fov_map, 1.41)

    # Compute path to walk.
    roguelib.path_compute(player_path, player.x, player.y, x, y)

    while not roguelib.path_is_empty(player_path):

        xx, yy = roguelib.path_walk(player_path, True)

        if not is_blocked(xx, yy):
            # Move player.
            player.x = xx
            player.y = yy

            # Increase turns.
            turns += 1

            # Recompute FOV.
            fov_recompute = True
def move_player(x, y):
    # Set globals.
    global turns, fov_recompute

    # Create path.
    player_path = roguelib.path_new_using_map(fov_map, 1.41)

    # Compute path to walk.
    roguelib.path_compute(player_path, player.x, player.y, x, y)

    while not roguelib.path_is_empty(player_path):

        xx, yy = roguelib.path_walk(player_path, True)

        if not is_blocked(xx, yy):
            # Move player.
            player.x = xx
            player.y = yy

            # Increase turns.
            turns += 1

            # Recompute FOV.
            fov_recompute = True
Exemple #28
    def move_astar(self, target, entities, game_map):
        fov = lcod.map_new(game_map.width, game_map.height)

        for x in range(game_map.width):
            for y in range(game_map.height):
                lcod.map_set_properties(fov, x, y, not game_map.tiles[x][y].block_sight,
                                        not game_map.tiles[x][y].blocked)

        for entity in entities:
            if entity.blocks and entity != self and entity != target:
                lcod.map_set_properties(fov, entity.x, entity.y, True, False)

        my_path = lcod.path_new_using_map(fov, 1.41)
        lcod.path_compute(my_path, self.x, self.y, target.x, target.y)

        if not lcod.path_is_empty(my_path) and lcod.path_size(my_path) <= 25:
            x, y = lcod.path_walk(my_path, True)
            if x or y:
                self.x = x
                self.y = y
            self.move_towards(target, game_map, entities)

 def get_coord_abs(self):
     x, y = libtcod.path_walk(self.path, False)
     abs_x = x + self.x_start
     abs_y = y + self.y_start
     return abs_x, abs_y
Exemple #30
         speed = [1, 0]
 elif key.vk == tcod.KEY_ESCAPE:
     if not alive:
         init = True
         restart = True
 if demo:
     # find a snack
     if not found:
         found, pathx, pathy = snackxy(grid, CW, CH)
     if found:
         #path = tcod.path_new_using_map(grid, 0)
         if tcod.path_compute(path, snake[0].x, snake[0].y, pathx, pathy):
             #x, y = tcod.path_get(path, 0)
             x, y = tcod.path_walk(path, False)
             if x is not None:
                 speed = [x - snake[0].x, y - snake[0].y]
                 found = False
         # no path
             # you're f****d
             found = False
     if not found:
         # no snack on grid (yet?)
         x = snake[0].x + speed[0]
         y = snake[0].y + speed[1]
         if not tcod.map_is_walkable(grid, x, y):
             # try up
             speed = [0, -1]
Exemple #31
    def take_turn(self, gamemap_instance):
        Current bugs:
        1) The worked-on Tile doesn't turn to gravel- why not?
        2) The loop doesn't really go back around. They don't pick a new target, especially if they
            get stuck while walking. They just give up after the first time they bump into something
        fov_map = gamemap_instance.fov_map
        object_list = gamemap_instance.objects
        mymap = gamemap_instance.level

        if not self.is_pathmap_created:
            print 'Builder needs to create_path'

        if not libtcod.path_is_empty(self.path):
            pathx, pathy = libtcod.path_walk(self.path, True)
            #print 'Explorer is trying to move from (' + str(self.owner.x) + ', ' + str(self.owner.y) + 
                #') to (' + str(pathx) + ', ' + str(pathy) +').'
            dx = pathx - self.owner.x
            dy = pathy - self.owner.y
            distance = sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
            #normalize it to length 1 (preserving direction), then round it and
            #convert to integer so the movement is restricted to the map grid
            dx = int(round(dx / distance))
            dy = int(round(dy / distance))
            move(gamemap_instance, self.owner, dx, dy)        
        elif self.work_target[0] is not None:
            (x, y) = self.work_target
            (my_x, my_y) = self.owner.x, self.owner.y

            # The following logic checks to see if they are standing in any of the 8 squares around
            # the target Tile. I definitely had to draw a diagram for this.
            if ((my_x+1 == x) and ( (my_y+1 == y) or (my_y == y) or (my_y-1 == y)) ) \
                or ((my_x == x) and ( (my_y+1 == y) or (my_y == y) or (my_y-1 == y)) ) \
                or ((my_x-1 == x) and ( (my_y+1 == y) or (my_y == y) or (my_y-1 == y)) ):

                # We have arrived at a Tile that needs work done. Now begin work:
                print 'Builder is standing at (' + str(my_x) +', '+ str(my_y)+') ' \
                    'and is beginning work at (' + str(x) + ', ' + str(y) +').'

