Exemple #1
def __read_directory(usr_path, file_type):
    Universal read directory. Given a path and a type, it will do the appropriate read actions

    :param str usr_path: Path to directory
    :param str file_type: .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .lpd
    :return none:
    # no path provided. start gui browse
    if not usr_path:
        # got dir path
        usr_path, src_files = get_src_or_dst("read", "directory")

    # Check if this is a valid directory path
    valid_path = path_type(usr_path, "directory")

    # If dir path is valid
    if valid_path:
        # List all files of target type in dir
        files_found = []
        # Extra case for xlsx excel files
        if file_type == ".xls":
            files_found += list_files(".xlsx", usr_path)
        files_found += list_files(file_type, usr_path)
        # notify how many files were found
        print("Found: {} {} file(s)".format(
            len(files_found), FILE_TYPE_MAP[file_type]["file_type"]))
        # Loop for each file found
        for file_path in files_found:
            # Call read lipd for each file found
            __read_file(file_path, file_type)
        print("Directory path is not valid: {}".format(usr_path))
Exemple #2
def __universal_read(file_path, file_type):
    Use a file path to create file metadata and load a file in the appropriate way, according to the provided file type.

    :param str file_path: Path to file
    :param str file_type: One of approved file types: xls, xlsx, txt, lpd
    :return none:
    global files, cwd, settings

        # check that we are using the correct function to load this file type. (i.e. readNoaa for a .txt file)
        correct_ext = load_fn_matches_ext(file_path, file_type)

        # Check that this path references a file
        valid_path = path_type(file_path, "file")

        # is the path a file?
        if valid_path and correct_ext:

            # get file metadata for one file
            file_meta = collect_metadata_file(file_path)

            # append to global files, then load in D
            if file_type == ".lpd":
                # add meta to global file meta
            # append to global files
            elif file_type in [".xls", ".xlsx"]:
                print("reading: {}".format(
            # append to global files
            elif file_type == ".txt":
                print("reading: {}".format(

            # we want to move around with the files we load
            # change dir into the dir of the target file
            cwd = file_meta["dir"]
            if cwd:
    except Exception as e:
        # Placeholder to catch errors so we can always chdir back to cwd

Exemple #3
def __write_lipd(dat, usr_path):
    Write LiPD data to file, provided an output directory and dataset name.

    :param dict dat: Metadata
    :param str usr_path: Destination path
    :param str dsn: Dataset name of one specific file to write
    :return none:
    global settings
    # no path provided. start gui browse
    if not usr_path:
        # got dir path
        usr_path, _ignore = get_src_or_dst("write", "directory")
    # Check if this is a valid directory path
    valid_path = path_type(usr_path, "directory")
    # If dir path is valid
    if valid_path:
        # Filename is given, write out one file
        if "paleoData" in dat:
                if settings["verbose"]:
                    print("writing: {}".format(dat["dataSetName"]))
                lipd_write(dat, usr_path)
            except KeyError as ke:
                print("Error: Unable to write file: unknown, {}".format(ke))
            except Exception as e:
                print("Error: Unable to write file: {}, {}".format(
                    dat["dataSetName"], e))
        # Filename is not given, write out whole library
            if dat:
                for name, lipd_dat in dat.items():
                        if settings["verbose"]:
                            print("writing: {}".format(name))
                        lipd_write(lipd_dat, usr_path)
                    except Exception as e:
                        print("Error: Unable to write file: {}, {}".format(
                            name, e))
