def __init__(self, log_path, log_sample_size=500, gzip_decode=False): """ :param log_path: The path to a log file :param log_sample_size: The number of most recent entries to include :param gzip_decode: If True, we'll decode the log before reading it in """ self.log_path = log_path self.exists = False self.current_line = 0 if gzip_decode and not log_path.endswith('.decoded'): decoded_log_path = log_path + '.decoded' if not os.path.exists(decoded_log_path): with open(decoded_log_path, 'w') as out: with, 'rb') as f: line = f.readline().decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') while line: out.write(line) try: line = f.readline().decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') except gzip.BadGzipFile: pass self.log_path = decoded_log_path linecache.updatecache(self.log_path) self.last_line_num = self.find_latest_line_offset() if self.last_line_num < log_sample_size: self.entries = [entry for entry in self.iter_cache(start=1)] else: self.entries = [ entry for entry in self.iter_cache(start=self.last_line_num - log_sample_size + 1) ]
def build_cache(verbose = False): global first_name_cache global name_index_cache global name_index_sorted_cache global field_cache count = 0 first_name_cache[:] = [] name_index_cache.clear() name_index_sorted_cache[:] = [] field_cache.clear() try: read_file_object = open('contacts.ab', 'r') for line in read_file_object: count += 1 temp_split_list = line.split('|') temp_split_field_list = temp_split_list[0].split('@') first_name_cache.append(temp_split_field_list[1]) name_index_cache[temp_split_field_list[1]] = count read_file_object.close() sort_index_cache() field_cache = get_fields() linecache.updatecache('contacts.ab') except IOError: if verbose: print 'Contact database not found' else: pass
def _fix_linecache_record(obj): """Fixes potential corruption of linecache in the presence of functools.wraps. functools.wraps modifies the target object's __module__ field, which seems to confuse linecache in special instances, for example when the source is loaded from a .par file (see This function simply triggers a call to linecache.updatecache when a mismatch was detected between the object's __module__ property and the object's source file. Args: obj: Any """ if hasattr(obj, '__module__'): obj_file = inspect.getfile(obj) obj_module = obj.__module__ # A snapshot of the loaded modules helps avoid "dict changed size during # iteration" errors. loaded_modules = tuple(sys.modules.values()) for m in loaded_modules: if hasattr(m, '__file__') and m.__file__ == obj_file: if obj_module is not m: linecache.updatecache(obj_file, m.__dict__)
def remote_exec(self, source, **kwargs): """ return channel object and connect it to a remote execution thread where the given ``source`` executes. * ``source`` is a string: execute source string remotely with a ``channel`` put into the global namespace. * ``source`` is a pure function: serialize source and call function with ``**kwargs``, adding a ``channel`` object to the keyword arguments. * ``source`` is a pure module: execute source of module with a ``channel`` in its global namespace In all cases the binding ``__name__='__channelexec__'`` will be available in the global namespace of the remotely executing code. """ call_name = None if isinstance(source, types.ModuleType): linecache.updatecache(inspect.getsourcefile(source)) source = inspect.getsource(source) elif isinstance(source, types.FunctionType): call_name = source.__name__ source = _source_of_function(source) else: source = textwrap.dedent(str(source)) if call_name is None and kwargs: raise TypeError("can't pass kwargs to non-function remote_exec") channel = self.newchannel() self._send(Message.CHANNEL_EXEC,, gateway_base.dumps_internal((source, call_name, kwargs))) return channel
