Exemple #1
    def get_token_data(self):
        get all tokens
        tokens = Session.query(model_token).all()

        for token in tokens:
            token_data = {}
            serial = token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber
            token_data['Serial'] = serial

            if token.isPinEncrypted():
                iv, enc_pin = token.get_encrypted_pin()
                pin = SecretObj.decrypt_pin(enc_pin, hsm=self.hsm)
                just_mac = serial + token.LinOtpPinHash
                enc_value = self.crypter.encrypt(input_data=pin,
                token_data['TokenPin'] = enc_value

            # the userpin is used in motp and ocra/ocra2 token
            if token.LinOtpTokenPinUser:
                key, iv = token.getUserPin()
                user_pin = SecretObj.decrypt(key, iv, hsm=self.hsm)
                just_mac = serial + token.LinOtpTokenPinUser
                enc_value = self.crypter.encrypt(input_data=user_pin,
                token_data['TokenUserPin'] = enc_value

            # then we retrieve as well the original value,
            # to identify changes
            encKey = token.LinOtpKeyEnc

            key, iv = token.get_encrypted_seed()
            secObj = SecretObj(key, iv, hsm=self.hsm)
            seed = secObj.getKey()
            enc_value = self.crypter.encrypt(input_data=seed,
                                             just_mac=serial + encKey)
            token_data['TokenSeed'] = enc_value
            # next we look for tokens, where the pin is encrypted
            yield token_data
Exemple #2
    def get_token_data(self):
        get all tokens
        tokens = Session.query(model_token).all()

        for token in tokens:
            token_data = {}
            serial = token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber
            token_data['Serial'] = serial

            if token.isPinEncrypted():
                iv, enc_pin = token.get_encrypted_pin()
                pin = SecretObj.decrypt_pin(enc_pin, hsm=self.hsm)
                just_mac = serial + token.LinOtpPinHash
                enc_value = self.crypter.encrypt(input_data=pin,
                token_data['TokenPin'] = enc_value

            # the userpin is used in motp and ocra/ocra2 token
            if token.LinOtpTokenPinUser:
                key, iv = token.getUserPin()
                user_pin = SecretObj.decrypt(key, iv, hsm=self.hsm)
                just_mac = serial + token.LinOtpTokenPinUser
                enc_value = self.crypter.encrypt(input_data=user_pin,
                token_data['TokenUserPin'] = enc_value

            # then we retrieve as well the original value,
            # to identify changes
            encKey = token.LinOtpKeyEnc

            key, iv = token.get_encrypted_seed()
            secObj = SecretObj(key, iv, hsm=self.hsm)
            seed = secObj.getKey()
            enc_value = self.crypter.encrypt(input_data=seed,
                                             just_mac=serial + encKey)
            token_data['TokenSeed'] = enc_value
            # next we look for tokens, where the pin is encrypted
            yield token_data
Exemple #3
    def checkOtp(self, passw, counter, window, options=None):
        checkOtp - standard callback of linotp to verify the token

        :param passw:      the passw / otp, which has to be checked
        :type passw:       string
        :param counter:    the start counter
        :type counter:     int
        :param  window:    the window, in which the token is valid
        :type  window:     int
        :param options:    options contains the transaction id, eg. if check_t
                           checks one transaction this will support
                           assynchreonous otp checks (when check_t is used)
        :type options:     dict

        :return:           verification counter or -1
        :rtype:            int (-1)


        ret = -1

        secObj = self._get_secret_object()
        ocraSuite = OcraSuite(self.getOcraSuiteSuite(), secObj)

        # if we have no transactionid given through the options,
        # we have to retrieve the eldest challenge for this ocra token
        serial = self.getSerial()
        challenges = []

