Exemple #1
def AfterTransitionEventHandler(instance, event):

    # creation doesn't have a 'transition'
    if not event.transition:

    debug_mode = True  #App.config.getConfiguration().debug_mode "Commented by Yasir"
    if not debug_mode:

    if not skip(instance, event.transition.id, peek=True):
        logger.debug("Started transition %s on %s" %
                     (event.transition.id, instance))
def AfterTransitionEventHandler(instance, event):

    # creation doesn't have a 'transition'
    if not event.transition:

    debug_mode = True #App.config.getConfiguration().debug_mode "Commented by Yasir"
    if not debug_mode:

    if not skip(instance, event.transition.id, peek=True):
        logger.debug("Started transition %s on %s" %
                    (event.transition.id, instance))
Exemple #3
    def _process_request(self):
        """Scan request for parameters and configure class attributes
        accordingly.  Setup AdvancedQuery or catalog contentFilter.

        Request parameters:
        <form_id>_sort_on:          list items are sorted on this key
        <form_id>_manual_sort_on:   no index - sort with python
        <form_id>_pagesize:         number of items
        <form_id>_pagenumber:       page number
        <form_id>_filter:           A string, will be regex matched against
                                    indexes in <form_id>_filter_indexes
        <form_id>_filter_indexes:   list of index names which will be searched
                                    for the value of <form_id>_filter

        <form_id>_<index_name>:     Any index name can be used after <form_id>_.

            any request variable named ${form_id}_{index_name} will pass it's
            value to that index in self.contentFilter.

            All conditions using ${form_id}_{index_name} are searched with AND.

            The parameter value will be matched with regexp if a FieldIndex or
            TextIndex.  Else, AdvancedQuery.Generic is used.
        form_id = self.form_id
        form = self.request.form
        workflow = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow')
        catalog = getToolByName(self.context, self.catalog)

        # Some ajax calls duplicate form values?  I have not figured out why!
        if self.request.form:
            for key, value in self.request.form.items():
                if isinstance(value, list):
                    self.request.form[key] = self.request.form[key][0]

        # If table_only specifies another form_id, then we abort.
        # this way, a single table among many can request a redraw,
        # and only it's content will be rendered.
        if form_id not in self.request.get('table_only', form_id):
            return ''

        # contentFilter is expected in every self.review_state.
        for k, v in self.review_state['contentFilter'].items():
            self.contentFilter[k] = v
        # sort on
        self.sort_on = self.request.get(form_id + '_sort_on', None)
        # manual_sort_on: only sort the current batch of items
        # this is a compromise for sorting without column indexes
        self.manual_sort_on = None
        if self.sort_on \
           and self.sort_on in self.columns.keys() \
           and self.columns[self.sort_on].get('index', None):
            idx = self.columns[self.sort_on].get('index', self.sort_on)
            self.contentFilter['sort_on'] = idx
            if self.sort_on:
                self.manual_sort_on = self.sort_on
                if 'sort_on' in self.contentFilter:
                    del self.contentFilter['sort_on']

        # sort order
        self.sort_order = self.request.get(form_id + '_sort_order', '')
        if self.sort_order:
            self.contentFilter['sort_order'] = self.sort_order
            if 'sort_order' not in self.contentFilter:
                self.sort_order = 'ascending'
                self.contentFilter['sort_order'] = 'ascending'
                self.request.set(form_id+'_sort_order', 'ascending')
                self.sort_order = self.contentFilter['sort_order']
        if self.manual_sort_on:
            del self.contentFilter['sort_order']

        # pagesize
        pagesize = self.request.get(form_id + '_pagesize', self.pagesize)
        if type(pagesize) in (list, tuple):
            pagesize = pagesize[0]
            pagesize = int(pagesize)
            pagesize = self.pagesize = 10
        self.pagesize = pagesize
        # Plone's batching wants this variable:
        self.request.set('pagesize', self.pagesize)
        # and we want to make our choice remembered in bika_listing also
        self.request.set(self.form_id + '_pagesize', self.pagesize)

        # pagenumber
        self.pagenumber = int(self.request.get(form_id + '_pagenumber', self.pagenumber))
        # Plone's batching wants this variable:
        self.request.set('pagenumber', self.pagenumber)

        # index filters.
        self.And = []
        self.Or = []
        ##logger.info("contentFilter: %s"%self.contentFilter)
        for k, v in self.columns.items():
            if not v.has_key('index') \
               or v['index'] == 'review_state' \
               or v['index'] in self.filter_indexes:
        ##logger.info("Filter indexes: %s"%self.filter_indexes)

