def read_nmmbfcst(dtg,
                  path=dir_prod + '/NMMB',
                  require=['dust_aod', 'seasalt_aod']):
	  Read NMMB netcdf file
	  aod[dtg][spec] = read_geos5fcst(dtg)
		dtg	= string, 	start dtg
		finc	= integer,	step up to fhr
		nt	= integer,	number of timesteps to fhr, 
					normally diagnosed
		fhr	= integer,	maximum forecast hour from dtg
		path	= string,	directory of MASINGAR files
    from netCDF4 import Dataset, Variable
    dtg_fcst = dtg
    file = '/'.join((path, dtg_fcst[:6], dtg_fcst + ''))
    model = 'NMMB'
    aod = cl.model_object()
    vars = lm.aod_vars()

    species = {'dust_aod550': 'dust_aod', 'salt_aod550': 'seasalt_aod'}

    #_BSC added seasalt on this date
    if dtg < '2012112000': del species['salt_aod550']

    if not os.path.isfile(file):
        error = file + ' is missing'
        dbg(error, l=2)
        dbg(file, l=2)
        handle = Dataset(file, mode='r', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC')
        x, ny, nx = handle.variables['dust_aod550'].shape
        lons = handle.variables['lon'][nx / 2, 1:]
        lats = handle.variables['lat'][:, ny / 2]
        times = handle.variables['time'][:]
        dtg_init = handle.dtg_init  #_Brings dtg to 00z instead of 22
        nt = len(times)

        #_Loop over species dictionary to read in ncdf variables
        for spec in species:
            spec_loc = species[spec]
            long_name = vars[spec_loc]['long_name']
            tmp = handle.variables[spec]
            for t in np.arange(nt):
                s = times[t]
                dtg_loop = lt.newdtg(dtg_init, s)
                vhr = lt.find_runlength( dtg_init, dtg_loop ) \
                   / 3600

                #_Setup attributes and add to recarray
                attrv = (
                data = cl.var(tmp[t, :, 1:], attrv=attrv)
                dimname = vars[spec_loc]['dims']
                dimsize = data.shape
                aod.resize(aod.size + 1)
                aod[-1] = (data, model, dtg_init, dtg_loop, vhr, 'global',
                           spec_loc, 0, dimname, dimsize, '', long_name)

    #_Check for required species
    for s in require:
        size = ln.subset(aod, variable=s).size
        if size == 0:
            err = 'Not all ' + model + ' species available'
            raise RuntimeError, err
    return aod
def read_masingarfcst(dtg,
                          'sulfate_aod', 'dust_aod', 'smoke_aod',
                          'seasalt_aod', 'total_aod'
                      path=dir_prod + '/MASINGAR'):
	  Read MASINGAR netcdf file
	  aod[dtg][spec] = read_geos5fcst(dtg)
		dtg	= string, 	start dtg
		finc	= integer,	step up to fhr
		nt	= integer,	number of timesteps to fhr, 
					normally diagnosed
		fhr	= integer,	maximum forecast hour from dtg
		path	= string,	directory of MASINGAR files
    from netCDF4 import Dataset, Variable
    dtg_fcst = dtg
    file  = path + '/' + dtg_fcst[:6] + '/' + dtg_fcst \
      + ''

    model = 'MASINGAR'
    aod = cl.model_object()
    vars = lm.aod_vars()

    fhr = 120
    specs = [s.lower() for s in mod_dict[model]['specs']]
    if os.path.isfile(file) == False:
        raise IOError, 'WARNING: ' + file + ' is missing.'
        dbg(file, l=2)
        handle = Dataset(file, mode='r', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC')
        null, ny, nx = handle.variables['total'].shape
        lons = handle.variables['lon'][:]
        lats = handle.variables['lat'][:]
        times = handle.variables['time'][:]
        dtg_init = lt.epoch2dtg(times[0])  #_Brings dtg to 00z instead of 22
        dtg_fhr = lt.newdtg(dtg_fcst, fhr)
        nt = len(times)

