Exemple #1
def test_create_base_link(filename, result, deed_result, rdf_result):
    args = link_checker.parse_argument([])
    baseURL = create_base_link(args, filename)
    assert baseURL == result
    baseURL = create_base_link(args, filename, for_deeds=True)
    assert baseURL == deed_result
    baseURL = create_base_link(args, filename, for_rdfs=True)
    assert baseURL == rdf_result
Exemple #2
def test_output_write(tmpdir):
    # output_errors is set and written to
    output_file = tmpdir.join("errorlog.txt")
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(
        ["--output-errors", output_file.strpath])
    output_write(args, "Output enabled")
    assert output_file.read() == "Output enabled\n"
Exemple #3
def test_write_response(tmpdir):
    # Set config
    output_file = tmpdir.join("errorlog.txt")
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(
        ["--output-errors", output_file.strpath])

    # Text to extract valid_anchors
    text = ("<a href='http://httpbin.org/status/200'>Response 200</a>,"
            " <a href='file://link3'>Invalid Scheme</a>,"
            " <a href='http://httpbin.org/status/400'>Response 400</a>")
    soup = BeautifulSoup(text, "lxml")
    valid_anchors = soup.find_all("a")

    # Setup function params
    all_links = [
    rs = (grequests.get(link) for link in all_links)
    response = grequests.map(rs, exception_handler=exception_handler)
    base_url = "https://baseurl/goes/here"
    license_name = "by-cc-nd_2.0"