def test_field_overwrites_bases_method_in_item_in_script( tmp_path, source_code, lineno, offset, text, stack_frame_support ): tmp_file = tmp_path / "" tmp_file.write_text(source_code) tmp_file = str(tmp_file) linecache.updatecache(tmp_file) exc = None try: exec(compile(source_code, tmp_file, "exec")) except Exception as exc_: exc = exc_ assert isinstance(exc, SyntaxError) if stack_frame_support: assert exc.filename == tmp_file assert exc.lineno == lineno assert exc.offset == offset assert exc.text == text else: assert exc.filename is None assert exc.lineno is None assert exc.offset is None assert exc.text == text.replace(" ", "").replace('"', "'")
def test_field_overwrites_item_property_oneline_in_script( tmp_path, stack_frame_support, template, item_property): source_code = template % (item_property, ) tmp_file = tmp_path / "" tmp_file.write_text(source_code) tmp_file = str(tmp_file) linecache.updatecache(tmp_file) with pytest.raises(SyntaxError) as catch: exec(compile(source_code, tmp_file, "exec")) exc = catch.value if stack_frame_support: assert exc.filename == tmp_file assert exc.lineno == 1 assert exc.offset == 0 assert exc.text == source_code else: assert exc.filename is None assert exc.lineno is None assert exc.offset is None assert ( exc.text == f"""{item_property}=Field(XPathExtractor("./span[@class='name']"))""" )
def test_field_overwrites_item_property_common_in_script( tmp_path, stack_frame_support, item_property): source_code = f""" class User(Item): uid = Field(JSONExtractor("id")) {item_property} = Field(JSONExtractor({item_property!r})) """.strip() tmp_file = tmp_path / "" tmp_file.write_text(source_code) tmp_file = str(tmp_file) linecache.updatecache(tmp_file) with pytest.raises(SyntaxError) as catch: exec(compile(source_code, tmp_file, "exec")) exc = catch.value if stack_frame_support: assert exc.filename == tmp_file assert exc.lineno == 3 assert exc.offset == 4 assert (exc.text == f"{item_property} = Field(JSONExtractor({item_property!r}))") else: assert exc.filename is None assert exc.lineno is None assert exc.offset is None assert (exc.text == f"{item_property}=Field(JSONExtractor({item_property!r}))")
def test_locals(self): linecache.updatecache('/', globals()) c = test_code('/', 'method') f = test_frame(c, globals(), {'something': 1}) s = traceback.StackSummary.extract(iter([(f, 6, 0)]), capture_locals=True) self.assertEqual(s[0].locals, {'something': '1'})
def log_output(): """ 日志 :return: """ last_line = int(request.args.get('line', 0)) limit = int(request.args.get('limit', 10)) max_old = 200 # 取最新时 往后再取的数 file = Config().OUT_PUT_LOG_TO_FILE_PATH res = [] if last_line == -1: total_line = get_file_total_line_num(file) last_line = total_line - max_old if total_line > max_old else 0 ranges = range(max_old + limit) else: ranges = range(limit) if Config().OUT_PUT_LOG_TO_FILE_ENABLED: # with open(Config().OUT_PUT_LOG_TO_FILE_PATH, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: # res = f.readlines()[last_line:limit] linecache.updatecache(file) for i in ranges: tmp = linecache.getline(file, last_line + i) if tmp != '': res.append(tmp) last_line += len(res) else: res = CommonLog.MESSAGE_OUTPUT_TO_FILE_IS_UN_ENABLE return jsonify({'last_line': last_line, 'data': res})
