def testCanonicalizeByNumberOfTipsAheadOfName(self): """ In forming a canonical tree, child nodes must be sorted by number of tips in preference to name. """ njtree = NJTree() njtree.tree = TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(name='a', children=[ TreeNode(), TreeNode(), TreeNode(), ]), TreeNode(name='b', children=[ TreeNode(), ]), TreeNode(name='c', children=[ TreeNode(), TreeNode(), ]), ]) self.assertEqual( ['a', 'b', 'c'], [ for child in njtree.tree.children]) self.assertEqual( ['b', 'c', 'a'], [ for child in njtree.canonicalize().tree.children])
def testCountCladesEmptyTree(self): """ In a tree with no children, there are no clades. """ njtree = NJTree() njtree.tree = TreeNode() self.assertEqual(Counter(), njtree.countClades())
def testCanonicalizeByNameAheadOfNamesOfDescendants(self): """ In forming a canonical tree, child nodes must be sorted by name in preference to the sorted names of all their descendants. """ njtree = NJTree() njtree.tree = TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(name='b', children=[ TreeNode(name='e'), TreeNode(name='f'), TreeNode(name='g'), ]), TreeNode(name='c', children=[ TreeNode(name='h'), TreeNode(name='i'), TreeNode(name='j'), ]), TreeNode(name='a', children=[ TreeNode(name='k'), TreeNode(name='l'), TreeNode(name='m'), ]), ]) self.assertEqual( ['b', 'c', 'a'], [ for child in njtree.tree.children]) self.assertEqual( ['a', 'b', 'c'], [ for child in njtree.canonicalize().tree.children])
def testCanonicalizeByTipSubset(self): """ In forming a canonical tree, child nodes must be sorted by the names of the set of tips they lead to, if all else is equal. """ njtree = NJTree() njtree.tree = TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(name='d'), TreeNode(name='e'), TreeNode(name='f'), ]), TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(name='g'), TreeNode(name='h'), TreeNode(name='i'), ]), TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(name='a'), TreeNode(name='b'), TreeNode(name='c'), ]), ]) self.assertEqual( ['d', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'a', 'b', 'c'], [ for child in njtree.tree.children for grandchild in child.children]) self.assertEqual( ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i'], [ for child in njtree.canonicalize().tree.children for grandchild in child.children])
def testCanonicalizeByNumberOfTips(self): """ In forming a canonical tree, child nodes must be sorted by number of tips (assuming child lengths are all equal). """ njtree = NJTree() njtree.tree = TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(), TreeNode(), TreeNode(), ]), TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(), TreeNode(), TreeNode(), TreeNode(), TreeNode(), ]), TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(), TreeNode(), ]), ]) self.assertEqual( [3, 5, 2], [len(child.children) for child in njtree.tree.children]) self.assertEqual( [2, 3, 5], [len(child.children) for child in njtree.canonicalize().tree.children])
def testCountCladesOneChild(self): """ In a tree with one child, there is one clade. """ njtree = NJTree() njtree.tree = TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(name='a'), ]) self.assertEqual( { frozenset(['a']): 1, }, njtree.countClades() )
def testRootByOneNodeName(self): """ Rooting by one node name must work. """ njtree = NJTree() njtree.tree = TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(name='c'), TreeNode(name='d'), TreeNode(name='b'), TreeNode(name='a')]) self.assertEqual( ['c', 'd', 'b', 'a'], [ for child in njtree.root(['a']).tree.children])
def testRootByInexistentNodeNameMustRaiseError(self): """ Rooting by an inexistent node name must raise an exception. """ njtree = NJTree() njtree.tree = TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(name='c'), TreeNode(name='d'), TreeNode(name='b'), TreeNode(name='a')]) error = 'Node f is not in self' six.assertRaisesRegex(self, MissingNodeError, error, njtree.root, ['f'])
def testTreeSampleSortedCounts(self): """ The treeSample method returns a list of tuples, the second element of which is a count. The counts must be sorted from highest to lowest. """ distance = [ [0, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0], ] labels = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] njtree = NJTree.fromDistanceMatrix(labels, distance) # This test is not 100% reliable because there is a tiny chance the # treeSample method will repeatedly generate the same tree, even # though we make 50 trees and pass a high (0.3) standard deviation. # It is also possible that the counts come back sorted just by # chance even if the treeSample method does not sort them (in which # case the test will pass even though the treeSample code is wrong). # # To make these errors even more unlikely, I have put in an assert # on the number of trees that come back and I do the test multiple # times. If the assert fails it doesn't mean that treeSample is # broken, but it's highly likely that it is! It's also extremely # unlikely that the counts could be sorted correctly by chance on # every run. So if the test passes it doesn't mean that treeSample # isn't broken, but it's highly unlikely that it is! Phew. for _ in range(10): counts = [count for (tree, count) in njtree.treeSample(50, 0.3)] self.assertTrue(len(counts) > 2) self.assertEqual(sorted(counts, reverse=True), counts)
