Exemple #1
def download_centers_csv(request):
    """View to handle 'download centers as CSV' link"""
    response = prepare_csv_response('centers')
    writer = UnicodeWriter(response)
    # write header row
    for center in RegistrationCenter.objects.all():
        writer.writerow([format_field(center, field) for field in CSV_FIELDS])
    return response
Exemple #2
def download_blackwhitelisted_numbers(list_type):
    """Common handler for black- & whitelisted number download.

    Permissions must be tested by the calling view; they're not checked here.
    # Technically this is not a CSV since there's only one column, but treating it as
    # a CSV will make it easier to use with Excel, etc.

    response = prepare_csv_response('{}list'.format(list_type))
    writer = UnicodeWriter(response)
    model = Blacklist if list_type == 'black' else Whitelist
    for number in model.objects.all():
    return response
Exemple #3
def generate_polling_metadata_csv():
    election = Election.objects.get_most_current_election()

    from rollgen.models import Station

    stations = Station.objects.filter(election=election)

    header = (
        'Centre #',
        'Centre Name',
        'Centre Type',
        'Office #',
        'Constituency #',
        'Constituency Name',
        'SubConstituency #',
        'SubConstituency Name',
        'Station number',
        'Station Gender',
        'Number of Registrants',
        'First Name',
        'First Name Number',
        'Last Name',
        'Last Name Number',
        'When Generated',

    rows = [header]
    for station in stations:
        center = station.center
            (str(center.center_id), center.name,
             str(center.office.id), str(center.constituency.id),
             center.constituency.name_arabic, str(center.subconstituency.id),
             str(station.number), GENDER_NAMES[station.gender],
             str(station.n_registrants), station.first_voter_name,
             str(station.first_voter_number), station.last_voter_name,
             station.creation_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))

    faux_file = StringIO.StringIO()
    csv = UnicodeWriter(faux_file)
    return faux_file.getvalue()
Exemple #4
    def generate_rolls(self):
        """Build PDFs for this job. This is where all the action happens.

        May raise NoVotersError, NoOfficeError and OutOfDiskSpaceError.
        self.begin = django_now()

        if not self.input_arguments['forgive_no_office']:
            # We are not going to be forgiving if we find any office-less centers.
            has_office = lambda center: center.office.id != NO_NAMEDTHING
            problem_centers = [center.center_id for center in self.centers if not

            if problem_centers:
                msg = "The following centers have no associated office: {}."
                raise NoOfficeError(msg.format(problem_centers))

        if not self.input_arguments['forgive_no_voters']:
            # Test each center to make sure it has at least one registration. This is a lot of
            # DB churn and can take a while. It has to be done in two parts.

            # Find non-copy centers with no registrations
            problem_center_ids = \
                RegistrationCenter.objects.filter(id__in=[center.id for center in self.centers],
            problem_centers = [center for center in self.centers if center.id in problem_center_ids]

            # Find copy centers with no registrations. This runs one query per center which is
            # the expensive way to do it, but it's the only way to figure out exactly which copy
            # centers (if any) have parents with no registrations without dropping to raw SQL.
            for center in self.centers:
                copied = center.copy_of
                if copied:
                    if not Registration.objects.filter(registration_center=copied).exists():

            if problem_centers:
                problem_centers = [center.center_id for center in problem_centers]
                msg = "The following centers have no registrants: {}."
                raise NoVotersError(msg.format(problem_centers))

        for i_center, center in enumerate(self.centers):
            # Fetch the voters for this center from the DB.
            voter_roll = get_voter_roll(center)

            office_id = center.office.id
            if office_id not in self.offices:
                self.offices[office_id] = center.office

            out_path = os.path.join(self.output_path, str(office_id))
            if not os.path.exists(out_path):
                with out_of_disk_space_handler_context():

            filename_params = {'center_id': center.center_id, }

            # Generate different PDFs based on phase
            if self.phase == 'in-person':
                # election center books only
                for gender in (FEMALE, MALE):
                    filename_params['gender'] = GENDER_ABBRS[gender]
                    filename = self.get_filename(out_path, filename_params)
                    n_pages = generate_pdf(filename, center, voter_roll, gender, center_book=True)
                    self.add(filename, n_pages)

            elif self.phase == 'exhibitions':
                # election center list only
                for gender in (FEMALE, MALE):
                    filename_params['gender'] = GENDER_ABBRS[gender]
                    filename = self.get_filename(out_path, filename_params)
                    n_pages = generate_pdf(filename, center, voter_roll, gender)
                    self.add(filename, n_pages)

            elif self.phase == 'polling':
                # distribute registrations into stations for this center
                stations = station_distributor(voter_roll)