def decode(self, object, filename): lines = [] linecache.updatecache(filename) if filename in linecache.cache: linecache.cache[filename] = ( linecache.cache[filename][0], linecache.cache[filename][1], lines, filename, ) last, new, old = slice(0, 0), 0, 0 for current, cell, source in super().decode(object): if cell: lines += ["\n"] * ( object[last.stop : current.start].splitlines().__len__() - 1 + (old - new) ) source = getattr(self, "transform_" + cell["cell_type"])(source) lines += list(map("{}\n".format, source.splitlines())) new, old = map(len, map(str.splitlines, (source, object[current]))) if not lines[-1]: lines.pop() last = current return "".join(lines)
def test_no_locals(self): linecache.updatecache('/', globals()) e = Exception("uh oh") c = test_code('/', 'method') f = test_frame(c, globals(), {'something': 1}) tb = test_tb(f, 6, None) exc = traceback.TracebackException(Exception, e, tb) self.assertEqual(exc.stack[0].locals, None)
def test_extract_stackup_deferred_lookup_lines(self): linecache.clearcache() c = test_code('/', 'method') f = test_frame(c, None, None) s = traceback.StackSummary.extract(iter([(f, 6)]), lookup_lines=False) self.assertEqual({}, linecache.cache) linecache.updatecache('/', globals()) self.assertEqual(s[0].line, "import sys")
def addCache(self, name, code): moduleName = 'cache.' + name filename = os.path.join('cache', name + '.py') f = file(filename, 'w') f.write(code) f.close() linecache.updatecache(filename) return moduleName
def JDCouponMain1(self): noticpath = linecache.getline(r"jdgetc1cfg.set", 28).strip() noticsetpath = noticpath + "/notic.set" try: noticlines = len(open(noticsetpath, errors="ignore", encoding="UTF-8").readlines()) if noticlines != 15: print("出错了, notic.set 的行数不对,将无法开启推送通知哦") noticsetpath = "false" except FileNotFoundError: print("该目录下没有 notic.set 文件,将无法开启推送通知哦") noticsetpath = "false" if noticsetpath != "false": linecache.updatecache(noticsetpath) print("\n正在运行京东抢任意优惠券\n") jdheaders1 = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux;Android 10;GM1910) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.106 Mobile Safari/537.36", "Cookie": "%s" % (linecache.getline(r"jdgetc1cfg.set", 25).strip())} jdcpactid1 = linecache.getline(r"jdgetc1cfg.set", 5).strip() jdcpkeyid1 = linecache.getline(r"jdgetc1cfg.set", 7).strip() jdcproleid1 = linecache.getline(r"jdgetc1cfg.set", 9).strip() if jdcproleid1 == "0": print("当前抢券的 keyid 是: %s\n" % (jdcpkeyid1)) else: print("当前抢券的 keyid 是: %s\nroleid 是: %s\n" % (jdcpkeyid1, jdcproleid1)) for files in os.walk(os.getcwd()): if re.findall(r"JDCoupon1的优惠券 %s.*\.rushed" % (jdcpkeyid1), str(files), flags=re.I) != []: print("该JDCoupon1的优惠券: %s 已抢券成功了,如果需要再次抢券,请先删除目录下对应的.rushed文件" % (jdcpkeyid1)) AllinOneExit1() jdgetcoupons1 = self.JDGetCoupons1(jdcpactid1, jdcpkeyid1, jdcproleid1, jdheaders1) if re.findall(r"not login", str(jdgetcoupons1), flags=re.I) != []: print("返回信息: %s\nJD登录状态失效了,请重新获取Cookie" % (jdgetcoupons1)) AllinOneExit1() elif jdgetcoupons1 is None or re.findall(r"activityId invalid", str(jdgetcoupons1), flags=re.I) != []: print("返回信息: %s\n活动页面ID错误,请重新获取活动页面ID" % (jdgetcoupons1)) AllinOneExit1() elif re.findall(r"已经参加过", str(jdgetcoupons1)) != []: print("返回信息: %s\n该账号已经领取到优惠券了,请自行查看" % (jdgetcoupons1)) AllinOneExit1() elif re.findall(r"来太晚了|结束", str(jdgetcoupons1)) != []: print("返回信息: %s\n来晚了,券已过期" % (jdgetcoupons1)) AllinOneExit1() # 删除倒计时5秒,有需要自行打开 """ for i in range(5,0,-1): print("倒计时 %s 秒"%(i),end="\r") time.sleep(1) """ self.JDCGetting1(jdcpactid1, jdcpkeyid1, jdcproleid1, jdheaders1) message = "%s 抢券成功,请自行查看" % (jdcpkeyid1) print(message) with open("JDCoupon1的优惠券 " + jdcpkeyid1 + " " + \ time.strftime("%H{}%M{}%S{}").format("时", "分", "秒") + "抢券成功.rushed", "w"): print("已记录JDCoupon1的优惠券:%s 抢券成功时间" % (jdcpkeyid1)) if noticsetpath != "false": Notification().NoticMain(noticsetpath, message) AllinOneExit1()