        # any request variable named ${form_id}_{index_name}
        # will pass it's value to that index in self.contentFilter.
        # all conditions using ${form_id}_{index_name} are searched with AND
        for index in self.filter_indexes:
            idx = catalog.Indexes.get(index, None)
            if not idx:
                logger.debug("index named '%s' not found in %s.  "
                             "(Perhaps the index is still empty)." %
                            (index, self.catalog))
            request_key = "%s_%s" % (form_id, index)
            value = self.request.get(request_key, '')
            if len(value) > 1:
                ##logger.info("And: %s=%s"%(index, value))
                if idx.meta_type in('ZCTextIndex', 'FieldIndex'):
                    self.And.append(MatchRegexp(index, value))
                elif idx.meta_type == 'DateIndex':
                    logger.info("Unhandled DateIndex search on '%s'"%index)
                    self.Or.append(Generic(index, value))

        # if there's a ${form_id}_filter in request, then all indexes
        # are are searched for it's value.
        # ${form_id}_filter is searched with OR agains all indexes
        request_key = "%s_filter" % form_id
        value = self.request.get(request_key, '')
        if type(value) in (list, tuple):
            value = value[0]
        if len(value) > 1:
            for index in self.filter_indexes:
                idx = catalog.Indexes.get(index, None)
                if not idx:
                    logger.debug("index named '%s' not found in %s.  "
                                 "(Perhaps the index is still empty)." %
                                 (index, self.catalog))
                ##logger.info("Or: %s=%s"%(index, value))
                if idx.meta_type in('ZCTextIndex', 'FieldIndex'):
                    self.Or.append(MatchRegexp(index, value))
                    self.expand_all_categories = True
                    # https://github.com/bikalabs/Bika-LIMS/issues/1069
                    vals = value.split('-')
                    if len(vals) > 2:
                        valroot = vals[0]
                        for i in range(1, len(vals)):
                            valroot = '%s-%s' % (valroot, vals[i])
                            self.Or.append(MatchRegexp(index, valroot+'-*'))
                            self.expand_all_categories = True
                elif idx.meta_type == 'DateIndex':
                    if type(value) in (list, tuple):
                        value = value[0]
                    if value.find(":") > -1:
                            lohi = [DateTime(x) for x in value.split(":")]
                            logger.info("Error (And, DateIndex='%s', term='%s')"%(index,value))
                        self.Or.append(Between(index, lohi[0], lohi[1]))
                        self.expand_all_categories = True
                            self.Or.append(Eq(index, DateTime(value)))
                            self.expand_all_categories = True
                            logger.info("Error (Or, DateIndex='%s', term='%s')"%(index,value))
                    self.Or.append(Generic(index, value))
                    self.expand_all_categories = True
            self.Or.append(MatchRegexp('review_state', value))

        # get toggle_cols cookie value
        # and modify self.columns[]['toggle'] to match.
        toggle_cols = self.get_toggle_cols()
        for col in self.columns.keys():
            if col in toggle_cols:
                self.columns[col]['toggle'] = True
                self.columns[col]['toggle'] = False
Exemple #4
    def publishFromHTML(self, aruid, results_html):
        # The AR can be published only and only if allowed
        uc = getToolByName(self.context, 'uid_catalog')
        ars = uc(UID=aruid)
        if not ars or len(ars) != 1:
            return []

        ar = ars[0].getObject()
        wf = getToolByName(ar, 'portal_workflow')
        allowed_states = ['verified', 'published']
        # Publish/Republish allowed?
        if wf.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') not in allowed_states:
            # Pre-publish allowed?
            if not ar.getAnalyses(review_state=allowed_states):
                return []

        # HTML written to debug file
#         debug_mode = App.config.getConfiguration().debug_mode "Commented by Yasir"
        debug_mode = True  #" Added by Yasir"
        if debug_mode:
            tmp_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".html")
            logger.debug("Writing HTML for %s to %s" % (ar.Title(), tmp_fn))
            open(tmp_fn, "wb").write(results_html)

        # Create the pdf report (will always be attached to the AR)
        # we must supply the file ourself so that createPdf leaves it alone.
        # This version replaces 'attachment' links; probably not required,
        # so it's repeated below, without these localise_images.
        # cleanup, results_html_for_pdf = self.localise_images(results_html)
        # pdf_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".pdf")
        # pdf_report = createPdf(htmlreport=results_html_for_pdf, outfile=pdf_fn)
        # for fn in cleanup:
        #     os.remove(fn)

