class TestLinkMethods(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.c = Link() pass def tearDown(self): pass def test_connectMysql(self): db = self.c.connectMysql(db = 'maimai') db.query('show tables') rows = db.fetchAllRows() self.assertEqual(type(rows), tuple) def test_connectRedis(self): redis = self.c.connectRedis() keys = redis.keys() self.assertEqual(type(keys), list) def test_connectSphinx(self): sphinx = self.c.connectSphinx() res = sphinx.query('a') self.assertIn('status', res) self.assertIn('matches', res)
class TestLinkMethods(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.c = Link() pass def tearDown(self): pass def test_connectMysql(self): db = self.c.connectMysql(db='maimai') db.query('show tables') rows = db.fetchAllRows() self.assertEqual(type(rows), tuple) def test_connectRedis(self): redis = self.c.connectRedis() keys = redis.keys() self.assertEqual(type(keys), list) def test_connectSphinx(self): sphinx = self.c.connectSphinx() res = sphinx.query('a') self.assertIn('status', res) self.assertIn('matches', res)
class Model(object): """docstring for Model""" db = None # mysql r = None # redis sp = None # sphinx # 教育信息对应关系 eduDegreeMap = { '0': '专科', '1': '本科', '2': '硕士', '3': '博士', '4': '博士后', '5': '中学', '255': '其他', } def __init__(self): self.tool = Tool() = Link() if not self.db: self.db ='maimai') if not self.r: self.r = if not self.sp: self.sp = cf = ConfigParser()'conf/config.ini') self.imageHost = cf.get('aliyun_oss', 'host') def getImageUrlFromOSS(self, keyword, imgType='user'): """从OSS获取图片地址 Args: keyword string 关键词, 分别对应类型为(user[id], company[pycompany], school[pyschool]) imgType string 类型:user/company/school Returns: The image url saved OSS. """ if imgType == 'user': intId = keyword url = '/avatar/' + self.tool.md5(u'm_d_' + str(intId)) + '.jpeg' elif imgType == 'company': pass elif imgType == 'school': pass else: return '' return self.imageHost + url """ 用户信息 start""" def getUser(self, intId): """ 查询用户信息,工作经历,教育经历 Args: intId - 用户主键id Returns: user info dict. { 'user': [], 'works': [], 'edus': [], } """ sql = "select id, uid, name, company_id, company_name, position, avatar, gender, rank, loc, trade, trade_category, create_time from user where id = '%s' " % ( intId) self.db.query(sql) userInfo = self.db.fetchOneRow() user = { 'id': userInfo[0], 'uid': userInfo[1], 'name': userInfo[2], 'company_id': userInfo[3], 'company_name': userInfo[4], 'position': userInfo[5], # 'avatar': userInfo[6], 'avatar': self.getImageUrlFromOSS(userInfo[0], 'user'), 'gender': userInfo[7], 'rank': userInfo[8], 'loc': userInfo[9], 'trade': userInfo[10], 'trade_category': userInfo[11], 'create_time': str(userInfo[12]), } uid = user['uid'] # 工作经历 sql = "select id, uid, name, company_id, company_name, position, description, start_date, end_date, update_time, create_time from work where uid = '%s'" % ( uid) self.db.query(sql) works = [] for row in self.db.fetchAllRows(): # 暂时取用serial_info的头像 clogo = '' tmp = { 'id': row[0], 'uid': row[1], 'name': row[2], 'company_id': row[3], 'company_name': row[4], 'position': row[5], 'description': markdown.markdown(row[6], extensions=['markdown.extensions.nl2br']), 'start_date': row[7].replace('-', '.'), 'end_date': row[8].replace('-', '.').replace('None', '至今'), 'update_time': str(row[9]), 'create_time': str(row[10]), 'clogo': clogo, } works.append(tmp) # 教育经历 sql = "select