def test_lookup_lines(self): linecache.clearcache() e = Exception("uh oh") c = test_code('/', 'method') f = test_frame(c, None, None) tb = test_tb(f, 6, None) exc = traceback.TracebackException(Exception, e, tb, lookup_lines=False) self.assertEqual({}, linecache.cache) linecache.updatecache('/', globals()) self.assertEqual(exc.stack[0].line, "import sys")
def test_lookup_lines(self): linecache.clearcache() e = Exception("uh oh") c = test_code('/', 'method') f = test_frame(c, None, None) tb = test_tb(f, 6, None) exc = traceback.TracebackException(Exception, e, tb, lookup_lines=False) self.assertEqual(linecache.cache, {}) linecache.updatecache('/', globals()) self.assertEqual(exc.stack[0].line, "import sys")
def test_locals(self): linecache.updatecache('/', globals()) e = Exception("uh oh") c = test_code('/', 'method') f = test_frame(c, globals(), {'something': 1, 'other': 'string'}) tb = test_tb(f, 6, None) exc = traceback.TracebackException( Exception, e, tb, capture_locals=True) self.assertEqual( exc.stack[0].locals, {'something': '1', 'other': "'string'"})
def _get_line(self, key): if key in self.buffer: line = self.buffer[key] else: line = linecache.getline(self.filepath, self.keys.index(key) + 2) if line == '': linecache.updatecache(self.filepath) line = linecache.getline(self.filepath, self.keys.index(key) + 2) return line
def decode(self, object, filename): source = self.module_to_source(ast.parse(object)) linecache.updatecache(filename) if filename in linecache.cache: linecache.cache[filename] = ( linecache.cache[filename][0], linecache.cache[filename][1], source, filename, ) return "\n".join(source)
def select(self, path, target): linecache.updatecache(path) file = open(path, 'r') filelines = linecache.getlines(path) # result={} for line in filelines: arr = line.split('=') if arr[0] == target: val = arr[1] val = val[:len(val) - 1] print val return val
def make_module(name, code): code = dedent(code) assert name not in sys.modules spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(name, loader=None) mod = sys.modules[name] = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) path = tmp_path / f"{name}_{str(uuid4()).replace('-', '_')}.py" path.write_text(code) mod.__file__ = str(path) exec(code, mod.__dict__) linecache.updatecache(str(path), mod.__dict__) added_modules.append(name) return mod
def micro_test(data_len, path): # replace DATA_LEN in zkPoD.zok with open("zkPoD_template.zok", "r") as f: data ="DATA_LEN", str(data_len)) with open(path + "zkPoD.zok", "w+") as file: file.write(data) print("data length: %s" % data_len) # compile circuit os.system( "cd " + path + " && zokrates compile -i zkPoD.zok -o zkPoD --light > compile.out") linecache.updatecache(path + "compile.out") constraints = linecache.getline(path + "compile.out", 4).split(":")[1].strip() print("# of constraints: %s" % constraints) # GenParam st = time.perf_counter() os.system("cd " + path + " && zokrates setup -i zkPoD --light > setup.out") ed = time.perf_counter() linecache.updatecache(path + "setup.out") points = linecache.getline(path + "setup.out", 3).split(" ")[2].strip() print("# of points: %s" % points) print("GenParam: %s ms" % ((ed - st) * 1000)) genparam = (ed - st) * 1000 # ProveData args = generate_inputs(data_len) st = time.perf_counter() os.system( "cd " + path + " && zokrates compute-witness -i zkPoD -a " + args + " --light > witness.out && zokrates generate-proof -i zkPoD > proof.out" ) ed = time.perf_counter() print("ProveData: %s ms" % ((ed - st) * 1000)) provedata = (ed - st) * 1000 # VerifyProof st = time.perf_counter() os.system("cd " + path + " && zokrates verify > verify.out") # 512bits -> 64 bytes, simulate the operation of calculating hash of the last block, '8e6245e107a0127f17e480ba65f27e20ac48d13f15eedc93b716eb2806701f7d' sha2 = hashlib.sha256( b'0000000100020003000400050006000700080009001000110012001300140015' ).hexdigest() ed = time.perf_counter() print("VerifyProof: %s ms\n" % ((ed - st) * 1000)) verifyproof = (ed - st) * 1000 logs = [data_len, constraints, points, genparam, provedata, verifyproof] return ",".join(map(str, logs))
def refresh(self) -> None: """ Refresh linecache Returns: None """ linecache.updatecache(self.log_path) if self.last_line_num < self.log_sample_size: self.entries = [entry for entry in self.iter_cache(start=1)] else: self.entries = [entry for entry in self.iter_cache(start=self.last_line_num - self.log_sample_size + 1)]
def sendpacket(self): files = os.listdir(self.file_path) for file in files: print self.file_path+file lines= linecache.getlines(self.file_path+file) linecache.updatecache(self.file_path+file) p1 = re.compile("Get request from sender", re.I) for num in range(len(lines)): if[num]): if '20%s' % lines[num][3:18] > self.start_time and '20%s' % lines[num][3:18] < self.end_time: packet = lines[num+1] if 'ACB2012777' in packet and 'T3' in packet: print packet
def test_field_name_overwrite_item_parameter_oneline_in_script( source_code, tmp_path): tmp_file = tmp_path / "" tmp_file.write_text(source_code) tmp_file = str(tmp_file) linecache.updatecache(tmp_file) with pytest.raises(SyntaxError) as catch: exec(compile(source_code, tmp_file, "exec")) exc = catch.value assert exc.filename == tmp_file assert exc.lineno == 1 assert exc.offset == 0 assert exc.text == source_code.split("\n")[0].strip()
def test_lazycache_provide_after_failed_lookup(self): linecache.clearcache() lines = linecache.getlines(NONEXISTENT_FILENAME, globals()) linecache.clearcache() linecache.getlines(NONEXISTENT_FILENAME) linecache.lazycache(NONEXISTENT_FILENAME, globals()) self.assertEqual(lines, linecache.updatecache(NONEXISTENT_FILENAME))
def end_mark_line(self, n, get_mark): test_line = get_mark + 1 while True: if self.check_line_exist(test_line) == False: time.sleep(2) linecache.updatecache(self.filename)"wait file to change") else: break for i in reversed(range(1, n)): tmp_line = get_mark + i self.logger.debug("tmp_line:" + str(tmp_line)) self.logger.debug(self.check_line_exist(tmp_line)) if self.check_line_exist(tmp_line) == True: break return tmp_line
def test_field_name_overwrite_item_parameter_common_in_script(tmp_path): source_code = source_codes[-1] tmp_file = tmp_path / "" tmp_file.write_text(source_code) tmp_file = str(tmp_file) linecache.updatecache(tmp_file) with pytest.raises(SyntaxError) as catch: exec(compile(source_code, tmp_file, "exec")) exc = catch.value assert exc.filename == tmp_file assert exc.lineno == 4 assert exc.offset == 4 assert exc.text == 'name = Field(JSONExtractor("name"))'
def get_table(self, table_name: str) -> DBTable: meta_data_table = read_json_file(META_DATA) if table_name not in meta_data_table.keys(): raise ValueError("table name does not exist") fields = linecache.updatecache(f'{db_api.DB_ROOT}\\{table_name}.csv')[0][:-1].split(",") table = DBTable(table_name, fields, meta_data_table[table_name]) return table
