
Write a function to find the middle node of a singly-linked list.

from linked_list import randlinkedlist

ll = randlinkedlist(size=9)
print "The linked list: {0}".format(ll)

slow, fast = ll.head, ll.head
while fast:
    if fast.next is None:
    slow, fast = slow.next, fast.next.next

print "The middle of the linked list: {0}".format(slow.value)
# vim: foldlevel=0

Reverse a linked list in groups of size k.

from linked_list import randlinkedlist

ll = randlinkedlist()
print "The linked list: {0}".format(ll)

def reverse_linked_list(head, k):
    if not head:
    node = head
    prev, next = None, None
    count = 0
    while node and count < k:
        next = node.next
        node.next = prev
        prev, node = node, next
        count += 1
    head.next = reverse_linked_list(node, k)
    return prev

ll.head = reverse_linked_list(ll.head, 3)
print "The reversed linked list (iterative): {0}".format(ll)
Exemple #3
from linked_list import randlinkedlist

def solution(node):
    if not node or not node.next:
    next = node.next
    node.value = next.value
    node.next = next.next

if __name__ == "__main__":

    def _print(head):
        cur = head
        while cur:
            print cur.value
            cur = cur.next

    ll = randlinkedlist()
    print "Original linked list: "

    node = ll.head
    for i in range(5):
        node = node.next

    print "New linked list: "
Determine whether a linked list contains a loop as quickly as possible without using
any extra storage. Also, identify the location of the loop.

from linked_list import randlinkedlist

ll = randlinkedlist(size=20)
print str(ll)

def find_cycle(llist):
    slow, fast = llist.head, llist.head
    while fast:
        if fast.next is None:
        if fast.next == slow:
            return True
        slow, fast = slow.next, fast.next.next
    return False

print find_cycle(ll)  # should return False

cur = ll.head
cycle_start = None
for i in range(ll.count - 1):
    if i == 4:
        cycle_start = cur
Exemple #5
def solution3(head):
    Same as solution2.
    cur = head
    while cur:
        prev, runner = cur, cur.next
        while runner:
            if runner.value != cur.value:
                prev.next = runner
                prev = runner
            runner = runner.next
        prev.next = None
        cur = cur.next

if __name__ == "__main__":

    def _print(head):
        cur = head
        while cur:
            print cur.value
            cur = cur.next

    ll = randlinkedlist(max=10)
    print "Original linked list: "
    print "Cleaned up linked list: "
Exemple #6
def solution3(head):
    Same as solution2.
    cur = head
    while cur:
        prev, runner = cur, cur.next
        while runner:
            if runner.value != cur.value:
                prev.next = runner
                prev = runner
            runner = runner.next
        prev.next = None
        cur = cur.next

if __name__ == "__main__":
    def _print(head):
        cur = head
        while cur:
            print cur.value
            cur = cur.next

    ll = randlinkedlist(max=10)
    print "Original linked list: "
    print "Cleaned up linked list: "
Exemple #7
    # Now that the linked lists are of equal size, add them
    head, carry = add_forward(head1, head2)
    if carry != 0:
        node = Node(carry)
        node.next, head = head, node  # insert at front

    return head

if __name__ == "__main__":

    def _print(head):
        cur = head
        while cur:
            print cur.value
            cur = cur.next

    ll1 = randlinkedlist(3, max=9)
    ll2 = randlinkedlist(5, max=9)
    print "Linked list 1:"
    print "Linked list 2:"

    print "Sum of linked lists (reversed):"
    _print(solution1(ll1.head, ll2.head))

    print "Sum of linked lists (not reversed):"
    _print(solution2(ll1.head, ll2.head))
Exemple #8
        head2 = pad_with_zeros(head2, len1-len2)

    # Now that the linked lists are of equal size, add them
    head, carry = add_forward(head1, head2)
    if carry != 0:
        node = Node(carry)
        node.next, head = head, node  # insert at front

    return head

if __name__ == "__main__":
    def _print(head):
        cur = head
        while cur:
            print cur.value
            cur = cur.next

    ll1 = randlinkedlist(3, max=9)
    ll2 = randlinkedlist(5, max=9)
    print "Linked list 1:"
    print "Linked list 2:"

    print "Sum of linked lists (reversed):"
    _print(solution1(ll1.head, ll2.head))

    print "Sum of linked lists (not reversed):"
    _print(solution2(ll1.head, ll2.head))