def test_main_options(self):
        # Test with no main options
        result = LineGrab.main(argv=None)
        self.assertEquals(2, result)

        # Verify that main run with the testing option auto-closes the
        # application
        result = LineGrab.main(["unittest", "-s", "simulation", "-t"])
        self.assertEquals(0, result)
    def test_main_options(self):
        # Test with no main options
        result = LineGrab.main(argv=None)
        self.assertEquals(2, result)

        # Verify that main run with the testing option auto-closes the
        # application
        result = LineGrab.main(["unittest", 
                                "-s", "simulation", "-t"])
        self.assertEquals(0, result)
    def test_log_file_created_auto_close(self):
        # To use this test, make sure --nologcapture is on
        orig_size = os.path.getsize(self.log_filename)

        result = LineGrab.main(["unittest exec", "-t"])

        new_size = os.path.getsize(self.log_filename)
        self.assertGreater(new_size, orig_size)
    def test_log_file_created_auto_close(self):
        # To use this test, make sure --nologcapture is on
        orig_size = os.path.getsize(self.log_filename)

        result = LineGrab.main(["unittest exec", "-t"])

        new_size = os.path.getsize(self.log_filename)
        self.assertGreater(new_size, orig_size)
    def test_parser(self):
        # Accept two options: testing, which causes the form to close
        # itself which should only be used with the unittest as the
        # controller. source is the data source the application should
        # use
        lgapp = LineGrab.LineGrabApplication()  

        # Fail on no arguments
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

        # Fail with just -t
        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
        # Fail with -s but non valid source 
        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
            lgapp.parse_args(["-t", "-s", "invalid"])
        args = lgapp.parse_args(["-s", "simulation", "-t"])
        self.assertEqual(args.source, "simulation")