def test_rebin_to_rest(specmr): zarr = np.array([2.1, 2.2]) # Build spectra array rest_spec = ltsu.rebin_to_rest(specmr, zarr, 100 * / u.s, debug=False) # Test assert rest_spec.totpix == 3716 np.testing.assert_allclose(rest_spec.wvmin.value, 986.3506403, rtol=1e-5)
def test_rebin_to_rest(specmr): zarr = np.array([2.1,2.2]) # Build spectra array rest_spec = ltsu.rebin_to_rest(specmr, zarr, 100*, debug=False) # Test assert rest_spec.totpix == 3716 np.testing.assert_allclose(rest_spec.wvmin.value, 986.3506403, rtol=1e-5)
def test_smash_spectra(specmr): # Try to stack 2 spectra with different wavelengths with pytest.raises(AssertionError): stack = ltsu.smash_spectra(specmr) # Stack rebinned zarr = np.array([2.1, 2.2]) rest_spec = ltsu.rebin_to_rest(specmr, zarr, 100 * / u.s, debug=False) stack = ltsu.smash_spectra(rest_spec, method='average') # Test assert stack.totpix == 3716 np.testing.assert_allclose(stack.flux[1].value, -3.32135105133, rtol=1e-5)
def test_smash_spectra(specmr): # Try to stack 2 spectra with different wavelengths with pytest.raises(AssertionError): stack = ltsu.smash_spectra(specmr) # Stack rebinned zarr = np.array([2.1,2.2]) rest_spec = ltsu.rebin_to_rest(specmr, zarr, 100*, debug=False) stack = ltsu.smash_spectra(rest_spec, method='average') # Test assert stack.totpix == 3716 np.testing.assert_allclose(stack.flux[1].value, -3.32135105133, rtol=1e-5)
def clean(spec, red): """ :param spec: (numpy array) XSpectrum1D objects :param red: (numpy array) their redshift values (z) :returns: rest_spec: (numpy array) truncatted, normalized and restframed XSpectrum1D objects """ import numpy as np import astropy.units as u from linetools.spectra import utils as ltsu from linetools.spectra.xspectrum1d import XSpectrum1D r = range(len(spec)) temp = [np.asarray(spec[i].wavelength / (1 + red[i])) for i in r] # truncating each spectra to only include wavelength values from 1000 to 1450 wv_coverage = [(1000 < entry) & (entry < 1450) for entry in temp] wave = np.asarray([spec[i].wavelength[wv_coverage[i]] for i in r]) flux = np.asarray([spec[i].flux[wv_coverage[i]] for i in r]) error = np.asarray([spec[i].sig[wv_coverage[i]] for i in r]) temp = [np.asarray(wave[i] / (1 + red[i])) for i in r] # normalizing just between the SiII lines wv_norm = [(1260 < entry) & (entry < 1304) for entry in temp] # just between the SiII lines flux_range = np.asarray([flux[i][wv_norm[i]] for i in r]) medians = np.asarray([np.median(flux_range[i]) for i in r]) norm_flux = np.asarray([(flux[i] / medians[i]) for i in r]) # getting a single XSpec object to feed into the stack spec = [XSpectrum1D(wave[i], norm_flux[i], error[i]) for i in r] collate = ltsu.collate(spec) rest_spec = ltsu.rebin_to_rest(collate, red, 300 * / u.s, grow_bad_sig=True) return rest_spec
def stack_spec(spec_file, dv=100 * / u.s, cut_on_rho=4.): # Load xspec, tpe, spec_tbl = load_spec(spec_file) # Cut on separation (should do this much earlier in the process) if cut_on_rho is not None: warnings.warn("Cutting on rho in stack. Should do this earlier") b_coords = SkyCoord(ra=tpe['BG_RA'], dec=tpe['BG_DEC'], unit='deg') f_coords = SkyCoord(ra=tpe['FG_RA'], dec=tpe['FG_DEC'], unit='deg') kpc_amin = cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(tpe['FG_Z']) # kpc per arcmin ang_seps = b_coords.separation(f_coords) rho ='arcmin') * kpc_amin / (1 + tpe['FG_Z']) cut_rho ='Mpc').value < cut_on_rho print("We have {:d} spectra after the