id, uid, name, school, department, degree, start_date, end_date, update_time, create_time from education where uid = '%s'" % ( uid) self.db.query(sql) edus = [] for row in self.db.fetchAllRows(): # 暂时取用serial_info的公司头像 schoolUrl = '' tmp = { 'id': row[0], 'uid': row[1], 'name': row[2], 'school': row[3], 'department': row[4], 'degree': row[5], 'degree_name': self.eduDegreeMap.get(str(row[5]), '其他'), 'start_date': row[6].replace('-', '.'), 'end_date': row[7].replace('-', '.').replace('None', '至今'), 'update_time': str(row[8]), 'create_time': str(row[9]), 'school_url': schoolUrl, } edus.append(tmp) return { 'user': user, 'works': works, 'edus': edus, } def getUserByIds(self, ids): """ 查询一批用户 Args: ids[list] - 用户主键id Returns: user list. """ users = [] if ids: sql = "select id, uid, name, company_id, company_name, position, avatar, gender, rank, loc, trade, trade_category from user where id in (%s)" % ( ','.join(ids)) self.db.query(sql) users = [] uids = [] for row in self.db.fetchAllRows(): uids.append(str(row[1])) users.append({ 'id': row[0], 'uid': row[1], 'name': row[2], 'company_id': row[3], 'company_name': row[4], 'position': row[5], 'avatar': self.getImageUrlFromOSS(row[0], 'user'), 'gender': row[7], 'rank': row[8], 'loc': row[9], 'trade': row[10], 'trade_category': row[11], }) # 获取最高学历的学校 sql = "select uid, school from education where uid in (%s) group by uid order by degree desc" % ( ','.join(uids)) self.db.query(sql) schoolDict = {} for row in self.db.fetchAllRows(): schoolDict[row[0]] = row[1] for row in users: if schoolDict.has_key(row['uid']): row['school'] = schoolDict[row['uid']] else: row['school'] = 'None' return users def getUserByUids(self, uids): """ 根据uid查询一批用户 Args: uids[list] - 用户uid列表 Returns: user list. """ users = [] if uids: sql = "select id, uid, name, company_id, company_name, position, avatar, gender, rank, loc, trade, trade_category from user where uid in (%s)" % ( ','.join(uids)) self.db.query(sql) users = [dict(id=row[0], uid=row[1], name=row[2], company_id=row[3], company_name=row[4], position=row[5], \ avatar=self.getImageUrlFromOSS(row[0], 'user'), gender=row[7], rank=row[8], loc=row[9], trade=row[10], trade_category=row[11]) \ for row in self.db.fetchAllRows()] # 获取最高学历的学校 sql = "select uid, school from education where uid in (%s) group by uid order by degree desc" % ( ','.join(uids)) self.db.query(sql) schoolDict = {} for row in self.db.fetchAllRows(): schoolDict[row[0]] = row[1] for row in users: if schoolDict.has_key(row['uid']): row['school'] = schoolDict[row['uid']] else: row['school'] = 'None' return users def getUsersByCid(self, cid=0, page=0, pageSize=20): """ 根据公司id获取用户列表 Args: cid - 公司id page - 分页参数,页码 pageSize - 分页参数,每页数量 Returns: user list. """ start = page * pageSize sql = "select id, uid, name, company_id, company_name, position, avatar, gender, rank, loc, trade, trade_category from user where company_id = '%s' limit %s, %s" % ( cid, start, pageSize) self.db.query(sql) users = [dict(id=row[0], uid=row[1], name=row[2], company_id=row[3], company_name=row[4], position=row[5], \ avatar=self.getImageUrlFromOSS(row[0], 'user'), gender=row[7], rank=row[8], loc=row[9], trade=row[10], trade_category=row[11]) \ for row in self.db.fetchAllRows()] # users = [dict(id=row[0], uid=row[1], name=row[2], company_id=row[3], company_name=row[4], position=row[5], avatar=getUserAvatarByLocal(row[0]), gender=row[7], rank=row[8], loc=row[9], trade=row[10], trade_category=row[11]) \ # for row in g.db.fetchAllRows()] return users """ 照片photo start""" def getPhotos(self, gender=2, page=0, pageSize=20): """ 获取头像图片列表 Args: gender - 性别:1男,2女 page - 分页参数,页码 pageSize - 分页参数,每页数量 Returns: photo list. id is user AUTO_INCREMENT id. """ start = page * pageSize # sql = "select id, avatar, trade_category from user where gender = '%s' and avatar like '%%a160%%' limit %s, %s" % (gender, start, pageSize) # 随机获取id 条件: gender、160头像、行业trade(IT互联网\通信电子\文化传媒\学生\金融\教育培训) sql = 'SELECT, name, position, trade_category ' \ 'FROM `user` AS t1 JOIN (SELECT ROUND(RAND() * ((SELECT MAX(id) FROM `user`) - (SELECT MIN(id) FROM `user`)) + (SELECT MIN(id) FROM `user`)) AS id) AS t2 ' \ 'WHERE >= AND gender = "%s" AND avatar like "%%a160%%" AND trade IN ("IT互联网", "文化传媒", "学生")'\ 'ORDER BY LIMIT %s' % (gender, pageSize) self.db.query(sql) photos = [dict(id=row[0], avatar=self.getImageUrlFromOSS(row[0], 'user'), name=row[1], position=row[2], trade_category=row[3]) \ for row in self.db.fetchAllRows()] return photos def getUserAvatarByLocal(self, intId): """ (该方法已弃用) 从本地获取用户图片 Args: intId - 用户主键Id Returns: image file name. """ # 读取配置文件, 获得加密key cf = ConfigParser()'conf/config.ini') key = cf.get('DES', 'image_key') # 加密对象 pc = pydes.PyCrypt(key) encryId = pc.encrypt(intId) # 由于出现 '/' 问题,导致如法正在写入图片,这里替换 '/' 为 '*_*' encryId = encryId.replace('/', '*_*') dirPath = '/users/160/' fileName = dirPath + encryId + '.jpg' return fileName """ 公司信息 start""" def getCompany(self, page=0, pageSize=20): """ 查询公司列表 Args: page - 分页参数,页码 pageSize - 分页参数,每页数量 Returns: company list. """ start = page * pageSize self.db.query("select company_id from company limit %s, %s" % (start, pageSize)) company = [] for row in self.db.fetchAllRows(): key = REDIS_PRE + 'company_' + str(row[0]) companyExtend = self.r.hmget(key, 'company_id', 'company_name', 'num', 'trade') companyExtend = [ x.decode('utf8') for x in companyExtend if isinstance(x, (bytes)) ] if companyExtend: oneCompany = { 'company_id': companyExtend[0], 'company_name': companyExtend[1], 'num': companyExtend[2], 'trade': companyExtend[3], } company.append(oneCompany) return company """ 搜索Search start """ def getSearchIndexByConf(self): """ 读取配置文件获取搜索的索引 依赖: """ cf = ConfigParser()'conf/local_init.ini') #'test main logger') result = {} for section in cf.sections(): result[section] = cf.items(section) return result def getSearchBySphinx(self, q, index='*'): """ 从sphinx搜索结果 Args: q - 搜索词 index - 需要使用的索引, default: '*' Returns: Id list. """ res = self.sp.query(q, index) lastError = self.sp.getLastError() lastWarning = self.sp.getLastWarning() if lastError: logging.error('getSearchBySphinx has error: %s' % (lastError)) if lastWarning: logging.warning('getSearchBySphinx has warning: %s' % (lastWarning)) return res def getSearch(self, strType, q, page=0, pageSize=20): """ 搜索 Args: strType - 搜索类型: user/company/school/position q - 搜索关键词 page - 分页页码 pageSize - 每页数量 Returns: User List. """ # 设置分页 pageSize = min(pageSize, 100) result = {} if strType == 'user': result = self.getSearchUser(q, page, pageSize) elif strType == 'company': result = self.getSearchCompany(q, page, pageSize) elif strType == 'school': result = self.getSearchSchool(q, page, pageSize) elif strType == 'position': result = self.getSearchPosition(q, page, pageSize) return result def