        # set the ocra token pin
        ocraPin = ''
        if ocraSuite.P is not None:
            key, iv = self.token.getUserPin()
            secObj = SecretObj(key, iv, hsm=context.get('hsm'))
            ocraPin = secObj.getKey()

            if ocraPin is None or len(ocraPin) == 0:
                ocraPin = ''

        timeShift = 0
        if ocraSuite.T is not None:
            defTimeWindow = int(getFromConfig("ocra.timeWindow", 180))
            window = (int(self.getFromTokenInfo('timeWindow', defTimeWindow)) /

            defTimeShift = int(getFromConfig("ocra.timeShift", 0))
            timeShift = int(self.getFromTokenInfo("timeShift", defTimeShift))

        if options is None:
            challenges = OcraTokenClass.getTransactions4serial(
                serial, currentOnly=True)

        elif options is not None:
            if type(options).__name__ != 'dict':
                err = ('[chekOtp] "options" not of type dict! %r' %
                raise Exception(err)

            if 'transactionid' in options:
                transid = options.get('transactionid')

            elif 'challenge' in options:

            # due to the added options in checkUserPass, we have to extend
            # the logic here:
            # if no challenges found in between but we have a serial, we catch
            # the open challenges by serial (s.o.)
            if len(challenges) == 0:
                challenges = OcraTokenClass.getTransactions4serial(
                    serial, currentOnly=True)

        if len(challenges) == 0:
            #  verify that there has already been a challenge
            challenges = OcraTokenClass.getTransactions4serial(serial)
            if len(challenges) > 0:
                err = 'No current transaction found!'
                ret = -1
                return ret
                err = 'No open transaction found!'
                if type(options) == dict and 'transactionid' in options:
                    raise Exception(err)
                ret = -1
                return ret

        for ch in challenges:
            challenge = {}

            if isinstance(ch, dict):
                #  transaction less checkOtp
                self.transId = 0

            elif type(ch) == OcraChallenge:
                #  preserve transaction context, so we could use this in
                # the status callback
                self.transId = ch.transid
                challenge['challenge'] = ch.challenge
                challenge['transid'] = ch.transid
                challenge['session'] = ch.session

            ret = ocraSuite.checkOtp(passw,

            if ret != -1:

        if -1 == ret:
            #  autosync: test if two consecutive challenges +
            # it's counter match
            ret = self.autosync(ocraSuite, passw, challenge)

        return ret
Exemple #4
    def resync(self, otp1, otp2, options=None):
        - for the resync to work, we take the last two transactions and
          their challenges
        - for each challenge, we search forward the sync window length


        ret = False
        challenges = []

        o_challenges = OcraTokenClass.getTransactions4serial(self.getSerial())
        for challenge in o_challenges:

        #  check if there are enough challenges around
        if len(challenges) < 2:
            return False

        challenge1 = {}
        challenge2 = {}

        if options is None:
            ch1 = challenges[0]
            challenge1['challenge'] = ch1.challenge
            challenge1['transid'] = ch1.transid
            challenge1['session'] = ch1.session

            ch2 = challenges[1]
            challenge2['challenge'] = ch2.challenge
            challenge2['transid'] = ch2.transid
            challenge2['session'] = ch2.session

            if 'challenge1' in options:
                challenge1['challenge'] = options.get('challenge1')
            if 'challenge2' in options:
                challenge2['challenge'] = options.get('challenge2')

        if len(challenge1) == 0 or len(challenge2) == 0:
            error = "No challenges found!"
            log.info('[OcraTokenClass:resync] %s' % (error))
            raise Exception('[OcraTokenClass:resync] %s' % (error))

        secObj = self._get_secret_object()
        ocraSuite = OcraSuite(self.getOcraSuiteSuite(), secObj)

        syncWindow = self.token.getSyncWindow()
        if ocraSuite.T is not None:
            syncWindow = syncWindow / 10

        counter = self.token.getOtpCounter()

