Exemple #1
def computeJacobian(omegas_m, accs_m, biases, dt):
    Compute first-order Jacobian for bias update.
    Note: same for each distribution assuming Delta t is small.
    J = torch.zeros(9, 6)
    G = torch.zeros(9, 6)
    F = torch.eye(9)
    F[6:9, 3:6] = torch.eye(3) * dt
    G[:3, :3] = -dt * torch.eye(3)
    G[3:6, 3:6] = -dt * torch.eye(3)
    G[6:9, 3:6] = -0.5 * (dt**2) * torch.eye(3)
    Upsilon = torch.eye(5)
    Omegas = SO3.exp((omegas_m * dt).cuda()).cpu()
    invJac = SO3.inv_left_jacobian((omegas_m * dt).cuda()).cpu()
    for k in range(accs_m.shape[0]):
        acc = accs_m[k]
        Upsilon[:3, :3] = Omegas[k]
        Upsilon[:3, 3] = acc * dt
        Upsilon[:3, 4] = 1 / 2 * acc * (dt**2)

        G[:3, :3] = -invJac[k] * dt
        G[3:6, 3:6] = -dt * Upsilon[:3, :3].t()
        G[6:9, 3:6] = -0.5 * (dt**2) * Upsilon[:3, :3].t()
        J = SE3_2.uAd(Upsilon.inverse()).mm(F).mm(J) + G
    return J
Exemple #2
def propagate(T0, P, Upsilon, Q, method, dt, g, cholQ=0):
    """Propagate state for one time step"""
    Gamma = f_Gamma(g, dt)
    Phi = f_flux(T0, dt)
    # propagate the mean
    T = Gamma.mm(Phi).mm(Upsilon)

    # Jacobian for propagating prior along time
    F = torch.eye(9)
    F[6:9, 3:6] = torch.eye(3) * dt

    # compute Adjoint of right transformation mean
    AdUps = SE3_2.uAd(SE3_2.uinv(Upsilon))

    Pprime = axat(AdUps.mm(F), P)
    # compound the covariances based on the second-order method
    Pprop = Pprime + Q

    if method == 1:
        # add fourth-order method
        Pprop += four_order(Pprime, Q)

    elif method == 2:
        # Monte Carlo method
        n_tot_samples = 1000000
        nsamples = 50000
        N = int(n_tot_samples / nsamples) + 1

        tmp = torch.cholesky(P + 1e-20 * torch.eye(9))
        cholP = tmp.cuda().expand(nsamples, 9, 9)
        cholQ = cholQ.cuda().expand(nsamples, 9, 9)

        Pprop = torch.zeros(9, 9)

        Gamma = Gamma.cuda().expand(nsamples, 5, 5)
        Upsilon = Upsilon.cuda().expand(nsamples, 5, 5)
        T0 = T0.cuda().expand(nsamples, 5, 5)
        T_inv = T.inverse().cuda().expand(nsamples, 5, 5)
        for i in range(N):
            xi0 = bmv(cholP, torch.randn(nsamples, 9).cuda())
            w = bmv(cholQ, torch.randn(nsamples, 9).cuda())
            T0_i = T0.bmm(SE3_2.exp(xi0))
            Phi = f_flux(T0_i, dt)
            Upsilon_i = Upsilon.bmm(SE3_2.exp(w))
            T_i = Gamma.bmm(Phi).bmm(Upsilon_i)

            xi = SE3_2.log(T_inv.bmm(T_i))
            xi_mean = xi.mean(dim=0)
            Pprop += bouter(xi - xi_mean, xi - xi_mean).sum(dim=0).cpu()

        Pprop = Pprop / (N * nsamples + 1)

    Pprop = (Pprop + Pprop.t()) / 2  # symmetric
    return T, Pprop
Exemple #3
def propagate(T0, Sigma, Upsilon, Q, method, dt, g):
    """Propagate state for one time step"""
    Gamma = f_Gamma(g, dt)
    Phi = f_flux(T0, dt)
    # propagate the mean
    T = Gamma.mm(Phi).mm(Upsilon)

    # Jacobian for propagating prior along time
    F = torch.eye(9)
    F[6:9, 3:6] = torch.eye(3) * dt

    # compute Adjoint of right transformation mean
    AdUps = SE3_2.uAd(SE3_2.uinv(Upsilon))

    Sigma_tmp = axat(AdUps.mm(F), Sigma)
    # compound the covariances based on the second-order method
    Sigma_prop = Sigma_tmp + Q

    if method == 1:
        # add fourth-order method
        Sigma_prop += four_order(Sigma_tmp, Q)

    elif method == 2:
        # SO(3) x R^6
        wedge_acc = SO3.uwedge(Upsilon[:3, 3])  # already multiplied by dt
        F = torch.eye(9)
        F[3:6, :3] = T0[:3, :3].t()
        F[3:6, :3] = -T0[:3, :3].mm(wedge_acc)
        F[6:9, :3] = F[3:6, :3] * dt / 2
        F[6:9, 3:6] = dt * torch.eye(3)

        G = torch.zeros(9, 6)
        G[:3, :3] = dt * T0[:3, :3].t()
        G[3:6, 3:6] = T0[:3, :3] * dt
        G[6:9, 3:6] = 1 / 2 * T0[:3, :3] * (dt**2)
        Sigma_prop = axat(F, Sigma) + axat(G, Q[:6, :6] / (dt**2))