getSearchUser(self, q, page=0, pageSize=20): """ 搜索 User Args: q - 搜索词 page - 分页参数 Returns: users list. """ self.sp.matchMode(0) # 设置分页 self.sp.limit(page * pageSize, pageSize) res = self.getSearchBySphinx(q, index='user') if res: ids = [] if res.has_key('matches') and res['matches']: ids = [str(item['id']) for item in res['matches']] users = self.getUserByIds(ids) result = { 'users': users, 'time': res['time'], 'total': res['total'], 'total_found': res['total_found'], } else: result = { 'users': [], 'time': '0', 'total': 0, 'total_found': 0, } return result def getSearchCompany(self, q, page=0, pageSize=20): """ 搜索 User Args: q - 公司名称 page - 分页参数 Returns: users list. """ # self.sp.matchMode(0) # 设置分页 self.sp.limit(page * pageSize, pageSize) res = self.getSearchBySphinx(q, index='company') if res: ids = [] if res.has_key('matches') and res['matches']: ids = [str(item['id']) for item in res['matches']] users = self.getUserByIds(ids) result = { 'users': users, 'time': res['time'], 'total': res['total'], 'total_found': res['total_found'], } else: result = { 'users': [], 'time': '0', 'total': 0, 'total_found': 0, } return result def getSearchSchool(self, q, page=0, pageSize=20): """ 搜索 User Args: q - 学校名称 page - 分页参数 Returns: users list. """ ## search语句 # ./search -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft.conf --index school --sortby "uid asc" --filter degree 255 --group uid 北京大学 # self.sp.matchMode(0) # 设置分页 self.sp.limit(page * pageSize, pageSize) # @todo ,后期增加过滤 # self.filter('degree', [255]) self.sp.groupby('uid') res = self.getSearchBySphinx(q, index='school') if res: uids = [] if res.has_key('matches') and res['matches']: uids = [str(item['uid']) for item in res['matches']] users = self.getUserByUids(uids) result = { 'users': users, 'time': res['time'], 'total': res['total'], 'total_found': res['total_found'], } else: result = { 'users': [], 'time': '0', 'total': 0, 'total_found': 0, } return result def getSearchPosition(self, q, page=0, pageSize=20): """ 搜索 User Args: q - 职位 page - 分页参数 Returns: users list. """ # self.sp.matchMode(0) # ./search -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft.conf --index position --group uid php # 设置分页 self.sp.limit(page * pageSize, pageSize) self.sp.groupby('uid') res = self.getSearchBySphinx(q, index='position') if res: uids = [] if res.has_key('matches') and res['matches']: uids = [str(item['uid']) for item in res['matches']] users = self.getUserByUids(uids) result = { 'users': users, 'time': res['time'], 'total': res['total'], 'total_found': res['total_found'], } else: result = { 'users': [], 'time': '0', 'total': 0, 'total_found': 0, } return result def getSearchSuggest(self, q, type='company'): """ 搜索推荐 Args: q - 搜索关键词 type - 搜索类型, [company/school/position] Returns: suggestion string list. """ limitNum = 5 # 默认只取5条 result = [] if type == 'company': sql = "select company_name from company where company_name like '%%%s%%' limit %s" % ( q, limitNum) self.db.query(sql) result = [row[0] for row in self.db.fetchAllRows()] elif type == 'school': # ./search -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft.conf --index school --group school --groupsort '@count desc' 北方工业大学 self.sp.groupby('school') self.sp.limit(0, limitNum) res = self.getSearchBySphinx(q, index='school') if res: result = [] if res.has_key('matches') and res['matches']: result = [str(item['school']) for