        # set the ocra token pin
        ocraPin = ''
        if ocraSuite.P is not None:
            key, iv = self.token.getUserPin()
            secObj = SecretObj(key, iv, hsm=context.get('hsm'))
            ocraPin = secObj.getKey()

            if ocraPin is None or len(ocraPin) == 0:
                ocraPin = ''

        timeShift = 0
        if ocraSuite.T is not None:
            timeShift = int(self.getFromTokenInfo("timeShift", 0))


            count_1 = ocraSuite.checkOtp(otp1,
            if count_1 == -1:
                log.info('Ocra resync: lookup for first otp value failed!')
                ret = False
                count_2 = ocraSuite.checkOtp(otp2,
                if count_2 == -1:
                        'Ocra resync: lookup for second otp value failed!')
                    ret = False
                    if ocraSuite.C is not None:
                        if count_1 + 1 == count_2:
                            ret = True

                    if ocraSuite.T is not None:
                        if count_1 - count_2 <= ocraSuite.T * 2:
                            #  callculate the timeshift
                            date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(count_2)
                            log.info('Ocra resync: Syncing token to new '
                                     'timestamp %r' % (date))

                            now = datetime.datetime.now()
                            stime = now.strftime("%s")
                            timeShift = count_2 - int(stime)
                            self.addToTokenInfo('timeShift', timeShift)
                            ret = True

        except Exception as ex:
            log.exception('[OcraTokenClass:resync] unknown error: %r' % (ex))
            raise Exception('[OcraTokenClass:resync] unknown error: %s' % (ex))

        return ret
Exemple #5
        # AUTOSYNC starts here

        counter = self.token.getOtpCounter()
        syncWindow = self.token.getSyncWindow()
        if ocraSuite.T is not None:
            syncWindow = syncWindow / 10

        # set the ocra token pin
        ocraPin = ''
        if ocraSuite.P is not None:
            key, iv = self.token.getUserPin()
            secObj = SecretObj(key, iv, hsm=context.get('hsm'))
            ocraPin = secObj.getKey()

            if ocraPin is None or len(ocraPin) == 0:
                ocraPin = ''

        timeShift = 0
        if ocraSuite.T is not None:
            timeShift = int(self.getFromTokenInfo("timeShift", 0))

        # timeStepping    = int(ocraSuite.T)

        tinfo = self.getTokenInfo()

        # autosync does only work, if we have a token info, where the
        # last challenge and the last sync-counter is stored
        # if no tokeninfo, we start with a autosync request, thus start the
Exemple #6
    def challenge(self, data, session='', typ='raw', challenge=None):
        the challenge method is for creating an transaction / challenge object

        remark: the transaction has a maximum lifetime and a reference to
                the OcraSuite token (serial)

        :param data:     data, which is the base for the challenge or None
        :type data:     string or None
        :param session:  session support for ocratokens
        :type session:  string
        :type typ:      define, which kind of challenge base should be used
                         could be raw - take the data input as is
                              (extract chars accordind challenge definition Q)
                         or random    - will generate a random input
                         or hased     - will take the hash of the input data

        :return:    challenge response containing the transcation id and
                    the challenge for the ocrasuite
        :rtype :    tuple of (transId(string), challenge(string))


        s_data = 'None'
        s_session = 'None'
        s_challenge = 'None'
        if data is not None:
            s_data = data
        if session is not None:
            s_session = session
        if challenge is None:
            s_challenge = challenge

        secObj = self._get_secret_object()
        ocraSuite = OcraSuite(self.getOcraSuiteSuite(), secObj)

        if not data:
            typ = 'random'

        if challenge is None:
            if typ == 'raw':
                challenge = ocraSuite.data2rawChallenge(data)
            elif typ == 'random':
                challenge = ocraSuite.data2randomChallenge(data)
            elif typ == 'hash':
                challenge = ocraSuite.data2hashChallenge(data)

        serial = self.getSerial()
        counter = self.getOtpCount()

