def __init__(self, *sc_queues, **kwargs): Process.__init__(self) SCSpider.Num += 1 self.pnum = SCSpider.Num if sc_queues: self.scqs = sc_queues else: self.scqs = list() self.due = DUEUnit() self.link_extro = LinkExtractorTPool(feed=False) #The self.headers keeps the HTTP headers Agent information for Masking the Crawler self.headers = { 'User-Agent' : kwargs.pop("spider_spoof_id", None) } if self.headers['User-Agent'] == None: self.headers = { 'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-GB; rv:' } self.kill_evt = kwargs.pop("kill_evt", multiprocessing.Event().clear()) self.urls_l = [ kwargs.pop("seed", None) ] self.xtrees_q = kwargs.pop("xtrees_q", Queue()) #Use external Queue only for Interprocess Communication if any #ext_due_q is a Queue of URL Links for an External DUE-Unit self.ext_url_q = kwargs.pop("ext_due_q", None) self.base_url_drop_none = kwargs.pop("base_url_drop_none", True) #urls_number_stop : Stop in a Default Values (if none given from user) for Politeness and because there is no point to have more samples of this site (I think) self.urls_number = kwargs.pop("urls_number_stop", 1000) self.webpg_vect_tu = kwargs.pop("webpg_vect_tu", None) self.save_path = kwargs.pop("save_path", None) if self.save_path and not os.path.isdir(self.save_path): os.mkdir(self.save_path) self.file_counter = 0
class SCSpider(Process): """SCSpider:""" Num = 0 def __init__(self, *sc_queues, **kwargs): Process.__init__(self) SCSpider.Num += 1 self.pnum = SCSpider.Num if sc_queues: self.scqs = sc_queues else: self.scqs = list() self.due = DUEUnit() self.link_extro = LinkExtractorTPool(feed=False) #The self.headers keeps the HTTP headers Agent information for Masking the Crawler self.headers = { 'User-Agent' : kwargs.pop("spider_spoof_id", None) } if self.headers['User-Agent'] == None: self.headers = { 'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-GB; rv:' } self.kill_evt = kwargs.pop("kill_evt", multiprocessing.Event().clear()) self.urls_l = [ kwargs.pop("seed", None) ] self.xtrees_q = kwargs.pop("xtrees_q", Queue()) #Use external Queue only for Interprocess Communication if any #ext_due_q is a Queue of URL Links for an External DUE-Unit self.ext_url_q = kwargs.pop("ext_due_q", None) self.base_url_drop_none = kwargs.pop("base_url_drop_none", True) #urls_number_stop : Stop in a Default Values (if none given from user) for Politeness and because there is no point to have more samples of this site (I think) self.urls_number = kwargs.pop("urls_number_stop", 1000) self.webpg_vect_tu = kwargs.pop("webpg_vect_tu", None) self.save_path = kwargs.pop("save_path", None) if self.save_path and not os.path.isdir(self.save_path): os.mkdir(self.save_path) self.file_counter = 0 def run(self): """SCSpider's main function""" #Use the netloc (network locator) of the seed url as the base URL that this spider is working on url = self.urls_l[0] self.due.setBase(url) #Define a process n_gpool = eventlet.GreenPool(1) s_gpool = eventlet.GreenPool(10000) #ppool = multiprocessing.Pool(2) #green_save_p = eventlet.GreenPool(1000) #A thread is constantly checking the DUE seen dictionary is big enough to be saved on disk disk_keeper_thrd = Thread(target=self.savedue) disk_keeper_thrd.start() #From this line and below the loop this Process is starting scanned_urls = 1 #Counter for the URLS that have been Followed by the Crawler - SHOULD BE HERE while True: #Termination Condition of this spider: They can be external signal(s), user defined conditions or when spider didn't finds any URLs related to the Crawling target #Terminate - External Signal or Functional problems occur while crawling if self.kill_evt.is_set(): print("SCSpider Process (PID = %s - PCN = %s): Terminated" % (, self.pnum)) SCSpider.Num -= 1 break #Terminate - No more Urls to follow if self.urls_l == []: print("SCSpider Process (PID = %s - PCN = %s): Terminated - No more URL links to follow" % (, self.pnum)) SCSpider.Num -= 1 self.due.savetofile() self.kill_evt.set() break #Get one of the URLs which an other SCSpider has left to the ext_due_p and append it to the urls_l if self.ext_url_q != None: ext_url = self.ext_url_q.get(self.due.base_url['hashkey'],2) if ext_url: self.urls_l.append(ext_url) tmp_urls_l = list() #SHOULD BE HERE #Start Processing WebPages (in fact sockets to them) which a Pool of GreenThreads is harvesting Asynchronously for xhtml in n_gpool.imap(self.fetchsrc, self.urls_l): #for xhtml in ppool.imap_unordered(fetchsrc, self.urls_l, 2): #Feed the link Extractor with the new-coming XHTML(s) if not empty if xhtml[0]: #Expand the xhtml tree dictionary with some date for later process xhtml_d = dict() xhtml_d['xhtml_s'] = xhtml[0] xhtml_d['charset'] = xhtml[1] xhtml_d['url_req'] = xhtml[2] xhtml_d['url_resp'] = xhtml[3] prsd_url = urlparse(xhtml[2]) xhtml_d['netloc'] = prsd_url.netloc