        # Create the pdf report (will always be attached to the AR)
        # we must supply the file ourself so that createPdf leaves it alone.
        pdf_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".pdf")
        pdf_report = createPdf(htmlreport=results_html, outfile=pdf_fn)

        # PDF written to debug file
        if debug_mode:
            logger.debug("Writing PDF for %s to %s" % (ar.Title(), pdf_fn))

        recipients = []
        contact = ar.getContact()
        lab = ar.bika_setup.laboratory
        if pdf_report:
            if contact:
                recipients = [{
            reportid = ar.generateUniqueId('ARReport')
            report = _createObjectByType("ARReport", ar, reportid)

            # Set status to prepublished/published/republished
            status = wf.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state')
            transitions = {'verified': 'publish', 'published': 'republish'}
            transition = transitions.get(status, 'prepublish')
                wf.doActionFor(ar, transition)
            except WorkflowException:

            # compose and send email.
            # The managers of the departments for which the current AR has
            # at least one AS must receive always the pdf report by email.
            # https://github.com/bikalabs/Bika-LIMS/issues/1028
            mime_msg = MIMEMultipart('related')
            mime_msg['Subject'] = self.get_mail_subject(ar)[0]
            mime_msg['From'] = formataddr(
                (encode_header(lab.getName()), lab.getEmailAddress()))
            mime_msg.preamble = 'This is a multi-part MIME message.'
            msg_txt = MIMEText(results_html, _subtype='html')

            to = []
            mngrs = ar.getResponsible()
            for mngrid in mngrs['ids']:
                name = mngrs['dict'][mngrid].get('name', '')
                email = mngrs['dict'][mngrid].get('email', '')
                if (email != ''):
                    to.append(formataddr((encode_header(name), email)))

            if len(to) > 0:
                # Send the email to the managers
                mime_msg['To'] = ','.join(to)
                attachPdf(mime_msg, pdf_report, pdf_fn)

                    host = getToolByName(ar, 'MailHost')
                    host.send(mime_msg.as_string(), immediate=True)
                except SMTPServerDisconnected as msg:
                    logger.warn("SMTPServerDisconnected: %s." % msg)
                except SMTPRecipientsRefused as msg:
                    raise WorkflowException(str(msg))

        # Send report to recipients
        recips = self.get_recipients(ar)
        for recip in recips:
            if 'email' not in recip.get('pubpref', []) \
                    or not recip.get('email', ''):

            title = encode_header(recip.get('title', ''))
            email = recip.get('email')
            formatted = formataddr((title, email))

            # Create the new mime_msg object, cause the previous one
            # has the pdf already attached
            mime_msg = MIMEMultipart('related')
            mime_msg['Subject'] = self.get_mail_subject(ar)[0]
            mime_msg['From'] = formataddr(
                (encode_header(lab.getName()), lab.getEmailAddress()))
            mime_msg.preamble = 'This is a multi-part MIME message.'
            msg_txt = MIMEText(results_html, _subtype='html')
            mime_msg['To'] = formatted

            # Attach the pdf to the email if requested
            if pdf_report and 'pdf' in recip.get('pubpref'):
                attachPdf(mime_msg, pdf_report, pdf_fn)

            # For now, I will simply ignore mail send under test.
            if hasattr(self.portal, 'robotframework'):

            msg_string = mime_msg.as_string()

            # content of outgoing email written to debug file
            if debug_mode:
                tmp_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".email")
                logger.debug("Writing MIME message for %s to %s" %
                             (ar.Title(), tmp_fn))
                open(tmp_fn, "wb").write(msg_string)

                host = getToolByName(ar, 'MailHost')
                host.send(msg_string, immediate=True)
            except SMTPServerDisconnected as msg:
                logger.warn("SMTPServerDisconnected: %s." % msg)
            except SMTPRecipientsRefused as msg:
                raise WorkflowException(str(msg))


        return [ar]
Exemple #5
    def publishFromHTML(self, aruid, results_html):
        # The AR can be published only and only if allowed
        uc = getToolByName(self.context, 'uid_catalog')
        ars = uc(UID=aruid)
        if not ars or len(ars) != 1:
            return []

        ar = ars[0].getObject();
        wf = getToolByName(ar, 'portal_workflow')
        allowed_states = ['verified', 'published']
        # Publish/Republish allowed?
        if wf.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') not in allowed_states:
            # Pre-publish allowed?
            if not ar.getAnalyses(review_state=allowed_states):
                return []