        # set the pin onyl in the compliant hashed mode
        pin = ''
        if ocraSuite.P is not None:
            key, iv = self.token.getUserPin()
            secObj = SecretObj(key, iv, hsm=context.get('hsm'))
            pin = secObj.getKey()

            param = {}
            param['C'] = counter
            param['Q'] = challenge
            param['P'] = pin
            param['S'] = session
            if ocraSuite.T is not None:
                now = datetime.datetime.now()
                stime = now.strftime("%s")
                itime = int(stime)
                param['T'] = itime
            ''' verify that the data is compliant with the OcraSuitesuite
                and the client is able to calc the otp
            c_data = ocraSuite.combineData(**param)

        except Exception as ex:
                "[OcraTokenClass] Failed to create ocrasuite challenge")
            raise Exception('[OcraTokenClass] Failed to create ocrasuite'
                            'challenge: %r' % (ex))

        #  save the object
        digits = '0123456789'
        transid = ''
        transactionIdLen = 12

            transactionIdLen = int(getFromConfig("OcraDefaultSuite", '12'))
            transactionIdLen = 12
            log.debug("[OcraTokenClass] Failed to set transactionId length"
                      " from config - using fallback %d" % (transactionIdLen))

        #  create a non exisiting challenge
            while True:
                for _c in range(0, transactionIdLen):
                    transid += urandom.choice(digits)

                chall = OcraTokenClass.getTransaction(transid)
                if chall is None:

            ddata = ''
            if data is not None:
                ddata = data

            chall = OcraChallenge(transid=transid,
                                  challenge=typ + ':' + challenge,
                                  data=typ + ':' + ddata)

        except Exception as ex:
            #  this might happen if we have a db problem or
            # the uniqnes constrain does not fit
            log.exception("[OcraTokenClass] Failed to create challenge")
            raise Exception('[OcraTokenClass] Failed to create challenge'
                            ' object: %s' % (ex))

        realms = []
        tokenrealms = self.token.getRealms()
        for realm in tokenrealms:

        url = get_qrtan_url(realms)

        return (transid, challenge, True, url)
Exemple #7
    def autosync(self, ocraSuite, passw, challenge):
        try to resync a token automaticaly, if a former and the current
        request failed

        :param  ocraSuite: the ocraSuite of the current Token
        :type  ocraSuite: ocra object
        :param  passw:
        res = -1

        autosync = False

            confsetting = getFromConfig("AutoResync")
            if confsetting is None:
                autosync = False
            elif "true" == confsetting.lower():
                autosync = True
            elif "false" == confsetting.lower():
                autosync = False
        except Exception as ex:
            log.exception('Ocra: autosync check undefined %r' % (ex))
            return res

        ' if autosync is not enabled: do nothing '
        if autosync is False:
            return res

        # AUTOSYNC starts here

        counter = self.token.getOtpCounter()
        syncWindow = self.token.getSyncWindow()
        if ocraSuite.T is not None:
            syncWindow = syncWindow / 10

        # set the ocra token pin
        ocraPin = ''
        if ocraSuite.P is not None:
            key, iv = self.token.getUserPin()
            secObj = SecretObj(key, iv, hsm=context.get('hsm'))
            ocraPin = secObj.getKey()

            if ocraPin is None or len(ocraPin) == 0:
                ocraPin = ''

        timeShift = 0
        if ocraSuite.T is not None:
            timeShift = int(self.getFromTokenInfo("timeShift", 0))

        # timeStepping    = int(ocraSuite.T)

        tinfo = self.getTokenInfo()

        # autosync does only work, if we have a token info, where the
        # last challenge and the last sync-counter is stored
        # if no tokeninfo, we start with a autosync request, thus start the
        # lookup in the sync window

        if 'lChallenge' not in tinfo:
            # run checkOtp, with sync window for the current challenge
            log.info('[OcraToken:autosync] initial sync')
            count_0 = -1
                otp0 = passw
                count_0 = ocraSuite.checkOtp(otp0,
            except Exception as ex:
                log.exception('Ocra: Error during autosync0: %r' % (ex))

            if count_0 != -1:
                tinfo['lChallenge'] = {'otpc': count_0}
                log.info('[OcraToken:autosync] initial sync - success: %r' %

            res = -1

            # run checkOtp, with sync window for the current challenge
            count_1 = -1
                otp1 = passw
                count_1 = ocraSuite.checkOtp(otp1,
            except Exception as ex:
                log.exception('Ocra: Error during autosync1: %r' % (ex))

