Exemple #1
def list_saved_results(ctx):
    '''List all saved results
    ctx : :class:`wise.project.AnalysisContext`

    .. _tags: task_general
    ref_img = ctx.get_ref_image()
    projection = ctx.get_projection(stack_img)

    ext = '.set.dat'
    data = []
    header = ["Name", "Number of epochs", "First epoch", "Last epoch", "Kinematic", "Scales"]
    for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(ctx.get_data_dir(), '*', '*' + ext)):
        name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(file))
        if not os.path.basename(file) == name + ext:
        img_set = imgutils.ImageSet.from_file(file, projection)
        epochs = img_set.get_epochs()
        if isinstance(epochs[0], datetime.datetime):
            epochs = [epoch.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for epoch in epochs]
        n = len(epochs)
        first, last = epochs[0], epochs[-1]
        link_builder_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), '*.ms.dfc.dat'))
        scales = [f.rsplit('_')[-1].split('.')[0] for f in link_builder_files]

        data.append([name, n, first, last, bool(len(scales)), ", ".join(scales)])

    print nputils.format_table(data, header)
Exemple #2
def info_files(ctx):
    '''Print List of selected files with information on beam and pixel scales
    ctx : :class:`wise.project.AnalysisContext`

    .. _tags: task_general
    data_beam = []
    header = ["File", "Date", "Shape", "Pixel scale", "Beam"]
    data_table = []
    for file in ctx.files:
        img = ctx.open_file(file)
        beam = img.get_beam()
        date = img.get_epoch(str_format='%Y-%m-%d')
        k = ctx.get_projection(img).mean_pixel_scale()
        u = ctx.get_projection(img).get_unit()
        if isinstance(beam, imgutils.GaussianBeam):
            b = [k * beam.bmin, k * beam.bmaj, beam.bpa]
            # beam_str = "%.3f, %.3f, %.3f" % (b[0] * u, b[1] * u, b[2])
            beam_str = "{0:.3f}, {1:.3f}, {2:.2f}".format(b[0] * u, b[1] * u, b[2])
            data_beam.append([b[0], b[1], b[2]])
            beam_str = str(beam)
        shape_str = "%sx%s" % img.data.shape
        data_table.append([os.path.basename(file), date, shape_str, "{0:.3f}".format(k * u), beam_str])

    print nputils.format_table(data_table, header)
    print "Number of files: %s" % (len(ctx.files))
    if len(data_beam) > 0:
        print "Mean beam: Bmin: %.3f, Bmaj: %.3f, Angle:%.2f" % tuple(np.mean(data_beam, axis=0))
Exemple #3
def info_files_delta(ctx, delta_time_unit=u.day, angular_velocity_unit=u.mas / u.year,
    '''Print List of selected pair of files with information on velocity resolution 
    ctx : :class:`wise.project.AnalysisContext`
    delta_time_unit : :class:`astropy.units.Unit`, optional
    angular_velocity_unit : :class:`astropy.units.Unit`, optional
    proper_velocity_unit : :class:`astropy.units.Unit`, optional

    .. _tags: task_general
    all_delta_time = []
    all_velocity_c_px = []
    all_velocity_px = []
    data = []
    header = ["Date 1", "Date 2", "Delta (%s)" % delta_time_unit, 
            "Angular vel. res. (%s)" % angular_velocity_unit, 
            "Proper vel. res. (%s)" % proper_velocity_unit]
    has_distance = ctx.config.data.object_distance or ctx.config.data.object_z
    for file1, file2 in nputils.pairwise(ctx.files):
        img1 = ctx.open_file(file1)
        img2 = ctx.open_file(file2)
        prj = ctx.get_projection(img1)
        date1 = img1.get_epoch(str_format='%Y-%m-%d')
        date2 = img2.get_epoch(str_format='%Y-%m-%d')
        if not isinstance(date1, datetime.date):
            print "Images have no date information"
        delta_t = ((img2.get_epoch() - img1.get_epoch()).total_seconds() * u.second).to(delta_time_unit)

        velocity_px = prj.angular_velocity([0, 0], [0, 1], delta_t).to(angular_velocity_unit)

        if has_distance:
            velocity_c_px = prj.proper_velocity([0, 0], [0, 1], delta_t).to(proper_velocity_unit)

        if has_distance:
            data.append([date1, date2, delta_t.value, velocity_px.value, velocity_c_px.value])
            data.append([date1, date2, delta_t.value, velocity_px.value, '-'])

        # print "{0} -> {1}: Delta time: {2}, Velocity resolution: {3:.3f}, {4:.3f}".format(*data)

    all_delta_time = nputils.quantities_to_array(all_delta_time)
    all_velocity_px = nputils.quantities_to_array(all_velocity_px)

    print nputils.format_table(data, header)

    print "Mean Delta time: %s +- %s" % (np.mean(all_delta_time), np.std(all_delta_time))
    print "Mean Velocity resolution: %s +- %s" % (np.mean(all_velocity_px), np.std(all_velocity_px))
    if has_distance:
        all_velocity_c_px = nputils.quantities_to_array(all_velocity_c_px)
        print "Mean Velocity resolution: %s +- %s" % (np.mean(all_velocity_c_px), np.std(all_velocity_c_px))
Exemple #4
def list_tasks():
    """Lists all WISE tasks
    data = []
    header = ["Name", "Description"]
    for name, value in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__]):
        doc = inspect.getdoc(value)
        if inspect.isfunction(value) and doc is not None and not name.startswith('_'):
            data.append([name, doc.splitlines()[0]])

    print nputils.format_table(data, header)