        #_Loop over each variable, store in dictionary
        for spec in specs:  #handle.variables:
            if spec == 'lat' or spec == 'lon' or spec == 'time':
            long_name = vars[spec]['long_name']
            spec_mas = spec.replace('_aod', '')
            tmp = handle.variables[spec_mas]
            for t in np.arange(nt):
                s = times[t]
                dtg_loop = lt.epoch2dtg(s)
                if dtg_loop > dtg_fhr: break

                vhr = lt.find_runlength(dtg_init, dtg_loop) / 3600

                attrv = (
                data = cl.var(handle.variables[spec_mas][t, :, :], attrv=attrv)

                dimname = vars[spec]['dims']
                dimsize = data.shape

                aod.resize(aod.size + 1)
                aod[-1] = (data, model, dtg_init, dtg_loop, vhr, 'global',
                           spec, 0, dimname, dimsize, '', long_name)


    #_Check for required species
    for s in require:
        size = ln.subset(aod, variable=s).size
        if size == 0:
            err = 'Not all ' + model + ' species available'
            raise RuntimeError, err

    return aod
def read_maccfcst(dtg,
                  path=dir_prod + '/MACC',
                      'biomassburning_aod', 'dust_aod', 'seasalt_aod',
                      'sulfate_aod', 'total_aod'
	  MACC files are read together - pass the dtg and a path 
		to build everything before _aod in the filename
	  aod[dtg][spec]	= read_maccfcst(dtg)
		dtg		= string, 		initial date
		fstrt		= integer,		start # hours after dtg
		finc		= integer,		timestep
    from netCDF4 import Dataset, Variable
    model = 'MACC'
    aod = cl.model_object()
    vars = lm.aod_vars()
    if dtg < '2012102600':
        species = {
            'biomassburning_aod': '210.210',
            'blackcarbon_aod': '211.210',
            'dust_aod': '209.210',
            'organicmatter_aod': '210.210',
            'seasalt_aod': '208.210',
            'sulfate_aod': '212.210',
            'total_aod': '207.210'
        species = {
            'biomassburning_aod': 'bbaod550',
            'blackcarbon_aod': 'bcaod550',
            'dust_aod': 'duaod550',
            'organicmatter_aod': 'omaod550',
            'seasalt_aod': 'ssaod550',
            'sulfate_aod': 'suaod550',
            'total_aod': 'aod550'

    dtg_init = dtg
    prefix = path + '/' + dtg_init[:6] + '/' + dtg_init

    #_Create list of dtgs to return

    for spec in species:
        file_spec = prefix + '_' + spec + ''
        if os.path.isfile(file_spec) == False:
            error = file_spec + ' is missing'
            dbg(error, l=2)
            if spec in require: raise IOError, error
            dbg(('Reading', file_spec), l=2)
            code = species[spec]
            key = 'smoke_aod' if spec == 'biomassburning_aod' else spec
            long_name = vars[key]['long_name']
            handle = Dataset(file_spec, mode='r', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC')
            null, ny, nx = handle.variables[code].shape
            lons = np.append(handle.variables['longitude'][nx/2:] \
             - 360., handle.variables['longitude'][:nx/2] )
            lats = handle.variables['latitude'][::-1]
            times = handle.variables['time'][:]

            for time in times:
                t = times.tolist().index(time)
                dtg_loop = lt.ecmwf_day2dtg(time)

                #_Fix the orientation of dateline split
                tmp = handle.variables[code][t, :, :]
                values = np.append(tmp[::-1, nx / 2:],
                                   tmp[::-1, :nx / 2],

                aod.resize(aod.size + 1)
                data = cl.var(values, attrv=[lats, lons])
                dimname = vars[key]['dims']
                dimsize = data.shape
                vhr = lt.find_runlength(dtg_init, dtg_loop) / 3600
                aod[-1] = (data, model, dtg, dtg_loop, vhr, 'global', key, 0,
                           dimname, dimsize, '', long_name)

    if aod.size == 0: raise IOError, 'All macc fields missing'

