Exemple #1
    def test_draw_graph(self, mock_to_agraph):
        """ Test that the graph gets converted to an agraph """
        mock_draw = Mock()
        mock_to_agraph.return_value = mock_draw

        graph = "some graph object"
        output = "/tmp/somefile.png"
        linesman.draw_graph(graph, output)

        mock_draw.draw.assert_called_with(output, prog="dot")
Exemple #2
    def test_draw_graph(self, mock_to_agraph):
        """ Test that the graph gets converted to an agraph """
        mock_draw = Mock()
        mock_to_agraph.return_value = mock_draw

        graph = "some graph object"
        output = "/tmp/somefile.png"
        linesman.draw_graph(graph, output)

        mock_draw.draw.assert_called_with(output, prog="dot")
Exemple #3
    def render_graph(self, req):
        Used to display rendered graphs; if the graph that the user is trying
        to access does not exist--and the ``session_uuid`` exists in our
        history--it will be rendered.

        This also creates a thumbnail image, since some of these graphs can
        grow to be extremely large.

            :class:`webob.Request` containing the environment information from
            the request itself.

        Returns a WSGI application.
        path_info = req.path_info_peek()
        if '.' not in path_info:
            return StaticURLParser(GRAPH_DIR)

        fileid, _, ext = path_info.rpartition('.')
        if path_info.startswith("thumb-"):
            fileid = fileid[6:]

        if '--' not in fileid:
            return StaticURLParser(GRAPH_DIR)

        session_uuid, _, cutoff_time = fileid.rpartition('--')
        cutoff_time = int(cutoff_time)

        # We now have the session_uuid
        session = self._backend.get(session_uuid)
        if session:
            force_thumbnail_creation = False

            filename = "%s.png" % fileid
            path = os.path.join(GRAPH_DIR, filename)
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                graph, root_nodes, removed_edges = prepare_graph(
                    session._graph, cutoff_time, False)
                draw_graph(graph, path)
                force_thumbnail_creation = True

            thumbnail_filename = "thumb-%s.png" % fileid
            thumbnail_path = os.path.join(GRAPH_DIR, thumbnail_filename)
            if not os.path.exists(thumbnail_path) or force_thumbnail_creation:
                log.debug("Creating thumbnail for %s at %s.", session_uuid,
                im = Image.open(path, 'r')
                im.thumbnail((600, 600), Image.ANTIALIAS)

        return StaticURLParser(GRAPH_DIR)
Exemple #4
    def render_graph(self, req):
        Used to display rendered graphs; if the graph that the user is trying
        to access does not exist--and the ``session_uuid`` exists in our
        history--it will be rendered.

        This also creates a thumbnail image, since some of these graphs can
        grow to be extremely large.

            :class:`webob.Request` containing the environment information from
            the request itself.

        Returns a WSGI application.
        path_info = req.path_info_peek()
        if '.' not in path_info:
            return StaticURLParser(GRAPH_DIR)

        fileid, _, ext = path_info.rpartition('.')
        if path_info.startswith("thumb-"):
            fileid = fileid[6:]

        if '--' not in fileid:
            return StaticURLParser(GRAPH_DIR)

        session_uuid, _, cutoff_time = fileid.rpartition('--')
        cutoff_time = int(cutoff_time)

        # We now have the session_uuid
        session = self._backend.get(session_uuid)
        if session:
            force_thumbnail_creation = False

            filename = "%s.png" % fileid
            path = os.path.join(GRAPH_DIR, filename)
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                graph, root_nodes, removed_edges = prepare_graph(
                    session._graph, cutoff_time, False)
                draw_graph(graph, path)
                force_thumbnail_creation = True

            thumbnail_filename = "thumb-%s.png" % fileid
            thumbnail_path = os.path.join(GRAPH_DIR, thumbnail_filename)
            if not os.path.exists(thumbnail_path) or force_thumbnail_creation:
                log.debug("Creating thumbnail for %s at %s.", session_uuid,
                im = Image.open(path, 'r')
                im.thumbnail((600, 600), Image.ANTIALIAS)

        return StaticURLParser(GRAPH_DIR)