Exemple #1
def test_double():
    a = np.random.randn(100, 200).astype(np.float64)

    b = lilcom.compress(a, axis=-1)
    c = lilcom.decompress(b, dtype=np.float64)

    rel_error = (np.fabs(a - c)).sum() / (np.fabs(a)).sum()
        "Relative error in double compression, decompressing as double, is: ",

    c = lilcom.decompress(b, dtype=np.float32)
    rel_error = (np.fabs(a - c)).sum() / (np.fabs(a)).sum()
    print("Relative error in double compression, decompressing as float, is: ",
def lilcomReconstruct(audioArray, lpcOrder):
    """ This function will reconstruct the given audio array in form of a
            conescutive compression and decompression procedure.

        audioArray: A numpy array as the audio signal
        lcpOrder: Same as lcpOrder in the main lilcom functions

           an Audio array with same size to the array passed as input which
            is a result of compresion and decompresion
    bitPerSample = 6  # Issue make it passed by the operator
    # bitsPerSample Should be recieved from settings
    audioArray = audioArray.astype(np.float32)
    outputShape = list(audioArray.shape)

    outputShape[0] += 4
    outputShape = tuple(outputShape)

    outputArray = np.ndarray(outputShape, np.int8)
    reconstructedArray = np.ndarray(audioArray.shape, np.int16)

    c = lilcom.compress(audioArray, lpc_order=lpcOrder,
                        bits_per_sample=bitPerSample, axis=0)
    reconstructedArray = lilcom.decompress(c, dtype=audioArray.dtype)
    return reconstructedArray
Exemple #3
def test_rtf():
    for dtype in [np.int16, np.float32, np.float64]:
        # view the following as 100 channels where each channel
        # is one second's worth of 16kHz-sampled data.
        audio_time = 1000.0
        # seconds
        a = np.random.randn(int(audio_time), 16000)
        if dtype == np.int16:
            a *= 32768
        a = a.astype(dtype)
        for bits_per_sample in [4, 8]:
            for lpc_order in [0, 1, 2, 4, 8]:
                for axis in [0, 1]:
                    start = time.process_time()
                    b = lilcom.compress(a,
                    mid = time.process_time()
                    c = lilcom.decompress(b, dtype=dtype)
                    end = time.process_time()

                    # f is a factor that we'll multiply the times by.  The
                    # factor of 100.0 is to make the output percentages.
                    f = 100.0 / audio_time

                        "RTF for dtype={}, bits-per-sample={}, lpc_order={}, axis={}, "
                        "compress/decompress/total RTF is: {:.3f}%,{:.3f}%,{:.3f}%"
                        .format(dtype, bits_per_sample, lpc_order, axis,
                                (mid - start) * f, (end - mid) * f,
                                (end - start) * f))
Exemple #4
def test_int16():
    for bits_per_sample in [4, 5, 8]:
        for axis in [-1, 1, 0, -2]:
            a = ((np.random.rand(100 + bits_per_sample + axis,
                                 200 + 10 * bits_per_sample + axis) * 65535) -
            for use_out in [False, True]:
                out_shape = lilcom.get_compressed_shape(
                    a.shape, axis, bits_per_sample)

                b = lilcom.compress(a,
                                    out=(np.empty(out_shape, dtype=np.int8)
                                         if use_out else None))
                # decompressing as int16, float or double should give the same result except
                # it would be scaled by 1/32768
                for d in [np.int16, np.float32, np.float64]:
                    c = lilcom.decompress(
                        dtype=(None if use_out else d),
                        out=(np.empty(a.shape, dtype=d) if use_out else None))

                    a2 = a.astype(
                        np.float32) * (1.0 / 32768.0 if d != np.int16 else 1.0)
                    c2 = c.astype(np.float32)
                    rel_error = (np.fabs(a2 - c2)).sum() / (np.fabs(a2)).sum()
                        "Relative error in int16 compression (decompressing as {}, axis={}, num-bits={}, use_out={}) is {}"
                        .format(d, axis, bits_per_sample, use_out, rel_error))
Exemple #5
    def load(
        root_dir: Optional[Pathlike] = None,
        start: Seconds = 0.0,
        duration: Optional[Seconds] = None,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        # Load the features from the storage
        storage_path = self.storage_path if root_dir is None else Path(
            root_dir) / self.storage_path
        if self.storage_type == 'lilcom':
            with open(storage_path, 'rb') as f:
                features = lilcom.decompress(f.read())
        elif self.storage_type == 'numpy':
            features = np.load(storage_path, allow_pickle=False)
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown storage_type: {self.storage_type}")

        # In case the caller requested only a subset of features, trim them

        # Left trim
        if not isclose(start, self.start):
            frames_to_trim = round((start - self.start) / self.frame_shift)
            features = features[frames_to_trim:, :]