                # Using a switch statement here because eventually there will be other states like
                # 'building' or 'installing' something, etc
                for case in switch(mymap[x][y].designation_type):
                    if case('clearing'): 
                        mymap[x][y].blocked = False
                        mymap[x][y].block_sight = False
                        mymap[x][y].fore = color_ground
                        mymap[x][y].back = color_ground
                        mymap[x][y].char = GRAVEL

                        # Then reset the tile:
                        mymap[x][y].designated = False
                        mymap[x][y].designation_type = None
                        mymap[x][y].designation_char = None
                        mymap[x][y].being_worked_on = False

                        print 'Finished work, resetting work_target to None, None.'
                        self.work_target = (None, None)
                        self.is_pathmap_created = False

                    if case(): break # default
Exemple #32
def path_step(path):
    x,y=libtcod.path_walk(path, True)
    return x,y
Exemple #33
def playerInput():
	# Handles reacting to player input.
	global fovCompute, turns, actionMenu, gameState, widgets
	for widget in widgets:
		if widget.console != topGuiConsole:
			widget.checkSelected(mouse.cx, mouse.cy-topGuiHeight)
			widget.checkSelected(mouse.cx, mouse.cy)
	if mouse.lbutton_pressed:
		if actionMenu[0]:
			if mouse.cx > actionMenu[3] and mouse.cx < actionMenu[3]+actionWidth:
				if mouse.cy-topGuiHeight > actionMenu[4] and mouse.cy-topGuiHeight < actionMenu[4]+actionHeight:
					for widget in widgets:
						if widget.selected:
							if actionMenu[5] == "stairs":

								widget.action(player, actionMenu[1], actionMenu[2])
							# Deletes all widgets created for action menu and resets action menu container.
							actionMenu = [False, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""]
							del widgets[2:6]
							return "ENDTURN"
			if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fovMap, mouse.cx, mouse.cy-topGuiHeight) and gameState == "ACTIVE":
				if isWalkable(mouse.cx, mouse.cy-topGuiHeight):
					if player.distanceTo(mouse.cx, mouse.cy-topGuiHeight) >= 2:
						pathToCoords = libtcod.path_new_using_map(fovMap, 1)
						libtcod.path_compute(pathToCoords, player.x, player.y, mouse.cx, mouse.cy-topGuiHeight)
						while not libtcod.path_is_empty(pathToCoords):
							newX, newY = libtcod.path_walk(pathToCoords, True)
							if newX is not None:
								newX = newX - player.x
								newY = newY - player.y
							player.move(player.x+newX, player.y+newY)
							turns += 1
							if isNpcInFov():
						fovCompute = True
						return "ENDTURN"
						player.move(mouse.cx, mouse.cy-topGuiHeight)
						turns += 1
						fovCompute = True
						return "ENDTURN"
		if not actionMenu[0]:
			for widget in widgets:
				if widget.selected:
	if mouse.rbutton_pressed:
		if actionMenu[0]:
			# Deletes all widgets created for action menu and resets action menu container.
			actionMenu = [False, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""]
			del widgets[2:6]

		elif gameState != "ACTIVE":
			gameState = "ACTIVE"
			widgets = widgets[0:2]
			if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fovMap, mouse.cx, mouse.cy-topGuiHeight):
				getAction(mouse.cx, mouse.cy-topGuiHeight)
				fovCompute = True
	if key.pressed and key.vk == libtcod.KEY_SPACE:
	if key.vk == libtcod.KEY_ESCAPE:	
		if actionMenu[0]:
			# Deletes all widgets created for action menu and resets action menu container.
			actionMenu = [False, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""]
			del widgets[2:6]
		if gameState != "ACTIVE":