        # HTML written to debug file
#         debug_mode = App.config.getConfiguration().debug_mode "Commented by Yasir"
        debug_mode = True                                  #" Added by Yasir"
        if debug_mode:
            tmp_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".html")
            logger.debug("Writing HTML for %s to %s" % (ar.Title(), tmp_fn))
            open(tmp_fn, "wb").write(results_html)

        # Create the pdf report (will always be attached to the AR)
        # we must supply the file ourself so that createPdf leaves it alone.
        # This version replaces 'attachment' links; probably not required,
        # so it's repeated below, without these localise_images.
        # cleanup, results_html_for_pdf = self.localise_images(results_html)
        # pdf_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".pdf")
        # pdf_report = createPdf(htmlreport=results_html_for_pdf, outfile=pdf_fn)
        # for fn in cleanup:
        #     os.remove(fn)

        # Create the pdf report (will always be attached to the AR)
        # we must supply the file ourself so that createPdf leaves it alone.
        pdf_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".pdf")
        pdf_report = createPdf(htmlreport=results_html, outfile=pdf_fn)

        # PDF written to debug file
        if debug_mode:
            logger.debug("Writing PDF for %s to %s" % (ar.Title(), pdf_fn))

        recipients = []
        contact = ar.getContact()
        lab = ar.bika_setup.laboratory
        if pdf_report:
            if contact:
                recipients = [{
                    'UID': contact.UID(),
                    'Username': to_utf8(contact.getUsername()),
                    'Fullname': to_utf8(contact.getFullname()),
                    'EmailAddress': to_utf8(contact.getEmailAddress()),
                    'PublicationModes': contact.getPublicationPreference()
            reportid = ar.generateUniqueId('ARReport')
            report = _createObjectByType("ARReport", ar, reportid)

            # Set status to prepublished/published/republished
            status = wf.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state')
            transitions = {'verified': 'publish',
                           'published' : 'republish'}
            transition = transitions.get(status, 'prepublish')
                wf.doActionFor(ar, transition)
            except WorkflowException:

            # compose and send email.
            # The managers of the departments for which the current AR has
            # at least one AS must receive always the pdf report by email.
            # https://github.com/bikalabs/Bika-LIMS/issues/1028
            mime_msg = MIMEMultipart('related')
            mime_msg['Subject'] = self.get_mail_subject(ar)[0]
            mime_msg['From'] = formataddr(
                (encode_header(lab.getName()), lab.getEmailAddress()))
            mime_msg.preamble = 'This is a multi-part MIME message.'
            msg_txt = MIMEText(results_html, _subtype='html')

            to = []
            mngrs = ar.getResponsible()
            for mngrid in mngrs['ids']:
                name = mngrs['dict'][mngrid].get('name', '')
                email = mngrs['dict'][mngrid].get('email', '')
                if (email != ''):
                    to.append(formataddr((encode_header(name), email)))

            if len(to) > 0:
                # Send the email to the managers
                mime_msg['To'] = ','.join(to)
                attachPdf(mime_msg, pdf_report, pdf_fn)

                    host = getToolByName(ar, 'MailHost')
                    host.send(mime_msg.as_string(), immediate=True)
                except SMTPServerDisconnected as msg:
                    logger.warn("SMTPServerDisconnected: %s." % msg)
                except SMTPRecipientsRefused as msg:
                    raise WorkflowException(str(msg))

        # Send report to recipients
        recips = self.get_recipients(ar)
        for recip in recips:
            if 'email' not in recip.get('pubpref', []) \
                    or not recip.get('email', ''):

            title = encode_header(recip.get('title', ''))
            email = recip.get('email')
            formatted = formataddr((title, email))

            # Create the new mime_msg object, cause the previous one
            # has the pdf already attached
            mime_msg = MIMEMultipart('related')
            mime_msg['Subject'] = self.get_mail_subject(ar)[0]
            mime_msg['From'] = formataddr(
            (encode_header(lab.getName()), lab.getEmailAddress()))
            mime_msg.preamble = 'This is a multi-part MIME message.'
            msg_txt = MIMEText(results_html, _subtype='html')
            mime_msg['To'] = formatted

            # Attach the pdf to the email if requested
            if pdf_report and 'pdf' in recip.get('pubpref'):
                attachPdf(mime_msg, pdf_report, pdf_fn)

            # For now, I will simply ignore mail send under test.
            if hasattr(self.portal, 'robotframework'):

            msg_string = mime_msg.as_string()