        # Right trim
        end = start + duration if duration is not None else None
        if duration is not None and not isclose(end, self.end):
            frames_to_trim = round((self.end - end) / self.frame_shift)
            features = features[:-frames_to_trim, :]

        return features
Exemple #6
    def read(
        key: str,
        left_offset_frames: int = 0,
        right_offset_frames: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        # First, determine which range of chunks need to be read.
        chunk_size = lookup_chunk_size(self.hdf)
        left_chunk_idx = floor(left_offset_frames / chunk_size)
        if right_offset_frames is not None:
            right_chunk_idx = ceil(right_offset_frames / chunk_size)
            right_chunk_idx = None

        # Read, decode, concat
        decompressed_chunks = [
            for data in self.hdf[key][left_chunk_idx:right_chunk_idx]
        if decompressed_chunks:
            arr = np.concatenate(decompressed_chunks, axis=0)
            arr = np.array([])

        # Determine what piece of decoded data should be returned;
        # we offset the input offsets by left_chunk_idx * chunk_size.
        shift_frames = chunk_size * left_chunk_idx
        left_offset_shift = left_offset_frames - shift_frames
        if right_offset_frames is not None:
            right_offset_shift = right_offset_frames - shift_frames
            right_offset_shift = None

        return arr[left_offset_shift:right_offset_shift]
Exemple #7
    def load(
            start: Optional[Seconds] = None,
            duration: Optional[Seconds] = None,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        # Load the features from the storage
        if self.storage_type == 'lilcom':
            with open(self.storage_path, 'rb') as f:
                features = lilcom.decompress(f.read())
        elif self.storage_type == 'numpy':
            features = np.load(self.storage_path, allow_pickle=False)
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown storage_type: {self.storage_type}")

        if start is None:
            start = self.start
        # In case the caller requested only a sub-span of the features, trim them.
        # Left trim
        if start < self.start - 1e-5:
            raise ValueError(f"Cannot load features for recording {self.recording_id} starting from {start}s. "
                             f"The available range is ({self.start}, {self.end}) seconds.")
        if not isclose(start, self.start):
            frames_to_trim = round((start - self.start) / self.frame_shift)
            features = features[frames_to_trim:, :]

        # Right trim
        end = start + duration if duration is not None else None
        if duration is not None and not isclose(end, self.end):
            frames_to_trim = round((self.end - end) / self.frame_shift)
            # When duration is specified and very close to the original duration, frames_to_trim can be zero;
            # the conditional below is a safe-guard against these cases.
            if frames_to_trim:
                features = features[:-frames_to_trim, :]

        return features
Exemple #8
 def read(self,
          key: str,
          left_offset_frames: int = 0,
          right_offset_frames: Optional[int] = None) -> np.ndarray:
     with open(self.storage_path / key, 'rb') as f:
         arr = lilcom.decompress(f.read())
     return arr[left_offset_frames:right_offset_frames]
Exemple #9
def test_rtf():
    for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64]:

        test_duration = 0.2

        for tick_power in [-8,-6,-4]:
            flops = 0
            a = np.random.randn(300,300).astype(dtype)

            start = time.process_time()
            while time.process_time() - start < test_duration:
                flops += a.size
                a = np.random.randn(*a.shape).astype(dtype)
            print("Flops/sec for randn with dtype={} is {} ".format(
                dtype, flops / (time.process_time() - start)))

            start = time.process_time()
            while time.process_time() - start < test_duration:
                flops += a.size
                b = lilcom.compress(a, tick_power=tick_power)
            print("Flops/sec for compression with dtype={} and tick_power={} is {} ".format(
                dtype, tick_power, flops / (time.process_time() - start)))