            if count_1 == -1:
                del tinfo['lChallenge']
                log.info('[OcraToken:autosync] sync failed! Not a valid pass'
                         ' in scope (%r)' % (otp1))
                res = -1
                # run checkOtp, with sync window for the old challenge
                lChallange = tinfo.get('lChallenge')
                count_0 = lChallange.get('otpc')

                if ocraSuite.C is not None:
                    #  sync the counter based ocra token
                    if count_1 - count_0 < 2:
                        res = count_1

                if ocraSuite.T is not None:
                    #  sync the timebased ocra token
                    if count_1 - count_0 < ocraSuite.T * 2:
                        # calc the new timeshift !
                        log.debug("[autosync] the counter %r matches: %r" %

                        currenttime = int(time.time())
                        new_shift = (count_1 - currenttime)

                        tinfo['timeShift'] = new_shift
                        res = count_1

                #  if we came here, the old challenge is not required anymore
                del tinfo['lChallenge']

        return res
Exemple #8
    def resync(self, otp1, otp2, options=None):
        - for the resync to work, we take the last two transactions and
          their challenges
        - for each challenge, we search forward the sync window length


        ret = False
        challenges = []

        o_challenges = OcraTokenClass.getTransactions4serial(self.getSerial())
        for challenge in o_challenges:

        #  check if there are enough challenges around
        if len(challenges) < 2:
            return False

        challenge1 = {}
        challenge2 = {}

        if options is None:
            ch1 = challenges[0]
            challenge1['challenge'] = ch1.challenge
            challenge1['transid'] = ch1.transid
            challenge1['session'] = ch1.session

            ch2 = challenges[1]
            challenge2['challenge'] = ch2.challenge
            challenge2['transid'] = ch2.transid
            challenge2['session'] = ch2.session

            if 'challenge1' in options:
                challenge1['challenge'] = options.get('challenge1')
            if 'challenge2' in options:
                challenge2['challenge'] = options.get('challenge2')

        if len(challenge1) == 0 or len(challenge2) == 0:
            error = "No challenges found!"
            log.info('[OcraTokenClass:resync] %s' % (error))
            raise Exception('[OcraTokenClass:resync] %s' % (error))

        secObj = self._get_secret_object()
        ocraSuite = OcraSuite(self.getOcraSuiteSuite(), secObj)

        syncWindow = self.token.getSyncWindow()
        if ocraSuite.T is not None:
            syncWindow = syncWindow / 10

        counter = self.token.getOtpCounter()

        # set the ocra token pin
        ocraPin = ''
        if ocraSuite.P is not None:
            key, iv = self.token.getUserPin()
            secObj = SecretObj(key, iv, hsm=context.get('hsm'))
            ocraPin = secObj.getKey()

            if ocraPin is None or len(ocraPin) == 0:
                ocraPin = ''

        timeShift = 0
        if ocraSuite.T is not None:
            timeShift = int(self.getFromTokenInfo("timeShift", 0))


            count_1 = ocraSuite.checkOtp(otp1, counter, syncWindow,
                                         challenge1, pin=ocraPin,
            if count_1 == -1:
                log.info('Ocra resync: lookup for first otp value failed!')
                ret = False
                count_2 = ocraSuite.checkOtp(otp2, counter, syncWindow,
                                             challenge2, pin=ocraPin,
                if count_2 == -1:
                    log.info('Ocra resync: lookup for second otp value failed!')
                    ret = False
                    if ocraSuite.C is not None:
                        if count_1 + 1 == count_2:
                            ret = True

                    if ocraSuite.T is not None:
                        if count_1 - count_2 <= ocraSuite.T * 2:
                            #  callculate the timeshift
                            date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(count_2)
                            log.info('Ocra resync: Syncing token to new '
                                     'timestamp %r' % (date))