    return aod
def read_geos5fcst(dtg,
                       'dust_aod', 'smoke_aod', 'seasalt_aod', 'sulfate_aod',
                   path=dir_prod + '/GEOS5'):
	  Read GEOS-5 netcdf file
	  aod[dtg][spec] = read_geos5fcst(dtg)
		dtg	= string, 	start dtg
		finc	= integer,	step up to fhr
		nt	= integer,	number of timesteps to fhr, 
					normally diagnosed
		fhr	= integer,	maximum forecast hour from dtg
		path	= string,	directory of GEOS-5 files
    #_These are the species FROM GMAO.
    # Not the list getting PLOTTED. That
    # is in the model dictionary
    from netCDF4 import Dataset, Variable
    aod = cl.model_object()
    vars = lm.aod_vars()
    model = 'GEOS5'
    finc = 6
    fhr = 120
    species = [
        'dust_aod', 'blackcarbon_aod', 'organiccarbon_aod', 'seasalt_aod',
    file = path + '/' + dtg[:6] + '/' + dtg + ''
    dbg('Reading ' + file, l=2)

    if os.path.isfile(file) == False:
        raise IOError, file + ' is missing.'
        handle = Dataset(file, mode='r', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC')
        lons = handle.variables['lons'][:]
        lats = handle.variables['lats'][:]
        times = handle.variables['times'][:]
        dtg_init = lt.gsfc_day2dtg(times[0])  #_Brings dtg to 00z, not 22
        dtg_fcst = lt.newdtg(dtg_init, fhr)
        times = times[::finc]
        nt = len(times)

        for spec in species:  # handle.variables:
            spec_geos = spec.replace('_aod', '')
            tmp = handle.variables[spec_geos]
            long_name = vars[spec]['long_name']
            for t in np.arange(nt):
                days = times[t]
                dtg_loop = lt.gsfc_day2dtg(days)
                if dtg_loop > dtg_fcst:

                vhr = lt.find_runlength(dtg_init, dtg_loop) / 3600
                data = cl.var(tmp[t * finc, :, :], attrv=[lats, lons])

                dimname = vars[spec]['dims']
                dimsize = data.shape

                aod.resize(aod.size + 1)
                aod[-1] = (data, model, dtg_init, dtg_loop, vhr, 'global',
                           spec, 0, dimname, dimsize, '', long_name)

                #_Replace this with masked_outside
                if len(np.where(tmp > 1e3)) > 0:
                    raise ValueError, 'GEOS-5 data out of range for ' + \
                     dtg_loop + ' ' + spec


        #_If we have bc and oc, sum them to generate smoke specie
        spec_smoke = ['blackcarbon_aod', 'organiccarbon_aod']
        dtg_pres = aod.dtg_vald[0]
        for spec in spec_smoke:
            test = ln.subset(aod, variable=spec)
            if test.size > 0:
        else:  #-If all species present, sum and generate 'total'i WALTER
            long_name = vars['smoke_aod']['long_name']
            bc = ln.subset(aod, variable='blackcarbon_aod')
            oc = ln.subset(aod, variable='organiccarbon_aod')

            #_Get arrays of dtgs available for species
            dtg_bc = bc.dtg_vald
            dtg_oc = oc.dtg_vald

            #_Find where we have both values
            dtg_smoke = lt.intersection([dtg_bc, dtg_oc])

            for dtg_loop in dtg_smoke:
                if dtg_loop > dtg_fcst: break  #_KLUUUUUUUUDGE

                vhr = lt.find_runlength(dtg_init, dtg_loop) / 3600
                bc_loop = ln.subset(bc, dtg_vald=dtg_loop).values[0]
                oc_loop = ln.subset(oc, dtg_vald=dtg_loop).values[0]

                attrv = [lats, lons]
                tmp = np.sum([
                ], axis=0)
                data = cl.var(tmp, attrv=attrv)
                dimname = vars['smoke_aod']['dims']
                dimsize = data.shape
                aod.resize(aod.size + 1)
                aod[-1] = (data, model, dtg_init, dtg_loop, vhr, 'global',
                           'smoke_aod', 0, dimname, dimsize, '', long_name)