cut.".format(np.sum(cut_rho))) xspec = xspec[cut_rho] tpe = tpe[cut_rho] spec_tbl = spec_tbl[cut_rho] # Remove those without continua has_co = spec_tbl['HAS_CO'].data co_spec = xspec[has_co] co_spec.normed = True # Apply continuum # May also wish to isolate in wavelength to avoid rejected pixels for ii in range(co_spec.nspec): = ii co = sig = co_spec.sig.value bad_pix = np.any([(co == 0.), (co == 1.), (sig <= 0.)], axis=0) co_spec.add_to_mask(bad_pix, compressed=True) # Rebin to rest zarr = tpe['FG_Z'][has_co] rebin_spec = lspu.rebin_to_rest(co_spec, zarr, dv) # Stack stack = lspu.smash_spectra(rebin_spec) # Plot tpep.plot_stack(stack, 'all_stack.pdf') tpep.plot_spec_img(rebin_spec, 'spec_img.pdf') pdb.set_trace() # Return return
def reading_data(path, resol, zlow, zhigh): ''' function for requesting the spectra from desi mocks :param resol float: dleta v for rebin :param zlow float: lower limit for request redshift :param zhigh float: higher limit for request redshift :return: two class object: 1.meta data and unbinned spectra 2. xspectrum object ''' #define the variable dataz = [] z = [] zerr = [] fluxt = [] wavetotal = [] ivar = [] ra = [] dec = [] id = [] filename = [] wvmin = [] wvmax = [] npix = [] date = [] #loop through the whole directory for requesting spectra specf = [] mag = [] item1 = os.listdir(str(path)) for k in item1: item = os.listdir(str(path) + str(k)) # print (item) for j in item: if os.listdir(str(path) + str(k) + '/' + str(j) + '/'): dataz = str(path) + str(k) + '/' + str(j) + '/zbest-16-' + str(j) + '.fits') data = str(path) + str(k) + '/' + str(j) + '/spectra-16-' + str(j) + '.fits') # k j j zcut = (zlow < np.array(dataz[1].data['Z'])) & (np.array( dataz[1].data['Z']) < zhigh) wavecut = (np.array(data[2].data) < 5730) wavecut2 = ((np.array(data[7].data) > 5730) & (np.array(data[7].data) < 7560)) wavecut3 = (np.array(data[12].data) > 7560) z.append(dataz[1].data['Z'][zcut]) zerr.append(dataz[1].data['ZERR'][zcut]) ra.append(data[1].data['TARGET_RA'][zcut]) dec.append(data[1].data['TARGET_DEC'][zcut]) id.append(data[1].data['TARGETID'][zcut]) filename.append( np.tile([k, j, j], (len(dataz[1].data['Z'][zcut]), 1))) mag.append(1.0) date.append(data[1].data['NIGHT'][zcut]) #combining the spectra from three channels wavetotal.append( np.repeat([ np.concatenate([ data[2].data[wavecut], data[7].data[wavecut2], data[12].data[wavecut3] ]) ], len(dataz[1].data['Z']), axis=0)[zcut]) fluxt.append( np.concatenate( (data[3].data[:, wavecut], data[8].data[:, wavecut2], data[13].data[:, wavecut3]), axis=1)[zcut]) ivar.append( np.concatenate( (data[4].data[:, wavecut], data[9].data[:, wavecut2], data[14].data[:, wavecut3]), axis=1)[zcut]) sp = XSpectrum1D(np.vstack(np.array(wavetotal)), np.vstack(np.array(fluxt)), np.sqrt(1 / np.vstack(np.array(ivar))), verbose=False) #ra,dec,id,filename,wvmin,wvmax,npix, date, mag,z, zerr binspec = ltsu.rebin_to_rest(sp, np.zeros(len(np.array(np.concatenate(z)))), resol * / u.s) specf = spec(np.concatenate(ra), np.concatenate(dec), np.concatenate(id), np.concatenate(filename), np.min(binspec.wavelength), np.max(binspec.wavelength), len(binspec.wavelength), np.concatenate(date), np.array(mag), np.concatenate(z), np.concatenate(zerr)) # newwave = np.linspace(np.min(wavetotal[0]),np.max(wavetotal[0]),reso) return specf, binspec