            # content of outgoing email written to debug file
            if debug_mode:
                tmp_fn = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".email")
                logger.debug("Writing MIME message for %s to %s" % (ar.Title(), tmp_fn))
                open(tmp_fn, "wb").write(msg_string)

                host = getToolByName(ar, 'MailHost')
                host.send(msg_string, immediate=True)
            except SMTPServerDisconnected as msg:
                logger.warn("SMTPServerDisconnected: %s." % msg)
            except SMTPRecipientsRefused as msg:
                raise WorkflowException(str(msg))


        return [ar]
Exemple #6
    def __call__(self):

        pc = self.portal_catalog
        self.checkPermission = self.context.portal_membership.checkPermission
        self.now = DateTime()
        self.SamplingWorkflowEnabled = self.context.bika_setup.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled()

        # Client details (if client is associated)
        self.client = None
        client_uid = hasattr(self.context, 'getClientUID') and self.context.getClientUID()
        if client_uid:
            proxies = pc(portal_type='Client', UID=client_uid)
        if proxies:
            self.client = proxies[0].getObject()
            client_address = self.client.getPostalAddress()
            if self.contact and not client_address:
                client_address = self.contact.getBillingAddress()
                if not client_address:
                    client_address = self.contact.getPhysicalAddress()
            if client_address:
                _keys = ['address', 'city', 'state', 'zip', 'country']
                _list = [client_address.get(v) for v in _keys if client_address.get(v)]
                self.client_address = "<br/>".join(_list).replace("\n", "<br/>")
                if self.client_address.endswith("<br/>"):
                    self.client_address = self.client_address[:-5]
                self.client_address = None

        # Reporter
        self.member = self.context.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember()
        self.username = self.member.getUserName()
        self.reporter = self.user_fullname(self.username)
        self.reporter_email = self.user_email(self.username)
        self.reporter_signature = ""
        c = [x for x in self.bika_setup_catalog(portal_type='LabContact')
             if x.getObject().getUsername() == self.username]
        if c:
            sf = c[0].getObject().getSignature()
            if sf:
                self.reporter_signature = sf.absolute_url() + "/Signature"

        # laboratory
        self.laboratory = self.context.bika_setup.laboratory
        self.accredited = self.laboratory.getLaboratoryAccredited()
        lab_address = self.laboratory.getPrintAddress()
        if lab_address:
            _keys = ['address', 'city', 'state', 'zip', 'country']
            _list = [lab_address.get(v) for v in _keys if lab_address.get(v)]
            self.lab_address = "<br/>".join(_list).replace("\n", "<br/>")
            if self.lab_address.endswith("<br/>"):
                self.lab_address = self.lab_address[:-5]
            self.lab_address = None

        # Analysis Request results
        self.ars = []
        self.ar_headers = [_("Request ID"),
                           _("Date Requested"),
                           _("Sample Type"),
                           _("Sample Point")]
        self.analysis_headers = [_("Analysis Service"),
        for ar in self.context.getAnalysisRequests():
            datecreated = ar.created()
            # datereceived = ar.getDateReceived()
            # datepublished = ar.getDatePublished()
            datalines = []
            for analysis in ar.getAnalyses(full_objects=True):
                service = analysis.getService()
                method = service.getMethod()
                sample = ar.getSample()
                result = analysis.getResult()
                formatted_result = format_numeric_result(analysis, result)
                datalines.append({_("Analysis Service"): analysis.getService().Title(),
                                  _("Method"): method and method.Title() or "",
                                  _("Result"): formatted_result,
                                  _("Analyst"): self.user_fullname(analysis.getAnalyst()),
                                  _("Remarks"): analysis.getRemarks()})
                        _("Request ID"): ar.getRequestID(),
                                _("Date Requested"): self.ulocalized_time(datecreated),  # requested->created
                        _("Sample Type"): sample.getSampleType() and sample.getSampleType().Title() or '',
                                _("Sample Point"): sample.getSamplePoint() and sample.getSamplePoint().Title() or '',
                        _("datalines"): datalines,

        # Create Report
        fn = self.context.Title() + " " + self.ulocalized_time(self.now)
        report_html = self.template()

#         debug_mode = App.config.getConfiguration().debug_mode "Commented by Yasir"
        debug_mode = True                                      #"Added by Yasir"
        if debug_mode:
            tmp_fd, tmp_fn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".html")
            logger.debug("Writing HTML for %s to %s" % (self.context, tmp_fn))

        pdf_fd, pdf_fn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="pdf")
        pdf = createPdf(report_html, outfile=pdf_fn)
        if debug_mode:
            logger.debug("Wrote PDF for %s to %s" % (self.context, pdf_fn))