def end_mark_line(self, n, get_mark): test_line = get_mark + 1 while True: if self.check_line_exist(test_line) == False: time.sleep(2) linecache.updatecache(self.filename)'wait file to change') else: break for i in reversed(range(1,n)): tmp_line = get_mark + i self.logger.debug( 'tmp_line:' + str(tmp_line)) self.logger.debug( self.check_line_exist(tmp_line)) if self.check_line_exist(tmp_line) == True: break return tmp_line
def getTimeRangeInFile(fname): """ returns the time range in the suspicious file as a tuple (firstTimestamp, lastTimestamp) """ from os.path import getsize def _getTimestamp(line): spl=line.split() return int(spl[0]) linecache.updatecache(fname) with open(fname, 'r') as fh: firstLine = next(fh).decode() try: first=_getTimestamp(firstLine) except IndexError: return (None, None) last=None numBytesInFile = getsize(fname) seekTo=numBytesInFile while not last: # seek back 1024 bytes from the end of the file, hoping that we # would arrive somewhere before the start of the last line seekTo-=1024 if seekTo < 0: # cannot seek over the start of the file seekTo = 0 # seek relative to start of file lines = fh.readlines() lastLine = lines[-1].decode() try: last=_getTimestamp(lastLine) except IndexError: if seekTo==0: #nothing else we could do, give up return (None, None) return (first, last) return (None, None)
def requestMain(): if os.path.isfile("request.set") and len( open("request.set", errors="ignore", encoding="utf-8").readlines()) == 23: noticpath = linecache.getline("request.set", 23).strip() noticsetpath = noticpath + "/notic.set" try: noticlines = len( open(noticsetpath, errors="ignore", encoding="UTF-8").readlines()) if noticlines != 15: print("出错了, notic.set 的行数不对,将无法开启推送通知哦") noticsetpath = "false" except FileNotFoundError: print("指定目录下没有 notic.set 文件,将无法开启推送通知哦") noticpath = "false" if noticpath != "false": linecache.updatecache(noticsetpath) requesttimeout = linecache.getline("request.set", 8).strip() requestlooptime = linecache.getline("request.set", 11).strip() else: print("当前目录没有 request.set 文件或文件行数不对,需要自行填写 连接超时 和 间隔刷新时间 且无法开启推送通知哦") noticsetpath = "false" requesttimeout = input("输入连接超时的时间(秒,仅数字或小数):") requestlooptime = input("输入间隔刷新时间(秒,仅数字或小数):") try: requesttimeout = float(requesttimeout) except ValueError: input("检测到 连接超时 为非数字或小数,重新修改或输入仅数字或小数!\n按确定键继续...") requestMain() try: requestlooptime = float(requestlooptime) except ValueError: input("检测到 间隔刷新时间 为非数字或小数,重新修改或输入仅数字或小数!\n按确定键继续...") requestMain() requesturlp = requestUrlp() requestheaders = requestHeaders() requestdata = requestData() requestTiming() requestGo(requesturlp, requestheaders, requestdata, requesttimeout, requestlooptime, noticpath) requestExit()
def set_ml(): """ 读取日志文件到内存,并保存到mysql数据库 :return: 无 """ # 读取数据库 mlist 表的所有内容 try: ret = MList.objects.all().values() except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return # 设置5个set集合,用于存放读取的mlist表中所有字段的数据,以便后面判断mlfile文件是否有更新 pcr_set = set() templatehash_set = set() tmptype_set = set() filedata_set = set() filerouter_set = set() for r in ret: pcr_set.add(r['pcr']) templatehash_set.add(r['templatehash']) tmptype_set.add(r['tmptype']) filedata_set.add(r['filedata']) filerouter_set.add(r['filerouter']) # linecache 可以实时更新文件信息,读取文件内容 lines = linecache.updatecache(gc.TRUST_LOG_PATH) # 遍历文件内容 如果出现新的记录,就创建新对象,添加到临时列表 mlist mlist = [] for line in lines: if (line is not None) and line[0] != 'None' and (line.find(gc.ML_TAG) != -1): line = line.split() if (line[0] not in pcr_set) or \ (line[1] not in templatehash_set) or \ (line[2] not in tmptype_set) or \ (line[3] not in filedata_set) or \ (line[4] not in filerouter_set): mlist.append( MList(pcr=line[0], template_hash=line[1], tmp_type=line[2], file_data=line[3], file_router=line[4])) # 将新记录批量插入数据库 try: MList.objects.bulk_create(mlist) except Exception as e: logger.error(e)