			gameState = "ACTIVE"
			widgets = widgets[0:2]
	return False
Exemple #34
def play_game():
    global key, mouse, autopilot_on

    mouse = libtcod.Mouse()
    key = libtcod.Key()
    autopilot_on = False

    tutorial = True

    while not libtcod.console_is_window_closed():
        if game_state == GAME_STATE_VICTORY or game_state == GAME_STATE_PLAYER_DEAD:

        libtcod.sys_check_for_event(libtcod.EVENT_KEY_PRESS | libtcod.EVENT_MOUSE, key, mouse)
        libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(0, libtcod.white)

        renderer.render_all(player=player, objects=objects, game_map=game_map, con=con, panel=panel,
                            projectiles=projectiles, game_msgs=game_msgs, dungeon_level=dungeon_level, mouse=mouse,


        renderer.clear_objects(con, objects)
        renderer.clear_objects(con, projectiles)

        if tutorial:
            msgbox("Welcome to the game!\n\n"
                   "You're tasked with a very important mission! The most talented diplomat the Earthlings have is "
                   "travelling to Epsilon Gruis I, where he'll attend peace talks with The Safe Ones and possibly gain "
                   "their support! Obviously this cannot happen, so you must ASSASSINATE THE DIPLOMAT!\n\n"
                   "To reach the diplomat, you must navigate through nine sectors (all crawling with hostiles by the "
                   "way) by using the naturally occurring JUMP POINTS. Our spies have provided INTEL pickups on the way"
                   " that will give you the disposition of the enemy forces in the next sector. If you don't pick up "
                   "the INTEL you'll be flying blind and probably die!\n\n"
                   "Your ship is equipped with a 3-tile cutting laser. End your turn within a distance of 3 to an enemy"
                   " to attack. It's pretty powerful against small ships, but be wary of extended engagements.\n\n"
                   "Good luck captain!\n\n"
                   "KEYPAD: Movement\n"
                   "a: autopilot to zone\n"
                   "g: pick up an item in your tile\n"
                   "i: view inventory and use items\n"
                   "d: drop items\n"
                   "r: view sector reports (DO THIS)\n"
                   "<: jump to the next sector (must be on the jump point)\n"
                   "ESC: quit to menu",
            tutorial = False

        # TODO: Kind of messy way of structuring this!
        time = time_to_next_event(objects, projectiles)
        for obj in objects:
            if obj.fighter and (obj.ai or obj == player):
        for projectile in projectiles:

        # Take turn if not autopiloting
        if player.fighter.time_until_turn == 0 and not autopilot_on:
            player_action = handle_keys()
            if player_action == 'exit':
            elif player_action != GAME_STATE_DIDNT_TAKE_TURN:
        # Autopilot
        elif player.fighter.time_until_turn == 0:
            # Check if there are nearby enemies
            nearest = closest_monster(TORCH_RADIUS)
            if key.vk != libtcod.KEY_NONE:
                autopilot_on = False
                message('Disengaging autopilot on pilot input!')
            if nearest:
                autopilot_on = False
                message('Enemy ships nearby! Autopilot disengaging!')
            elif libtcod.path_is_empty(autopilot_path):
                autopilot_on = False
                message('You have reached your destination! Autopilot disengaging!')
                (x, y) = libtcod.path_walk(autopilot_path, False)
                player.move_towards(x, y, game_map, objects)
            player_action = None

        if game_state == GAME_STATE_PLAYING and player_action != GAME_STATE_DIDNT_TAKE_TURN:
            for o in objects:
                if o.fighter and o.fighter.time_until_turn == 0 and o.ai:
            for projectile in projectiles:
                if projectile.fighter.time_until_turn == 0:
Exemple #35
 def read_path(self, path, limit):
     if not libtcod.path_is_empty(path):
         if libtcod.path_size(path) <= limit:
             x, y = libtcod.path_walk(path, True)
             return [x, y]
Exemple #36
def eNextStepPath(event):
    if event.Owner.Path:
        x, y = Libtcod.path_walk(event.Owner.Path, True)
        if not x is None:
            event.Owner.Move(x - event.Owner.X, y - event.Owner.Y)
Exemple #37
def direct_path(ox, oy, dx, dy, map):
   path = T.path_new_using_map(map)
   T.path_compute(path, ox, oy, dx, dy)
   (nx, ny) = T.path_walk(path, False)