item in res['matches']] elif type == 'position': # ./search -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft.conf --index position --group position --groupsort '@count desc' php self.sp.groupby('position') self.sp.limit(0, limitNum) res = self.getSearchBySphinx(q, index='position') if res: result = [] if res.has_key('matches') and res['matches']: result = [str(item['position']) for item in res['matches']] return result def __del__(self): """ 资源释放(GC自动调用)""" if self.db is not None: self.db.close()
class Model(object): """docstring for Model""" db = None # mysql r = None # redis sp = None # sphinx # 教育信息对应关系 eduDegreeMap = { '0': '专科', '1': '本科', '2': '硕士', '3': '博士', '4': '博士后', '5': '中学', '255': '其他', } def __init__(self): self.tool = Tool() = Link() if not self.db: self.db = = 'maimai') if not self.r: self.r = if not self.sp: self.sp = cf = ConfigParser()'conf/config.ini') self.imageHost = cf.get('aliyun_oss', 'host') def getImageUrlFromOSS(self, keyword, imgType = 'user'): """从OSS获取图片地址 Args: keyword string 关键词, 分别对应类型为(user[id], company[pycompany], school[pyschool]) imgType string 类型:user/company/school Returns: The image url saved OSS. """ if imgType == 'user': intId = keyword url = '/avatar/' + self.tool.md5(u'm_d_' + str(intId)) + '.jpeg' elif imgType == 'company': pass elif imgType == 'school': pass else: return '' return self.imageHost + url """ 用户信息 start""" def getUser(self, intId): """ 查询用户信息,工作经历,教育经历 Args: intId - 用户主键id Returns: user info dict. { 'user': [], 'works': [], 'edus': [], } """ sql = "select id, uid, name, company_id, company_name, position, avatar, gender, rank, loc, trade, trade_category, create_time from user where id = '%s' " % (intId) self.db.query(sql) userInfo = self.db.fetchOneRow() user = { 'id': userInfo[0], 'uid': userInfo[1], 'name': userInfo[2], 'company_id': userInfo[3], 'company_name': userInfo[4], 'position': userInfo[5], # 'avatar': userInfo[6], 'avatar': self.getImageUrlFromOSS(userInfo[0], 'user'), 'gender': userInfo[7], 'rank': userInfo[8], 'loc': userInfo[9], 'trade': userInfo[10], 'trade_category': userInfo[11], 'create_time': str(userInfo[12]), } uid = user['uid'] # 工作经历 sql = "select id, uid, name, company_id, company_name, position, description, start_date, end_date, update_time, create_time from work where uid = '%s'" % (uid) self.db.query(sql) works = [] for row in self.db.fetchAllRows(): # 暂时取用serial_info的头像 clogo = '' tmp = { 'id': row[0], 'uid': row[1], 'name': row[2], 'company_id': row[3], 'company_name': row[4], 'position': row[5], 'description': markdown.markdown(row[6], extensions=['markdown.extensions.nl2br']), 'start_date': row[7].replace('-','.'), 'end_date': row[8].replace('-','.').replace('None','至今'), 'update_time': str(row[9]), 'create_time': str(row[10]), 'clogo': clogo, } works.append(tmp) # 教育经历 sql = "select id, uid, name, school, department, degree, start_date, end_date, update_time, create_time from education where uid = '%s'" % (uid) self.db.query(sql) edus = [] for row in self.db.fetchAllRows(): # 暂时取用serial_info的公司头像 schoolUrl = '' tmp = { 'id': row[0], 'uid': row[1], 'name': row[2], 'school': row[3], 'department': row[4], 'degree': row[5], 'degree_name': self.eduDegreeMap.get(str(row[5]), '其他'), 'start_date': row[6].replace('-','.'), 'end_date': row[7].replace('-','.').replace('None','至今'), 'update_time': str(row[8]), 