def parse_large_file_via_line_cache(file_path): file_lines = get_file_lines(file_path) number_of_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2 slice_lines = file_lines / number_of_threads cached_lines = linecache.updatecache(file_path) threads = [] for i in range(number_of_threads): start_line = i * slice_lines stop_line = max( (i + 1) * slice_lines, file_lines) if i + 1 == number_of_threads else (i + 1) * slice_lines t_name = 'Line cache thread {}'.format(i) print('{} {} -> {}'.format(t_name, start_line, stop_line)) t = threading.Thread(target=parse_line_range, name=t_name, args=(cached_lines, start_line, stop_line)) threads.append(t) t.start() [t.join() for t in threads]
def test_no_locals(self): linecache.updatecache('/', globals()) c = test_code('/', 'method') f = test_frame(c, globals(), {'something': 1}) s = traceback.StackSummary.extract(iter([(f, 6)])) self.assertEqual(s[0].locals, None)
def __init__(self, co_filename, co_name): linecache.updatecache(co_filename, None) self.co_filename = co_filename self.co_name = co_name
def post(self): # NOTE: just return self.write_ret(ErrorCode.SUCCESS, dict_=DotDict(res=[])) return try: data = json_decode(self.request.body)"[LOG] packet request body: %s", data) start_time = data.get("start_time") end_time = data.get("end_time") mobile = data.get("mobile") sn = data.get("sn") packet_type = data.get("packet_types") is_report = data.get("is_report") search_type = data.get("search_type") except Exception as e: logging.exception("[LOG] Wrong data format. Exception: %s", e.args) status = ErrorCode.ILLEGAL_DATA_FORMAT self.write_ret(status) return try: if search_type == '0': result = self.acbdb.get("SELECT tid " " FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO" " WHERE mobile = %s", mobile) if result: tid = result['tid'] else: logging.error("[LOG] Packet Inquiry: %s don't has terminal.", mobile) self.write_ret(ErrorCode.TERMINAL_NOT_EXISTED, dict_=None) return elif search_type == '1': tid = sn fc = FileConf() file_path = fc.getLogFile() + '/' files = os.listdir(file_path) # make the files ordered d = {} for f in files: if not f.startswith('error'): continue file_time = os.path.getmtime(file_path + f) d[file_time] = f L = d.keys() L.sort() ftime = [] for file_time in L: format = '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S' tmp = time.localtime(file_time) dt = time.strftime(format, tmp) if dt < start_time:"[LOG] skip file time :%s, file name:%s", file_time, d[file_time]) else: ftime.append(file_time) files = [d.get(file_time) for file_time in ftime] lst = [] for file in files:"[LOG] handle file: %s", file) lines = linecache.getlines(file_path + file) linecache.updatecache(file_path + file) if len(lines) != 0: first_num = 0 last_num = len(lines) - 1 if len(lines[first_num]) <= 1: continue while lines[first_num][0] != '[': first_num = first_num + 1 first_time = '20%s' % lines[first_num][3:18] while lines[last_num][0] != '[': last_num = last_num - 1 last_time = '20%s' % lines[last_num][3:18] if start_time > last_time or end_time < first_time: "[LOG] Ignored file: %s, BeginTime: %s, EndTime: %s", file, first_time, last_time) else: p1 = re.compile(tid, re.I) p2 = re.compile("recv:", re.I) p3 = re.compile(packet_type) for num in range(len(lines)): if[num]) and[num]) and[num]): if '20%s' % lines[num][3:18] > start_time and '20%s' % lines[num][3:18] < end_time: ldata = lines[num].split(',') T_packet_type = ldata[5][0:3] + ',' T_packet_time = lines[num][3:18] packet = lines[num] p = {'packet_time': T_packet_time, 'packet_type': T_packet_type, 'packet': packet} lst.append(p) if is_report == 1: #ip = lines[num].split('\'')[1] #ip_index = lines[num].find('from')+4 #ip = lines[num][ip_index:][1:-1] #ip = lines[num].split('\'')[1] p_ip = re.compile( r"from \('.