def testFromThreeSequences(self): """ If three sequences with no features are used to create an NJTree instance, the instance must 1) have a distance matrix that is zero on the diagonal and ones elsewhere, 2) save the labels, and 3) produce a simple tree with three children. """ sequences = Reads() sequences.add(AARead('id1', 'A')) sequences.add(AARead('id2', 'A')) sequences.add(AARead('id3', 'A')) labels = ['x', 'y', 'z'] njtree = NJTree.fromSequences(labels, sequences, landmarks=['AlphaHelix']) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal( [ [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], ], njtree.distance)) self.assertIs(labels, njtree.labels) self.assertEqual(['x:0.5;\n', 'y:0.5;\n', 'z:0.5;\n'], sorted(str(child) for child in njtree.tree.children))
def testCanonicalizeByNodeLength(self): """ In forming a canonical tree, child nodes must be sorted by length. """ njtree = NJTree() njtree.tree = TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(length=13), TreeNode(length=11), TreeNode(length=18), TreeNode(length=14)]) self.assertEqual( [13, 11, 18, 14], [child.length for child in njtree.tree.children]) self.assertEqual( [11, 13, 14, 18], [child.length for child in njtree.canonicalize().tree.children])
def testRootByTwoTreeNodes(self): """ Rooting by two TreeNodes must work. """ njtree = NJTree() njtree.tree = TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(name='c'), TreeNode(name='d'), TreeNode(name='b'), TreeNode(name='a')]) node1 = njtree.tree.find('a') node2 = njtree.tree.find('b') self.assertEqual( ['c', 'd', 'b', 'a'], [ for child in njtree.root([node1, node2]).tree.children])
def testCanonicalizeByNodeName(self): """ In forming a canonical tree, child nodes must be sorted by name if node lengths and number of tips are equal. """ njtree = NJTree() njtree.tree = TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(name='c'), TreeNode(name='d'), TreeNode(name='b'), TreeNode(name='a')]) self.assertEqual( ['c', 'd', 'b', 'a'], [ for child in njtree.tree.children]) self.assertEqual( ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [ for child in njtree.canonicalize().tree.children])
def testNewTreeHasExpectedAttributes(self): """ A new NJTree instance must have the expected attributes. """ njtree = NJTree() self.assertEqual(0, njtree.supportIterations) self.assertIs(None, njtree.sequences) self.assertIs(None, njtree.distance) self.assertIs(None, njtree.tree) self.assertIs(None, njtree.labels)
def testCountCladesTwoChildren(self): """ In a tree with two children, one of which has two children, there are two clades. """ njtree = NJTree() njtree.tree = TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode(name='a'), TreeNode(name='b'), ]), TreeNode(name='c'), ]) self.assertEqual( { frozenset(['a', 'b']): 1, frozenset(['a', 'b', 'c']): 1, }, njtree.countClades() )
def testWithNoSupportAllNodesHaveSupportOfZero(self): """ If three sequences with no features are used to create an NJTree the child nodes in the resulting tree must all have support of 0.0. """ distance = [[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]] labels = ['x', 'y', 'z'] njtree = NJTree.fromDistanceMatrix(labels, distance) self.assertEqual( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [njtree.supportForNode(child) for child in njtree.tree.children])
def testRobinsonFoulds(self): """ The correct Robinson Foulds distance must be calculated. """ njtree1 = NJTree() njtree2 = NJTree() njtree1.tree ='((a,b),(c,d));')) njtree2.tree ='(((a,b),c),d);')) distance = njtree1.robinsonFoulds(njtree2) self.assertEqual(2.0, distance)
def testCanonicalizeByLengthAheadOfNumberOfTips(self): """ In forming a canonical tree, child nodes must be sorted by length in preference to number of tips. """ njtree = NJTree() njtree.tree = TreeNode(children=[ TreeNode( length=13, children=[ TreeNode(), TreeNode(), TreeNode(), ], ), TreeNode( length=11, children=[ TreeNode(), TreeNode(), TreeNode(), TreeNode(), ], ), TreeNode( length=12, children=[ TreeNode(), TreeNode(), ], ), ]) self.assertEqual( [13, 11, 12], [child.length for child in njtree.tree.children]) self.assertEqual( [11, 12, 13], [child.length for child in njtree.canonicalize().tree.children])