'create_time': str(row[9]), 'school_url': schoolUrl, } edus.append(tmp) return { 'user': user, 'works': works, 'edus': edus, } def getUserByIds(self, ids): """ 查询一批用户 Args: ids[list] - 用户主键id Returns: user list. """ users = [] if ids: sql = "select id, uid, name, company_id, company_name, position, avatar, gender, rank, loc, trade, trade_category from user where id in (%s)" % (','.join(ids)) self.db.query(sql) users = [] uids = [] for row in self.db.fetchAllRows(): uids.append(str(row[1])) users.append({ 'id': row[0], 'uid': row[1], 'name': row[2], 'company_id': row[3], 'company_name': row[4], 'position': row[5], 'avatar': self.getImageUrlFromOSS(row[0], 'user'), 'gender': row[7], 'rank': row[8], 'loc': row[9], 'trade': row[10], 'trade_category': row[11], }) # 获取最高学历的学校 sql = "select uid, school from education where uid in (%s) group by uid order by degree desc" % (','.join(uids)) self.db.query(sql) schoolDict = {} for row in self.db.fetchAllRows(): schoolDict[row[0]] = row[1] for row in users: if schoolDict.has_key(row['uid']): row['school'] = schoolDict[row['uid']] else: row['school'] = 'None' return users def getUserByUids(self, uids): """ 根据uid查询一批用户 Args: uids[list] - 用户uid列表 Returns: user list. """ users = [] if uids: sql = "select id, uid, name, company_id, company_name, position, avatar, gender, rank, loc, trade, trade_category from user where uid in (%s)" % (','.join(uids)) self.db.query(sql) users = [dict(id=row[0], uid=row[1], name=row[2], company_id=row[3], company_name=row[4], position=row[5], \ avatar=self.getImageUrlFromOSS(row[0], 'user'), gender=row[7], rank=row[8], loc=row[9], trade=row[10], trade_category=row[11]) \ for row in self.db.fetchAllRows()] # 获取最高学历的学校 sql = "select uid, school from education where uid in (%s) group by uid order by degree desc" % (','.join(uids)) self.db.query(sql) schoolDict = {} for row in self.db.fetchAllRows(): schoolDict[row[0]] = row[1] for row in users: if schoolDict.has_key(row['uid']): row['school'] = schoolDict[row['uid']] else: row['school'] = 'None' return users def getUsersByCid(self, cid = 0, page = 0, pageSize = 20): """ 根据公司id获取用户列表 Args: cid - 公司id page - 分页参数,页码 pageSize - 分页参数,每页数量 Returns: user list. """ start = page * pageSize sql = "select id, uid, name, company_id, company_name, position, avatar, gender, rank, loc, trade, trade_category from user where company_id = '%s' limit %s, %s" % (cid, start, pageSize) self.db.query(sql) users = [dict(id=row[0], uid=row[1], name=row[2], company_id=row[3], company_name=row[4], position=row[5], \ avatar=self.getImageUrlFromOSS(row[0], 'user'), gender=row[7], rank=row[8], loc=row[9], trade=row[10], trade_category=row[11]) \ for row in self.db.fetchAllRows()] # users = [dict(id=row[0], uid=row[1], name=row[2], company_id=row[3], company_name=row[4], position=row[5], avatar=getUserAvatarByLocal(row[0]), gender=row[7], rank=row[8], loc=row[9], trade=row[10], trade_category=row[11]) \ # for row in g.db.fetchAllRows()] return users """ 照片photo start""" def getPhotos(self, gender = 2, page = 0, pageSize = 20): """ 获取头像图片列表 Args: gender - 性别:1男,2女 page - 分页参数,页码 pageSize - 分页参数,每页数量 Returns: photo list. id is user AUTO_INCREMENT id. """ start = page * pageSize # sql = "select id, avatar, trade_category from user where gender = '%s' and avatar like '%%a160%%' limit %s, %s" % (gender, start, pageSize) # 随机获取id 条件: gender、160头像、行业trade(IT互联网\通信电子\文化传媒\学生\金融\教育培训) sql = 'SELECT, name, position, trade_category ' \ 'FROM `user` AS t1 JOIN (SELECT ROUND(RAND() * ((SELECT MAX(id) FROM `user`) - (SELECT MIN(id) FROM `user`)) + (SELECT MIN(id) FROM `user`)) AS id) AS t2 ' \ 'WHERE >= AND gender = "%s" AND avatar like "%%a160%%" AND trade IN ("IT互联网", "文化传媒", "学生")'\ 'ORDER BY LIMIT %s' % (gender, pageSize) self.db.query(sql) photos = [dict(id=row[0], avatar=self.getImageUrlFromOSS(row[0], 'user'), name=row[1], position=row[2], trade_category=row[3]) \ for row in self.db.fetchAllRows()] return photos def getUserAvatarByLocal(self, intId): """ (该方法已弃用) 从本地获取用户图片 Args: intId - 用户主键Id Returns: image file name. """ # 读取配置文件, 获得加密key cf = ConfigParser()'conf/config.ini') key = cf.get('DES', 'image_key') # 加密对象 pc = pydes.PyCrypt(key) encryId = pc.encrypt(intId) # 由于出现 '/' 问题,导致如法正在写入图片,这里替换 '/' 为 '*_*' encryId = encryId.replace('/', '*_*') dirPath = '/users/160/' fileName = dirPath + encryId + '.jpg' return fileName """ 公司信息 start""" def getCompany(self, page = 0, pageSize = 20): """ 查询公司列表 Args: page - 分页参数,页码 pageSize - 分页参数,每页数量 Returns: company list. """ start = page * pageSize self.db.query("select company_id from company limit %s, %s" % (start, pageSize)) company = [] for row in self.db.fetchAllRows(): key = REDIS_PRE + 'company_' + str(row[0]) companyExtend = self.r.hmget(key, 'company_id', 'company_name', 'num', 'trade') companyExtend = [x.decode('utf8') for x in companyExtend if isinstance(x, (bytes))] if companyExtend: oneCompany = { 'company_id': companyExtend[0], 'company_name': companyExtend[1], 'num': companyExtend[2], 'trade': companyExtend[3], } company.append(oneCompany) return company """ 搜索Search start """ def getSearchIndexByConf(self): """ 读取配置文件获取搜索的索引 依赖: """ cf = ConfigParser()'conf/local_init.ini') #'test main logger') result = {} for section in cf.sections(): result[section] = cf.items(section) return result def getSearchBySphinx(self, q, index = '*'): """ 从sphinx搜索结果 Args: q - 搜索词 index - 需要使用的索引, default: '*' Returns: Id list. """ res = self.sp.query(q, index) lastError = self.sp.getLastError() lastWarning = self.sp.getLastWarning() if lastError: logging.error('getSearchBySphinx has error: %s' % (lastError)) if lastWarning: logging.warning('getSearchBySphinx has warning: %s' % (lastWarning)) return res def getSearch(self, strType, q, page = 0, pageSize = 20): """ 搜索 Args: strType - 搜索类型: user/company/school/position q - 搜索关键词 page - 分页页码 pageSize - 每页数量 Returns: User List. """ # 设置分页 pageSize = min(pageSize, 100) result = {} if strType == 'user': result = self.getSearchUser(q, page, pageSize) elif strType == 'company': result = self.getSearchCompany(q, page, pageSize); elif strType == 'school': result = self.getSearchSchool(q, page, pageSize); elif strType == 'position': result = self.getSearchPosition(q, page, pageSize); return result def getSearchUser(self, q, page = 0, pageSize = 20): """ 搜索 User Args: q - 搜索词 page - 分页参数 Returns: users list. """ self.sp.matchMode(0) # 设置分页 self.sp.limit(page*pageSize, pageSize) res = self.getSearchBySphinx(q, index = 'user') if res: ids = [] if res.has_key('matches') and res['matches']: ids = [ str(item['id']) for item in res['matches']] users = self.getUserByIds(ids) result = { 'users': users, 'time': res['time'], 'total': res['total'], 'total_found': res['total_found'], } else: result = { 'users': [], 'time': '0', 