*?', .*?\)") ip = p_ip.findall(lines[num])[0][6:-1] match_type = 'S' + ldata[5][1:3] + ',' next_num = num + 1 p6 = re.compile("I ", re.I) # NOTE: never add : in pattern #p7 = re.compile("send:", re.I) p7 = re.compile("send", re.I) p8 = re.compile(ip, re.I) p9 = re.compile(match_type, re.I) while True: if len(lines) - 1 < next_num:"[LOG] next_num:%s may be invalid, break", next_num) break if[next_num]) and[next_num]) and[next_num]) and[next_num]): S_packet_time = lines[ next_num][3:18] packet = lines[next_num] p = {'packet_time': S_packet_time, 'packet_type': match_type, 'packet': packet} lst.append(p) break else: next_num = next_num + 1 if next_num == num + 5000: break elif is_report == 0: pass else: pass linecache.clearcache() self.write_ret(ErrorCode.SUCCESS, dict_=DotDict(res=lst)) except Exception as e: logging.exception("[LOG] Mobile: %s 's packet inquiry is failed. Exception: %s", mobile, e.args) linecache.clearcache() self.write_ret(ErrorCode.FAILED, dict_=None)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #python2.7x #author: orangleliu ''' 官网的解释就是可以得到文件的任意一行,并且这方法是经过优化的,使用了缓存。 ''' import linecache filename = './test.txt' ##获取所有的行 f = linecache.getlines(filename) print f ##获取任意一行 context = linecache.getline(filename, 1) print context #当文件的内容改变的时候 #需要 check 或者是update 下,才能获取新的文件 linecache.checkcache(filename) #或者 linecache.updatecache(filename) #使用完了要清空缓存 linecache.clearcache()
def readSuspiciousFile(filename, lineNumStart=1, lineNumStop=0, omitNewIPs=False, filterExp=[], removeSingles=True): """ expected format: timestamp fqdn IP None score <number of IPBlocks in which this fqdn appears> <number of fqdns in the IPBlock which contains this IP> """ data=[] lineNum=lineNumStart if filterExp: filterHits=dict.fromkeys([regex.pattern for regex in filterExp], 0) else: filterHits=dict() print 'reading',filename,'from line',lineNumStart,'to line',lineNumStop linecache.updatecache(filename) while True: line=linecache.getline(filename, lineNum) if not line: # end of file break if lineNum>=lineNumStop: break lineNum+=1 sl=line.split() try: if omitNewIPs and float(sl[4])==-1: continue dStr=sl[1] if dStr=='invalid_hostname': continue # if any(regex.match(dStr) for regex in filterExp): # #print 'whitelisted',dStr # filterHits+=1 # continue for regex in filterExp: if regex.match(dStr): filterHits[regex.pattern]+=1 break else: dUnicode=unicode(dStr, 'utf-8') if dStr==dUnicode: data.append((int(sl[0]), dStr, str(netaddr.IPAddress(sl[2])), sl[3], float(sl[4]), int(sl[5]))) except (IndexError, ValueError): # may happen when reading incomplete files - ignore pass #print filterHits, 'filtered' if filterHits: print 'Filter hits:' for pattern, hits in filterHits.iteritems(): print pattern,':',hits if removeSingles: cntPrevData=len(data) uniqueFqdns=set([fqdn for _,fqdn,_,_,_,_ in data]) cntPrevUniqueFqdns=len(uniqueFqdns) #data=filterSuspiciousData(data, 1, 2) data=filterSingles(data) uniqueFqdns=set([fqdn for _,fqdn,_,_,_,_ in data]) print 'removed',cntPrevData-len(data),'/',cntPrevData,'data records' print 'removed',cntPrevUniqueFqdns-len(uniqueFqdns),'/',cntPrevUniqueFqdns,'single FQDNs' return data