    # Set output to external file
    caught_errors = write_response(
    assert caught_errors == 2
    lines = output_file.readlines()
    i = 0
    assert lines[i] == "\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "by-cc-nd_2.0\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "URL: https://baseurl/goes/here\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == f'  {"Invalid Schema":<24}file://link3\n'
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == f'{"":<26}<a href="file://link3">Invalid Scheme</a>\n'
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == f'  {"400":<24}http://httpbin.org/status/400\n'
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == (
        f'{"":<26}<a href="http://httpbin.org/status/400">Response 400</a>\n')
Exemple #4
def test_output_summary(reset_global, tmpdir):
    # output_errors is set and written to
    output_file = tmpdir.join("errorlog.txt")
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(
        ["--output-errors", output_file.strpath])
    utils.MAP_BROKEN_LINKS = {
        "https://link1.demo": [
        "https://link2.demo": ["https://file4.url/here"],
    all_links = ["some link"] * 5
    output_summary(args, all_links, 3)
    lines = output_file.readlines()
    i = 0
    assert lines[i] == "\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "***************************************\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "                SUMMARY\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "***************************************\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "\n"
    i += 1
    assert str(lines[i]).startswith("Timestamp:")
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "Total files checked: 5\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "Number of error links: 3\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "Number of unique broken links: 2\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "Broken link - https://link1.demo found in:\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "https://file1.url/here\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "https://file2.url/goes/here\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "Broken link - https://link2.demo found in:\n"
    i += 1
    assert lines[i] == "https://file4.url/here\n"
def test_parse_argument(tmpdir):
    # Test default options
    args = link_checker.parse_argument([])
    assert args.log_level == 30
    assert bool(args.output_errors) is False
    assert args.local is False
    assert args.root_url == "https://creativecommons.org"
    # Test --licenses
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["--legalcode"])
    assert args.legalcode is True
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["legalcode"])
    assert args.func.__name__ == "check_legalcode"
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["legalcode", "--local"])
    assert args.local is True
    # Test --deeds
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["--deeds"])
    assert args.deeds is True
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["deeds"])
    assert args.func.__name__ == "check_deeds"
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["deeds", "--local"])
    assert args.local is True
    # Test --rdf
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["--rdf"])
    assert args.rdf is True
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["rdf"])
    assert args.func.__name__ == "check_rdfs"
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["rdf", "--index"])
    assert args.index is True
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["rdf", "--local"])
    assert args.local is True
    # Test --index
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["--index"])
    assert args.index is True
    # Test --local
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["--local"])
    assert args.local is True
    # Test Logging Levels -q/--quiet
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["-q"])
    assert args.log_level == 40
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["-qq"])
    assert args.log_level == 50
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["-qqq"])
    assert args.log_level == 50
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["-q", "--quiet"])
    assert args.log_level == 50
    # Test Logging Levels -v/--verbose
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["-v"])
    assert args.log_level == 20
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["-vv"])
    assert args.log_level == 10
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["-vvv"])
    assert args.log_level == 10
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["-v", "--verbose"])
    assert args.log_level == 10
    # Test Logging Levels with both -v and -q
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["-vq"])
    assert args.log_level == 30
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["-vvq"])
    assert args.log_level == 20
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["-vqq"])
    assert args.log_level == 40
    # Test default value of --output-errors
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["--output-errors"])
    assert bool(args.output_errors) is True
    assert args.output_errors.name == "errorlog.txt"
    # Test custom value of --output-errors
    output_file = tmpdir.join("errorlog.txt")
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(
        ["--output-errors", output_file.strpath])
    assert bool(args.output_errors) is True
    assert args.output_errors.name == output_file.strpath
Exemple #6
def test_get_scrapable_links():
    args = link_checker.parse_argument([])
    test_file = ("<a name='hello'>without href</a>,"
                 " <a href='#hello'>internal link</a>,"
                 " <a href='mailto:[email protected]'>mailto protocol</a>,"
                 " <a href='https://creativecommons.ca'>Absolute link</a>,"
                 " <a href='/index'>Relative Link</a>")
    soup = BeautifulSoup(test_file, "lxml")
    test_case = soup.find_all("a")
    base_url = "https://www.demourl.com/dir1/dir2"
    valid_anchors, valid_links, _ = get_scrapable_links(
        args, base_url, test_case, None, False)
    assert str(valid_anchors) == (
        '[<a href="https://creativecommons.ca">Absolute link</a>,'
        ' <a href="/index">Relative Link</a>]')
    assert (str(valid_links) ==
            "['https://creativecommons.ca', 'https://www.demourl.com/index']")
    # Testing RDF
    args = link_checker.parse_argument(["--local"])
    rdf_obj_list = get_index_rdf(args,
    rdf_obj = rdf_obj_list[0]
    base_url = rdf_obj["rdf:about"]
    links_found = get_links_from_rdf(rdf_obj)
    valid_anchors, valid_links, _ = get_scrapable_links(
    assert str(valid_anchors) == (
        "[<cc:permits "
        'rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/ns#DerivativeWorks"/>, '
        "<cc:permits "
        'rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/ns#Reproduction"/>, '
        "<cc:permits "
        'rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/ns#Distribution"/>, '
        "<cc:jurisdiction "
        'rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/international/ch/"/>, '
        "<foaf:logo "
        'l/by-nc-sa/2.5/ch/88x31.png"/>, '
        "<foaf:logo "
        'l/by-nc-sa/2.5/ch/80x15.png"/>, '
        "<cc:legalcode "
        'licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ch/legalcode.de"/>, '
        "<dc:source "
        'rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/"/>, '
        "<dc:creator "
        'rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org"/>, '
        "<cc:prohibits "
        'rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/ns#CommercialUse"/>, '
        "<cc:licenseClass "
        'rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/license/"/>, '
        "<cc:requires "
        'rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/ns#ShareAlike"/>, '
        "<cc:requires "
        'rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/ns#Attribution"/>, '
        "<cc:requires "
    assert str(valid_links) == (
        "['http://creativecommons.org/ns#DerivativeWorks', "
        "'http://creativecommons.org/ns#Reproduction', "
        "'http://creativecommons.org/ns#Distribution', "
        "'http://creativecommons.org/international/ch/', "
        "'https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/2.5/ch/88x31.png', "
        "'https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/2.5/ch/80x15.png', "
        "'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ch/legalcode.de', "
        "'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/', "
        "'http://creativecommons.org', "
        "'http://creativecommons.org/ns#CommercialUse', "
        "'http://creativecommons.org/license/', "
        "'http://creativecommons.org/ns#ShareAlike', "
        "'http://creativecommons.org/ns#Attribution', "