                # Stash the list of which voters registered at this center/station for later.
                election = Election.objects.get_most_current_election()
                if not election:
                    raise NoElectionError('There is no current in-person election.')
                for station in stations:
                    station.election = election
                    station.center = center
                    for voter in station.roll:
                        voter_station = VoterStation(national_id=voter.national_id,

                # count stations by gender for center list
                station_counts_by_gender = Counter(station.gender for station in stations)
                for gender in station_counts_by_gender:
                    filename_params['gender'] = GENDER_ABBRS[gender]
                    filename = self.get_filename(out_path, filename_params, 'list')
                    n_pages = generate_pdf_center_list(filename, stations, gender)
                    self.add(filename, n_pages)
                    logger.info('center list {}'.format(filename))

                # Create a separate book and sign for each station
                for station in stations:
                    filename_params['station_number'] = station.number

                    # polling station books
                    filename = self.get_filename(out_path, filename_params, 'book')
                    n_pages = generate_pdf_station_book(filename, station)
                    self.add(filename, n_pages)
                    logger.info('station book {}'.format(filename))

                    # polling station sign
                    filename = self.get_filename(out_path, filename_params, 'sign')
                    n_pages = generate_pdf_station_sign(filename, station)
                    self.add(filename, n_pages)
                    logger.info('station book {}'.format(filename))

                with transaction.atomic():
                    # Delete any existing Stations for this center and replace them with new.
                    Station.objects.filter(election=election, center=center).delete()
                    for station in stations:

            # Emit status
            logger.info('saved PDFs for center %s' % center.center_id)
            params = (i_center + 1, len(self.centers), (i_center + 1) / len(self.centers))
            logger.info("Completed {} of {} (~{:.2%})".format(*params))

        self.end = django_now()

        # Now that rolls are generated, write voter station CSVs (if appropriate) and job JSON
        # metadata. Last but not least, zip output.
        if self.voter_stations:
            # Write voter station data twice to CSV files. First sorted by national id and again
            # sorted by (center id, station number).
            header = [('national_id', 'center_id', 'station_number')]
            # sort by national id

            filename = os.path.join(self.output_path, 'voters_by_national_id.csv')
            with out_of_disk_space_handler_context():
                csv_writer = UnicodeWriter(open(filename, 'w'))

            # sort by center, station number
            self.voter_stations.sort(key=lambda voter_station: voter_station[1:])

            filename = os.path.join(self.output_path, 'voters_by_center_and_station.csv')
            with out_of_disk_space_handler_context():
                csv_writer = UnicodeWriter(open(filename, 'w'))

        # Write the JSON metadata file
        metadata_filename = os.path.join(self.output_path, METADATA_FILENAME)
        with out_of_disk_space_handler_context():
            with open(metadata_filename, 'w') as f:
                json.dump(self.metadata, f, indent=2)

        # Write a hash of the metadata file
        sha = hashlib.sha256(open(metadata_filename).read()).hexdigest()
        with out_of_disk_space_handler_context():
            open(metadata_filename + '.sha256', 'w').write(sha)

        logger.info('zipping output')
        for office_id in sorted(self.offices.keys()):
            office_dir = os.path.join(self.output_path, str(office_id))
            with out_of_disk_space_handler_context():
                zip_filename = office_dir + '.zip'
                with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as office_zip:
                    logger.info('zipping %s' % office_dir)
                    for office_base, dirs, files in os.walk(office_dir):
                        for pdf in files:
                            fn = os.path.join(office_base, pdf)
                            office_zip.write(fn, pdf)