def miss_id_check(path, idt, resol): ''' Function for requesting spectra and meta for undetected DLAs :param path object: path for the spectra :param idt float: undetected id :param resol: resolution for spectr :return: two class object: 1. meta for spectra 2. spectra for undetected DLAs ''' # define the variable dataz = [] z = [] zerr = [] fluxt = [] wavetotal = [] ivar = [] mockid = [] ra = [] dec = [] mockid = [] filename = [] wvmin = [] wvmax = [] npix = [] date = [] # loop through the whole directory for requesting spectra specf = [] mag = [] item1 = os.listdir(str(path)) for k in item1: item = os.listdir(str(path) + str(k)) # print (item) for j in item: if os.listdir(str(path) + str(k) + '/' + str(j) + '/'): dataz = str(path) + str(k) + '/' + str(j) + '/truth-16-' + str( j) + '.fits') data = + str(k) + '/' + str( j) + '/spectra-16-' + str(j) + '.fits') # k j j indexcut = np.isin(data[1].data['TARGETID'], idt) wavecut = (np.array(data[2].data) < 5730) wavecut2 = ((np.array(data[7].data) > 5730) & (np.array(data[7].data) < 7560)) wavecut3 = (np.array(data[12].data) > 7560) z.append(dataz[1].data['Z'][indexcut]) zerr.append(dataz[1].data['TRUEZ'][indexcut]) ra.append(data[1].data['TARGET_RA'][indexcut]) dec.append(data[1].data['TARGET_DEC'][indexcut]) mockid.append(data[1].data['TARGETID'][indexcut]) # combining the spectra from three channels wavetotal.append(np.repeat( [np.concatenate([data[2].data[wavecut], data[7].data[wavecut2], data[12].data[wavecut3]])], len(dataz[1].data['Z']), axis=0)[indexcut]) fluxt.append( np.concatenate((data[3].data[:, wavecut], data[8].data[:, wavecut2], data[13].data[:, wavecut3]), axis=1)[indexcut]) ivar.append( np.concatenate((data[4].data[:, wavecut], data[9].data[:, wavecut2], data[14].data[:, wavecut3]), axis=1)[indexcut]) sp = XSpectrum1D(np.vstack(np.array(wavetotal)), np.vstack(np.array(fluxt)), np.sqrt(1 / np.vstack(np.array(ivar))), verbose=False) # ra,dec,id,filename,wvmin,wvmax,npix, date, mag,z, zerr binspec = ltsu.rebin_to_rest(sp, np.zeros(len(np.array(np.concatenate(z)))), resol * / u.s) specf = SPEC.spec_meta(np.concatenate(ra), np.concatenate(dec), np.concatenate(mockid), np.min(binspec.wavelength), np.max(binspec.wavelength), len(binspec.wavelength), np.concatenate(z), np.concatenate(zerr)) # newwave = np.linspace(np.min(wavetotal[0]),np.max(wavetotal[0]),reso) return specf, binspec
def tpe_stack_lris(dv=100 * / u.s): """ Testing stacks with LRIS """ # Load sample ipos = this_file.rfind('/') if ipos == -1: path = './' else: path = this_file[0:ipos] tpe = + '/../TPE_DR12_31.2_spec.fits') # Load spectra # Coordiantes b_coords = SkyCoord(ra=tpe['BG_RA'], dec=tpe['BG_DEC'], unit='deg') f_coords = SkyCoord(ra=tpe['FG_RA'], dec=tpe['FG_DEC'], unit='deg') # Cut on impact parameter and BOSS kpc_amin = cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(tpe['FG_Z']) # kpc per arcmin ang_seps = b_coords.separation(f_coords) rho ='arcmin') * kpc_amin / (1 + tpe['FG_Z']) cut_Rlris = ('Mpc').value < 4) & (tpe['BG_LYA_INSTRUMENT'] == 'LRIS' ) # & ( #tpe['FG_Z'] > 2.) # Some of these have too low z (just barely) # Cut gd_b_coords = b_coords[cut_Rlris] gd_tpe = tpe[cut_Rlris] # Grab these spectra from QPQ # For boss, we are ok taking the first entry of each # The returned set is aligned with the input coords qpq = IgmSpec(db_file=qpq_file, skip_test=True) IDs = qpq.qcat.match_coord(gd_b_coords, group='LRIS') meta = qpq['LRIS'].meta gcut = meta['GRATING'] == '1200/3400' # There is one with B400 B1200 = np.in1d(IDs, meta['PRIV_ID'][gcut]) print("There are {:d} sources without