Exemple #1
def write_tables(target, tables, append=False, overwrite=False, **kwargs):
    """Write an LIGO_LW table to file

    target : `str`, `file`, :class:`~ligo.lw.ligolw.Document`
        the file or document to write into

    tables : `list`, `tuple` of :class:`~ligo.lw.table.Table`
        the tables to write

    append : `bool`, optional, default: `False`
        if `True`, append to an existing file/table, otherwise `overwrite`

    overwrite : `bool`, optional, default: `False`
        if `True`, delete an existing instance of the table type, otherwise
        append new rows

        other keyword arguments to pass to
        :func:`~ligo.lw.utils.load_filename`, or
        :func:`~ligo.lw.utils.load_fileobj` as appropriate
    from ligo.lw.ligolw import (Document, LIGO_LW, LIGOLWContentHandler)
    from ligo.lw import utils as ligolw_utils

    # allow writing directly to XML
    if isinstance(target, (Document, LIGO_LW)):
        xmldoc = target
    # open existing document, if possible
    elif append:
        xmldoc = open_xmldoc(
            target, contenthandler=kwargs.pop('contenthandler',
    # fail on existing document and not overwriting
    elif (not overwrite and isinstance(target, str) and
        raise IOError("File exists: {}".format(target))
    else:  # or create a new document
        xmldoc = Document()

    # convert table to format
    write_tables_to_document(xmldoc, tables, overwrite=overwrite)

    # write file
    if isinstance(target, str):
        kwargs.setdefault('gz', target.endswith('.gz'))
        ligolw_utils.write_filename(xmldoc, target, **kwargs)
    elif isinstance(target, FILE_LIKE):
        kwargs.setdefault('gz', target.name.endswith('.gz'))
        ligolw_utils.write_fileobj(xmldoc, target, **kwargs)
Exemple #2
def write_tables(target, tables, append=False, overwrite=False, **kwargs):
    """Write an LIGO_LW table to file

    target : `str`, `file`, :class:`~ligo.lw.ligolw.Document`
        the file or document to write into

    tables : `list`, `tuple` of :class:`~ligo.lw.table.Table`
        the tables to write

    append : `bool`, optional, default: `False`
        if `True`, append to an existing file/table, otherwise `overwrite`

    overwrite : `bool`, optional, default: `False`
        if `True`, delete an existing instance of the table type, otherwise
        append new rows

        other keyword arguments to pass to
        :func:`~ligo.lw.utils.load_filename`, or
        :func:`~ligo.lw.utils.load_fileobj` as appropriate
    from ligo.lw.ligolw import (Document, LIGO_LW, LIGOLWContentHandler)
    from ligo.lw import utils as ligolw_utils

    # allow writing directly to XML
    if isinstance(target, (Document, LIGO_LW)):
        xmldoc = target
    # open existing document, if possible
    elif append:
        xmldoc = open_xmldoc(
            target, contenthandler=kwargs.pop('contenthandler',
    # fail on existing document and not overwriting
    elif (not overwrite and isinstance(target, string_types) and
        raise IOError("File exists: {}".format(target))
    else:  # or create a new document
        xmldoc = Document()

    # convert table to format
    write_tables_to_document(xmldoc, tables, overwrite=overwrite)

    # write file
    if isinstance(target, string_types):
        kwargs.setdefault('gz', target.endswith('.gz'))
        ligolw_utils.write_filename(xmldoc, target, **kwargs)
    elif isinstance(target, FILE_LIKE):
        kwargs.setdefault('gz', target.name.endswith('.gz'))
        ligolw_utils.write_fileobj(xmldoc, target, **kwargs)
Exemple #3
def _jitter_snr(coinc_bytes):
    coinc_xml = io.BytesIO(coinc_bytes)
    xmldoc = utils.load_fileobj(coinc_xml, contenthandler=ContentHandler)

    coinc_inspiral_table = lsctables.CoincInspiralTable.get_table(xmldoc)

    # Add a tiny amount of jitter in SNR so that uploads have random
    # preferred event precedence.
    for row in coinc_inspiral_table:
        row.snr += random.gauss(0, 1e-9)

    coinc_xml = io.BytesIO()
    utils.write_fileobj(xmldoc, coinc_xml)
    return coinc_xml.getvalue()
Exemple #4
    def setUp(self):
        available_detectors = get_available_detectors()
        available_detectors = [a[0] for a in available_detectors]
        self.assertTrue('H1' in available_detectors)
        self.assertTrue('L1' in available_detectors)
        self.assertTrue('V1' in available_detectors)
        self.detectors = [Detector(d) for d in ['H1', 'L1', 'V1']]
        self.sample_rate = 4096.
        self.earth_time = lal.REARTH_SI / lal.C_SI

