def readGammaGammaFitterModel():

    gammaGammaFitterModel = GammaGammaFitter()


    return gammaGammaFitterModel
Exemple #2
def predictSpending(customerId):
    # initialize the data dictionary that will be returned
    data = {"success": False, "result": {"customerId": "", "y": 0.0}}

    # ensure the customer ID was properly uploaded to our endpoint
    if customerId:
        print("* get data")
        data = pandas.read_csv("sample_transactions.csv")
        #data = pandas.read_json(baseURL + "/api/transactions")
        #data = data.drop(columns="_id")

        print("* prepare data")
        # prepare and shaping the data
        # columns -
        #   customerId
        # 	frequency : number of repeat purchase transactions
        #	recency: time (in days) between first purchase and latest purchase
        #	T: time (in days) between first purchase and end of the period under study
        #	monetary_value: average transactions amount
        today = pandas.to_datetime(
        summaryData = summary_data_from_transaction_data(
        # filter the customer data that has no transaction
        analysisData = summaryData[summaryData["frequency"] > 0]

        # get the stat of the particular customer
        customer = analysisData.loc[customerId]

        # load model
        ggf_loaded = GammaGammaFitter()

        # estimate the average transaction amount
        predict = ggf_loaded.conditional_expected_average_profit(
            customer["frequency"], customer['monetary_value'])

        # add the input and predicted output to the return data
        data = {
            "success": True,
            "result": {
                "customerId": customerId,
                "y": predict

    # return the data dictionary as a JSON response
    return flask.jsonify(data)