    Sigma_prop = (Sigma_prop + Sigma_prop.t()) / 2  # symmetric
    return T, Sigma_prop
Exemple #4
def propagate(T0, Sigma, Upsilon, Q, method, dt, g, cholQ=0):
    """Propagate state for one time step"""
    Gamma = f_Gamma(g, dt)
    Phi = f_flux(T0, dt)
    # propagate the mean
    T = Gamma.mm(Phi).mm(Upsilon)

    # Jacobian for propagating prior along time
    F = torch.eye(9)
    F[6:9, 3:6] = torch.eye(3) * dt

    # compute Adjoint of right transformation mean
    AdUps = SE3_2.uAd(SE3_2.uinv(Upsilon))

    Sigma_tmp = axat(AdUps.mm(F), Sigma)
    # compound the covariances based on the second-order method
    Sigma_prop = Sigma_tmp + Q

    if method == 1:
        # add fourth-order method
        Sigma_prop += four_order(Sigma_tmp, Q)

    Sigma_prop = (Sigma_prop + Sigma_prop.t()) / 2  # symmetric
    return T, Sigma_prop
Exemple #5
def compound(T0, Sigma, Upsilon, Q, method, dt, g, cholQ=0):
    Gamma = f_Gamma(g, dt)
    Phi = f_flux(T0, dt)
    # compound the mean
    T = Gamma.mm(Phi).mm(Upsilon)

    # Jacobian for propagating prior along time
    F = torch.eye(9)
    F[6:9, 3:6] = torch.eye(3) * dt

    # compute Adjoint of right transformation mean
    AdUps = SE3_2.uAd(SE3_2.uinv(Upsilon))
    Sigma_tmp = axat(AdUps.mm(F), Sigma)
    # compound the covariances based on the second-order method
    Sigma_prop = Sigma_tmp + Q

    if method == 3:
        # baseline SO(3) x R^6
        wedge_acc = SO3.uwedge(Upsilon[:3, 3])  # already multiplied by dt
        F = torch.eye(9)
        F[3:6, :3] = T0[:3, :3].t()
        F[3:6, :3] = -T0[:3, :3].mm(wedge_acc)
        F[6:9, :3] = F[3:6, :3] * dt / 2
        F[6:9, 3:6] = dt * torch.eye(3)

        G = torch.zeros(9, 6)
        G[:3, :3] = T0[:3, :3].t()
        G[3:6, 3:6] = T0[:3, :3]
        G[6:9, 3:6] = 1 / 2 * T0[:3, :3] * dt
        Sigma_prop = axat(F, Sigma) + axat(G, Q[:6, :6])

    elif method == 4:
        # Monte Carlo method
        n_tot_samples = 100000
        nsamples = 50000
        N = int(n_tot_samples / nsamples) + 1

        tmp = torch.cholesky(Sigma_prop + 1e-16 * torch.eye(9))
        cholP = tmp.cuda().expand(nsamples, 9, 9)
        cholQ = cholQ.cuda().expand(nsamples, 9, 9)

        Sigma_prop = torch.zeros(9, 9)

        Gamma = Gamma.cuda().expand(nsamples, 5, 5)
        Upsilon = Upsilon.cuda().expand(nsamples, 5, 5)
        T0 = T0.cuda().expand(nsamples, 5, 5)
        T_inv = T.inverse().cuda().expand(nsamples, 5, 5)
        for i in range(N):
            xi0 = bmv(cholP, torch.randn(nsamples, 9).cuda())
            w = bmv(cholQ, torch.randn(nsamples, 9).cuda())
            T0_i = T0.bmm(SE3_2.exp(xi0))
            Phi = f_flux(T0_i, dt)
            Upsilon_i = Upsilon.bmm(SE3_2.exp(w))
            T_i = Gamma.bmm(Phi).bmm(Upsilon_i)
            xi = SE3_2.log(T_inv.bmm(T_i))
            xi_mean = xi.mean(dim=0)
            Sigma_prop += bouter(xi - xi_mean, xi - xi_mean).sum(dim=0).cpu()

        Sigma_prop = Sigma_prop / (N * nsamples + 1)

        Sigma_prop = Sigma_prop / (N * nsamples + 1)

    Sigma_prop = (Sigma_prop + Sigma_prop.t()) / 2
    return T, Sigma_prop
Exemple #6
    r = torch.randn(i_max, 9)
    r = r[r.norm(dim=1) < 4.1682][:, 6:9]
    P_est_chol = torch.cholesky(P_est[6:9, 6:9])
    p_est = bmv(P_est_chol.expand(r.shape[0], 3, 3), r) + T_est[:3, 4]
    plt.scatter(p_est[:, i1], p_est[:, i2], color=color, s=2, alpha=0.5)
    if i1 == 0 and i2 == 1:
        np.savetxt(path2, p_est.numpy(), header="x y z", comments='')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    i_max = 1000
    # Propagate the uncertainty methods
    T_est = torch.eye(5)
    T_est[:3, 4] = torch.Tensor([5, 0, 0])
    P_est = torch.diag(torch.Tensor([0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 1, 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]))
    P_est = axat(SE3_2.uAd(T_est.inverse()), P_est)
    SigmaSO3 = torch.eye(9)
    SigmaSO3[7, 7] = 5
    SigmaSO3[6, 6] = 0.5

    # saving paths
    path1 = "figures/retraction_b.txt"
    path2 = "figures/retraction_est.txt"

    labels = ['x (m)', 'y (m)', 'z (m)']
    for i1, i2 in [(0, 1)]:
        # Plot the covariance of the samples
        T_est[:3, 4] = torch.Tensor([-4, 0, 0])
        plot_so3_helper(T_est, SigmaSO3, "red", i1, i2, i_max, path1)
        plt.scatter(T_est[i1, 4], T_est[i2, 4], color='blue', s=20)