B1200".format(np.sum(~B1200))) # Cut again gd_b_coords = gd_b_coords[B1200] gd_tpe = gd_tpe[B1200] gd_IDs = IDs[B1200] # Find the rows idx = cat_utils.match_ids(gd_IDs, meta['PRIV_ID']) rows = meta['GROUP_ID'][idx] pdb.set_trace() spec, meta = qpq.coords_to_spectra(gd_b_coords, 'LRIS', all_spec=False) # Check for continua has_co = np.array([True] * spec.nspec) for ii in range(spec.nspec): # Select = ii # Match to lya lya = (1 + gd_tpe['FG_Z'][ii]) * 1215.67 * u.AA iwave = np.argmin(np.abs(spec.wavelength - lya)) # Check for co #coval =[iwave] #print('spec: {:d} with co={:g}'.format(ii, coval)) if np.isclose([iwave], 0.) or np.isclose([iwave], 1.): has_co[ii] = False # Slice to good co print("{:d} BOSS spectra with a continuum".format(np.sum(has_co))) co_spec = spec[has_co] co_spec.normed = True # Apply continuum # NEED TO ZERO OUT REGIONS WITHOUT CONTINUUM # May also wish to isolate in wavelength to avoid rejected pixels for ii in range(co_spec.nspec): = ii co = bad_pix = np.any([(co == 0.), (co == 1.)], axis=0) co_spec.add_to_mask(bad_pix, compressed=True) # Rebin to rest zarr = gd_tpe['FG_Z'][has_co] rebin_spec = lspu.rebin_to_rest(co_spec, zarr, dv) # Stack stack = lspu.smash_spectra(rebin_spec) # Plot plot_stack(stack, 'LRIS_stack.pdf') return stack
def tpe_stack_boss(dv=100 * / u.s): """ Testing stacks with BOSS """ # Load sample ipos = this_file.rfind('/') if ipos == -1: path = './' else: path = this_file[0:ipos] tpe = + '/../TPE_DR12_31.2_spec.fits') # Load spectra igmsp = IgmSpec() # Coordiantes b_coords = SkyCoord(ra=tpe['BG_RA'], dec=tpe['BG_DEC'], unit='deg') f_coords = SkyCoord(ra=tpe['FG_RA'], dec=tpe['FG_DEC'], unit='deg') # Cut on impact parameter and BOSS kpc_amin = cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(tpe['FG_Z']) # kpc per arcmin ang_seps = b_coords.separation(f_coords) rho ='arcmin') * kpc_amin / (1 + tpe['FG_Z']) cut_Rboss = ('Mpc').value < 4) & ( tpe['BG_LYA_INSTRUMENT'] == 'BOSS') & ( tpe['FG_Z'] > 2.) # Some of these have too low z (just barely) # Cut gd_b_coords = b_coords[cut_Rboss] gd_f_coords = f_coords[cut_Rboss] gd_tpe = tpe[cut_Rboss] # Grab these spectra from igmsp # For boss, we are ok taking the first entry of each # The returned set is aligned with the input coords spec, meta = igmsp.coords_to_spectra(gd_b_coords, 'BOSS_DR12', all_spec=False) # Check for continua has_co = np.array([True] * spec.nspec) for ii in range(spec.nspec): # Select = ii # Match to lya lya = (1 + gd_tpe['FG_Z'][ii]) * 1215.67 * u.AA iwave = np.argmin(np.abs(spec.wavelength - lya)) # Check for co #coval =[iwave] #print('spec: {:d} with co={:g}'.format(ii, coval)) if np.isclose([iwave], 0.) or np.isclose([iwave], 1.): has_co[ii] = False # Slice to good co print("{:d} BOSS spectra with a continuum".format(np.sum(has_co))) co_spec = spec[has_co] co_spec.normed = True # Apply continuum # NEED TO ZERO OUT REGIONS WITHOUT CONTINUUM # May also wish to isolate in wavelength to avoid rejected pixels for ii in range(co_spec.nspec): = ii co = bad_pix = np.any([(co == 0.), (co == 1.)], axis=0) co_spec.add_to_mask(bad_pix, compressed=True) # Rebin to rest zarr = gd_tpe['FG_Z'][has_co] rebin_spec = lspu.rebin_to_rest(co_spec, zarr, dv) # Check 2D check_td = True if check_td: fx =['flux'] sig =['sig'] gds = sig > 0. fx[~gds] = 0. xdb.set_trace() # xdb.ximshow(fx) # Stack stack = lspu.smash_spectra(rebin_spec) # Plot plot_stack(stack, 'BOSS_stack.pdf') print('Wrote') return stack