                            now = datetime.datetime.now()
                            stime = now.strftime("%s")
                            timeShift = count_2 - int(stime)
                            self.addToTokenInfo('timeShift', timeShift)
                            ret = True

        except Exception as ex:
            log.exception('[OcraTokenClass:resync] unknown error: %r' % (ex))
            raise Exception('[OcraTokenClass:resync] unknown error: %s' % (ex))

        return ret
Exemple #9
    def checkOtp(self, passw, counter, window, options=None):
        checkOtp - standard callback of linotp to verify the token

        :param passw:      the passw / otp, which has to be checked
        :type passw:       string
        :param counter:    the start counter
        :type counter:     int
        :param  window:    the window, in which the token is valid
        :type  window:     int
        :param options:    options contains the transaction id, eg. if check_t
                           checks one transaction this will support
                           assynchreonous otp checks (when check_t is used)
        :type options:     dict

        :return:           verification counter or -1
        :rtype:            int (-1)


        ret = -1

        secObj = self._get_secret_object()
        ocraSuite = OcraSuite(self.getOcraSuiteSuite(), secObj)

        # if we have no transactionid given through the options,
        # we have to retrieve the eldest challenge for this ocra token
        serial = self.getSerial()
        challenges = []

        # set the ocra token pin
        ocraPin = ''
        if ocraSuite.P is not None:
            key, iv = self.token.getUserPin()
            secObj = SecretObj(key, iv, hsm=context.get('hsm'))
            ocraPin = secObj.getKey()

            if ocraPin is None or len(ocraPin) == 0:
                ocraPin = ''

        timeShift = 0
        if ocraSuite.T is not None:
            defTimeWindow = int(getFromConfig("ocra.timeWindow", 180))
            window = (int(self.getFromTokenInfo(
                    'timeWindow', defTimeWindow)) / ocraSuite.T)

            defTimeShift = int(getFromConfig("ocra.timeShift", 0))
            timeShift = int(self.getFromTokenInfo("timeShift", defTimeShift))

        if options is None:
            challenges = OcraTokenClass.getTransactions4serial(

        elif options is not None:
            if type(options).__name__ != 'dict':
                err = ('[chekOtp] "options" not of type dict! %r' %
                raise Exception(err)

            if 'transactionid' in options:
                transid = options.get('transactionid')

            elif 'challenge' in options:

            # due to the added options in checkUserPass, we have to extend
            # the logic here:
            # if no challenges found in between but we have a serial, we catch
            # the open challenges by serial (s.o.)
            if len(challenges) == 0:
                challenges = OcraTokenClass.getTransactions4serial(

        if len(challenges) == 0:
            #  verify that there has already been a challenge
            challenges = OcraTokenClass.getTransactions4serial(serial)
            if len(challenges) > 0:
                err = 'No current transaction found!'
                ret = -1
                return ret
                err = 'No open transaction found!'
                if type(options) == dict and 'transactionid' in options:
                    raise Exception(err)
                ret = -1
                return ret

        for ch in challenges:
            challenge = {}

            if isinstance(ch, dict):
                #  transaction less checkOtp
                self.transId = 0

            elif type(ch) == OcraChallenge:
                #  preserve transaction context, so we could use this in
                # the status callback
                self.transId = ch.transid
                challenge['challenge'] = ch.challenge
                challenge['transid'] = ch.transid
                challenge['session'] = ch.session

            ret = ocraSuite.checkOtp(passw, counter, window, challenge,
                                     pin=ocraPin, options=options,

            if ret != -1:

        if -1 == ret:
            #  autosync: test if two consecutive challenges +
            # it's counter match
            ret = self.autosync(ocraSuite, passw, challenge)

        return ret
Exemple #10
    def challenge(self, data, session='', typ='raw', challenge=None):
        the challenge method is for creating an transaction / challenge object

        remark: the transaction has a maximum lifetime and a reference to
                the OcraSuite token (serial)

        :param data:     data, which is the base for the challenge or None
        :type data:     string or None
        :param session:  session support for ocratokens
        :type session:  string
        :type typ:      define, which kind of challenge base should be used
                         could be raw - take the data input as is
                              (extract chars accordind challenge definition Q)
                         or random    - will generate a random input
                         or hased     - will take the hash of the input data