        # XXX Email published batches to who?

        # Send PDF to browser
        if not pdf.err:
            setheader = self.request.RESPONSE.setHeader
            setheader('Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
            setheader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"%s\"" % fn)
Exemple #7
    def __call__(self):

        pc = self.portal_catalog
        self.checkPermission = self.context.portal_membership.checkPermission
        self.now = DateTime()
        self.SamplingWorkflowEnabled = self.context.bika_setup.getSamplingWorkflowEnabled(

        # Client details (if client is associated)
        self.client = None
        client_uid = hasattr(self.context,
                             'getClientUID') and self.context.getClientUID()
        if client_uid:
            proxies = pc(portal_type='Client', UID=client_uid)
        if proxies:
            self.client = proxies[0].getObject()
            client_address = self.client.getPostalAddress()
            if self.contact and not client_address:
                client_address = self.contact.getBillingAddress()
                if not client_address:
                    client_address = self.contact.getPhysicalAddress()
            if client_address:
                _keys = ['address', 'city', 'state', 'zip', 'country']
                _list = [
                    client_address.get(v) for v in _keys
                    if client_address.get(v)
                self.client_address = "<br/>".join(_list).replace(
                    "\n", "<br/>")
                if self.client_address.endswith("<br/>"):
                    self.client_address = self.client_address[:-5]
                self.client_address = None

        # Reporter
        self.member = self.context.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember()
        self.username = self.member.getUserName()
        self.reporter = self.user_fullname(self.username)
        self.reporter_email = self.user_email(self.username)
        self.reporter_signature = ""
        c = [
            x for x in self.bika_setup_catalog(portal_type='LabContact')
            if x.getObject().getUsername() == self.username
        if c:
            sf = c[0].getObject().getSignature()
            if sf:
                self.reporter_signature = sf.absolute_url() + "/Signature"

        # laboratory
        self.laboratory = self.context.bika_setup.laboratory
        self.accredited = self.laboratory.getLaboratoryAccredited()
        lab_address = self.laboratory.getPrintAddress()
        if lab_address:
            _keys = ['address', 'city', 'state', 'zip', 'country']
            _list = [lab_address.get(v) for v in _keys if lab_address.get(v)]
            self.lab_address = "<br/>".join(_list).replace("\n", "<br/>")
            if self.lab_address.endswith("<br/>"):
                self.lab_address = self.lab_address[:-5]
            self.lab_address = None

        # Analysis Request results
        self.ars = []
        self.ar_headers = [
            _("Request ID"),
            _("Date Requested"),
            _("Sample Type"),
            _("Sample Point")
        self.analysis_headers = [
            _("Analysis Service"),
        for ar in self.context.getAnalysisRequests():
            datecreated = ar.created()
            # datereceived = ar.getDateReceived()
            # datepublished = ar.getDatePublished()
            datalines = []
            for analysis in ar.getAnalyses(full_objects=True):
                service = analysis.getService()
                method = service.getMethod()
                sample = ar.getSample()
                result = analysis.getResult()
                formatted_result = format_numeric_result(analysis, result)
                    _("Analysis Service"):
                    method and method.Title() or "",
                _("Request ID"):
                _("Date Requested"):
                self.ulocalized_time(datecreated),  # requested->created
                _("Sample Type"):
                sample.getSampleType() and sample.getSampleType().Title()
                or '',
                _("Sample Point"):
                sample.getSamplePoint() and sample.getSamplePoint().Title()
                or '',

        # Create Report
        fn = self.context.Title() + " " + self.ulocalized_time(self.now)
        report_html = self.template()

        #         debug_mode = App.config.getConfiguration().debug_mode "Commented by Yasir"
        debug_mode = True  #"Added by Yasir"
        if debug_mode:
            tmp_fd, tmp_fn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".html")
            logger.debug("Writing HTML for %s to %s" % (self.context, tmp_fn))

        pdf_fd, pdf_fn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="pdf")
        pdf = createPdf(report_html, outfile=pdf_fn)
        if debug_mode:
            logger.debug("Wrote PDF for %s to %s" % (self.context, pdf_fn))

        # XXX Email published batches to who?

        # Send PDF to browser
        if not pdf.err:
            setheader = self.request.RESPONSE.setHeader
            setheader('Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
            setheader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"%s\"" % fn)