        # create a few random injections
        self.injections = []
        start_time = float(lal.GPSTimeNow())
        taper_choices = ('TAPER_NONE', 'TAPER_START', 'TAPER_END',
        for i, taper in zip(range(20), itertools.cycle(taper_choices)):
            inj = MyInjection()
            inj.end_time = start_time + 40000 * i + \
            random = numpy.random.uniform
            inj.mass1 = random(low=1., high=20.)
            inj.mass2 = random(low=1., high=20.)
            inj.distance = random(low=0.9, high=1.1) * 1e6 * lal.PC_SI
            inj.latitude = numpy.arccos(random(low=-1, high=1))
            inj.longitude = random(low=0, high=2 * lal.PI)
            inj.inclination = numpy.arccos(random(low=-1, high=1))
            inj.polarization = random(low=0, high=2 * lal.PI)
            inj.taper = taper

        # create LIGOLW document
        xmldoc = ligolw.Document()

        # create sim inspiral table, link it to document and fill it
        sim_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SimInspiralTable)
        for i in range(len(self.injections)):
            row = sim_table.RowType()
            row.process_id = 0
            row.simulation_id = i

        # write document to temp file
        self.inj_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.xml')
        ligolw_utils.write_fileobj(xmldoc, self.inj_file)
Exemple #5
def pick_coinc():
    """Pick a coincidence from the "First Two Years" paper."""
    with resources.open_binary(data_first2years, 'gstlal.xml.gz') as f:
        xmldoc = utils.load_fileobj(f, contenthandler=ContentHandler)
    root, = xmldoc.childNodes

    # Remove unneeded tables
    for name in (
            'filter',  # lsctables.FilterTable removed from ligo.lw
        root.removeChild(ligo.lw.table.get_table(xmldoc, name))

    coinc_inspiral_table = table = lsctables.CoincInspiralTable.get_table(

    # Determine event with most recent sideral time
    gps_time_now = lal.GPSTimeNow()
    gmsts = np.asarray([lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTime(_.end) for _ in table])
    gmst_now = lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTime(gps_time_now)
    div, rem = divmod(gmst_now - gmsts, 2 * np.pi)
    i = np.argmin(rem)
    new_gmst = div[i] * 2 * np.pi + gmsts[i]
    old_time = table[i].end
    new_time = lal.LIGOTimeGPS()
    result = lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTimeToGPS(new_gmst, new_time)
    del result
    delta_t = new_time - old_time
    target_coinc_event_id = int(table[i].coinc_event_id)

    # Remove unneeded rows
    table[:] = [
        row for row in table
        if int(row.coinc_event_id) == target_coinc_event_id
    target_end_time = table[0].end

    coinc_table = table = lsctables.CoincTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    table[:] = [
        row for row in table
        if int(row.coinc_event_id) == target_coinc_event_id

    table = lsctables.CoincMapTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    table[:] = [
        row for row in table
        if int(row.coinc_event_id) == target_coinc_event_id
    target_sngl_inspirals = frozenset(row.event_id for row in table)

    sngl_inspiral_table = table = lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    table[:] = [row for row in table if row.event_id in target_sngl_inspirals]

    table = lsctables.ProcessTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    table[:] = [row for row in table if row.program == 'gstlal_inspiral']
    target_process_ids = frozenset(row.process_id for row in table)

    table = lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    table[:] = [
        row for row in table if target_end_time in row.out_segment
        and row.process_id in target_process_ids
    target_process_ids = frozenset(row.process_id for row in table)

    table = lsctables.ProcessTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    table[:] = [row for row in table if row.process_id in target_process_ids]

    table = lsctables.ProcessParamsTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    table[:] = [row for row in table if row.process_id in target_process_ids]

    # Shift event times
    for row in coinc_inspiral_table:
        row.end += delta_t
    for row in sngl_inspiral_table:
        row.end += delta_t
        row.end_time_gmst = lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTime(row.end)

    # The old version of gstlal used to produce the "First Two Years" data set
    # stored likelihood in the coinc_event.likelihood column, but newer
    # versions store the *natural log* of the likelihood here. The p_astro
    # calculation requires this to be log likelihood.
    for row in coinc_table:
        row.likelihood = np.log(row.likelihood)

    # Gstlal stores the template's SVD bank index in the Gamma1 column.
    # Fill this in so that we can calculate p_astro
    # (see :mod:`gwcelery.tasks.p_astro_gstlal`).
    for row in sngl_inspiral_table:
        row.Gamma1 = 16

    coinc_xml = io.BytesIO()
    utils.write_fileobj(xmldoc, coinc_xml)
    return coinc_xml.getvalue()