def testTreeSampleZero(self): """ When treeSample is called with a zero argument, it should return an empty list. """ distance = [ [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0] ] labels = ['x', 'y', 'z'] njtree = NJTree.fromDistanceMatrix(labels, distance) self.assertEqual([], njtree.treeSample(0))
def testGenerateTreesZero(self): """ When generateTrees is called with a zero argument, it should return an empty list. """ distance = [ [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0] ] labels = ['x', 'y', 'z'] njtree = NJTree.fromDistanceMatrix(labels, distance) self.assertEqual([], list(njtree.generateTrees(0)))
def testRobinsonFouldsCompareAgainstItself(self): """ If a tree is compared against itself, the Robinson Foulds distance must be 0.0. """ njtree1 = NJTree() njtree2 = NJTree() njtree1.tree ='((a,b),(c,d));')) njtree2.tree ='((a,b),(c,d));')) distance = njtree1.robinsonFoulds(njtree2) self.assertEqual(0.0, distance)
def testRobinsonFouldsProportionTrueReversed(self): """ The correct Robinson Foulds distance must be calculated with proportion=True, if the trees are passed in reverse order. """ njtree1 = NJTree() njtree2 = NJTree() njtree1.tree ='((a,b),(c,d));')) njtree2.tree ='(((a,b),c),d);')) distance = njtree2.robinsonFoulds(njtree1, proportion=True) self.assertEqual(0.5, distance)
def testOnlyOneConsensusTreeWithZeroIterations(self): """ When consensusTrees is passed an iteration count of zero, only one consensus tree must be returned. """ distance = [ [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0] ] labels = ['x', 'y', 'z'] njtree = NJTree.fromDistanceMatrix(labels, distance) consensusTrees = njtree.consensusTrees(0) self.assertEqual(1, len(consensusTrees))
def testAddSupportIncrementsSupportIterations(self): """ When support has been added to a tree, its supportIterations attribute must be incremented correctly. """ distance = [ [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0] ] labels = ['x', 'y', 'z'] njtree = NJTree.fromDistanceMatrix(labels, distance) njtree.addSupport(2) self.assertEqual(2, njtree.supportIterations)
def testSupportForNodeIsOneAtRoot(self): """ When support has been added to a tree, the root node must have support of 1.0. This is because all trees will have all tips under their root, regardless of their topologies. """ distance = [ [0.0, 0.5, 0.4], [0.5, 0.0, 0.1], [0.4, 0.1, 0.0], ] labels = ['x', 'y', 'z'] njtree = NJTree.fromDistanceMatrix(labels, distance) njtree.addSupport(10) self.assertEqual(1.0, njtree.supportForNode(njtree.tree))
def testSupportForNodeWhenNoSuppportAdded(self): """ If no support has been added to a tree, supportForNode must return zero for all nodes. """ distance = [ [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0] ] labels = ['x', 'y', 'z'] njtree = NJTree.fromDistanceMatrix(labels, distance) self.assertEqual(0, njtree.supportForNode(njtree.tree)) self.assertEqual([0, 0, 0], [njtree.supportForNode(child) for child in njtree.tree.children])
def testTreeSampleReturnType(self): """ The treeSample method must return a list of tuples, each containing an NJTree and a count. """ distance = [ [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0] ] labels = ['x', 'y', 'z'] njtree = NJTree.fromDistanceMatrix(labels, distance) result = njtree.treeSample(10) for tree, count in result: self.assertTrue(isinstance(tree, NJTree)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(count, int))
def testGenerateTreesMultiple(self): """ When generateTrees is called with a non-zero argument, it should return a list with the expected number of items, which must all be instances of NJTree. """ distance = [ [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0] ] labels = ['x', 'y', 'z'] njtree = NJTree.fromDistanceMatrix(labels, distance) result = list(njtree.generateTrees(5)) self.assertEqual(5, len(result)) self. assertTrue(all(isinstance(t, NJTree) for t in result))
def testConsensusTreeWithZeroIterationsHasSupportOneForAllChildren(self): """ When consensusTrees is passed an iteration count of zero, all children in the consensus tree must have support of zero. """ distance = [ [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0] ] labels = ['x', 'y', 'z'] njtree = NJTree.fromDistanceMatrix(labels, distance) consensusTrees = njtree.consensusTrees(0) self.assertEqual([0, 0, 0], [njtree.supportForNode(child) for child in consensusTrees[0].tree.children])
def testNewickWithNoSuppportAdded(self): """ If no support has been added to a tree, newick must return the expected string (with no support values). """ distance = [ [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0] ] labels = ['x', 'y', 'z'] njtree = NJTree.fromDistanceMatrix(labels, distance) # The order in the Newick string seems deterministic, and according # to the skbio docs this is the case. self.assertEqual('(y:0.500000,x:0.500000,z:0.500000);\n', njtree.newick())