                #_If we have all necessary species, sum total
                spec_total = [
                    'dust_aod', 'seasalt_aod', 'sulfate_aod', 'smoke_aod'
                for spec in spec_total:
                    test = ln.subset(aod, variable=spec, dtg_vald=dtg_loop)
                    if test.size > 0:
                        dbg('Cannot calc total AOD ' + dtg_loop + ' ' + spec,
                else:  #-If bc and oc present, generate 'smoke' specie
                    long_name = vars['total_aod']['long_name']
                    aod_loop = ln.subset(aod, dtg_vald=dtg_loop)
                    dust_loop = ln.subset(aod_loop,
                    salt_loop = ln.subset(aod_loop,
                    sulf_loop = ln.subset(aod_loop,
                    smoke_loop = ln.subset(aod_loop,
                    tmp = np.sum([dust_loop, salt_loop, sulf_loop, smoke_loop],
                    attrv = [lats, lons]
                    data = cl.var(tmp, attrv=attrv)

                    dimname = vars['total_aod']['dims']
                    dimsize = data.shape

                    aod.resize(aod.size + 1)
                    aod[-1] = (data, model, dtg_init, dtg_loop, vhr, 'global',
                               'total_aod', 0, dimname, dimsize, '', long_name)

    #_Check for required species
    for s in require:
        size = ln.subset(aod, variable=s).size
        if size == 0:
            raise RuntimeError, 'Not all GEOS-5 species available'
    return aod
def join_icap(aod,
	Put all icap forecasts on common NAAPS grid for usage with ensemble 
	require_all limits the returned values to timesteps when every model 
	present (at all) 
		can provide data.  So if MACC is in the mix, no 00z.
    if 'ICAP' in members: members.remove('ICAP')

    #_Calculate last dtg
    species = [s.lower() for s in mod_dict['ICAP']['specs']]
    nx = mod_dict['ICAP']['nx']
    ny = mod_dict['ICAP']['ny']
    lons = np.linspace(-179.5, 179.5, nx)
    lats = np.linspace(-89.5, 89.5, ny)
    finc = 6

    icap = cl.model_object()
    vars = lm.aod_vars()

    #_Create list of models with ANY data and icap models
    #_Loop over species, join models we have for specs
    dtg_valds = set(aod.dtg_vald)  #_list of unique dtgs
    dtg_init = lt.unique(aod.dtg_init)[0]

    #_Create array of for missing data
    ##	nan_2darray = np.empty((ny, nx))
    ##	nan_2darray[:] = NaN #_There's gotta ba shorthand for this
    nan_2darray = np.zeros((ny, nx)) - 9999.

    nens_max = len(members)
    for spec in species:
        dbg(spec, l=2)
        long_name = vars[spec]['long_name']
        for dtg_vald in dtg_valds:
            #_make recarray for one dtg, spec, but multiple models
            aod_sub = ln.subset(aod,

            #_regrid models
            aod_rgd = np.empty((nens_max, ny, nx))
            aod_rgd[:] = -9999.
            for e in np.arange(nens_max):
                #_get model name and append it to dimension
                name = members[e]

                #_pull gridded data for specific model
                tmp = ln.subset(aod_sub, model=name)
                if tmp.size == 1:  #_Should have single rec
                    d = tmp.values[0]
                    x = d.lon
                    y =

                    #_Regrid model data to icap x/y
                    aod_rgd[e, :, :] = lt.regrid_field(x, y, d, lons,
                elif tmp.size == 0:  #_Model data missing
                    aod_rgd[e, :, :] = nan_2darray.copy()
                    print 'How did this happen?'
                    return -1

            #_Get indices that are non-physical
            neg_idx = np.where(aod_rgd < -1e-5)
            aod_rgd[neg_idx] = -9999.  #_SLOW
            aod_rgd = == -9999., aod_rgd)

            #_Convert to masked array and count present models
            nens = ln.check_members(aod_rgd)
            ###			miss = ( aod_rgd[:,0,0] == -9999. ).tolist().count(True)
            ###			nens = nens_max - miss

            data = cl.var(aod_rgd, attrv=(
            dimsize = data.shape
            dimname = (
            vhr = lt.find_runlength(dtg_init, dtg_vald) / 3600

            icap.resize(icap.size + 1)
            icap[-1] = (data, 'ICAP', dtg_init, dtg_vald, vhr, 'global', spec,
                        nens, dimname, dimsize, '', long_name)

    #_Limit to forecasts every finc hours
    idx_fhr = np.where(icap.fhr % finc == 0)[0]
    icap = icap[idx_fhr]

    return icap