'total': 0, 'total_found': 0, } return result def getSearchCompany(self, q, page = 0, pageSize = 20): """ 搜索 User Args: q - 公司名称 page - 分页参数 Returns: users list. """ # self.sp.matchMode(0) # 设置分页 self.sp.limit(page*pageSize, pageSize) res = self.getSearchBySphinx(q, index = 'company') if res: ids = [] if res.has_key('matches') and res['matches']: ids = [ str(item['id']) for item in res['matches']] users = self.getUserByIds(ids) result = { 'users': users, 'time': res['time'], 'total': res['total'], 'total_found': res['total_found'], } else: result = { 'users': [], 'time': '0', 'total': 0, 'total_found': 0, } return result def getSearchSchool(self, q, page = 0, pageSize = 20): """ 搜索 User Args: q - 学校名称 page - 分页参数 Returns: users list. """ ## search语句 # ./search -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft.conf --index school --sortby "uid asc" --filter degree 255 --group uid 北京大学 # self.sp.matchMode(0) # 设置分页 self.sp.limit(page*pageSize, pageSize) # @todo ,后期增加过滤 # self.filter('degree', [255]) self.sp.groupby('uid') res = self.getSearchBySphinx(q, index = 'school') if res: uids = [] if res.has_key('matches') and res['matches']: uids = [ str(item['uid']) for item in res['matches']] users = self.getUserByUids(uids) result = { 'users': users, 'time': res['time'], 'total': res['total'], 'total_found': res['total_found'], } else: result = { 'users': [], 'time': '0', 'total': 0, 'total_found': 0, } return result def getSearchPosition(self, q, page = 0, pageSize = 20): """ 搜索 User Args: q - 职位 page - 分页参数 Returns: users list. """ # self.sp.matchMode(0) # ./search -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft.conf --index position --group uid php # 设置分页 self.sp.limit(page*pageSize, pageSize) self.sp.groupby('uid') res = self.getSearchBySphinx(q, index = 'position') if res: uids = [] if res.has_key('matches') and res['matches']: uids = [ str(item['uid']) for item in res['matches']] users = self.getUserByUids(uids) result = { 'users': users, 'time': res['time'], 'total': res['total'], 'total_found': res['total_found'], } else: result = { 'users': [], 'time': '0', 'total': 0, 'total_found': 0, } return result def getSearchSuggest(self, q, type = 'company'): """ 搜索推荐 Args: q - 搜索关键词 type - 搜索类型, [company/school/position] Returns: suggestion string list. """ limitNum = 5 # 默认只取5条 result = [] if type == 'company': sql = "select company_name from company where company_name like '%%%s%%' limit %s" % (q, limitNum) self.db.query(sql) result = [row[0] for row in self.db.fetchAllRows()] elif type == 'school': # ./search -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft.conf --index school --group school --groupsort '@count desc' 北方工业大学 self.sp.groupby('school') self.sp.limit(0, limitNum) res = self.getSearchBySphinx(q, index = 'school') if res: result = [] if res.has_key('matches') and res['matches']: result = [ str(item['school']) for item in res['matches']] elif type == 'position': # ./search -c /usr/local/coreseek/etc/csft.conf --index position --group position --groupsort '@count desc' php self.sp.groupby('position') self.sp.limit(0, limitNum) res = self.getSearchBySphinx(q, index = 'position') if res: result = [] if res.has_key('matches') and res['matches']: result = [ str(item['position']) for item in res['matches']] return result def __del__(self): """ 资源释放(GC自动调用)""" if self.db is not None: self.db.close()