Exemple #1
def test_iwe_kernel_mean_matching():
    """Test for estimating through kernel mean matching."""
    X = rnd.randn(10, 2)
    Z = rnd.randn(10, 2) + 1
    clf = ImportanceWeightedClassifier()
    iw = clf.iwe_kernel_mean_matching(X, Z)
    assert np.all(iw >= 0)
Exemple #2
          for iw  in [0,1,2,3]:
             iwe = weighting_functions[iw] 
             w_clf = ImportanceWeightedClassifier(iwe=iwe)
             X = np.asarray(MEG_data_train)
             Y = np.asarray(MEG_data_test)
             if iwe == 'lr':
                w = w_clf.iwe_logistic_discrimination(X, Y)
             elif iwe == 'rg':
                w = w_clf.iwe_ratio_gaussians(X, Y)
             elif iwe == 'nn':
                w = w_clf.iwe_nearest_neighbours(X, Y)
             elif iwe == 'kde':
                w = w_clf.iwe_kernel_densities(X, Y)
             elif iwe == 'kmm':
                w = w_clf.iwe_kernel_mean_matching(X, Y)
                raise NotImplementedError('Estimator not implemented.')

             clf = Weighted_InitClassifier(index)             
              # Find importance-weights            

             probas_ = clf.fit(X, y, sample_weight=w).predict(X)
             accuracy_org = sum((probas_>0.5)==y)/(1.0*nsamples)           
             target_probas_ = clf.predict(Y)
             accuracy_targ = sum((target_probas_>0.5)==classes_test)/(1.0*n_test_samples)           
             print (subject,target_subj,index,iw,accuracy_org,accuracy_targ)
    elif mode==4:            # Evaluation of classifiers using the full training set as test set