xhtml_d['base_url'] = str(prsd_url.scheme + "://" + prsd_url.netloc) s_gpool.spawn_n(self.save_xhtml, xhtml_d) #Terminate - Some User condition reached if scanned_urls >= self.urls_number: print("SCSpider Process (PID = %s - PCN = %s): Terminated - User Condition: Stop On %d Pages (%d have been followed) "\ % (, self.pnum, self.urls_number, scanned_urls)) SCSpider.Num -= 1 self.due.savetofile() self.kill_evt.set() break else: print("SAVED URLS: %d" % scanned_urls) scanned_urls += 1 #Extract URL for next Sites ##Feed LinkExtractor now - get later #self.link_extro.feed(xhtml_d) ##Force LinkExtractor to return immediately for link in self.link_extro.sites_links(xhtml_d): parsed_u = urlparse(link) prsd_url = str(parsed_u.scheme + "://" + parsed_u.netloc) baseurl = str(self.due.base_url['scheme'] + "://" + self.due.base_url['netloc']) if prsd_url == baseurl: seen = self.ust(link) if not seen: tmp_urls_l.append(link) #else: means discarding this previously seen URL links else: pass else: print("SPIDER %d of %d BASE %s" % (self.pnum, SCSpider.Num, self.due.base_url['netloc'])) print("Empty Page : %s" % xhtml[1]) #Get the Link lists form linkextractor.sites_links_iter() iterator - In case feed() or l_feed() have been used #for links in self.link_extro.sites_links_iter(): # for link in links: # parsed_u = urlparse(link) # prsd_url = str(parsed_u.scheme + "://" + parsed_u.netloc) # baseurl = str(self.due.base_url['scheme'] + "://" + self.due.base_url['netloc']) # if prsd_url == baseurl: # seen = self.ust(link) # if not seen: # print "Not SEEN!" # tmp_urls_l.append(link) #else: means discarding this previously seen URL links # else: # pass #If the Base_urls is not the one this SCSpider is working on, try to pass it the other SCSpider Processes #if self.ext_url_q != None: # self.ext_url_q.put(link) #elif self.base_url_drop_none: # seen = self.ust(link) # if seen: # tmp_urls_l.append(link) #Now give the new URLs List back to the Fetcher GreenThreads del self.urls_l #for Preventing Memory Leakage remove it if has no effect but delay of the inevitable #print len(self.urls_l) self.urls_l = tmp_urls_l print len(self.urls_l) #If this Process has to be terminated wait for the Disk_keeper Thread to finish its job and join self.due.acquire() #WAKE-UP disk_keeper thread in case still waiting self.due.notify_all() self.due.release() #self.link_extro.close() disk_keeper_thrd.join() def fetch(self, url): #print("IN FETCH: " + str(self.headers)) #print(url) rq = urllib2.Request(url, headers=self.headers) socket = urllib2.urlopen(rq) return socket def fetchsrc(self, url_req): #time.sleep(5) htmlsrc = None socket = None charset = None url_resp = None try: rq = urllib2.Request(url_req, headers=self.headers) socket = urllib2.urlopen(rq) htmlsrc = charset ='charset') url_resp = socket.geturl() socket.close() except Exception as e: print("FETCH ERROR(urllib2): %s - URL: %s" % (e, url_req)) #Return a tuple of the HTML source, the character encoding of this source, and its URL return (htmlsrc, charset, url_req, url_resp) def save_xhtml(self, xhtml_d): assert os.path.isdir(self.save_path) ret_signal = True self.file_counter += 1 try: try: file = self.save_path + str(xhtml_d['netloc']) + "." + str(self.file_counter) + ".html" f = file, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY, stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWOTH | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH) except Exception as e: #Stop the Process First and then raise the Exception with some extra info self.kill_evt.set() raise Exception("SCSpider error while Creating file - Error: %s" % e) #Place a file-object wrapper around the file Descriptor fobj = os.fdopen(f, "w", 1) #Place an Encoding Wrapper to assure the file Writing to be performed with UTF-8 encoding #if xhtml_d['charset']: # fenc = codecs.EncodedFile(fobj, xhtml_d['charset']) #else: fenc = fobj except Exception as e: print("SCSpider error while Creating file - Error: %s" % e) #Return None for the Spider to know that some error occurred for deciding what to do with it ret_signal = None else: try: fenc.write( xhtml_d['xhtml_s'] ) # Write the source to file except Exception as e: print("SCSpider Error while Writing file - Error: %s" % e) ret_signal = None finally: fenc.close() return ret_signal def savedue(self): while not self.kill_evt.is_set(): self.due.acquire() while self.due.seen_len() < 100000000: #This will force the thread to stop in case a global stop signal is given if self.kill_evt.is_set(): return #In case Seen Dictionary is still small Wait (i.e. Sleep) self.due.wait() if not self.due.savetofile(): print("SCSPIDER: DUE FILE NOT SAVED - HALT") self.kill_evt.set() return #self.due.notify_all() self.due.release() def ust(self, link): self.due.acquire() seen = self.due.ust(link) self.due.notify_all() self.due.release() return seen