        :return:    challenge response containing the transcation id and
                    the challenge for the ocrasuite
        :rtype :    tuple of (transId(string), challenge(string))


        s_data = 'None'
        s_session = 'None'
        s_challenge = 'None'
        if data is not None:
            s_data = data
        if session is not None:
            s_session = session
        if challenge is None:
            s_challenge = challenge

        secObj = self._get_secret_object()
        ocraSuite = OcraSuite(self.getOcraSuiteSuite(), secObj)

        if not data:
            typ = 'random'

        if challenge is None:
            if typ == 'raw':
                challenge = ocraSuite.data2rawChallenge(data)
            elif typ == 'random':
                challenge = ocraSuite.data2randomChallenge(data)
            elif typ == 'hash':
                challenge = ocraSuite.data2hashChallenge(data)

        serial = self.getSerial()
        counter = self.getOtpCount()

        # set the pin onyl in the compliant hashed mode
        pin = ''
        if ocraSuite.P is not None:
            key, iv = self.token.getUserPin()
            secObj = SecretObj(key, iv, hsm=context.get('hsm'))
            pin = secObj.getKey()

            param = {}
            param['C'] = counter
            param['Q'] = challenge
            param['P'] = pin
            param['S'] = session
            if ocraSuite.T is not None:
                now = datetime.datetime.now()
                stime = now.strftime("%s")
                itime = int(stime)
                param['T'] = itime

            ''' verify that the data is compliant with the OcraSuitesuite
                and the client is able to calc the otp
            c_data = ocraSuite.combineData(**param)

        except Exception as ex:
            log.exception("[OcraTokenClass] Failed to create ocrasuite challenge")
            raise Exception('[OcraTokenClass] Failed to create ocrasuite'
                            'challenge: %r' % (ex))

        #  save the object
        digits = '0123456789'
        transid = ''
        transactionIdLen = 12

            transactionIdLen = int(getFromConfig("OcraDefaultSuite", '12'))
            transactionIdLen = 12
            log.debug("[OcraTokenClass] Failed to set transactionId length"
                      " from config - using fallback %d" % (transactionIdLen))

        #  create a non exisiting challenge
            while True:
                for _c in range(0, transactionIdLen):
                    transid += urandom.choice(digits)

                chall = OcraTokenClass.getTransaction(transid)
                if chall is None:

            ddata = ''
            if data is not None:
                ddata = data

            chall = OcraChallenge(transid=transid,
                                  challenge=typ + ':' + challenge,
                                  data=typ + ':' + ddata)

        except Exception as ex:
            #  this might happen if we have a db problem or
            # the uniqnes constrain does not fit
            log.exception("[OcraTokenClass] Failed to create challenge")
            raise Exception('[OcraTokenClass] Failed to create challenge'
                            ' object: %s' % (ex))

        realms = []
        tokenrealms = self.token.getRealms()
        for realm in tokenrealms:

        url = get_qrtan_url(realms)

        return (transid, challenge, True, url)
Exemple #11
        # AUTOSYNC starts here

        counter = self.token.getOtpCounter()
        syncWindow = self.token.getSyncWindow()
        if ocraSuite.T is not None:
            syncWindow = syncWindow / 10

        # set the ocra token pin
        ocraPin = ''
        if ocraSuite.P is not None:
            key, iv = self.token.getUserPin()
            secObj = SecretObj(key, iv, hsm=context.get('hsm'))
            ocraPin = secObj.getKey()

            if ocraPin is None or len(ocraPin) == 0:
                ocraPin = ''

        timeShift = 0
        if ocraSuite.T is not None:
            timeShift = int(self.getFromTokenInfo("timeShift", 0))

        # timeStepping    = int(ocraSuite.T)

        tinfo = self.getTokenInfo()

        # autosync does only work, if we have a token info, where the
        # last challenge and the last sync-counter is stored
        # if no tokeninfo, we start with a autosync request, thus start the