            start = time.process_time()
            while time.process_time() - start < test_duration:
                flops += a.size
                a2 = lilcom.decompress(b)
            print("Flops/sec for decompression with tick_power={} is {}".format(
                tick_power, flops / (time.process_time() - start)))
Exemple #10
 def read(
         key: str,
         left_offset_frames: int = 0,
         right_offset_frames: Optional[int] = None
 ) -> np.ndarray:
     arr = lilcom.decompress(self.hdf[key].value.tobytes())
     return arr[left_offset_frames: right_offset_frames]
Exemple #11
 def read(
     raw_data: bytes,
     left_offset_frames: int = 0,
     right_offset_frames: Optional[int] = None,
 ) -> np.ndarray:
     arr = lilcom.decompress(raw_data)
     return arr[left_offset_frames:right_offset_frames]
Exemple #12
 def read(self,
          key: str,
          left_offset_frames: int = 0,
          right_offset_frames: Optional[int] = None) -> np.ndarray:
     # This weird indexing with [()] is a replacement for ".value" attribute,
     # that got deprecated with the following warning:
     # H5pyDeprecationWarning: dataset.value has been deprecated. Use dataset[()] instead.
     #     arr = lilcom.decompress(self.hdf[key].value.tobytes())
     arr = lilcom.decompress(self.hdf[key][()].tobytes())
     return arr[left_offset_frames:right_offset_frames]
Exemple #13
 def read(self,
          key: str,
          left_offset_frames: int = 0,
          right_offset_frames: Optional[int] = None) -> np.ndarray:
     # We are manually adding the slash to join the base URL and the key.
     if key.startswith('/'):
         key = key[1:]
     with SmartOpen.open(f'{self.base_url}/{key}', 'rb') as f:
         arr = lilcom.decompress(f.read())
     return arr[left_offset_frames:right_offset_frames]
Exemple #14
def test_int16_lpc_order():
    a = ((np.random.rand(100, 200) * 65535) - 32768).astype(np.int16)

    for lpc in range(0, 15):
        b = lilcom.compress(a, axis=-1, lpc_order=lpc)

        c = lilcom.decompress(b, dtype=np.int16)

        a2 = a.astype(np.float32)
        c2 = c.astype(np.float32)

        rel_error = (np.fabs(a2 - c2)).sum() / (np.fabs(a2)).sum()
        print("Relative error in int16 with lpc order={} is {}".format(
            lpc, rel_error))
Exemple #15
    def read(
        key: str,
        left_offset_frames: int = 0,
        right_offset_frames: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        # First, determine which range of chunks need to be read.
        left_chunk_idx = floor(left_offset_frames / self.CHUNK_SIZE)
        if right_offset_frames is not None:
            # Note: +1 is to include the end of the last chunk
            right_chunk_idx = ceil(right_offset_frames / self.CHUNK_SIZE) + 1
            right_chunk_idx = None

        chunk_offsets = list(map(int, key.split(",")))
        chunk_offsets = np.cumsum(chunk_offsets)
        chunk_offsets = chunk_offsets[left_chunk_idx:right_chunk_idx]

        chunk_data = []
        for offset, end in pairwise(chunk_offsets):
            # We need to use locks to avoid race conditions between seek
            # and read in multi-threaded reads.
            with self.lock:
                chunk_data.append(self.file.read(end - offset))

        # Read, decode, concat
        decompressed_chunks = [lilcom.decompress(data) for data in chunk_data]
        if decompressed_chunks:
            arr = np.concatenate(decompressed_chunks, axis=0)
            arr = np.array([])

        # Determine what piece of decoded data should be returned;
        # we offset the input offsets by left_chunk_idx * chunk_size.
        shift_frames = self.CHUNK_SIZE * left_chunk_idx
        left_offset_shift = left_offset_frames - shift_frames
        if right_offset_frames is not None:
            right_offset_shift = right_offset_frames - shift_frames
            right_offset_shift = None

        return arr[left_offset_shift:right_offset_shift]
Exemple #16
def test_float():
    for bits_per_sample in [4, 6, 8]:
        for axis in [-1, 1, 0, -2]:
            for use_out in [False, True]:
                a = np.random.randn(100 + bits_per_sample + axis, 200 +
                                    bits_per_sample + axis).astype(np.float32)
                out_shape = lilcom.get_compressed_shape(
                    a.shape, axis, bits_per_sample)

                b = lilcom.compress(a,
                                    out=(np.empty(out_shape, dtype=np.int8)
                                         if use_out else None))
                c = lilcom.decompress(b,
                                      dtype=(None if use_out else np.float32),
                                      out=(np.empty(a.shape, dtype=np.float32)
                                           if use_out else None))

            rel_error = (np.fabs(a - c)).sum() / (np.fabs(a)).sum()
                "Relative error in float compression (axis={}, bits-per-sample={}) is {}"
                .format(axis, bits_per_sample, rel_error))
Exemple #17
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import lilcom
import numpy as np

for shape in [(40, 50), (3, 4, 5), (1, 5, 7), (8, 1, 10), (100, 2, 57)]:
    a = np.random.randn(*shape)
    for power in [-15, -8, -6]:
        b = lilcom.compress(a, power)
        a2 = lilcom.decompress(b)
        print("len(b) = ", len(b), ", bytes per number = ", (len(b) / a.size))

        diff = (a2 - a)
        mx = diff.max()
        mn = diff.min()
        limit = (2**(power - 1)) + 5.0e-05  # add a small margin to account for
        # floating point roundoff.
        print("max,min diff = {}, {}, expected magnitude was {}".format(
            mx, mn, limit))
        assert mx <= limit and -mn <= limit