   return (nx - ox, ny - oy)
Exemple #38
def generate_river():
    river_start_x = 0
    river_start_y = 0
    river_end_x = MAP_WIDTH - 1
    river_end_y = MAP_HEIGHT - 1

    river_noise = [[0 for y in range(MAP_WIDTH)] for x in range(MAP_HEIGHT)]

    for i in range(MAP_HEIGHT):
        river_noise[i] = map(lambda a: (2+a)**4, noise_map[i])  # scaled up

    def river_cost(xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo, river_noise):
        return river_noise[yTo][xTo]

    path = libtcod.path_new_using_function(MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT,
                                           river_cost, river_noise)
    # wish I could just use
    # (lambda xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo, river_noise: river_noise[xTo][yTo])
    libtcod.path_compute(path, river_start_x, river_start_y,
                         river_end_x, river_end_y)

    while not libtcod.path_is_empty(path):
        x, y = libtcod.path_walk(path, True)
        g.level_map[y][x] = Tile(tile_types.SHALLOW_WATER)
        # make a wider river by making all the neighbors water

        # we need to initialize these separately, but I don't know why
        x_in_min = False
        x_in_max = False
        y_in_min = False
        y_in_max = False

        if x-1 >= 0:          x_in_min = True
        if x+1 <  MAP_WIDTH:  x_in_max = True
        if y-1 >= 0:          y_in_min = True
        if y+1 <  MAP_HEIGHT: y_in_max = True
        # left
        if x_in_min:
            g.level_map[y][x-1] = Tile(tile_types.SHALLOW_WATER)
            # bottom left
            if y_in_min:
                g.level_map[y-1][x-1] = Tile(tile_types.SHALLOW_WATER)
            # top left
            if y_in_max:
                g.level_map[y+1][x-1] = Tile(tile_types.SHALLOW_WATER)
        # right
        if x_in_max:
            g.level_map[y][x+1] = Tile(tile_types.SHALLOW_WATER)
            # bottom right
            if y_in_min:
                g.level_map[y-1][x+1] = Tile(tile_types.SHALLOW_WATER)
            # top right
            if y_in_max:
                g.level_map[y+1][x+1] = Tile(tile_types.SHALLOW_WATER)
        # bottom
        if y_in_min:
            g.level_map[y-1][x] = Tile(tile_types.SHALLOW_WATER)
        # top
        if y_in_max:
            g.level_map[y+1][x] = Tile(tile_types.SHALLOW_WATER)

    # Iterate through all the tiles. Remove trees on shallow water tiles.
    for j in range(MAP_HEIGHT):
        for i in range(MAP_WIDTH):
            if g.level_map[j][i].type == tile_types.SHALLOW_WATER:
                for feature in g.terrain_features:
                    if feature.x == i and feature.y == j:
Exemple #39
def eNextStepPath(event):
    if event.Owner.Path:
        x, y = Libtcod.path_walk(event.Owner.Path, True)
        if not x is None:
            event.Owner.Move(x - event.Owner.X, y - event.Owner.Y)
Exemple #40
	def take_turn(self):
		# we have a target
		if self.target:
			# target is close enough to attack
			if self.owner.distance_to_actor(self.target) == 1:
				return self.owner.melee_attack(self.target)
			# too far to attack, so try to chase
		# if there is a path, try to walk along it
		if self.path:
			# the path is empty, remove the target
			if libtcod.path_is_empty(self.path):
				self.target = None
				self.target_x = None
				self.target_y = None
				self.path = None
				return False
			# try to walk the path
				x, y = libtcod.path_walk(self.path, False)
				if x is None:
					self.path = None
					return False
				actor = self.owner.map.actor_at(x, y)
				feature = self.owner.map.feature_at(x, y)
				# there is an actor in the way
				if actor:
					self.path = None
					return False
				# there is a closed door in the way, open it
				elif self.owner.opens_doors and feature.is_door and feature.open == False:
					self.path = None
					return feature.interact(self.owner)
				# otherwise, the space is free; move to that space
					self.owner.move_to(x, y)
					return True
		# no path, so just do nothing
			for actor in self.temporary_blocking:
				if actor.faction == 'neutral' and self.owner.distance_to_actor(actor) == 1:
			return True